Spill It Out

" Sarah,sarah,wake up..." A soft hands tapped her shoulders softly.

" What is it?" Sarah inquired as she groaned with a lazy voice as if something was stuck on her throat.

" That roommate of yours is a weirdo and trouble." A lady who sat at the edge, beside where Sarah had laid stated

" Who are you talking about?" Sarah who was not yet awake inquired lazily as she felt restless and she wanted to prolong her sleep under the covers given that she did not have any classes in the morning.

" I mean the girl from yesterday and what was her name...?" Ariana inquired trying to think about harder.

" You mean Loretta?" Sarah inquired

" Yeah exctaly her. That name is a bit. Hard to remember ." Ariana stated

" Have you seen her today?" Sarah, who had just straightened up on her bed, asked in awe. 

" Yes it was about an hour ago."Ariana stated

" Wait and why did you not come with her?' Charlotte   Inquiries

" Wait was I supposed to baby sit your roommate?" Ariana inquired still upset by how she treated her yesterday.

" No, you are not and is she there right now?" Sarah inquired as she pushed her blankets away as she wore her sandals ready to leave.

" What is going on with you two?" Ariana inquired as jealousy started to crawl down her heart.

" what do you mean by that?" Sarah I quite full as she wore the woolen sweater to cover he seamless lingerie.

" You know what I mean?" Ariana stated before a knock is given attention from the door.

" Did you order something on your way here?" Sarah inquired as she went to unfurl the door only to meet with a letter on the ground.

" It from her, hehehe, wait you are now into her?" Ariana who heard her anger clutched her hand into a fist. 

" What with you this morning and why do  you think I am into her, You know that I only love and I cannot love anyone else, okay..." Sarah was unfurling the  letter when Ariana grabbed it from her hands.

" There is only one way to find out," Ariana stated as she opened the letter with a profound voice before her eyes finished the words written her eyes were welling up in tears.

" What does it say?" Sarah who stood a distance from her inquired as she gazed at her expression change

" I was right after all, Sarah what did I never do to you to deserve this?" Ariana stated as tears started to drain down her eye lids. 

" What do you mean? You are getting me worried." Sarah who stood at a distance inquired with her face confused s tears dripped down Ariana's cheeks.

  " After all that I sacrificed for you to be here and this is how you repay me." Ariana who teared away uncontrollably as she sat at the edge of thar bed states

  " You know that I love , right and I cannot do anything to hurt you and  my feeling belong to you to eternity." Sarah stated as she stood at a distance numb.  "Then do you have a good explanation of this person to whom  calls you dear and  you meet on the usual place without anyone  else knowing it. " Ariana stated as her fangs started to pop out.

" This is.." Sarah was cut short by Ariana who had started to change as she gritted her teeth.

" I can show you to him but I would like for you to pull yourself together. " Sarah stated as her heart raced against her chest since she knew if Arian took her form she wouldn't be in a position to survive after having a fight last night and her wolf wounds had not healed which drained a lot of her energy.

  " Okay, " Ariana stated as she pulled her human form back as she wiped of her tears before Sarah led the way. The two docked into the school field before they made their way to the forest and it was not long when they came to a deep hill and there was a cave there.

" You will have to wait for me here since he wouldn't  be delighted if I popped up like that unannounced with a visitor. Okay?" Sarah inquired before she received a knodded from her and she turned to her wolf form before she made the way to the dark cave that was filled with total darkness and silence before she made it to a room that had the lights on and she turned to a human and she inserted the password and she was about to unfurl the door when she heard the scream that was Ariana.

" Aah, Help, help" Ariana screamed as her voice faded away which made Sarah to storm out of the cave abruptly in her wolf form. 

" Ariana , Ariana, Where are you?" Sarah who had just stormed out from the pit dark cave inquired before she turned to her half human form and she heard the branch twitch and she ran towards the direction the sound came from.

" She thinks she can stabbed me on my back and get over with, No she is absolutely wrong about that since I will make her pay for it. " Ariana who saw Sarah run to the other direction stated before she turned to her wolf form that was dark and she started to make her way inside to the caves. The atmosphere had started to change since the wind had started to blow uncontrollably and every step that Ariana made felt like she was stepping onto a death den but this did not halt her anywhere as her green eyes scanned every corner of the cave as if there was something she was searching for, she was an Alpha and her aura would be sensed by any wolf. It was not long after she made her way when she came across the room that Sarah had unlocked earlier  and she took her human form as she unfurled the door only to be met by a sharp object from the back of her head and she lost her couscous.