Loretta's Fate

"Why are they taking so long? " Martin inquired, who was still in the chamber that had Sebastian lying on the bed with the tubes all over his body.

" I will be back shortly." Martin stated as he strolled his way out the chamber before he took the elevator that took him to the first floor. The place was filled with complete silence as his steps echoed through the hallway.

" Stay there, or I will shoot you " A profound trembling voice shouted.

" What have you done? " Martin inquired, who made his way to where Paul sat with his trembling hands as he raised the gun over to his chest.

" I am sorry, I didn't mean to do this, she is a monster," Paul stated with his words trembling.

" It's okay, Can you put that gun down, I understand Paul." Martin stated as he walked slowly towards paul. 

" What if he is dead, you are going to kill my son?" Martin inquired.

" No, I know you were just defending yourself and I would have done the same if I were in your shoes," Martin stated.

" Okay," Paul stated as he placed his arm down and held the gun, so Martin hurried and took the gun from his possession before going to check on the lifeless Loretta on the ground who had blood all over her.  " She is still breathing," Martin stated as he curved with a broad smile on his face. 

" Will you finish her off ? She is dangerous." Paul cursed out loud

" Be glad she is alive because she holds your child's life, and you. So hurry up here and give her a helping hand," Martin stated as he took the girl's shoulders before removing his shirt and pressing it against her abdomen to prevent blood from draining out continuously since she might be at risk of dying on the spot. Martin and Paul helped Loretta, who was unconscious, down to the basement through the elevator as they made their way to the chamber that had Sebastian lying down on the bed before he placed Loretta on the couch. He asked the nurse who made her way inside the chamber.

" Where is the doctor?" Martin inquired, as after he laid Loretta on the couch, and his white vest was filled with blood all over it. 

" Let me go and call him shortly," the nurse stated with a trembling voice as she made her way outside the chamber into the hallway with quick steps she made her way to the designated chamber and found a man who was on the microscope observing something.

" Dr. Benson, come quickly, stop what you are doing, and follow me. It's urgent." The nurse stated as she made her way inside the chamber that was unfurled slightly. 

" What do you mean Faith, by urgent, I am here trying to do the urgent thing here as I try to save a life," Benson stated with a profound voice as he continued to drip a liquid on the solid that was in the glass under the microscope, as his eyes didn't leave the microscope to look at the lady who stood by the door at a distance anxiously.

  " Benson, it's the girl with blood, she has been shot, and she has lost too much blood from the gunshot wound." Faith stated. "Doctor, doctor, you need to come quickly!" the nurse exclaimed, her voice laced with panic. As he burst into the chamber, Benson's eyes immediately sought out Loretta's prone form on the couch. She lay pale and still, her breath shallow and labored, her face contorted in pain.

"Status?" Benson demanded, his voice tight with concern as he approached the couch to where Loretta was lying, as all her clothes were drained with blood.  The nurses scrambled to update him on Loretta's condition, their voices a jumble of urgency and fear. She'd lost a lot of blood, a doctor, one of them reported, her hands trembling as she adjusted the IV drip.

" We need to act fast. " Benson nodded grimly, his mind already racing through the steps of the procedure ahead. He knew that time was of the essence every second counted in a situation like this.

" Get me a full set of vitals, and prep her for surgery. We need to stabilize her before we can remove the bullet." Benson ordered, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around him. As the nurses hurried to carry out his orders

"Stay with me. You are going to be okay. I promise." Benson murmured, his voice soft and soothing as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead. But even as he spoke the words, doubt gnawed at the edges of his mind. The bullet wound was serious, and Loretta had already lost a dangerous amount of blood. The odds were stacked against her, and Benson knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, and he felt if she died all his project would come to a failure.  As the nurses rushed to prepare Loretta for surgery, Benson's mind raced through a thousand possibilities. He had performed countless operations in his career, but none had ever felt as personal as this one. Loretta was not just another patient, her blood was magical.