Martin's Blood

" Hello... Hello... there, are you okay? "

Martin inquired as he trembled as a thick sweat dripped down her backbone. 

"Ugh... Ugrrh..." A deep groaning and moaning is given attention.  Frank, please open up. Let me in. Martin pleaded. 

"You better bring that wolf inside, and I will not let you in without that wolf in the truck. " Frank stated to the man who tried to unlock the door from outside before he saw a shadow reappear from the back of Martin, while Frank was shocked by the incident beforehand. He pointed the gun towards the outside where Martin stood.

"Frank, what are you trying to do? " Martin, who felt a cold wind past her neck as he pleaded for his life to be spared was shocked by the sudden pull of the trigger that made a bullet pass almost his ear which caused him to slightly bleed. 

" Holy mother f**ker!,What were you thinking you almost shot my ear? " Martin exclaimed in an angry voice, as he couldn't hear anything except for the bells that rang in his head as Frank moved towards him and raised the gun. 

" Help me here. " Frank stated as he held the body that was bleeding partially on the chest, and he grasped the legs that were human-like but covered with a lot of fur. 

" What the hell, what is this? " Martin inquired, dumbstruck by the creature that lay lifeless on the ground. 

" Are you going to gaze from there or are you going to help out to take this inside the back of the van? " Frank inquired.

  " Okay, but why don't you hold up the head, what if it wakes up and bites me? " Martin, who was still standing numb, and his hands trembled, inquired

" You better pick him up, or I will shoot the hell out of your little brains and forage them to the creature. Are you still going to stare back at me or bend your body here?"Frank inquired.

" Okay," Martin stated as he saw that Frank never liked joking and that he wouldn't pay attention. He would end up dead. So he slowly bent down and held the shoulders of the creature that had the human form, but his face was covered with lots of fur, and his eyes were closed, and he breathed slowly like he was asleep

. " Okay, are you ready? " Frank inquired with a deep hoarse voice. 

" Yes," Martin stated as he held his shoulders carefully and in a tight grip before a drip of blood fell on the lips of the unconscious creature. Martin didn't have any idea and the blood was consumed in the blink of a second by the dry lips of the creature.  " What if the creatures decide to escape? What will we do? " Martin inquired the man who latched on to the back of the van. 

 "You had better head to the driver's seat since I need the wheels speeding. We are late already. " Frank stated as he finished, latching the door of the van before he made his way to the co-driver's seat.

  " Keys, please, What is your answer?" Martin inquired as he watched the man who was lost dialing on the phone. 

" What? " Frank inquired, irritated.   The keys to the car, Martin stated.

" Here and for God's sake, please don't ruin my mood right now, you had better be there. The boss is waiting, " Frank stated as he handed the keys to him. 

" Okay, but why don't you answer me as to why you are seizing the second wolf, and what if they escape? What are we going to do?" Martin inquired as he started the car engine.

  " Would you shut your mouth and just drive?" Frank inquired with a deadly glare in his eyes that answered all his queries. 

" You're going to kill me. " Martin stated as he murmured to himself, the rest of the journey was. The filled. With complete silence, he dared not to utter another word as Frank was busy on the phone. He scrolled over while dialing before the van made it to a gate that unfurled to a private property on the road that led to a deep tunnel inside that had been covered with dim lights inside under the hill as the second gate unfurled and there was a spacious chamber that was parked with different types of heavy machine vehicles inside.  A knock was given attention to the door that was unfurled

" Yes, "a deep voice answered.

" Boss, they are here," A young man dressed in a black suit came inside the office that was covered and surrounded by glasses. 

" Okay, " he stated as he made his way outside from where he sat as he was going through some files that were on his desk.

  " Frank, what took you so long? " A deep voice inquired

" Well, sir, we collided with another wolf..." Frank was cut short.

  " What do you mean by another wolf? " He inquired in a deep husky voice. 

" Well, I think it's a male one," Frank stated,  Are you crazy? And have you chained it?"  Simon inquired.

" No, sir. " Frank responded

  " Are you even hearing yourself or are you planning on killing me? " Simon asked as he started to walk a step back.

" No sir, there is no need to worry about that because I shot it in the chest," Frank stated.

" Is it dead? " Simon inquired.

" No, but I have been asleep since I used the Asthmatic bullet. " Frank stated,

" I can't trust a creature. Call me when you have caged it and the wolf will take her to the laboratory." Simon stated as he made his way back to his office before he heard a loud groan from his back. He was almost to his office when he saw the shadow of a large creature that was tall that stood behind him and his heart started to beat rapidly against his chest as he slowly turned to gaze eye to eye with the creativity that was frightening his hell out, and he was not able to utter any words as he met with the ugly creature.