Arc 1

Gu Yan, from the window, saw his driver pull up in a sleek black Rolls Royce. Gu Yan took his bag and left the class.

Seeing this, Ye Jin, suspecting that Gu Yan's driver had arrived, grabbed her bag and followed closely behind Gu Yan.

As they got outside, the driver, upon seeing Gu Yan, bowed his head, his hands trembling in fear.

"I am sorry, young master. There was…"

"No need for any explanation, I understand."

The driver, understanding that Gu Yan really didn't mind, hurriedly opened the door of the car, and Gu Yan slipped into the back seat. The driver was about to close the door when Ye Jin asked,

"Aren't you going to offer me a ride?" Her tone was playful but expectant. She really didn't know when the rain was going to stop, and she hadn't brought an umbrella with her.

Gu Yan hesitated. He wanted to sort out his emotions, but at the end of the day, the reason he waited in the first place was because of her. But before he could make up his mind, Ye Jin slid into the car beside him, her playful smile making his heart skip a beat

The ride was quiet for a while, the sound of rain tapping on the windows filling the silence. Gu Yan kept his gaze fixed on the droplets racing down the glass, his mind occupied with thoughts he couldn't quite grasp, emotions he couldn't control, this was a new experience for him and he didn't know if it was a good thing. This was because Gu Yan, though quite eccentric, had a good grasp of his emotions. Even though the emotions he truly felt were so few, so fleeting, he made sure they were under his control. Thus, an unexpected variable that caused him to feel strange emotions, which he had no control over, was quite exciting, but still caused him to feel a hint of fear.

The car felt smaller, the air thick with unspoken words.

Ye Jin fidgeted beside him, the silence growing heavier with each passing second. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, she spoke, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "Sorry for acting like an entitled b*tch just now," she said, her tone sincere, yet tinged with a hint of nervousness.

She had been feeling a bit uncomfortable because Gu Yan was unusually quiet and he wasn't wearing his usual smile. She thought that maybe Gu Yan didn't like the way she entered the car so wantonly.

Gu Yan turned to look at her, surprised by the apology. He then softly smiled at her, looking quite handsome, causing Ye Jin to be stunned.

"I really didn't mind, so don't worry. Besides, the reason I stayed back in the first place is because of you, so it is only right I take you home."

Ye Jin, who was quite struck by his beauty, blurted out, "You are so freaking handsome!"

Gu Yan laughed heartily. "I never expected that you thought of me as handsome."

Ye Jin replied, "You've always been handsome, no doubt, but that smile made you ten times more handsome. I love appreciating beauties."

"But I always smile," Gu Yan responded.

"This is different. This one is genuine."

"Ouch." Gu Yan clutched his heart, showing an aggrieved expression.

Ye Jin giggled, brought out her phone from her pocket, and said, "Let's exchange numbers and add each other on WeChat."

Gu Yan raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to? I thought you didn't like the way I look at you."

Ye Jin admitted, "I won't deny it. Sometimes the way you look at me is quite off putting, like you are looking at some toy… Honestly, it really reminded me of those jerks who used to beat my ass in my previous schools." She then muttered under her breath, "I am going to beat their asses one day."

"Wait, you have been bullied before?" Gu Yan interrupted, quite surprised. He vaguely recalled that the report he got about her did mention she was being bullied, but he didn't really put it in mind, especially after he saw her take down bullies on her own.

"Yes, because of that, I hate bullies so much. They are scums of the earth."

Gu Yan, who was also a bully"….."

[Mission Progress: 2%]

"But that's not what's important right now," Ye Jin said, turning slightly to face him. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, a small smile playing on her lips. "I've known you for two weeks now, and you've gotten me milk tea, boba tea, given me free rides, and you even introduced me to your friend. I kind of enjoy your presence, so I thought that maybe I'm the one overthinking things." She paused, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she added jokingly, "Besides, it's good to have a rich backer, you know."

Gu Yan replied, "Alright then."

They exchanged numbers, and he told Ye Jin his username as he already knew hers, though he didn't tell her this.

"Gu Yan wants to eat toad meat?" Ye Jin snickered. "Your username is as weird as you."

"Yours is cute as you also," Gu Yan flirtatiously said.

"Do you have a crush on me?"

Ye Jin teased him with a huge grin resting on her face.

Gu Yan replied mockingly, "You wish! You are the one after my handsome face."

Ye Jin nodded in agreement. "Well, you are handsome."

Gu Yan's ears became slightly red. Okay, his heart felt strange.