Poisonous Blood

Sarah, who had been running for about half an hour in one direction before coming to a steep valley with her senses, became weary and as she turned back to run back towards the cave. She turned to her human form as she smelled the scent of Ariana, which was filled around at the entrance of the cave.

She turned her hands into a fist as she grinded her teeth against each other before she made her way inside the cave in her wolf form with her eyes projecting into each corner of the cave, and she had not made it far from the entrance when she felt a fist that came into her belly, which sent her flying in the thin air before she was sent out of a cave before a round growl is given attention to inside the cave before a large huge black wolf makes its way out as his eyes that were red and were burning in flames when it stopped Infront of Sarah who was starting to turn half human when she spat out blood from her mouth.

" I am sorry, spare our lives." Sarah stated in a low pleading voice as spats of blood came out of her mouth before the wind started to blow controllably, as her sight started to become unclear before the wind became calm and there stood a man who was covered with nothing and with his tall, muscled abs who weighed about one hundred and sixty kgs and a height of about twenty feet high with his shadow covering the whole place that Sarah laid.

" Why should I spare you? You brought in an outsider and poisonous blood into my territory. A deep husky voice stated

" She is the one that saved my life and the reason that she came here with me before she performed treachery on me was she thinks that I am seeing someone else rather than her. " Sarah stated

" Okay, what does that mean? Since she saved your life, she owns it, and you have to repay that for the rest of your life?" He inquired, as his face was expressionless. 

" We are in love." Sarah, who looked in the other direction to avoid the awkward situation that was in front of her, stated in a profound voice. 

"Hahahaha, you are in love. I can feel that." A deep voice stated as sarcastic laughter was echoed.

  " What's funny, being in love?" Sarah, who had started getting relieved from the profound pain inquired.

  " No, the funny thing is being naive and being stepped over on, "a deep voice stated as he looked down at the small human who lay on the dusty ground that was covered with leaves all over.   

"How do you know about love, and have you ever fallen in love?" Sarah inquired with bitterness in her voice.

"Hahahaha, I have lived more than you have lived and there is no way that I don't know what love feels like and obsession itself, you are just a child. And if you want to live without being filled with bitterness in your heart, you have to listen to me since you will grow immortal, and you might live to ask for your death, but it will never come true since you have been immortal. You don't get to have the wrath of death, and you can only depend on having fun until poisonous blood comes and that is when you wish to live again, but life doesn't offer everything to you when you require it."  He stated before he started to leave the cave.

" What does that mean, that, Ariana, is your poisonous blood that you have been waiting for the past one hundred years ? " Sarah inquired. 

" Yes, she is. " He stated in a husky voice,

" Are you going to take the chance of fulfilling your final wish or are you going to wait until we finish with what we started? " Sarah inquired, as she was able to sit upright after her body regained some strength.

" Hahaha, child, do you think it's an easy choice for that?" he inquired, a bit upset.

" Ariana has three more years here and there is no rush.," Sarah stated convincingly. "It only happens in six months after one hundred years and I don't know for how long she has that poisonous blood in her before it is generated, to another. " He stated worried,

"  What do you mean by all that? I seem lost somewhere…"  Sarah stated as she was trying to digest everything.

" What I mean is your friend's blood has stayed in her system and the poison has not escaped her stream to find another poisonous blood in the last six months. I might be lucky and also unlucky, since if this blood has been in her stream for less than a minute, then she will not be of use. You will understand when you get there." He stated as he turned his back and was about to go inside to get his wrath of death he was stopped half way. 

" What about me?" Sarah cried out. "Sarah, it was my pleasure to meet you and I didn't know that you would bring this lack in my life and don't worry, too soon find the missing puzzle." He stated before he turned to his wolf, and took his way inside the cave as he growled his last time before he takes his last breath. 

" Wait, wait, don't hurt her,I love her." Sarah, who had started to regain her energy, fully yelled. She could now take her wolf form. Her heart was racing against her chest as she felt something was off as she started to smell blood all over from the entrance, and she could not run fast, which made her feel the agony of her weakness. She had taken a while before she made her way there and found Ariana unconscious on the table and saw him on his wolf form on top of her and her heart sank as she was astonished by his deed.

" Get off her, I will kill you myself," Sarah, who was filled with enragement, yelled out as she growled as she pushed the door that was latched before she fully took his wolf form.