Terry Snacker watched the chaos on the news as he sipped his wine. The footage showed his former colleagues in a desperate siege, the CIA, FBI, and local police coordinating a massive operation. The traitors' every move was meticulously monitored by helicopters and strategically positioned snipers.

The team leader, Jack "The Brain," was surrounded, shouting orders to his cronies as they tried to improvise an escape route. But it was clear they were outnumbered. The elite security team had the bank completely sealed off. Within minutes, the situation escalated. The confrontation began when one of the team members, Richie "The Impulsive," attempted to shoot one of the agents. He was quickly neutralized by a sniper, falling to the ground screaming in pain.

The remaining members, including Marco "The Muscle," Sam "The Tech," and Lisa "The Skeleton Key," realized their situation was hopeless. Without Terry to guide them, they were disorganized and panicked. Marco tried to use his brute force to open a new escape route, but the SWAT rapid response team stepped in, incapacitating him with rubber bullets. Lisa and Sam, realizing there was no way out, decided to surrender. Lisa slowly raised her hands, tears of frustration streaming down her face. Sam, with a look of resignation, followed suit. The agents quickly handcuffed them and led them outside, while Jack, the last one to resist, was forced to surrender at gunpoint. The siege ended with all the traitors captured, except Terry Snacker, who was now safely in his mansion, watching everything. He knew that attention would now turn to him, and the authorities would do everything they could to find him. But Terry had a well-thought-out plan. Turning off the television, Terry made another call. "It's time," he told his contact. "Activate the contingency plan. And prepare my exit from the country." On the other end of the line, a voice answered calmly. "Understood. Everything will be ready in 24 hours."

Terry then went to a secret panel in his library, which revealed a hidden hallway. He walked down this hallway, which led him to an underground garage. There, a low-profile, modified sports car awaited him. With one last look at his mansion, Terry got into the car and drove off towards a new destination, leaving the chaos and betrayal behind.

Meanwhile, in the library, Hannah finally found her study. Locking herself inside, she allowed herself to relax a little. The hustle and bustle of the outside world seemed far away, and she could finally focus on her studies, oblivious to the dramatic events unfolding just a few miles away.

Terry Snacker was on the move, and as he prepared to disappear, the hunt for him intensified. But Terry was a master of disguise and strategy. And he was determined to escape any trap that was set for him.