Arc 1

Ye Jin stopped the bike in front of a roadside restaurant. As they got down from the bike, Ye Jin eagerly held Gu Yan's hand as she dragged him to an empty table in the restaurant. As they settled down, the smell of sizzling and spicy noodles wafted into their noses.

A waiter came over, and they placed their orders—noodles and hot pot.

Once their food arrived, Ye Jin hurriedly picked up her chopsticks and slurped her noodles with satisfaction.

Gu Yan stared at her, though he had no appetite, as he was more than satisfied just watching her eat. Ye Jin noticed that Gu Yan wasn't eating and tapped his plate with her chopsticks. "Why aren't you eating? Try them out they taste really good."

Suddenly, the door of the restaurant swung open with a bang, and a group of rough-looking men strolled in, their eyes scanning the room. The leader, Chen Mo, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, approached the counter.