Arc 1

The morning sun bathed the sky in a golden glow. Ning Yin stepped out of his family's 100-feet mansion, with his school bag slung over his shoulder.

His father, Ning Dong, appeared from the dining room, dressed in an expensive suit. Despite the aura of authority he always carried as the leader of the Ning Family, there was a softness in his gaze that he had only for family. He approached his son with deliberate steps, his hand moving to straighten Ning Yin's tie.

"You've grown so fast, Xiao Yin," Ning Dong murmured, his voice laced with both pride and a hint of melancholy. "It feels like just yesterday I was teaching you how to tie this." He gave the tie a final adjustment, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Ning Yin, feeling the weight of his father's words, chuckled lightly. "Dad, you tell me that every week," he said

Ning Dong warmly patted Ning Yin on his shoulder "Take care in school, make sure to stay focused"