Chapter Ten: We Didn't Travel All This Way to Party!

Entering the Mothership, with the other kids, we were greeted by...Mom and Dad! Holding alien laser guns in their hands, they wore the most goofiest space suit I've seen. They wore a clear helmet over their heads, as they stepped forward and hugged us!

"It's expected of your arrival, that you know the truth about middle school, kids," Dad said, putting his laser gun away in his pouch. "The teachers are suspected of wanting to drain the very existence of the students. Until they accept their undead purpose is not to want to ever be real kids again. We need to hunt them down. Take them out. And keep life normal in Stone Heart. Aliens here in town are asking for trouble. Can you help us discover a normal explanation of the reason for wanting the extraterrestrials not to exist?" Dad asked, taking out a gadget from his space coat pocket that looked like a glowing, sparkling compass. He tracked down the alien teacher monsters in the school gym of Abracadabra Middle School.

Turning on the gym lights, the group of normal looking faculty members entered the school gym. Surrounded by kids that looked rotten to core, undead vampires! They bared their fangs as the teachers gasped and took out vampire stakes and holy water out of their coat pockets to protect themselves.

One of the vampire boys, who looked like a school jock, jumped the social studies teacher. Taking out his stake, Mr. Orglow, plunged it into the rambunctious kid and he vaporized into a pill of smoke and ash!

Getting the other frustrated vampire kids to behave, the teacher's eyes glowed and flashed at them. The wild children's eyes glowed and began to turn back to normal kids. Looking around, Mrs. Hey helped Mr. Or glow to his feet. And they watched as the serious faculty members gave orders to them to remain calm.

"I know life seems unappreciative and unexplained, I know," Mrs. Hey explained, in a commanding voice. "But if you are obedient boys and girls, we can help you get your life more mortal again," Mrs. Hey suggested, confidently. Suddenly, this made the boys and girls uneasy and unsettling about themselves. They started circling among themselves, and discussed what should be done about getting back to normal.

A girl about ten years old, with blond curly hair, and a little heavyweight, popped her head out of the circle with a frown. Then, growling angrily at the untrustworthy teachers, she slit her finger across her throat to watch out for themselves. A geeky boy wearing glasses and blue overalls, looked over his shoulders and flared his nostrils at them.

Looking with much dismay and worry, the teachers started fidgeting themselves from the uneasy monster children. As Mrs. Hey started to lead the teachers out of the gym, the vampire students broke up their group discussion and looked ready for an apologetic explanation.

Then, a young boy wearing a black leather jacket and blue leather jeans, cracked his knuckles and showed a smile his dimples. "You got a cure for wanting us to be undead? Drinking blood is our natural beverage. It makes us get more monster control over human nature. So, there's got to be a reason why you want us to be vampire kids at this school. If we're not cool to society, I think it must be a curse to give us fangs. And hunt humans to either just eat them...or make them undead too. Either way, I think it really hurts humankind. Isn't the purpose of monsters to have any humans to make monster life more miserable? You got to give a reason why we want to suck the living soul out of your ugly alien existence?" The bad boy named Mitchell Masterpiece said, looking irritable.

This got the vampire boys and girls angry for an explanation. Then, Mr. Shine stepped in front of the teachers. "Hold on kids, we didn't travel here to make you want to force you into being an unwanted evil who doesn't have a purpose for being anything but untamed monsters. But we came because our alien leader, Extinctor is ready to, you know...die. We need help to find a power source to keep him alive and his energy level high alive with magic to keep us going. The mayor of this town built this school for us to learn how to maintain our monster abilities from getting out of control. I know you're confused why your vampire kids are in a school of learning, but there's a way we can make it work. Promise you won't get frustrated when you get a toothache after unhealthy meals when out on the prowl. Looking for someone to...feed on. We can control your violent temper from eating anybody you think looks appetizing. accept your undead qualities, is to ignore the negative need for feeding on the poor people," Mr. Shine paused, and then showed them wry battle-worn smiles. Giving them a positive thumbs up.

The normal looking vampire boy named Mitchell, walked up to Mr. Shine and looked at the teachers next to him with seriousness. He took Mr. Shine's hand and placed it on his chest. Mr. Shine looked uncomfortable for a moment, trying to figure out what he was trying to prove. Then, he realized his point. "No heartbeat," he frowned, trying to make Mitchell feel any better. "You must be dying to feel...alive again," Mr. Shine said. 

Shaking his head sadly, Mitchell said, "Undead living isn't living, you know? The feeling of fear and anxiety putting in everybody's lives everyday, to explain they are nothing but a meal to satisfy my hunger gets worse as the days turn into long restless nights. Every time I look at a human on the streets, they take a look at me, and run away from me. Because they're scared I them. I was the most popular kid here at this school. Now, I'm undead. It's like I'm not important to my friends because I them. Tell us, how can you help monsters feel more welcome in human society without scarifying our true nature?" Mitchell complained, putting his chest out to show he was tough and meant what he said.

Unexpectedly, a basketball was thrown at Mr. Shine and caught it, nearly knocking out his wind. Mitchell turned around, and noticed the kids wanted to play a game of basketball with the teachers to break the tension. Taking the basketball, he dribbled it a couple of times and laughed, showing he wanted to have a good time too, with the vampire children. 

Taking the basketball, he quickly tossed the basketball at Mitchell's face and knocked him out. The boys and girls turned back into vampires and gathered around Mitchell who was out cold. Mr. Shine and Mrs. Hey forced the protective children out of the way to give them room to breathe.

Checking for a pulse, Mr. Shine started pumping his hands on Mitchell's chest. Finally, snapping back awake, Mitchell became a vampire boy again. Pale and drooling fangs slobbered as he fly in the air. He was really upset and wanted to take the life out of Mr. Shine as he started to fly toward his throat. His fangs were ready to bite his neck and the principal fainted from fear and anxiety before he got attacked by the vampire bloodthirsty boy...