The Long Night II


Damon started to tire as the call for withdrawal came, Vylarr had been slain so did a number of commanders from both the Tyrell and Lannister forces. Unsullied were standing firm as they formed a shield wall, leaving a small enough gap that leads to one of Winterfell's gates.

The siege weapons lost their usefulness, albeit the ones they weren't able to push into Winterfell before the total withdrawals as all others outside were destroyed or were left unoccupied by the Northmen who manned them.

This battle was getting worse, arrows and men died fighting back the dead who have now overcome the fire trenches.

He did slay his first White Walker, proving the message that had come from Jon atop the walls. "Hurry! Keep moving!" He urged and cut down two more Wights that came at him.

Damn, it's even gotten colder as the Night King approaches them.

Looking above, he saw Danaerys dive down and she and one other dragon breathed fire down back on the trenches to light them again. It was a shame as moments ago, one of her dragons was shot out of the sky and landed far off into the distance and surrounded by darkness.

Thanks to those beasts, a number of undead giants were shot down and not another has been seen since then. Their own, Wun Wun, was barring the gate as the last of those wanting to be in the walls arrived, whoever else that had decided to remain chose to give their lives so they could take down more Walkers and diminish the dead numbers.

"Jon, what do we do!" He asked as men hurried to the walls with bows and crossbows.

"Bran's seen the Night King coming, we draw him close and finish this battle!" He nodded and traded his spear for a bow and quiver of obsidian arrows.

Drawing, he shot his arrow at a White Walker, the one who killed Mace and Vylarr. The arrow was nearing its target before the Walker caught it and looked him in the eyes. Damon scoffed and drew another one and shot it, this time it hit its mark and caused the Other and its soldiers to fall to the ground.

The dead began surrounding and pounding at the gate, some have begun piling into a human ladder of corpses to scale to the top of the battlements. Jon commanded a vast force of archers, shooting a volley of hundreds out along with their last two siege catapults that were saved shortly before the frontlines fell.

"Damn it!" He cursed and saw it make some dents but still nothing.

They were going to be overwhelmed before Daenerys came back with Drogon and Rhaegal, they felled thousands of undead in flame and caused those still among the living to cheer and morale to rise, thus making them fight the Wights harder.

Lurking to the east was an undead giant, it roared and slammed into the nearly unprotected gate and made an opening. Lord's Tallhart and Rodrik Forrester led Wildling and Northmen in stopping the giant further. Wun Wun heard the commotion and joined with Mance Rayder and Grey Worm.

The giant fight felt like an earthquake, a lot of shouting and thrashing into the gate, the walls, and a part of the great hall.

It was a marvelous sight, if this battle wasn't hanging in the balance.

Daenerys heard from below, aiming to make a firewall in front of the opening but saw a handful of White Walker's walking towards it. She saw a crown of ice atop the leader's head, angrily diving and yelling for Drogon to breathe flame unto the group and their clutch of fresh Wights.

She smiled as it was engulfed in flame, frowning and eyes widening in terror as the dragon flame made no scratch or damage on them other than the corpses.

The Night King smiled and reached for a spear similar to the one who killed her Viserion, she choked in fear of her children and fled barely escaping as the spear flew by her face and scratched her cheek.

She flew to the front where the allied forces were fighting, not fully realizing that their rear was being assaulted. She lowered her dragon and looked down to Jon, "Jon! The Night King is at the Eastern gate, Wun Wun and hundreds are fighting but they need help! Go, I will remain and guard your brother!" She shouted and Jon nodded and unsheathed Longclaw.

"Follow me! Damon, you have the walls!" Damon understood and watched Jon run to the east gate, praying to the Seven they survive this.

"You heard the man! Keep shooting these fuckers down!" He cried out and volley after volley would leave the walls as the dead climbed.

Jon ran with hundreds following him, they reached the east gate and saw Wun Wun smashing a Wight giant before squashing a smaller undead soldier, then the giant went after the Night King who was now within his home and Jon glared.

Wun Wun tried to swipe the Night King, the Walker ducked and slashed with his ice sword, cutting half of the giant's hand off.

A flood of fresh Wights ran into Winterfell, some wearing Wildling clothes but some had Night's Watch... He saw Edd, and Tormund who were now one of the dead.

Jon closed his eyes for a second, then charged in to help his friends and finally put an end to the Long Night.

"Kill them all!" The Night King cried out, scaring man as they have never seen him speak before or any Walker for that matter. Jon started to come at him only to have Tormund and Edd attack him in defense.

It was hard to kill them, they were his friends and fought alongside him during the fighting against House Bolton for control of the North and at Hardhome when they first met the Night King.

He hardened his feelings and cut Tormunds arm off, beheading him and then driving Longclaw into Edd's heart. The Valyrian steel taking the magic that made them rise from death, "I'm sorry." He whispered and returned his sights on the Night King who had struck down Wun Wun and just now killed Mance.

"No!" He roared and charged, not noticing Arya who was atop the gatehouse roof.

She jumped down and dug her new short spear through a Walker's chest, then tried going for the Night King but he caught her spear and broke it before shoving it through her stomach but it didn't seem too fatal.

Now it was him, he swung Longclaw and clashed it against the Night King's ice sword and narrowed his blue eyes at his black ones. "You're going to die!" Jon muttered and the Night King smirked.

Jon parried the Night King, drawing him thicker and nodding for Grey Worm to drive a spear into its back which hurt it but didn't kill the Night King like it would have done to other Walkers. He ducked a swing and attempted to thrust forward, only to be grabbed and his hand burning like fire when the Night King grabbed him.

He was pushed against a wall, nearly getting his eye impaled by the ice sword but he was pulled by Rodrik who smiled in relief until he found that same sword thrust from behind him.

Enough dodging, he sighed and rose and gripped Longclaw tightly. The two clashed and clanged their weapons, the Night King was assured victory until he saw what he had come for.

Brandon saw a different victory, he asked a slowly dying Daenerys to pull him to the front of the battle. She was scratched by the Night King just as he was touched during one him dream walks, the Night King needs to end so they could both live.

Jon saw the Night King become distracted, going on the offensive he banged and slashed his sword and successfully disarmed his enemy. He didn't wait for a second longer, with both hands he slid his sword into the Night King's heart, destroying the totem used by the Children to create it thousands of years ago.

Like shattering dust, the Night King and all of its White Walkers, and Wights fell or collapsed to the snowy ground... The Long Night was over.

King's Landing

Sansa only felt a crippling pain and fell to the ground of her chambers, her handmaiden hurried for help but she knew what was happening to her... Her child was being born.

It has been several months, from the moment she discovered her pregnancy to wanting to kill it, and then settling on using her son or daughter to get her own form of revenge against Loren Lannister and all of the House of the Lion.

The handmaiden returned with Margaery, someone she could and couldn't trust. "Her her on her bed! Call for Maester Qyburn!" Margaery ordered with her own belly getting more swollen by the day, eager to have a son for her husband.

Sansa Stark gritted her teeth, crying and hoping for death on Loren Lannister and all his allies as she passed out from the pain and sustained further aches as she gave birth to her child.

Sansa opened her eyes, reeling from the pain so many hours ago.

The Maester said she had a boy, ordered for the midwife to fetch Lady Lannister but she forced herself to sit upright. Qyburn offered her water to which she reluctantly took, couldn't afford to reject it as she had just given birth.

Margaery later entered, giving her a glance before walking to see her son.

"A beautiful baby, Sansa, you should be proud he is so healthy despite being born so early." She cried and Margaery comforted her, holding her hand and giving her a sympathetic expression. "The worst days are behind you, Sansa. No one is going to hurt you, again." She promised but how can that be, she is still a prisoner here.

She'd rather go home, find a nice spot, and be left in peace. "Are you my friend, Margaery?" She asked with a hoarse tone, Loren's wife nodded and she smiled. "Help me leave here, with my son and I won't ever return for revenge." Margaery's face became cold as she got up and walked over to her son's crib.

"If it was just you, and you swore to never come for your son... Then I might consider it." No, out of the question. "Loren wants sons, I am giving him a son but this one will be the older brother to him." Her blue eyes glared with hate, gripping her sheets and grabbing a cup, and hurling it out the window.

Margaery sighed and placed a hand on her own swelling stomach, "What will you do? Sansa, will you leave here and swear to never return?" She was asked and she shook her head no to the other woman besides herself.

"He is my son! I will not leave him here with that monster!" She screamed and Margaery poured water into a goblet, bringing it to her and putting it in her hands.

"Fine, Sansa." She didn't think that she would agree, a smile graced her face, and drank the goblet of its contents. "Did you know that there are poisons that offer painless deaths?" She widened her eyes as she fell limp, unmoving and eyes becoming blurry. "Such a poison makes the body freeze, offering a quick and painless passing." She added as tears fell from her eyes, "Your son will know no other mother but me, he won't know about his Stark ancestry as long as I or Loren live." Margaery obtained a pillow and began pressing it over her face, all the while singing.

After the deed was done, Margaery sat there in shock with nothing but the mournful cries of Sansa's son bringing her out of her shock.

Cooing the poor child, she picked him up and rest him against her breast, since she was already with a child she was able to feed him and the two exited the chamber, away from the lifeless form of the child's mother. "Prepare her for burial, don't desecrate her body." She commanded and walked back out of Maegor's Holdfast and toward the Tower of the Hand.

She placed her new son right next to Cornelia, his older sister.

Word had come from the North, Loren's hard march was successful and they met up with Randyll Tarly and Addam Marbrand at Moat Cailin and will now be marching on Winterfell.

Sansa's son- No, HER son began to cry again. She forgot that the babe doesn't yet have a name, Margaery pondered for a long moment before settling on a name.

Tybolt, destined for greatness, no doubt... Just as great as his other brother and sister.


The last of the fallen were finally collected and placed on pyres, Damon closed the fist of Mance and even still, the Oaf of Highgarden smiled... Even in death.

They lost a great number of men, heroes who gave their lives to end the Night King.

Jon Snow made a great speech, right before Daenerys last two dragons lit fire to the pyres that burned all of the corpses to ash along with the thousands of undead who were fighting the living just a few short hours ago.

Later on, Damon found himself readying his remaining forces to march back to King's Landing and rest as Daenerys swore since she lost just as much as Loren had in the battle. He said he would honor it, lying and knowing that during their preparation going to this battle, Tyrion and Loren had their battle.

"Damon!" Jon called as he readied his horse, Baelor Hightower already on his own steed. "You're leaving? We have yet to celebrate our victory." He stiffened and narrowed his eyes at Jon.

"You are not that naive, King Jon. You know that this is just a prelude to our showdown for King's Landing." He told Jon who grimaced and nodded to that bit of information.

Sighing, Jon relented and stepped back before extending his arm, "It was an honor fighting alongside you, Lord Damon... I hope to not meet on the battles to come." He was reaching for his hand before they both heard a horn blow, blowing to the South.

Racing to the top of the battlements, he and Jon both watched as a large force bearing the Lannister lion on their sigil neared them.

Damon then felt Longclaw at his neck, a betrayed Jon glaring at him. "Loren swore to a truce!" Yes, he did and planned to end all his enemies in one go.

Daenerys must have heard the horn and was atop her dragon in moments, taking flight and circling Winterfell with Rhaegal in tow. The allied forces were incredibly uneasy and suspicious of their former brothers-in-arms who bore the golden rose and gold lion.

Ahead of the Lannister column was Loren, tired from his travels but smiling nonetheless. Alongside him was Randyll Tarly, and Addam Marbrand.

The final battle was now here, Loren's force readied a hundred scorpions, twenty trebuchets with wildfire, and thousands of armored infantry and cavalry. "Come cousin, where will your loyalties truly lie?" He asked himself before raising his hand, seeing Damon's force before him in a marching formation but not for combat.

No, he is done waiting, he called for the battle to begin and the wildfire rained down on his enemies... All of them.