7-Enzo's Punishment and chaos

Author's POV

When Enzo said, "Now it's time for a real punishment, little girl. So get ready," while smirking, she felt a chill run down her spine. Then her instincts and sixth sense kicked in, adrenaline rushed through her body, and her mind and heart started to chant, "Danger! Danger! Get away from him, run away from here." Tiara did what her mind said and started to struggle to free herself from his death-like hold. She twisted her body in many ways, only to tighten his grip on her. Still, she didn't stop struggling. Her heart was beating erratically out of fear.Enzo felt her heartbeat increasing in his hold. He was sure that this little minx would now try to do something. Enzo suddenly felt her struggling in his arms. He got angry, clenched his jaw, and tightened his grip on her hands and neck. "Stop struggling. You can't get away from punishment, and stop using that little mind of yours, it's no use," he gritted in her ear. Still, she didn't listen to his threat and continued to struggle to break free from his hold. Even as he was choking her, she felt her oxygen cutting off and struggled to breathe.Enzo noticed her face turning red due to lack of oxygen. He let go of her neck but tightened his grip on her hands. Tiara coughed vigorously and started to inhale oxygen greedily. Suddenly, Enzo's wolf instinct kicked in, and he put his nose in the crook of her neck from behind and inhaled her scent. His eye color changed to a golden hue as he inhaled her sweet scent. It was not enough for his wolf. His wolf wanted more. "Take her here, right away, I like her so much," his wolf said to him. Enzo also wanted to take her right away. His mind was clouded by his wolf's words.Suddenly, Marco's voice cleared his mind. "Boss, don't leave that little bitch. Let me take care of her. I will just slice her neck. Bloody hell, she even drew my blood with her little hands. Blood needs blood revenge, let me take care of her," Marco got up from the floor and started to move towards them."What are you doing, Enzo? Remember, she's not your mate. You can't betray your mate. Why are you getting carried away by this little girl? Clear your head and control yourself," his mind said to him. Suddenly it occurred to him what his wolf had said. "Why did my wolf like her? He never behaved like this before. Why did he want to devour her? What's happening here? Who is she? Who is this mysterious girl who's making me lose my mind?" he thought to himself.The omega kneeling on the floor was watching the scene unfolding in front of him. He was feeling pity for Tiara. Poor little girl caught in the hands of these beasts. He was hoping to get away from there, but his hands were tied, and he knew that if he tried to run away, he would definitely get a bullet between his eyes.When Tiara heard Marco's words, she started to tremble. She tried to kick Enzo in the leg, but he avoided it. She again tried to bend down and bite his hand, but to no avail. Before she could bite him, he just placed his big palm on her mouth. Her half-face got covered with his one hand. "Are you a dog? Scratching, biting, what's going on? Let me teach you a lesson," he said loudly.He saw Marco approaching them. "Stop there, Marco, there's no need for you. I can take care of her." "But boss..." his words got cut off in the middle. "I said no, do you want to die?" Enzo roared at Marco. "I'm sorry, boss. I crossed my line. I deserve punishment," Marco kneeled in front of Enzo. "Your punishment will be decided after we take care of this. Remember, never cross your lines in front of me again, because next time it will be your head and my bullet," Enzo warned Marco. "Yes, boss," Marco replied, still kneeling in front of Enzo.Tiara observed and heard everything. 'What happened just now? That motherfucker Marco is kneeling in front of him and begging just because he said he'll kill me. Seriously, what's going on here? What's this bullet and gun? Who are these people? Who's this boss? What's an omega? God, I'll lose my mind like this,' Tiara's thoughts covered her mind.'Stop thinking about others, think about your state. How will you get away from here? How will you run away from here?' her mind scolded her. As she was still lost in her own world, suddenly she felt the ground slipping under her feet. Her mind jolted and came back to reality, trying to understand what was happening.Enzo hoisted Tiara and threw her over his shoulder. Tiara felt her world turn upside down. His big hand circled around her calves to stop her from moving and falling. Tiara was too shocked to understand what was happening. Suddenly she started to struggle on his shoulder. Tiara was nothing compared to his big hulk-like body. She felt like she was on top of a building. He was very tall. She felt like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder."How can he do this to me? Why is he carrying me like this? What will he do to me now? Where is he taking me?" Tiara started to punch his back with her small fists. The next second she felt a sting on her rear. She went still on his shoulder; yes, he spanked her. She was too shocked to utter a word. She was still processing what had just happened to her. The next moment she heard his dark voice, which vibrated through her whole body."Struggle again, and get ready to have your butt swollen. Mark my words, and I don't joke," he said in his serious voice, which did not leave any room for argument. Tiara stilled in her position and didn't utter anything."Marco, take that bastard to our warehouse and take care of him. Just don't kill him. I have something to ask him, so just take care of our guest properly, understand?" Enzo said."Yes, boss. After we take care of this little girl, I'll do as you order," Marco said, standing straight as if he was in command or something."Did I say you were coming with me? Why can't you understand simple words, bastard?" Enzo got angry with Marco. Seriously, he had enough of the nonsense for one day.First, that fucker omega tried to plot against them. Second, this little girl made him lose his mind by fighting his man and successfully tackling him to the ground. And now this, Marco not listening to his commands. He had enough of this shit. He doesn't want to make anyone understand anymore."Either you take that omega with you and leave from here, or get ready to take a bullet." With that, he took his gun from where it was tucked in his backside.Tiara's eyes widened like saucers when she saw him sliding his gun out. 'Holy fucking shit, he has a real gun. Dad, I'm scared. God, please help me,' Tiara prayed to God inwardly.Enzo pointed his gun towards Marco. Marco's face went pale. The omega who was kneeling in front of him got scared just by looking at Enzo. 'What have you gotten yourself into, idiot? The beast who's not hesitating to shoot his own man just because he disobeyed his command, just think what he'll do to you,' the omega thought in his mind.Marco just stood there without uttering a word. He knows his boss. He doesn't joke around. He knows that he fucked up everything. God, let me escape this time, he prayed inwardly for his life."Am I clear, Marco?" Enzo said loudly. The omega trembled in his place. Tiara's body jolted due to his loudness. Marco, who was praying for his life, got startled due to his sudden voice."Yes, boss, understood. I'll obey your command," he replied confidently. Marco knows that his boss likes verbal answers, and he doesn't want to lose his life just because of that."See, very easy, right? It's simple, it's just that you were making it hard," Enzo said while smiling."I'm sorry, boss," Marco apologized to Enzo again. "Hmm," Enzo just hummed in response and started to move towards the door.Marco let out a sigh of relief. He moved towards the omega and untied his legs. He made him stand up, still with his hands bound.Enzo walked to the door, still holding Tiara on his shoulder. Suddenly he stopped at the entrance and turned back, still holding his gun in his right hand. Tiara was on his left shoulder, and his left hand was secured around her calves. Whenever he moved around, his hard bones dug into Tiara's stomach. It was hurting her. Still, she remained silent to save her dear life after seeing what was in his hand."Marco," Enzo called his name, and then bang. Tiara fell unconscious.

Guy's here's an update,

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