Arc 1: Reforming the school bully

[Initiating Transfer…] a mechanical voice rang in Ye Jin's ears.

[3…2…1…Transfer complete]

Ye Jin felt a sharp pain in her head.

'UGHH! What the hell?!...' Ye Jin held her head as she grimaced in pain, cold beads of sweat falling down her chin. She felt a very sharp pain as thousands of images poured into her mind. She had never experienced this kind of pain before.

'Was this the pain father spoke of?' she thought. If it was, she couldn't help but wonder why he spoke of it like some fleeting headache!

The images slowed down and soon after, stopped pouring into her head. Ye Jin quickly organized her thoughts, and from the foreign memories she could remember, she quickly realized that she had reincarnated into another person's body. But why did she feel something was wrong with her own memories?

She quickly brushed off this thought as she saw that nothing was missing in her memory.

She chose to believe this.

Ye Jin went through the original owner's memories. The original owner's name was surprisingly Ye Jin, and she was an orphan. Her uncle, Hwa Xuhou, took her in after her parents had a fatal car accident and unfortunately died. Her uncle, after taking her in, barely cared for her as he was always busy. At times, he would be on a business trip for months. The number of times she saw her uncle in a year could be counted on one hand. But at least he made sure he provided Ye Jin with all the basic necessities. He enrolled her into a good private school, though they had to move various times due to the nature of his job, thus causing her to change schools frequently. He also made sure there was always food and gave her an allowance of two thousand yuan monthly.

Today was the original owner's first day at Yi Zhe Private High School, a school meant for the elites and the upper middle class. From the original owner's memories, she had always gotten bullied in every school she went to because of how gloomy, quiet, and reserved she was.

To prove how reserved the original Ye Jin was, it was already lunch break period. However, instead of trying to associate with her new classmates, Ye Jin was on her way to the school rooftop so that she could eat alone. She, however, died as a result of a heart attack. This was because she had been messaged by a bully in her previous that they had her nude pictures and they were going to post it.

Ye Jin looked at the phone in her hand and saw the message. Indifferently she texted back " you can post it but make sure you post the sexy ones. I won't like it if I end up looking raggedy in my nude"

Ye Jin sighed and tucked the phone in her purse. She would have loved to make some friends, but since the original owner was already on her way to the rooftop, she may as well just finish the journey. Besides, she needed some time to digest everything that had happened to her, especially the fact that she possessed another person's body.

Ye Jin opened the door that led to the rooftop, and her eyes shrank in fear, or rather, the original owner's memories caused her to shrink in fear. She was witnessing a case of bullying.

Before her eyes was a handsome teenager. He looked like he was seventeen or eighteen, with slightly long blonde hair which fell on his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing blue which looked mockingly at the boy beneath him. His left leg was on the head of a badly beaten boy, and a cruel smile was etched on his pink lips.

"Gu Yan, please!" the boy pleaded as tears and snot dripped down from his face.

"Disgusting," the boy called Gu Yan sneered and stomped on the boy's head.

"Gu Yan…." A kick landed on the boy's face. Blood trickled down his nose and mouth.

Gu Yan: "Who gave you the right to call my name?"

Ye Jin watched the scene with conflicting thoughts. Should she help the bullied boy or not? Her father had told her not to involve herself in matters that had no relation to her as it could bring her unprecedented trouble.

But then, how would she be any different from the bystanders that ignored her and the original Ye Jin when they were being beaten up?

Ye Jin came to a conclusion. Instead of intervening, it would be better to inform a teacher or school authority. Besides, what could a weak girl like her do?

As she was about to walk out of the rooftop, her eyes met with Gu Yan's.

'Oh shit.'

[Reform Target Detected] the mechanical voice once again rang in her ears.

'Reform what…?'

[Does host wish to receive information about the target?]

'What target? What are you?'

[I am GMS 005, or as you know me, the Heavenly Jade.]

'The Heavenly Jade!' Ye Jin was surprised. Her father never said anything about the Heavenly Jade being able to speak in one's mind.

"Are you going to keep on staring at me?" a playful voice rang in her ears, snapping her back into reality.

Gu Yan touched his cheeks and gave a flirtatious smile. "Ayyy, I know I am handsome, but if you keep staring at me like that, I am going to blush."

Is something wrong with him? This was someone who was just beating a person a few seconds ago.

Ye Jin chuckled awkwardly. "I am really sorry for interrupting you. You can, uhh… continue with what you were doing before."

With this, she ran down the stairs without even waiting for Gu Yan's response.

Realizing she had gotten to a safe distance from Gu Yan, she had to stop to breathe. That boy was dangerous. Her years of experience had honed her to sense danger. If she was in her previous body, he would have posed no problem to her. However, she was now in a body that had no combat experience and was really weak. She'd better tread cautiously.

Her mind went back to what the Heavenly Jade had said. She said, "I wish to receive the information."

[Okay, Host.]