2- Past

Tiara's POV

After applying ointment to my knees, I went downstairs. My father was already cooking for us. I went to the kitchen and placed all the dishes on the dining table to have dinner. Strangely, today my father was drinking in the evening. It's really strange because he only drinks whenever he's stressed or happy; he doesn't know what's bothering him. "What happened, dad? Are you stressed?" I asked. "No, dear, why are you asking this?" My dad replied. "Oh, it's nothing", "you are drinking more than usual today, so that's why I asked you, dad," I said.

"It's nothing, sweetheart; don't worry," he said, and we continued our dinner.You must be wondering why only we two are eating dinner, right? Let me tell you because me and my dad have lived in this home for the last 5 years. My mom left us when my father lost his job. She got married to another person and is happy in her life with her stepchildren. Actually, my father got accused of stealing money from the company, but in reality, his friend stole the money and blamed everything on my father.

We are a middle-class family. Losing your job means losing your respect. Other companies didn't hire him because of his accusations.In the past 5 years, he started to drink. When my mom left us, I don't know how he paid my expenses. After I turned 16, I started to work in a cafe as a waitress. And as for my college fees and all, I'm a scholarship student. From my primary school until this rich college, I earned scholarships with my hard work. So far, I haven't bothered my parents for anything.

As I said, he started to drink, but today he's drinking more than usual, which is strange. I let it go, for that matter.You must be thinking, When my mom left us, why didn't she take me with her? It's because I didn't feel like going and getting a new family. She even offered me that time, and that offer is still valid to go to her at any time. It's just that I don't want to go when I'm already studying at a reputed and expensive college in New York City. I don't think I have to go to another city just for a comfortable life.

After we finished dinner, I washed the dishes. My father had already retired to his room; he was a little tipsy.I turned off all the lights and went to my room. Today I have to start writing my assignments, so I opened my bag and started to write my assignments. Time went by, and I didn't notice it was already 10. I closed my books, switched off the light, and laid down on my bed.

I know you must be wondering why that bastard "Enzo" is picking on me at the college, right?You don't even believe how absurd the reason is. I remember that when I joined college, I was a fresher. Our senior girls and my rich classmates used to bully me.It's not like I didn't fight back; still, they would find new ways to bully me every day. So I also made them taste their own medicine. So one day, I did what they did to me. Ash used to put her feet on me to make me fall. I did the same to her, but she fell so hard that her nose started to bleed. I don't care because that bitch pushed me so many times that I would get my knees scrapped and sometimes my palms and elbows. They would take a lot of time to heal.

Then again, her minions troubled me by throwing my bag from the third floor to the ground floor. Sometimes they would deliberately push me when I was having my lunch; at that time, all my food would fall to the floor, and I had to starve the whole afternoon. Sometimes they would write vulgar words on my bench. So that's why I also took my revenge in my own way.

Those groups of girls always go to the bathroom together. So I also went to the washroom. After I made sure they locked their doors, I lit a matchstick that made the fire alarm ring, which turned on the sprinklers. I also stood at the sink. Not to be suspicious.Our dean and other professors ran to the girls washroom to save us.

A female professor and dispensary nurse took us with them. All those girls were wet because of the sprinkler. After making sure I didn't get hurt, they just let me go home by saying, "You must be frightened because of that issue, so please go home and rest." I just went home while smiling happily. I went home and spent my day watching TV, eating, and sleeping, which I like the most.

The next day I went to college only to get the good news that Ashley and her minions won't be attending the class until next week. I was very happy. I tried to make friends in their absence, but whenever I approached any girl, they would turn me down by saying, "I do want to be friends with a genius like you, but I don't want to be in trouble with that Ashley group and just want to stay in their good books and graduate peacefully. Sorry, and please don't talk with me." Yeah, it did feel bad, but I can't do anything.But their refusal didn't make any difference in my daily life.

I spent my whole week peacefully without those buggers. As you know, peace is short-lived. Next Monday, that girl and her gang were already present in the class. I just went to a free seat and sat there. But I was laughing inwardly. Ashley had a bandage on her nose. And I heard other girls groaning in frustration. Do you think I overdid it? But I don't think so. They bullied me even when I was sick. Their only reason to bully me is that "I'm from a poor background, and I came here on my scholarship." That's why they look down on me.

Hey guys, here's an update.

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