1. College campus

Tiara's pov

"Stay away from this pest, if any of you talked with her then get ready to face the consequences and you better stay away from me" Enzo warned everyone as well me. I didn't cry, why would I even cry? I'm already used to it. This is my life from when I entered to this high school. From past one year. Enzo sorry Enzo sir always bullies me. This is the prestigious college of the whole state and only rich kids are studying here. They are all belongs to wealthy family. Like some of collectors kid, Mayor's kid, police officers kid, politicians children's etc.

So you guys must be thinking how did I entered this college right?. Let me tell you the whole story before that lemme get up from the floor. Yes after my bully warned me and everyone, he left from there. But his bitch ash aka ashley pushed me so I fell on my knees. I thought my knees got scratched but no that bitch held fistful of my hairs. And spat "you are just a bug for him but I don't know why you always come in front of him and why he looks at a bitch like you, stay away from him he's mine!" With that she pushed me hardly again that I completely fell to floor.

Don't worry I'm just scared of that bully, I'm not scared of this bitch. When she was about to move from there I held her ankle and pulled her and she fell to the floor. "Did you got the taste of your own medicine? How does it taste? Enjoy it ok" I just smirked at her. I don't know what she was bullshitting about and she was cursing me, but who cares? I'm happy that I took my revenge. I got up from the floor.

As I was about to go from there I heard his loud voice "what are you doing on the floor? Whatever your name" He said. "Baby she pushed me to floor" Ash said in her hurt voice. "Who's your baby, shut up don't call me that, hey you help her" He said and again he came to me. "Did you really pushed her?" He asked me. "No-no sir, I didn't. She fell on her own but it's opposite she tugged my hair harshly and pushed me to floor. you can check my knees" I replied to him.

"That I'll definitely check it out" He said and started to inspect if I am telling the truth or not. "Ba.. Enzo don't listen to her, she's lying" Ash tried to get his attention but he just raised his hand to stop her. In inspected my disheveled hair, scratch on my hand and my knees which had scratches were now started to bleed. "You come here" He pointed finger towards ash. She came to him "didn't I said not to talk with her? And top of that you are creating a drama here, if I hear another incident like this, you will regret it" He warned her. "Get out from here" He yelled. She ran away from there.

"Do you want an invitation?" He said to me. "No no sir I'm going" With that I went to my locker. So let me tell you what happened today. When bell rang I came out of my class, as I was about to go to my locker. Someone accidentally collided with me. My books fell from my hands, as I bent to pick them up. "Sorry... Sorry... Are you hurt?" I heard a worried voice.

I lifted my head and saw that he's one of my senior. He's in same class of Enzo. "Yes yes I'm alright" I replied to him. "Let me pick it for you" He said and picked all books from the floor. "Thank you" I said to him. "No no don't thank me. It was my fault" He said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kevin" He stretched out his hand. "I'm tiara. Nice to meet you too senior" I said and shook his hand. Next moment I know I got pulled hardly that I almost lost my balance thanks to Enzo I gripped his shoulder to steady myself.

When I got to know what I did, I suddenly removed my hand from his shoulder. As I was processing everything I heard everyone gasping. I followed everyone's gaze to see Enzo hitting Kevin continuously until Kevin fell to floor. He held his collor and pulled him up. "Didn't I warned you guys, no one's allowed to talk with her and you are shaking your hands and smiling with her huh" With another blow Kevin fell to floor. Kevin face was bloodied. I just stood there shocked to digest what just happened here.

Everyone crowded in the corridor. Enzo turned towards me and held my arm harshly and so tight that it started to hurt. "Why were you laughing with him do you want to die? If I ever saw you laughing with others then I will do what you never dreamt of" He warned me.'what's with this bastard always ordering me around, let it be endure it, it's not like you can fight back' my mind said.

He looked at everyone and said ""Stay away from this pest, if any of you talked with her then get ready to face the consequences and you better stay away from me" Enzo warned everyone as well me.everyone said "yes" With that enzo walked away .and his minions carried Kevin and took him to dispensary. After that everyone dispersed from corridor then that bitch made me fall. Son of a bitch. I went to my locker. Placed all my stuff inside it and took my bag. Then I walked back to home.

My father was already home, when I went to fridge to drink water, I saw that he filled the fridge with food and necessary items. Even ice cream too. I drank water. My father was in his room. I went to my room. Got freshened up. Changed into pj's and applied some ointments on my knees.

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