
It was almost dawn when Jennifer suddenly opened her eyes. She felt a painful headache as soon as she came to her sences. She tried to move her hand but she couldn't. Her whole body was numb. She was looking at her surroundings. It was a hospital cabin. Dim light could be seen outside of the window. Jennifer was not sure if it was evening or dawn. She felt something weird and looked at her right side. There was another bed and on that bed, A person was laying straight up. 

His eyes were shut. He was in hospital pajamas. A small bandage on his forehead could be seen as his hair was moved away. Jennifer felt like she was in a dream. That man was looking so adorable and cute at that time, but still didn't fail to hold his aura and charm. Jennifer wanted to confirm if this was real or just a dream. She wanted to pinch her, but couldn't move her fingers. So, she bite her own tounge. She felt pain and started to groan. 

She came to her senses and started to remember everything. How she attempted suicide but got saved. How she made a deal with her kidney. How she got to meet Edward's mother and then she went for the operation. She started to become restless. A lot of question was in her mind as she started to think what had been happening after that operation. What is Edward doing here in her cabin? How many days have already been passed? 

She was in a relaxed position for a while as she could see that the operation was successful. Edward is breathing here fine. She is also breathing fine. " But, wait! Why I can't move a bit. Why I am not being able to move myself a bit!? ", again she became terrified as she was thinking this in her mind. 

" What happened to me? Did something happened during the operation? Did that doctor Lina did something to me? Have I become paralysed for losing one of my kidney!?", tears started to flow out from her eyes as she was thinking about her miseries after that. She was thinking about who will take care of her as she is paralysed now. Her mom and dad is already dead, who will bath her and wash her loo. She became so upset at this thought that she started to cry. 

Edward was awaken as he heard sounds of crying. He opened his eyes and looked at his right side. The girl was crying and her eyes was closed. She was crying like a newborn baby. Tears were rolling up from her eyes. Edward stared at her dumbfounded. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked at Edward. She was so frightened as if she had eye contact with a ghost. She yelled loudly, " Oh Jesus!" and was shut in a second. Now, both were staring at each other for a minute and silence filled out the room. 

Edward then said, " Are you okay?"

Jennifer felt like as if she forgot how to speak. It took her a lot of energy to bring out something from her mouth, " Ye..yeah, I am al..alright." 

Edward heaved a sigh of relief as he started to put himself on the wheel chair beside his bed very carefully. Jennifer could clearly saw that he was having problem to move himself. She called out him and said, " Hey, don't move. What are you doing?" 

Edward didn't give her any attention as he successfully ascend the chair and in a moment he was beside Jennifer's bed. Jennifer felt like as if she forgot to breath. This man, she has been dreaming to meet this man one day. It is true that she needs to meet him for a purpose, there is something very important she needs to do. But while she was spying about Edward, she couldn't help but fall for him. She definitely developed a crush on him. Right at this moment, his crush was beside him, at a hospital cabin. "Who would remember to breath in front of his/ her crush of course", she thought to herself. 

They both stared at each other for a while. Jennifer's eyes were full of affection and Edward's eyes were full of questions. Edward could clearly sense that she was looking at him with affection. She must be one of his fan girl or did she just fall for him like other girls, he thought. He then broke the silence and asked her, " Why you were crying?" 

Jennifer came to her senses and frowned. She again started to cry as she remembered that she got paralysed. She was crying and telling him, " I think I got paralysed." Edward had a mini heart attack hearing her, he immediately called John, " John, She is awake. Inform the doctors." 

He then looked at Jennifer and asked, " You can't move yourself?" Jennifer was still crying and nodded her head. Tears were rolling down from eyes. She wanted to wipe her face but she couldn't move her hand. That's why she tried to rubb her face sideways with her pillow. Edward noticed that and without saying anything, he gently caressed her cheeks. Jennifer was stunned at that moment. She locked her gaze on Edward and her cheeks were already pink. Edward was laughing in his mind as he saw her pink cheeks.

At the mean time, there was a knock at the door. Edward told them to come. John and the doctors were there. The doctor checked Jennifer and they said that everything was fine. Jennifer was not paralysed. She will be able to move herself within some hours. Then, the doctors left. 

Edward looked at Jennifer and told her to rest. But, Jennifer stopped him as she called out to him, " Um, can I ask you something? " 

Edward thought that she would ask him about the bed arrangement in the same cabin. He remembered that Lina said about Jennifer being uncomfortable with cabin sharing. He suddenly felt unprepared to answered this question. Because, he also didn't know why he took that decision to shift his bed here. 

Jennifer asked him, " Where is aunt Selina?"

Edward felt relieved in his mind as she didn't ask anything about room sharing.

" Mom has gone to home. She will come later. Don't worry. Just take rest now." he said to her and gestured John to come out with him. 

After he left, Jennifer took a very long and deep breath. It's a good thing that she is laying on the bed and not being able to move around. Who knows what she would have done after seeing Edward so closely if she could move herself. Her heartbeat was still very fast and loud. " Calm down, Jenny, calm down dear hurt. The way you are beating, I think I will have a heart attack soon", She said to herself as she tried to relax herself. She again took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

He and John were in the VIP cabin. He was frowning as he said to John, " I don't believe the doctors here. They are giving me wierd vibes." John was not so sure what Edward was trying to say. So, he asked him, " Boss, do you feel uncomfortable with the surgery? " 

Edward nodded and said, " It's not about me. It's about her. She took longer to wake up. Also, she can't move herself now. But, the doctors keep saying that everything is fine." He then looked at John as his eyes darkened, " You know what to do right?" 

John gave him a big smile and gestured to salute, " Yess boss, I will take care of this.

Well, boss. I have already inform them that you will depart for the meeting this evening." Edward nodded at him. He then asked him, "What about Jennifer's information? "

" I promise to inform you about this within 8 am", John assured him. Edward then came back to Jennifer's cabin. He went near Jennifer but she was already asleep. He scanned her whole body without saying anything. The scars around her arms and the scar on her forehand catched his eyes again. He frowned as he kept thinking, " What could have happened to her before that surgery? Was she abused? " He felt so strange about the thought that someone could have abused this little girl. Suddenly, he had the urge to protect this little women from all the evil things of this world. It feels like, his heartbeat was also not normal.