Chapter 18: Meteor Shower

After Nina came back, they prepared all the meat and other things in the kitchen. Nina prepared the things they needed in the kitchen, and they still needed to wait for the meat to be marinated for a bit, so all of them sat in the living room first.

Because Yang's daughter was also present, they changed what they were watching to cartoons.

The daughter of Yang was only 6 years old, and the one taking care of her was only Yang. It seemed that Yang and his partner got divorced, and he got custody of the child.

While everyone was talking to each other, Luciel still busied himself with downloading games while also eating some cookies that Nina had just bought.

"What do you want—cookies, chocolates, or chips?" Luceil offered the snacks he was eating to Ashlee, Yang's daughter, as he saw her looking at them.

All his snacks were on the table, but the others didn't even care about them. It seemed that the only one who could appreciate his snacks was Ashlee.

He actually wasn't that greedy for those snacks, but after 7 years of suffering and being unable to eat something with good flavors, he deeply appreciates the different snacks the world has to offer.

Not hearing a reply from Ashlee, he said, "You can eat anything from them. Don't worry, I still have a lot of those."

"Thank you, older brother," Ashlee said, and she also started eating cookies while watching the cartoons that were playing on the TV.

"Ciel, are you sure you can still eat barbecue later on?" Treyton asked. He must have been watching him eat cookies and chocolates.

"Don't worry, I have different storage for snacks and other food," Luciel answered. He could certainly eat more later on, so there was nothing to worry about.

After everything was ready, all of them moved to the rooftop to watch the meteor shower while grilling.

"Ciel, what drinks do you want?" Treyton asked while holding whiskey in his hands.

"I'll just have a lemonade," Luciel said while getting lemonade from the table.

Nina really prepared well and even prepared different drinks for the table.

Together with Treyton's 13 bodyguards, all of them were enjoying barbecue while chatting. It seemed that Yang and Nathan were also very familiar with Treyton's bodyguards.

Well, it was understandable; he read from the novel that most of them were actually part of the special forces in Treyton's batch. His grandfather likely continued troubling him because he also took away some of the most talented people in the military when he left.

Luciel was genuinely happy to see everyone having fun. Even Calvin and Ashlee were happily eating barbecue while listening to the stories the others were sharing.

Seeing everyone having fun, he took the tablet and started taking pictures of everyone. After seeing Ashlee, he remembered that he could take a photo of this moment.

He should take a photo of this last peaceful day in this world before the disaster comes. If Ashlee managed to grow up and he was still alive by then, then he could still show it to her.

"You are taking pictures of everyone? Why don't we have a photo first?" Treyton said while putting his arms around his shoulder and holding the tablet he was holding to take a selfie.

Treyton took a photo of them together, and afterwards he also invited everyone to take a photo together.

"Everyone, let's take a photo."

"Give it to me; I'll fix it on the tripod," Nathan said, taking the tablet.

"Everyone, gather around and get closer to Luciel and Treyton. Nina don't stay too far. Okay, 20 seconds to go; don't forget to smile," Nathan said, then ran towards them to join.

"Okay, done," Treyton said after 20 seconds. After taking the photo everyone scattered to continue what they were doing.

Luciel went to get his tablet to see how the photo turned out.

In the picture, everyone was obviously happy, as they all had a smile on their faces. Some were still even holding their drinks and barbecue while grinning.

"Oh, wow, look, we even have the meteor shower as a background," Nathan said while also looking at the photo they had taken.

The moment they took the photo, it also coincided with falling stars as their background. I honestly looked good, but Luciel wasn't happy anymore as soon as he saw it.

The meteor shower indeed came. He was still hoping that maybe the apocalypse wouldn't happen, but upon seeing the meteor shower, his small hope was dashed.

"Ciel, come here; let's watch the meteor shower," Treyton said while pointing at the seat beside him.

"Okay," Luciel said with a slight smile. He might as well enjoy the beauty the meteor shower has to offer because he doesn't have a way to stop the impending doom they are going to face. It might be the last time he could see such a beautiful view in peace, so he might as well enjoy it while he can.

Everyone sat on their chairs and enjoyed watching the falling stars while drinking and eating.

After watching the meteor shower for a while, Treyton suddenly sat straight and said seriously, "Something is wrong."

Zam and the other bodyguards also became alert and immediately put down their food and drinks, but it was already too late; everyone had already started fainting.

Luciel looked at Treyton, who seemed to be fighting to stay conscious, but it was still in vain. He could also feel that he was losing his consciousness, but he didn't bother fighting it like Treyton because he knew that everyone on this planet would lose their consciousness.

If possible, he really doesn't want to wake up anymore, knowing that the moment he opens his eyes, another chaotic world will greet him.

However, the next day, Luciel still woke up.


And he was immediately greeted with a loud scream coming from one of the villas in the community.

It seemed that the chaos was already starting.