Arc 1

Ye Jin flung her school bag onto the sofa as she entered her house. The day had been unbearably long and horrible, especially since Gu Yan was not in school, and worst of all, she was hit with the news that Ning Yin had an accident. After hearing that, she had called Gu Yan several times to ask about Ning and also to be sure that Gu Yan was in the right frame of mind. She was sure that Gu Yan must have been hit the hardest with the news since Ning Yin had been his friend for over 10 years, so Ning Yin's accident would, one way or another, greatly affect him. She guessed that Gu Yan was probably in the hospital with Ning Yin, but nevertheless, she was still worried.

Soon after, rain began to pour heavily, as if it wanted to wash away the sins of the world, each droplet pounding against the roof and window with a steady rhythm.