6- Enzo's instinct

**Enzo's POV**

I was in a very bad mood today. A measly omega tried to plot against me and my family, and it was making my blood boil. I ordered one of my men to find that fucker and bring him to me. He did as I ordered, dragging the omega with his big, built body, using only one hand behind me. We were heading to the chemistry lab.

As I entered the lab, a sweet scent hit my nostrils. My wolf liked the scent. I was sure that either someone was here, or they were still present in this same room. Still, I didn't try to find that person. I wanted to see if they would come out on their own or not. Suddenly, my gaze fell on the slightly opened cabinet door. Now I was sure that she was still present here. I went to sit on the table.

I was wearing a black suit and had tattoos on my hands. I folded my sleeves upward so they were now visible. Now I could feel her gaze on me.

Marco, the bulk guy, made that omega kneel in front of me. I sat on the table, and Marco stood beside me. "How dare an omega like you plot against me? Are you tired of living?" I shouted at him.

"It's my fault, Alpha King, please let me go. I won't do anything like this again, please spare me," the omega begged while kneeling.

I shouted at him and landed a punch on him. His lip got busted even more. The situation was very amusing. This lowly omega was begging in front of me, and a little someone was hiding in the cabinet, unaware that I knew of her presence. I moved slowly towards the cabinet, taking my time.

"What happened, boss? Is something wrong?" I heard Marco asking behind me with confusion.

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to take a look around," I replied.

"What should we do with this pest, boss?" he asked. I didn't reply to him.

I walked a little away from the cabinet, only to reach it in a second without making a sound. I fully opened the slightly ajar door.

Suddenly, she fell out of the cabinet. "Ow..." She got hurt because she had put all her weight on her elbow. The kneeling omega and Marco were both shocked to see a girl hiding inside the cabinet. But I wasn't surprised to see her. Suddenly, Marco ran to her and grabbed a fistful of her hair.

"What the hell are you doing here, little bitch?" he shouted at her. Tugging on her hair caused immense pain in her scalp. I saw that she was in pain; his grip was tight, and he would rip her hair out of her scalp if he kept tugging on it.

Suddenly, she scratched Marco's tattooed hand with her nails with all her force, scraping his thick skin so that blood came out. He suddenly let her go as he felt pain and burning in his hand.

"Shit... you bitch!" he screamed at her. She got up and did what they never imagined. She kicked that bulky Marco in his groin so hard that he fell to the floor and started to curse her.

"Did you call me a bitch? You asshole, how dare you try to harass me? Do you think I'll just endure everything?" With that, she kicked him in his stomach. The scene was amusing. A little girl fighting back, that too with a guy three times her size.

As she was about to hit him again, I grabbed her from behind and pulled her away. She started to struggle in my arms. I locked her hands behind her and held them with one hand. The next moment, she stopped struggling. I choked her with my other hand.

"Little girl, stop struggling if you don't want to die here," I said in my deep voice. I was so close to her when I warned her in her ear. My breath was fanning her ear; I'm sure she could feel it too.

All her struggles died when I applied a little pressure to her neck.

"That's like a good girl," I said. "Now, when you're already being a good girl, tell me why you were hiding in this cabinet and eavesdropping on us," I asked her softly.

"I wasn't eavesdropping on your conversation; I accidentally overheard it," she said in a cracked voice.

"Oh, cut the crap, little girl. Who are you? Who sent you here? Tell me everything," I screamed at her.

"No one sent me here. I came here on my own. Please believe me and let me go," she pleaded. The next moment, she felt her oxygen getting cut off as I applied more pressure to her neck. She started to struggle in my arms.

"Why the hell are you lying? Do you want to die?" I said in a dangerous voice.

"I'm not lying, please let me go," she started to cry.

"Your crocodile tears won't work on me. Tell me what you heard," I asked her. "And I want only the truth," I finished. As she didn't respond to me, I tightened my grip.

Suddenly, she started to struggle, thinking she was going to die, and nodded her head in yes. I loosened my grip but didn't let her go. She started to cough vigorously and inhaled the oxygen greedily.

"Speak," I said loudly, which startled her.

"Please, please, I'll tell you everything, please don't hurt me," she said. Tears were rolling down from her eyes.

"It's just that I study in the front college. Some girls were bullying me, and today all seven girls were after me. When I heard about it, I got scared and ran away from the college to this building," she explained.

"I don't know where I am, but there were still two hours left for classes to end, so that's why I stayed here. But I didn't touch anything. As I was about to go out, I heard footsteps approaching. I panicked, thinking those girls had arrived. I hid myself in this cabinet, but it wasn't those girls; it was you people who entered the lab," she continued. "Believe me, no one sent me here. I was just scared of those girls, so I ended up hiding here. I have no evil intentions; please let me go," she pleaded again.

"Do you want me to trust you? Okay, leave aside what you heard when we were talking," I inquired.

"I heard alpha, beta, gamma, omega," she said, telling the truth.

"What else?" I questioned again.

"Nothing," she replied.

"What do you think we were talking about?" I inquired.

"I think you were talking about mathematics and science, which have alpha, beta, gamma, and omega," she explained. After listening to her, a smile threatened to form on my face, which I hid smoothly. I saw her looking at me with her long lashes.

"Why do you think we made him kneel here?" I asked her, wanting to know what she thought about this situation.

"I think he made a mistake in solving problems or something, and that's why you were scolding him. But you didn't have to make him kneel just because of it," she blurted out. Feisty, but I know how to control her.

"Mind your tongue, girl," I said, glaring at her. She kept silent. "And what do you think about the one who is on the floor?" I asked her.

"He doesn't look like a student or a lecturer, but this man is a big asshole. He tried to harm me when I had not done anything to him," she replied. I must say she must be cursing Marco in her little mind.

"So, you want me to believe all your nonsense, huh? What do you take me for, a fool?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Believe me, I'm telling you the truth. I am not a threat to you. Why are you behaving like I heard your secret?" she said. From her eyes, I could tell she was sincerely telling the truth. But in my world, eyes don't matter, only truth and proof do.

"So, you don't feel anything odd here. Tell me, you said seven girls are bullying you, right? Who are they? Tell me their names," I demanded.

"Oh, it's Ashley and her minions. I don't know those girls' names, but I know Ashley. Do you know them?" she replied to me and also questioned me. Her bravery—or stupidity—she dares to question me. I controlled myself from gripping her jaw.

"Yes, I know them. Why is she bullying you?" I asked, this time seriously, with my clenched jaw.

"Oh, it's because of my background. I'm poor, and I'm studying here on a scholarship," she said with a sad face. I know they are rich kids who like to bully others. I saw her get lost in her own world.

Suddenly, my grip tightened on her neck. "Don't ignore me, little girl," I gritted my teeth.

"I'm sorry, please let go," she cried. I loosened my grip.

"Although what you said makes sense, it doesn't explain that you are speaking the truth. And I don't believe a scheming and fierce girl like you, who tackled one of my men to the ground," I said darkly.

"But he hurt me first. I'm telling you the truth, please let me go. I won't ever appear in front of you. I beg you, please," she cried hard.

"Now it's time for a real punishment, little girl. So get ready," I said while smirking. I felt her shivering in my arms.

Guy's here's an update,

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