Blood shed

Suddenly, a low, menacing growl echoed through the room. Austin's head snapped up, and his eyes darted toward the door. His wolf instincts kicked in, and he knew something was wrong. He slowly rose to his feet, his muscles tense and ready for action.

"Stay here with him and her. l will handle this." he ordered Dr. Benson, his voice a mix of authority and raw emotion. Dr. Benson nodded, his face pale with fear and uncertainty. He backed away, seeking refuge in the corner of the room as Austin moved toward the door. The growling grew louder, more aggressive. Austin pushed the door open and stepped into the hallway, his senses on high alert. Three of his pack wolves were already there, their hackles raised and teeth bared. They formed a protective circle around Dr. Benson, who stood in the center, trapped and trembling. The doctor's eyes were wide with terror as he looked at the snarling wolves surrounding him.

"Stand down!" Austin barked, his voice commanding and firm. The wolves immediately ceased their growling, but they didn't move away. They remained vigilant, their eyes fixed on Dr. Benson.

"What's going on?" Austin demanded, his gaze shifting between the wolves and Dr. Benson. One of the wolves, a large gray alpha named Shadow, spoke in a low, gravelly voice.

"We sensed an intruder, Alpha. He was trying to escape." Austin's eyes narrowed as he looked at Dr. Benson.

"Is that true, Doctor? There is others in here?"

" I don't know?" Benson stated confused as his mind raced and something told him to run before he couldn't save himself.

" Wait where do you think you are going?" A deep voice inquired

Dr. Benson swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. " I... I heard the growling and got scared. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't trying to run, I swear." Austin studied him for a moment, then nodded.

"Alright. But you stay put. My pack won't harm you unless you give them a reason to." Austin stated

"Okay, Thank you." Benson spat out with his mind racing and his heart felt like it was about to pop out of his chest. Austin turned to Shadow.

" Keep an eye on him. Make sure he does not try anything stupid." Shadow dipped his head in acknowledgment.

" Understood, Alpha." Austin's attention shifted back to Loretta's room. He could still hear the beeping of the machines, and it tore at his heart. He had to focus, though. There was something more immediate at hand, something threatening his pack and his territory.

"What did you sense, Shadow?" Austin asked, his voice low and intense. Shadow's eyes flicked toward the end of the hallway.

" It's faint, but there's a presence. Not human, not fully wolf. Something else. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels... wrong." Austin's heart skipped a beat. He knew all too well the kind of threats that lurked in the shadows, the creatures that defied classification. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. He had to stay calm, focused

. "Alright," he said finally.

"Let's check it out. Everyone, stay alert. We don't know what we're dealing with." The wolves fell into formation behind him as he led the way down the hallway. The air grew colder, and Austin felt a shiver run down his spine. The lights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows on the walls. He could feel the presence growing stronger, more malevolent. They reached the end of the hallway, where a door stood slightly ajar. Austin pushed it open, and the stench of decay hit him like a physical blow. He gagged, covering his nose and mouth with his arm. The room was dark, but he could make out the outline of a figure standing in the corner.

"Who's there?" Austin demanded, his voice echoing off the walls. The figure turned slowly, its eyes glowing a sickly green in the darkness. It stepped forward, revealing a twisted, grotesque face, half-human, half-wolf. Its body was hunched, covered in matted fur and festering wounds.