**Chapter 2: Terry Snacker's Hideaway**

Terry Snacker arrived at his mansion, an imposing structure hidden in the hills, far from prying eyes. With the money from the robbery still in his giant backpack, he headed to the secret basement, where there was a secure room built specifically to hide valuable items.

Opening the heavy steel door, Terry entered the underground vault, equipped with the most advanced security system. He began organizing the trillions of dollars on shelves and safes. Each wad of cash was carefully stacked, ensuring that it was protected from any possible discovery.

After finishing storing the fortune, Terry went upstairs to the living room. Finally feeling safe, he sat down on the leather sofa, picked up the remote and turned on the television. The screen flashed with live news from the scene of the robbery.

Reporters were on the scene, surrounded by an army of police officers, FBI agents and CIA agents. Sirens were flashing and the area was completely blocked off. Cameras showed the remaining members of Terry's team in a desperate standoff with the authorities.

"We're live on the scene of today's major robbery," the reporter said. "The team of thieves was caught by security forces as they tried to escape with a huge amount of money. It appears that one of the members managed to get away with part of the fortune, while the others are trapped on the roof of the bank."

The camera shifted to show the thieves trapped, trying to protect themselves as the agents advanced. The team leader, Jack "The Brain," was screaming, trying to coordinate an impossible escape.

Terry watched the scene with a mixture of satisfaction and relief. He knew he had made the right choice in abandoning the traitors and fleeing with the money. Their greed had led them to a dead end, and now they would face the consequences.

The newscast continued: "The identity of the thief who managed to escape is still unknown, but authorities are actively searching. The siege continues and it is only a matter of time before the criminals are captured." Turning off the television, Terry got up and walked to the kitchen. He opened a cupboard and took out a bottle of his favorite wine, pouring himself a glass. As he enjoyed the wine, his thoughts turned to the future. He knew he needed to be careful and discreet to preserve his fortune and avoid capture. He picked up his cell phone and made a quick call to one of his trusted contacts, an expert in money laundering and creating false identities. "I have a task for you," Terry said. "I need to make sure this money disappears without a trace and that my new identity is ready as soon as possible." With the assurance that his plan was in motion, Terry allowed himself to relax a little. He knew the road ahead would be full of challenges, but he was prepared. After all, he was Terry Snacker, and no one was going to catch him off guard.

Meanwhile, the siege on the bank continued, and his former colleagues faced the harsh reality of their choices.