Chapter 41: USJ Incident Part 1

[Third Person's PoV] 

Tony and Melissa were seen with injection pistols in their hands, aimed at their arms. Every time they pressed the trigger, they winced slightly and Friday would call out how many times they had done it.

"Ouch." "46."

"Ouch." "47."

"Hmm!" "48."

"49." "Stings as much as it did the other 48 times," Tony grunted as they both started flicking their arms.

After they were done, Baymax appeared and started cleaning the bloody parts of their arms.

"The micro receivers are safely implanted. Shall we perform a test run?" Friday asked.

"Unfortunately, there's no time. We're already late to school as it is," Tony grumbled as he flicked his arms once more.

"But how do we know they will work?" Melissa asked as they went and started grabbing their stuff.

"Because I'm Tony Stark, that's why," Tony said confidently as they both rushed out and got on his motorcycle.

It wasn't long before they arrived at U.A. and got into class, where they found the others already seated, waiting for them.

"You two are late," Aizawa said plainly.

"Sorry, sorry," both Tony and Melissa said apologetically as they went and sat down in their seats.

They went on with their day until it was time for their class with Aizawa once more.

Aizawa was standing in front of everyone. "Now for today's Basic Hero Training. This time, All Might, myself, and one other will be supervising. We will be preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods. Basically, rescue training."

Everyone immediately got excited.

"I doubt it will be a normal training course."

"A flood is where I will most excel, ribbit."

"Man, I'm so pumped! I get to see if all that extra training really worked."

"Quiet down, everyone. There is more to it," Aizawa demanded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote.

"It is up to each of you if you want to wear your costume, as some of them are ill-suited for this type of activity." Aizawa clicked a button, and the walls started to protrude, showing the cases with their hero suits.

"The training site is a bit remote, so we will be going by bus. Let's all get ready."

They all soon stood by the bus wearing their hero costumes. Tony and Melissa were wearing their Skin Suits with their helmets in hand.

"Whoa! You guys look badass," Kaminari praised as he studied their looks.

"I'll say, you guys look like ninjas," Sero said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Why are you guys always wearing something different?" Mina asked curiously.

"Because I'm always improving my suits to be better than the last."

"Why do you guys have swords and guns?" Aizawa couldn't help but ask.

Tony gave him a thumbs up as he grinned. "Because they're cool as hell!"

"Be careful with them," Aizawa warned.

"Don't worry, we know," Melissa nodded with a serious expression.

"So what do you guys think?" They all heard someone in between Tony and Melissa, causing them all to jump in surprise.

"Who said that?" Mineta asked, looking around rapidly.

"It's me… Hagakure… and tell me honestly, does this outfit make me look fat?"

"Wow, I didn't even realize you were here, Hagakure!" Uraraka said, impressed.

"Pretty cool, right?" Even though they couldn't see her, they could detect her smugness.

Aizawa then motioned for everyone to go inside the bus and be seated. Once they were seated, they began their drive.

"I've been meaning to ask, but Melissa, you call All Might 'Uncle Might.' Why is that?" Asui asked.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot that you did that. Now I'm curious," Mina said.

Melissa grew embarrassed as she scratched the back of her head. "You see, my dad was once All Might's assistant while he was in America. So he's always been a constant presence in my life since I was a little girl. He was like that super cool uncle, so I started calling him 'Uncle Might' since I was little."

"Wow, you've basically known All Might your entire life. That's so cool!" Uraraka exclaimed.

They all continued to talk and developed a deeper friendship the more they talked. Some were even poking fun at Bakugo's personality, which came as a great shock to Midoriya.

They soon made a sharp turn and arrived at a large building. They all got out and lined up in front of the person waiting for them inside.

It was the space hero Thirteen, an A-rank rescue hero. Midoriya and Uraraka began to geek out upon seeing him. Aizawa walked up towards Thirteen. "Is All Might here?" he whispered.

"I'm afraid not, he got distracted by people needing help. Every time he makes his way here, new people just keep needing his help, so he's a little late," Thirteen explained.

Aizawa clicked his tongue. "What about the others?"

"They have hidden themselves outside, ready to intervene when the moment arises," Thirteen quickly informed him.

Aizawa nodded as Thirteen turned to look at everyone present and held up a finger. "Everyone, I have a point to make, so listen up… Actually, it's two… maybe three… probably four," he said, holding up four fingers.

"As many of you are aware, my quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck up and tear anything apart. I have used it to save many in disastrous situations… However, my power can just as easily kill someone if I'm not careful. I have no doubt some of you have similar abilities.

"In our superpowered society, the use of quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem like the system is a stable one, but we mustn't forget that it just takes one wrong move from an uncontrollable quirk for people to die.

"This class will show you how to effectively utilize your quirks to save lives. Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope you all leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people."

Thirteen then bowed towards everyone. "Thank you all for listening."

As most gave him a round of applause, Tony pointed behind them. "Yeah, that's nice and all, but we are being attacked."

Thirteen and Aizawa quickly turned around in time to see a hole forming in the air behind them. The portal expanded, showing Tomura sticking a hand out before revealing his face. It then expanded further, throwing out more villains.

Melissa and Tony were the first to move. They both rushed past Aizawa and Thirteen, stood on top of the railing, and pulled out their guns from their sides. They immediately began firing electric bullets, which electrocuted some of the villains while others shrugged it off.

"What is going on?" Iida asked Aizawa, who clicked his tongue at Tony's and Melissa's actions.

"We're being attacked by villains. Be in constant vigilance!" Aizawa shouted as he pulled up his goggles.

"Tony, Melissa, get back! This isn't a game," Aizawa commanded.

"Don't you think we know that?" Tony said as he kept firing.

Tomura kept dodging and looking toward Tony and Melissa in annoyance.

As more villains kept coming out, Tony's eyes widened. 'Just how many Nomus are there? There are already about five…'

Tomura looked around as he dodged. "Where is he? I didn't come all this way for nothing. Maybe a couple of dead kids will bring him here."

"Tony, you're the class president. Take care of everyone and lead them to safety," Aizawa said as he jumped down.

"That's practically suicide! Aizawa's quirk works best one-on-one. He will be helpless out there," Midoriya said, ready to jump in as well.

"Midoriya, wait. Let Melissa go; she is better trained to fight against a group of people."

"No, I can't allow that!" Thirteen interfered.

"No offense, but as the class president, I know their capabilities better. Iida, you're the fastest one apart from me. Head outside; there will be teachers awaiting an ambush. Call them in," Tony quickly commanded.

Just then, a Nomu with light blue skin, a yellow beak, and wings came flying toward them, while a black portal appeared behind them.

"You aren't going anywhere. I get to decide that," Kurogiri said, his figure appearing to block the exit.

Meanwhile, the Nomu in the air stretched out both its arms, causing them to rapidly elongate toward Tony. Tony grabbed his sword from his back, and it glowed bright red as the hands were ready to grab him. Tony cut them apart.

"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Based on your conversation, it appears you were aware of our—"

"Bakugo, Todoroki, neck brace!"

"Don't order me around, dammit!" Bakugo yelled as they both rushed toward Kurogiri. Bakugo was blasting through the air, while Todoroki rushed in, turning his ice into a path to skate ahead.

Seeing the attack coming, Kurogiri started to spread himself, but Bakugo was faster. He held the neck brace and blasted him to the ground.

And just in time, Todoroki appeared and froze the entire neck brace to the ground, making it hard for Kurogiri to move.

"Iida, what are you waiting for? Move!" Tony shouted.

Iida nodded and rushed outside the door. "THERE ARE VILLAINS ATTACKING!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.
