Chapter 6
Down the hill
Xui Xiang***
I tried sitting up, but my head felt very heavy. What had just happened?
"You passed out ma'am, and you've been like that for days. We came and discovered you lying on the floor, not moving a few days ago." What? Days? I had been out for just a few minutes. What the fuck are these guys talking about! And what was the look on my Ma's face? At most, I had been gone for an hour!
"We thought we lost you." This person was crying. I didn't know her name, but she was the same person that dressed me up for lunch, today? That was today, right? Oh boy! I mean girl! Ewww, who exclaims with a boy? Why am I talking about boys too much? Xui!
"Which means the JiLi would still go on." It was my Pa speaking. If there was one thing I hated about this JiLi, it was the way my Pa held his head up high whenever he mentioned it. I could literally see his shoulders bulk up. If he wanted to, he could swap and be the celebrant for all I could care.
I was thinking so much for someone who they said had just gotten up from what? A coma? These guys had to be kidding though. Or were they serious? The look on their faces could make one oblivious to the situation burst out in laughter. I didn't know what had happened, but I was okay. They were being too much.
"I'd love to be alone."I managed to say.
The only thing I enjoyed about my life was the way the maids responded. I almost laughed as one tripped while trying to back out. It wasn't like I said it in a rude manner or anything. It was just the way things were. The tripping made me remember so much.
Mei, Lua. I used my hands to cover my face.
"So much for a second chance at love," I said remembering the trance-like thing that had held me. Was it just a dream or did it really happen?
I stood up to go and have another glance at the mirror. The most unadvisable thing, stating what others said happened to me. I had been gone for days. Really? I bet my parents were more than delighted. Coming to think of it, the look on Ma's face when I stared at her was probably a look of disappointment. Or am I going too far?
I placed my foot on the ground, but it felt like a log of wood. I could feel the sand-like sensation swallowing my legs. The needle-like feeling pricked my skin.
As I took my first tentative step, it felt like I was an old woman learning to walk without my supporting stick.
Had I really been bedridden for days?
I steadied myself and stretched the muscles on my leg before I could start waking properly again.
I hide behind the wall, peeping at the mirror. It suddenly felt like I was in a horror movie, where the kid gets drawn to danger. Stupidly walking to her doom. This thing should be the reason why I blacked out for days. But how?
Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this Xui, I thought in my head. My heart beating fast. I could literally hear the raging beating sounds.
"Grandma?" Yeah right, like she'd wake up from her slumber and answer. And even if she did, you won't be scared shitless? Come Xui, be realistic!
"Was that all a dream?" I muttered to myself as I walked towards the mirror. I stood facing it, staring at my face. I already had a pale face, pale skin, and with this said unknown sickness, I looked as white as a ghost. I looked ugly.
I poked at the mirror not knowing what to expect. What had happened? How did I blackout for days, the only remembrance being this weird dream?
I hit my head countless times like it would somehow jog my memories. But it didn't happen, and my days blurred into days. Sinking more inward because of this strange occurrence, and soon it was the day of my JiLi. I still had no date.
Ma and Pa didn't bother to get me one, I mean a date. Maybe they were scared, but couldn't voice it. Scared of what had happened to me. I didn't tell them my dream, I couldn't explain what happened to me, and they stopped asking. I did notice they were more distant, or was I just more inward?
I stared at my flowered dress, it was to go with my flowered crown and a basket full of flowers. I was indeed a flower girl that day.
My makeup was done. The traditional face painting and my hair was packed as high as it could go. My face looked hideous and I was grateful for it. The makeup masked my ugly face.
This JiLi was a strange one. I was going to be announced without a date, and no dance was going to be performed. Ma and Pa had met the board and pleaded on my behalf for breaking the rules, using my sickness as an excuse.
I practiced my wave and smile. If everything was going wrong, at least there should be some perfect or close-to-perfect sides. At least.
I hid behind the curtains, my heart was beating with anxiety as usual. I could hear the loud drums being played. I filled my mouth with air and let it out. Shaking my body to put a little flexibility in it.
A loud voice called out, startling me, as if I had not been waiting for it.
"Lady Xui Xiang! Daughter of the noble house of Xiang descendants!"
More drums, as the curtains opened. I winced as the bright lights hit my face, almost using my hands to dodge them.
My heart raced as I began to walk down the stairs. It raced so hard with my slow steps and suddenly it felt like it had pumped so much blood, that it started to blur my vision. I clenched my teeth and fist tightly, urging myself to do this. If my mouth was watched closely by an excellent mouth reader, she would have heard me say, "You can do this Xui, yes you can!" All through the way.
And I had in fact did it until I reached the last step that would usher me into the floor. "Yay!" I celebrated way too early.
I tripped on nothing, literally nothing I tell you. And it sent me wobbly on my very high heels, missing the last step, I sent myself falling, and then boom! I hit a rock that had been placed as a decoration to give the nature scene matching my flowers.
I knew my body had hit the floor, I was on the floor, but I had this sensation of still falling, just like earlier, but this was longer. I heard the gasp of literally everyone as I saw my Ma's face. She was bent, yanking at me, an embarrassed look etching her face.
I knew that was the look my Ma would give me this night, I just didn't know it'd be the same look that'd be my last sight.