Arc 1

Meanwhile, in another part of the school, Gu Yan was pestering Ning Yin. He had gotten bored during self-study, and Ye Jin looked so concentrated on the math she was solving that he had no choice but to disturb his dear friend. But who would have expected that he missed out on a fun event while he was gone, and it had to do with his current favorite toy? "Did you hear? A girl was bullied because of you."

Ning Yin frowned, clearly uncomfortable. He knew the girl Gu Yan was talking about—it was Mei Yun, and he had very favorable feelings for her because she was quiet, gentle, but very smart. The few interactions he had with her were etched in his memory.

Ning Yin: "She is a sweet girl. I'm not really comfortable with the fact that she's being targeted because of me."

Gu Yan raised an eyebrow. "You seem awfully concerned." His eyes sparkled with mischief. "Don't tell me you have a crush on her."

Ning Yin's cheeks reddened slightly. "Don't say nonsense."

He didn't know what he felt for her, but he definitely did not hate her.

Gu Yan was about to tease Ning Yin again when a group of students walked by, whispering excitedly.

"Did you hear? Ye Jin beat up Wang Shi so much that Wang Shi's face started bleeding."

"Pfft, you heard? I saw it live. They were bullying Mei Yun as usual, and out of nowhere, Ye Jin came and just punched Wang Shi. Yuan Lingxi also suffered a few slaps from her."

"I don't think those slaps were 'few.'"


"Wang Shi really deserved it, though, because she thinks she's the boss of the school and that she can do whatever she wants."

"Well, it seems that Ye Jin might be expelled because of Wang Shi's mother. You know that woman is as crazy as her daughter."

After listening to the whole conversation, Gu Yan's eyes widened in surprise. "Ye Jin? That's weird. She doesn't seem like the type to get involved in other people's business."

Gu Yan remembered, clear as day, when he first saw her. If she was so heroic, she would have attempted to stop him.

He had had some previous encounters with foolish people who thought that by telling him that beating other people was bad, he would stop.

Gu Yan chuckled a bit.

They didn't end well.

Ning Yin frowned. "I'm worried about her. This could get her into some serious trouble."

Gu Yan smirked and replied, "I want to see how she handles this."

"Well, goodbye, Sui Sui," Gu Yan said as he turned and headed back to class, not wanting to miss out on the fun anymore.

When he entered, he saw Ye Jin return to her seat, looking like nothing had happened.

Gu Yan's smile widened as he walked towards her. In his hands was a milk tea he had gotten on his way back for his precious Ye Jin.

His little toy was tough, just like he expected.

As he got closer, he saw a petite girl lunge towards Ye Jin.

"Ye Jin, I was so worried," Mei Yun said, crying.

Ye Jin, though still cold and indifferent, softened her gaze a bit as she looked at the crying girl. "I told you I would be fine."


Gu Yan's eyes narrowed in annoyance. He never thought he would be annoyed by such a trivial thing, but it was unfair. He had asked Ye Jin to be his friend, something he had never done before, yet she refused him coldly. Now here she was, softly comforting another person.

A surge of anger coursed through him.

His toy was meant for him and him alone.

He looked at the milk tea he had gotten for Ye Jin which he was holding with complex emotions. He didn't know why, but he felt that he should just get it because she would like it.

But now....

In a fit of rage, he squeezed the cup, and the milk tea exploded, splattering everywhere. His hands were sticky, the drink dripping on the floor, but he didn't care.

Ye Jin looked up, noticing the commotion. Her eyes met Gu Yan's, and for a moment, she saw the anger and confusion in his gaze. But she didn't say a word, simply returning her attention to Mei Yun.

Gu Yan's eyes became cold. He was really irritated. The thought of her rejection was interesting at first, but now it was quite annoying.