Arc 1

Ye Jin walked into the class with Gu Yan behind her. Gu Yan was laughing because of something she had said. Her eyes scanned the room for Mei Yun; she couldn't wait to tell her that she had watched What's Wrong with Secretary Kim and had really loved the series. However, Mei Yun wasn't in the class.

A slight frown crossed Ye Jin's face. She picked up her phone and tried dialing her number, but the line was switched off. Worry gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Something had happened to Mei Yun.

'Calm down, Ye Jin, maybe she is just running late,' Ye Jin tried to calm herself down.

Gu Yan stopped laughing as he noticed the change of expression on Ye Jin's face within the span of 5 seconds—from excitement to disappointment, then worry.

"What's the problem?" he asked, his tone a bit worried.

He was a bit annoyed that she had stopped paying attention to him, that she looked worried.

Ye Jin didn't answer him, her face etched with concern. Gu Yan felt his annoyance grow as he was being ignored, but he chose to remain silent, his eyes narrowing as he watched her.

Throughout the classes, Ye Jin looked gloomy, her face often looking at the empty seat before her. Gu Yan quickly figured that it was because that annoying girl was absent, which was why Ye Jin was worried.

A part of him wished he could clear away Ye Jin's worries. And he would, by removing the source of the worry itself.

After classes, Ye Jin went to ask her homeroom teacher, Mr. Xie, if Mei Yun had reported sick, but Mr. Xie said he hadn't heard anything from her.

Ye Jin got back to the empty class and saw Gu Yan still in his seat, fiddling with his pen.

She asked, "Why haven't you gone yet?"

Upon hearing her voice, Gu Yan's eyes lit up, and he wailed playfully, "Ahh, is it not because I was waiting for a certain someone? I even had to tell Ning Yin to leave without me, and I had to inform my driver to delay a bit." He then pouted. "I deserve compensation."

Ye Jin smiled, finding his behavior somewhat cute. "Okay, I owe you a treat."

Gu Yan negotiated, "Lunch box for a week, non-negotiable."

Ye Jin chuckled. "Okay."

Gu Yan gave a smug smile, quite happy with himself.

Ye Jin began to pack her bags, only to discover that the clouds had turned dark, and almost immediately, rain began to fall.

"Aghh," Ye Jin groaned in frustration, staring at the downpour with deep hatred.

She had planned on binge-watching some series Ning Yin had earlier recommended to her and, if possible, recommending them to Mei Yun, but this accursed rain just had to ruin her plans.

Gu Yan appeared beside her, a playful smile on his face. "It looks like you are stuck with me," he teased.

A mischievous smirk appeared on Ye Jin's face, and she touched Gu Yan's chin with her fingers, her touch light but firm. "No, sweetie, you are stuck here with me," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Gu Yan felt his cheeks flush, a very unfamiliar sensation overwhelming him.

His heart raced.

Her fingers were really soft.

He placed his hands underneath hers and rested his left cheek on them. He looked at her with excitement and obsession, his heart pounding vigorously.

He wanted her.

He wanted her to be his, under his control.

For the first time, he felt these unfamiliar emotions, and he knew she was the cause.

As the cause, shouldn't she take responsibility for it?

"How is your cheek so soft and your skin so smooth?" she said with amazement and jealousy.

In her previous life, she had tried all the skincare she could, but almost every time she ended up with breakouts.

She must get this great god's secret.

Gu Yan laughed, but this time, it wasn't his usual childlike laugh. It was low and husky, filled with excitement and thrill

"I don't use anything, though."

Ye Jin dramatically got on her knees and bowed.

"Ahh, great god, bestow your blessing on this lowly mortal."

Gu Yan laughed again but said nothing this time. He walked over to the window, stretching out his hands to catch the raindrops. His playful demeanor faded as he stared at the rain, lost in thought.

He looked lost in thought.

Ye Jin's eyes darkened a bit as she watched him. She had seen the look in his eyes. She was sure he had begun to see her as something more than a toy for his amusement, but what she didn't know was whether this would be advantageous to her plan to reform him.