
It was already evening, but Jennifer had not woke up. Edward has already shifted his bed in her cabin. He and Selina both were worried because of Jennifer. Edward ordered the doctor to recheck her. But the doctor told him that it was not something to worry about. She will be awaken by tomorrow hopefully. The doctor was already threatened by Lina. As this was the Martin's hospital, Lina did whatever she wanted. In order to marry Edward and throw out Jennifer from their life she was doing anything she could do.She was so jealous that she stopped to think about the consequences. 

She could clearly feel that Edward was so affectionate towards Jennifer. After knowing from his mother that Jennifer was the daughter of her childhood best friend, he became more careful about Jennifer. Lina was already so jealous with her. Now, she has become more reckless towards Jennifer. She is still planning to transfer Jennifer from this hospital somehow. She even took a leave from hospital today in order to make Edward believe that she doesn't care about the matter between Jennifer and him. But she went home to make a good plan for transferring Jennifer. She was trying to make it look like as if she had no hand in all this.

Selina has always been a great mother. She has been so opened about her feelings with her sons. It was not hidden from Edward that Selina has been looking for her best friends for years bit she was never able to find her. But, he doesn't know about the conflict of their past. Selina never shared about that incident with her sons. Only her husband, Robbin Philips knew about this. 

After knowing that Jennifer is the daughter of his mother's long lost friend, Edward became more careful and tensed about her. Jennifer was no more an unknown person to him. She was Selina's friend's daughter. Edward was so tensed that Jennifer was not waking up. He was no more being able to reliable on the doctors of this hospital. He sensed something wrong. But, not for a moment he thought that Lina could be behind this. He still believed that Lina would not step so low. 

At night around 8 pm, Robbin Philips and John went to the hospital. Robbin was so happy to see his son fully recovered. But he could never express his feelings in front of his sons. He is just the opposite of his wife. Edward is also like his father. He is not good at express. They all gathered up at a VIP cabin. Robbin looked at Edward and yelled at him out of nowhere, 

" Why are you moving by yourself? Isn't there anyone to hold this chair?"

Edward replied in a calm tone, " I can manage by myself."

Robbin became more furious at his son, 

" Yes, I can see. You have become Superman. So, Mr. Superman, I heard you just had a huge accident and a huge surgery, was that a rumour? Because, how can Superman got into an accident, right John?", he mocked his son. 

John was standing beside Edward. He was trying hard not to laugh. The way his boss is being scolded by his dad, it is such an iconic scene. His boss always scold other people but now for the first time, he is being scolded by someone in front him. Edward's face was worth watching at that time, but John was not being able to look at that face. He was not sure if he could control his smile anymore if he had an eye contact with his boss at this moment.

By the sudden question by Robbin, John was tensed. He didn't know what to say. But he was saved by Selina as she interrupted, " Honey, come on, don't scold my son. And don't yell, your bp will rise." 

Robbin gestured his wife to relax and looked at Edward frowning, 

" Hey, don't you dare to have an accident again. Don't you know your father's health condition? You have made this company so big that I was having headaches handling this. I can't take this anymore. As you are all fine, now take care of your company. Don't give your old father trouble like this again alright?" 

Robbin Philips was also a successful businessman, but his son turned out to be business tycoon. He has made the company ten times bigger. Also, Robbin was a heart patient. It was difficult fir him to handle this company in absence of Edward. Last few days, he couldn't even visit his son properly because of the works pressure. 

Edward smiled at him and nodded, " Sorry, Dad. I won't do this again. But, do me a favour. Take mom with you to home. She needs to rest. She doesn't want to go." 

Robbin yelled again, " Huh, favour! I will take my wife with me, where the 'favour' word came from. Don't you dare to ask for favour from you father." 

Edward smiled and nodded. Selina hold Robbin's hand relaxed him, " Okay,Okay my husband, I will go home today. Don't yell at my son." She looked at John and ordered him, " John, take care of my son. If anything happens, I will kill you." 

John was dumbfounded. He never imagined that the parents of his cold and scary boss is this much dramatic. He nodded his head multiple times and said out loudly, " Yes Madam Philips, I will take care of him with my life." 

After Selina and Robbin both left the hospital, Edward gestured John to take him to Jennifer's cabin. John looked at Jennifer and asked, " Boss, who is this lady?" 

Edward was staring at Jennifer as he said, " This is what I want to know". John was speechless. Edward then turned to him and said, " Her name is Jennifer Adams, daughter of Juliet Adams. Now, find out everything about her and inform me by the morning." " By the morning?!", John said out loud. Edward gave him a cold look, " Is there any problem?" 

John smiled nervously and said, " No boss. No problem."

Edward then gestured him to help him climb up the bed. Edward settled himself on the bed and gesture John to sit beside him. He asked him with a serious expression, 

" How about the company?"

John immediately strated to give him all the reports, " All the media got to know about the accident so shareholders were really worried. But, Mr. Philips took control and he assured that your condition was alright, you just need some rest. So, everything is alright. About, the overseas tour, I have postponed it." 

Edward frowned and said, " Okay, I am all good now. Prepare for the tour by tomorrow evening and inform them." 

John was going to disagree but Edward stopped him. That business tour was very important. Suddenly something came to Edward's mind and his eyes darkened. He looked and John and said, " John, about the accident. I don't think it was that simple. Inquiry about the accident by the time I come back."

After that he told him to go. But John was standing there with a confused face. He asked, "Boss, you are going to stay here?"

Edward asked him, " Any problem?" 

" No, No problem. Good night, Boss.", John went out of the cabin immediately. He was still in shock. His boss is actually sharing a hospital cabin with a girl. Something like this can be also happened, he just couldn't believe himself. He was feeling so happy by thinking that may be his cold boss also have fallen in love at first sight. A man like Edward can also fall in love at first sight, then anything in this world can happen.