
Ariana stood in the dimly lit room, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched over Sarah's unconscious form. Dr. Harris and Austin had left to confront the threat in the hallway, leaving her alone to protect Sarah. The monitors beeped rhythmically, a stark contrast to the chaos that raged just outside the door. Suddenly, the door shuddered under the weight of a heavy blow, and Ariana's instincts flared to life. She knew what was coming. The dark wolf, the enemy, had found them. A sense of dread settled over her, but she pushed it aside. She could not afford to be afraid.

She had to be strong for Sarah. The door burst open, and a hulking figure filled the frame. The dark wolf, its fur as black as the void, snarled at her, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. Ariana took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. She could not let this monster get to Sarah.

With a fierce growl, she let the change overtake her. Her body elongated, fur sprouted, and her senses sharpened. In moments, she was no longer just Ariana; she was a formidable wolf, ready to defend those she cared about with her life. The dark wolf lunged at her, and she met it head-on.

Their bodies collided with a force that sent them both sprawling across the room. Ariana's claws raked across the dark wolf's side, but it retaliated with a powerful bite that grazed her shoulder. She winced but held her ground, determined not to let the pain distract her.

" You are not getting to her, " Ariana snarled, her voice a low growl that resonated through the room.

" I will not let you." The dark wolf's eyes narrowed, and it responded with a guttural snarl.

" You think you can stop me? You are nothing but a weakling. " Rage flared within Ariana. She launched herself at the dark wolf, her teeth sinking into its shoulder. The wolf yelped in pain, but it quickly recovered, twisting its body to throw her off. They circled each other, each looking for an opening, their breaths coming in harsh pants.

" I will do whatever it takes," Ariana said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

" I won't let you hurt her. " The dark wolf chuckled darkly.

" Noble words. But words won't save her. Only strength will." With a roar, the dark wolf attacked again, its movements a blur of speed and ferocity. Ariana fought back with everything she had, her claws and teeth flashing in the dim light. They clashed again and again, each blow and bite a testament to their determination. Ariana felt the strain on her body, the toll of the fight weighing heavily on her. But she couldn't give up. Not now. Not when Sarah's life depended on her. The dark wolf slammed her into the wall, and she felt a crack in her ribs. Pain radiated through her, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the fight. She twisted, her claws catching the dark wolf's face, drawing blood.

" You are stronger than I thought," the dark wolf admitted, its voice a grudging acknowledgment.

" But strength alone won't be enough. " Ariana's eyes blazed with determination.

" I don't need just strength. I have something you don't. " The dark wolf tilted its head, a mocking smile playing on its lips. "And what's that? " Ariana's voice was a growl, filled with fierce resolve.

" I have love. I am fighting for someone I care about. That's something you will never understand." The dark wolf's expression darkened, and it lunged at her with renewed ferocity. They crashed to the floor, a tangle of fur and fury. Ariana fought with everything she had, her body screaming in protest, but she refused to give in. As they grappled, Ariana saw a flash of movement from the corner of her eye. Sarah stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Ariana's heart leapt with hope, but she couldn't afford to be distracted. She had to end this fight, and she had to do it now. With a final, desperate surge of strength, Ariana twisted her body, using the dark wolf's momentum against it. She slammed it into the floor, her teeth closing around its throat. The dark wolf struggled, its claws scrabbling against the floor, but Ariana held on, her grip unyielding.

" You will not win," she growled, her voice low and fierce.

" You will not hurt her." The dark wolf's struggles grew weaker, and finally, it went limp. Ariana released her grip, panting heavily, her body trembling with exhaustion. She had won. She had protected Sarah. She shifted back to her human form, her body aching and covered in cuts and bruises. She crawled over to Sarah, who was now fully awake, her eyes wide with shock and fear. " Ariana," Sarah whispered, her voice trembling.

" What… what happened? " Ariana managed a weak smile.

" It's over. You are safe now." Sarah's eyes filled with tears, and she reached out, her hand shaking.

" Thank you. You saved me." Ariana took Sarah's hand, squeezing it gently.

" I told you I'd do whatever it takes. I'm just glad you are okay."