The Intruders

The alarm went off and the basement was covered with rush and doctor Benson who had finished the operation and he had come out from the operation room.

" What the f**king hell is that? " Benson exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear. Faiths heart raced, and she instinctively grabbed Benson's hand.

"I don't know. I have never heard anything like this before." Before they could move, the sound of an elevator door unfurling echoed up from the basement. Thick smoke began to pour out, filling the air with a suffocating haze. They could hear growls and the sound of claws scraping against metal.

"Oh my God, what is that?" Faith whispered, her voice trembling before she let herself loose and ran back inside the operating room. A figure emerged from the smoke a large grey wolf, its eyes glowing with an unnatural light. It was followed by a pack of seven more wolves, each one more menacing than the last. They moved with predatory grace, their eyes locked on Benson who dared not to move an inch away. At the center of the pack was a man in a white lab coat. His face was pale, and his body shook with fear. Benson stood frozen, a dark stain spreading across his pants as he lost control in his terror. Benson who didn't note that Faith had fled a second ago whispered.

" We need to get out of here. Now. " But the wolves had already spread out, blocking his path to the exit. The largest wolf, evidently the leader, stepped forward, growling low in its throat. The man in the lab coat whimpered, his eyes darting around for an escape that wasn't there.

" What do they want? " Benson collected himself with the courage and he inquired with his voice barely a whisper.

" Where is the girl? " One of the wolf who turned to be half wolf and half human with his covered with fur and the face of Austin appeared as he inquired

" She is on the operation room." Benson stated with his voice Shakey.

" What is she doing there? " Austin inquired infuriated as he was about to loose his control. Benson mind raced.

" She got shot and we were removing the bullet and soon she will wake up." Benson stated as he tried to compose his fear.

Austin's heart pounded in his chest as he burst through the double doors of the operating room. The sterile smell of antiseptic filled his nostrils, but it was the sight of Loretta lying lifeless on the bed that sent a shockwave through his body. Her face was pale, and the monitors that were supposed to show her vital signs displayed flat lines. "No! Loretta!" Austin's voice cracked with despair as he rushed to her side. He felt a wave of helplessness wash over him as he looked at her still form. The world seemed to blur around him, and his vision tunneled in on Loretta's lifeless face. Dr. Benson, standing nearby, watched with a mix of fear and pity. He had been dreading this moment, knowing that these creature might come to turn against him. " Sir, I... I'm so sorry," Dr. Benson stammered, taking a cautious step back as the wolfs made their way inside. " You were supposed to save her! " Austin roared, his voice a guttural snarl that echoed through the room. His wolf instincts took over, and his hand, now a paw with sharp claws, lashed out and grabbed Dr. Benson by the collar, lifting him off the ground. The doctor's face turned white with fear, and he could feel the dampness spreading in his pants as he lost control.

" Please, Sir, we did everything we could. Her injuries were too severe. There was nothing we could do! " Austin's claws tightened, and a deep growl emanated from his throat.

" You're lying! You didn't try hard enough! She can't be sleeping, not today!" Dr. Benson's breath came in ragged gasps. "Sir, please... you have to calm down, she will fight, she is strong, I believe." Dr Benson stated " She is everything to me. She is My mate, she better wake up soon."Austin whispered, his voice breaking as his knees beside Loretta's bed, his hands shaking as he reached out to touch her face. Her skin was cold, and it sent a shiver through him.

" Loretta... I am so sorry. I could not protect you." Austin stated as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before they were interrupted by a growl.