The Wounded Alpha

The room was filled with tension as Austin stood over the half-wolf's unconscious body. His heart pounded with a mix of anger and desperation. This creature had brought chaos and fear into his territory, and now it lay defeated, but not dead. He needed answers. He needed to know what was going on. The pack's safety depended on it.

"Get that f**king doctor here immediately!" Austin's voice echoed through the room, commanding and urgent. Shadow, still alert and ready, nodded sharply.

"Yes, Alpha," he replied, then turned and sprinted out of the room to fetch Dr. Benson. Austin looked down at the half-wolf, his mind racing. This creature was unlike anything he had ever encountered. Part human, part wolf, and something else entirely. What was its purpose? Who had sent it? As the questions swirled in his mind, he could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on him. He had to protect his pack, and that meant getting to the bottom of this mystery. A few moments later, Shadow returned, Dr. Benson in tow. The doctor's face was still pale from the earlier encounter, his hands trembling slightly as he approached the half-wolf.

" sir, you asked for me, what... what do you want me to do? " Dr. Benson stammered, his eyes wide with fear. Austin fixed him with a steely gaze.

"I need you to examine this creature. Find out what you can about it. I need answers, and I need them now." Dr. Benson swallowed hard and nodded.

" Of course, Austin. I will do my best." He knelt beside the unconscious half-wolf, his hands shaking as he began his examination. Austin watched closely, his eyes never leaving the creature's form. Every second felt like an eternity as he waited for Dr. Benson to uncover some clue, some piece of information that could help him understand what they were dealing with.

" This... this is incredible, It's a hybrid, but not like anything I have seen before. The human and wolf DNA are intertwined in a way that should not be possible." Dr. Benson muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing in concentration. Austin clenched his fists, frustration boiling inside him.

" What does that mean, Doctor? What are we dealing with here? " Austin I Inquired with his tone serious and curious. Dr. Benson looked up at him, his expression grim.

" I don't know, Sir. But whatever this creature is, it's not natural. Someone or something created it." Austin's mind raced. Created? But why? And by whom? He needed more information, but he also needed to ensure his pack's safety.

" Can you wake it up? We need to question it." Austin asked, his voice tight with urgency Dr. Benson hesitated, then nodded.

" I can try. But I don't know how cooperative it will be." Dr Benson stated

" Do it," Austin commanded.