Loretta Thirsty for Blood

Loretta stood alone in the dark alley, her senses alert to the slightest movement with her heart racing against her chest. The air was thick with the scent of blood, a tantalizing aroma that sent a shiver down her spine. As she scanned the shadows for any sign of danger, her wolf instincts kicked in, the urge to hunt and feed clawing at her insides. Suddenly, a piece of fresh human leg covered with blood dropped at her feet, the metallic tang of blood filling her nostrils. Loretta's throat went dry as she fought to suppress the primal urges surging within her. Her fangs elongated, sharp and lethal, while her nails morphed into razor-sharp claws.

" What the hell! No, no, no, not now." Loretta cursed. Just as she was about to succumb to her animal instincts, three men emerged from the darkness, their faces twisted with greed and malice. Loretta's heart pounded in her chest as she realized she was their target.

" A lonely wolf in a dangerous world. Look what we have got here, boys. A little she wolfed out all alone in the dark. Looks like dinner just walked right into our arms." One of the broad men sneered, his voice dripping with menace.  Loretta's instincts screamed at her to run, to flee from the danger closing in around her. But she knew that she was outnumbered and outmatched, with nowhere to hide and no one to turn to for help.

"Please, I do not want any trouble, Let me go in peace" Loretta pleaded, her voice trembling with fear as she had not fully turned to her wolf form, and she was not used to her form that took changes in her body wherever it pleased. 

"Just let me go, and I won't cause any trouble." Loretta pleaded at a distance as her clothes were partially torn. The men laughed at her words, their laughter echoing through the alley like a death knell.

" Hahaha, Oh dear, we are not going to let you go that easily, sweetheart. You're coming with us, one way or another," The man growled, his eyes glinting with malice as he formed a smirk on his face.

"I will never speak of this to anyone. Please spare my life." Loretta pleaded with her voice barely a whisper.

" Not too soon, we must enjoy your play before we get tired."  Another man from the three stated as they ambled towards where she was. They surrounded her. Loretta's heart sank as she realized the gravity of her situation. Trapped between the primal urges of her wolf form and the danger posed by the men closing in around her, she knew that she had to fight to survive. With a fierce growl, Loretta unleashed her true nature, her wolf form bursting forth in a flurry of fur and fangs. The men recoiled in horror, their faces pale with fear as they realized they had underestimated the creature standing before them. But Loretta had no time to revel in her newfound strength. With a swift leap, she launched herself at the nearest man, her claws tearing through flesh and bone with ruthless precision. Blood sprayed through the air as her adversaries fought back, their desperation fueling their attacks. As Loretta's wolf form surged with newfound strength, she raced through the darkness, her senses sharp and her instincts honed for the hunt. The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears as she sprinted back towards the safety of the cave, the thrill of the chase coursing through her veins. But as she was about to leave, over to where the lights came from, a figure emerged from the shadows, a lonely man, his eyes wide with fear from a distance, as he brandished a gun. Loretta skidded to a halt, her breath catching in her throat as she realized she was cornered before being interrupted by a deep voice. 

"Stay back! I will shoot, I swear I will! " The man shouted, his voice trembling with panic as he aimed the gun at Loretta's chest as he ran his way inside trying to find somewhere to find. Loretta's blood ran cold at the sight of the weapon pointed in her direction.

" He must have seen everything, and he was with the three men."  Loretta argued in her mind, as she knew that she was no match for a bullet, especially in her vulnerable human form. But the primal urge to survive surged within her, driving her to fight back against the threat before her. With a feral growl, Loretta launched herself at the man, her claws bared and her teeth gleaming in the lights. The man's eyes widened in terror as she tackled him to the ground, her strength overwhelming him in an instant.

" Grrrr, grrrr, grrrrr," Loretta howled so loud with excitement that her howl filled the whole place. But as she moved quickly to strike the man with his last breath, a searing pain ripped through her abdomen, causing her to cry out in agony.

" Ouch!  Ooh! No!" With Loretta's vision blurred as she felt herself losing consciousness, her wolf's body wracked with pain and confusion before turning to be a helpless human as she collapsed to the ground, her wolf form gave way to her human form, her limbs trembling with exhaustion as she stretched out her hand for help.

"Please, help..... Help...help me, I am in pain." Loretta gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she stammered as she tried to withhold her pain, but it was not long before she lost consciousness.  The man stared at her in shock, his gun forgotten as he trembled, since he had never seen this revelation before in his life. 

" Ooh my God, what if she is dead? Wait, what if the monster is playing mind games with me, and she gets to feast on me from my pity. " He stared at Loretta, who lost her blood on the ground as he sat at a distance.