Desperate For Death

The dormitory room was a battlefield of emotions and desperation. Sarah lay unconscious, her life hanging by a thread, as Ariana, now revealed as a half-wolf, half-human, fought to save her with a transfusion of her own blood. Dr. Harris and Austin, both in human form, watched over them anxiously, their eyes darting between the monitors and the door. Suddenly, a chilling aura filled the room. Both men felt it a malevolent presence approaching from the hallway. Without a word, they shared a look of understanding. The enemy was near, and they had to protect Sarah and Ariana at all costs. Austin's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity.

" Stay here, Ariana," he ordered, his voice low and urgent.

" We will handle this." Dr. Harris nodded, his face set in determination.

" We won't let anything happen to you or Sarah." Dr Harris stated as his faced turned to be more serious. With a deep breath, the two men transformed. Fur sprouted from their skin, bones elongated, and their features morphed into those of powerful wolves. Their clothes tore away, leaving behind formidable beasts with glowing eyes and bared fangs. The transformation complete, they bounded toward the door, muscles coiled with tension and readiness. They pushed through the door, leaving Ariana alone with Sarah, who remained oblivious to the life and death struggle unfolding around her. As soon as they emerged into the hallway, the sight that met them was one of pure menace. A massive wolf, its fur as dark as midnight and eyes blazing with hatred, stood at the far end. It growled, the sound reverberating through the walls like a thunderclap. Austin's lips pulled back in a snarl.

" You are not getting past us," he growled, his voice a mix of human and beast. The intruder wolf responded with a snarl of its own, lunging forward with terrifying speed. Austin and Dr. Harris sprang into action, their movements fluid and deadly. Claws clashed, and jaws snapped as the hallway became a blur of fur and blood. Inside the room, Ariana's hands trembled as she continued the transfusion. Her ears picked up the sounds of the fierce battle just outside, each growl and howl sending shivers down her spine. She focused on her task, knowing that every second counted. Sarah's breathing was shallow, her face pale and clammy. Ariana whispered words of encouragement, more for herself than for Sarah.

" Hold on, Sarah. We are doing everything we can. Just hold on there and I am sorry, it's my fault that you are this way. " Back in the hallway, the fight raged on. Dr. Harris launched himself at the intruder, his claws raking across its side. The enemy wolf yelped in pain but retaliated with a powerful swipe, sending Dr. Harris crashing into the wall. Austin's fury intensified. He lunged at the enemy, his jaws closing around its throat. The two wolves tumbled across the floor in a tangle of fur and fangs. Blood splattered the walls as they fought with a primal ferocity. Inside the room, Ariana's heart pounded. She could feel the strain on her own body as she continued the transfusion. Her vision blurred, but she refused to give in to the weakness. She could not afford to falter now. Suddenly, the sounds of the battle outside changed. The growls became more frantic, and the thuds of bodies hitting walls grew louder. Ariana's breath caught in her throat. What if they do not make it? What if the enemy broke through? She shook her head, forcing herself to focus.

" Stay with me, Sarah," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

" You are not alone. We are here with you." In the hallway, Austin and Dr. Harris were relentless. They fought with everything they had, their bodies battered and bleeding. The enemy wolf was strong, but it was no match for their combined strength and determination. Austin was about to ripe off his throat when he received a fist on his stomach which made him to lose his strength and he feel down unconscious leaving Dr Harris to fight the enemy with his wolf body filled with bruises that were taking a while to heal it was not long when he was surpassed by the enemies strength making him fall out of tiredness and he could only watch the dark wolf with burning eyes walk towards Sarah's room.