Chapter 152: Boom! You Looking For This?!

[Third Person's PoV] 

As Tony took a step forwards to explore the dark caverns, he suddenly split into two, which caused Melissa's eyes to widen. 

Both Tony froze as they looked at each other before they smirked, "Why hello handsome~" They both echoed. 

They walked in a circle sizing each other up, looking at each other up and down before the party of 2 turned into a party of 4. 

"Two is a crowd, Four is a party whoop whoop!" All Tony said as they raised their hands in the air. 

"Oh God, one is already a headache to deal with, I can't imagine four" Melissa's voice also began to echo, she snapped her head to the side and saw and saw another version of her. 

"Woah…" They both muttered as they held out their palm towards each other and as they touched more versions of her began to appear. 

The same with Tony more and more versions of him began to spawn out from him, all the duplicates appeared to be spilling out of him. 

"TONY WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Melissa yelled as she was suddenly swarmed and surrounded by multiple versions of hers. 

"It appears we're in a Quantum Probability Field. These versions of us are formed from every single decision we've ever made!" Tony shouted as he was being squished. 

"Every choice is a new possible outcome and these are born from the choices we didn't choose. It could be from the smallest thing like picking up what sock to wear to something like if I never went and became Iron Man" Tony explained. 

"This is so cool!" Melissa exclaimed, geeking out slightly as she was also being squished. 

"Alright, gorgeous versions of me make room for daddy" Tony makes room for himself. 

"What? Why are you the daddy? I'm much more daddy than you are" One of the Versions scoffed arrogantly. 

"Because I'm the actual person here and not some copy, now move and give daddy some breathing room" Tony said as they began pushing each other around. 

"Who says we're copies? You could be the copy!" Many of them shouted as they began to push Tony around as well. 

All of the Melissa's let out a sigh in exasperation, "Somehow I knew it would turn out like this eventually… Your egos are too big to get along" 

Suddenly Melissa saw all of the probable versions of start to get pulled into the original, he was clenching his fist and absorbing them all back into himself. 

"Oh shit! Maybe he was the original!" One of them shouted as they were absorbed. 

"How are you doing that!?" Melissa asked with widened eyes. 

"They are all a version of me, I didn't want them around anymore so I pulled them back to where they belong… Me" 

"I see…" Melissa muttered before she shut her eyes closed and replicated Tony's actions of absorbing all possible versions of her leaving just the Original Tony and Melissa Around. 

"You can't release your grip on them otherwise they will be released once more." Tony explained, Melissa simply nodded in understanding. 

"Shall we continue exploring?" Melissa suggested. 

"Why is that even a question?" Tony scoffed as he began walking ahead with his hands behind his head. 

As they explored the caverns Melissa was waving a scanner on one of the glowing crystals, "Cool! This is crystallized Quantum energy!" 

"I wonder how much energy this could produce if we mine it," Tony said as he went to touch it. 

"I wouldn't do that–" Melissa tried to warn Tony but his hands were already on it.

As Tony made contact with it, it suddenly pulsed with energy, knocking Tony a couple steps back.

Melissa looked at Tony with a deadpan stare, "Why did you touch?" 

"It's a crystal and it glows… I was obviously going to touch it" Tony scoffed. 

The cavern suddenly began to shake, the walls started breaking apart showing more parts of the cave was crystallized that they suspect. 

"I don't want to hear nothing for you Ms. I-Must-Take-A-Picture-of-Everything." Tony pouted slightly. 

"Yeah except I didn't just activate a freaking bomb! This is obviously those larva creatures nesting ground, they must feed on these Quantum energy crystals thus they must live in a mine…" 

Melissa's eyes widened along with Tony as they looked towards each other as the cave began to pulse more and more with energy, they looked at each other as they muttered, "A chain reaction…" 

"Run?" Tony asked

"Yes that would be our best course of action"

Tony and Melissa both solely turned around and began running back through the giant underground tunnels. 


"Oi! How was I supposed to know that the heat from my hands was enough energy to make them go overload!" 

"Oh my god Tony an explosion of that much magnitude and energy from the entire crystal mine is going to be catastrophic! We might have just been the cause of the destruction of the Quantum Realm!" 

"Blame me later when we make it out alive!" Tony shouted as he lifted his wrist, "Friday! Bring the ship by the entrance!" 




Tony and Melissa both activated their thrusters and flew ahead rapidly as the Quantum explosion followed right behind them. 

Out of the end of the tunnel they saw their Ship waiting for them. They rapidly flew inside the ship, the hatch closed over them as they took their seats and buckled up. 


An explosion of multiple colors occurred engulfing them completely. Suddenly from the explosion Their ship flew out trying to escape, its thrusters were ignited rapidly pushing them forwards. 

However the explosion seemed to be getting withdrawn as if getting sucked up by something as it cleared it revealed a large breach in the space-time continuum. Tony and Melissa were rapidly trying to escape its suction. 


On the screen the word error kept flashing and Friday began repeating. "The Space is too unstable and chaotic for the Phantom Drive to operate" 

No matter how much Melissa and Tony tried to fight against the suction it was just too strong they were almost swallowed as Melissa then suggested, "LET'S TRY GOING BIG! WE'LL OUTGROW THE BREACH!" 

"Good idea!" Tony said easing up on the thrusters to grow big however as he and Tony pressed the button they were swallowed up entirely as they grew. 

Tony and Melissa were screaming and shouting as they were spinning in a rapid circle inside the space-time continuum, its chaotic energy destroying and breaking the ship as they grew, it's nanotech trying to repair the damages.

"Mayday! Mayday!" Tony shouted as he fought with the control trying to stabilize himself. 

"Friday! Just activate the Phantom Drive!" 

"But boss…" 

"JUST DO IT!!!" Both Tony and Melissa shouted. 

Universe: Earth-199999 

Location: Location New York - Avenger Tower

"And I said 'Boom! You looking for this!?'" James Rhodes proudly to Thor and a much older version of Tony. 

Rhodes, seeing both of their confusions, "I said, 'BOOM! You looking for this?'" 

"Is that the whole story?" Thor asked in confusion with a big glass of beer. 

"You guys sucks, every time I tell that story it kills" Rhodes scoffed, clearly upset. 

Jarvis voice then echoed through the party at the Avenger Tower, "Sir, we have an unidentified Flying Object rapidly approaching the building at a high speed from 6 o'clock" 

"What?" Tony muttered as he rapidly turned around along with everyone else. 

From outside the window they saw a hole in space that rapidly closed up and in front of it came a ship rapidly spinning around in circles smocking. 

All everyone had time to do was jump out the away as the ship was already in front of the Avenger Tower and tackle people away. 


The entire bar was caved in as Ship sat in the middle of the party. The hatch opened causing the Avengers to grab their weapons and make a defensive stance towards the ship ready for any danger. 

Tony and Melissa both spill out of the ship groaning as they held their heads in pain. 

"Tony… I'm going to literally kill you…" 

This world's Tony Stark pointed at himself and muttered, "What did I do?" 

"I already said I was sorry Melissa, I saw something shiny, so I touch–" Tony froze as he stared at the people around him with his mouth slightly agape. 

"Fuck" Tony (mc) cursed

"Steve doesn't like that language" Older Tony teased. 

Steve looked at Tony with a look, "Seriously? Now?" 

Older Tony only drank his whisky with a sly smirk. 


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