[Third Person's PoV]
The sun was soon rising and everyone sat around stacks of papers by their side, boxes filled with files, everyone was moving around between each other carrying those boxes and ruffling through them. Natasha was sitting by a computer, her brows furrowed in concentration.
Maria was walking beside Steve filling him in on what she was able to find using her sources with S.H.I.E.L.D, "There's been reports of a metal man flying in and cleaning any robotics lab, weapons facilities, ect."
"Any casualties?" Steve asked.
"Only when engage" Maria stated, "Reports says there's only guys in a fugue state going on about seeing their old memories, worst fears, and 'something too fast to see'"
"The Maximoffs" Steve sighed, "It makes sense Ultron would go to them they have someone in common"
"Not anymore…" Maria said as she looked down at her tablet and swiped towards a picture that she showed Steve.
It was a picture of Baron Von Striker dead in his cell with the word 'Peace' written on the wall with his blood.
Steve then gathered everyone around as he casually waved the tablet in his hands,
"What's this?" Thor asked taking a hold of it and looking at the picture,
"Ultron killed Striker" Steve said, informing them.
"Why send a message when you've just given a speech?" Natasha asked, looking towards Thor and getting a look at the picture.
"Striker probably knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss," Steve said, standing with his arms crossed.
"I bet he did–" Natasha paused her sentence and looked over on her computer only to see that the some of the files have been erased, "Yup, all of the files on Striker have just been erased"
"Not everything" Steve said as he got everyone to go through the physical files.
Steve was slapping the files on a desk as he said, "Known associates… Striker had a lot of friends"
"Well, these people were all horrible" Bruce said as Stark looked over Bruce's shoulders on the file he's been reading.
"Wait, I know that guy," Stark said pointing to the file on Bruce's hand, Stark grabbed the file as he said, "Back in the day he used to operate off the African coast. Mostly in Black Arm deals"
Steve just gave him a look, Stark just raised his arms up for defense, "What? There were some connections, it doesn't mean I sold him anything. He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer. It was all very Ahab"
"He's looking for Vibranium" Tony said walking in with his hands behind his head.
"What?" Both Stark and Steve asked in surprise.
Everyone else looked towards Tony in confusion, behind him were tendrils carrying boxes and briefcases, the same with Melissa.
"How do you know?" Steve asked with a furrowed brow.
"You saw he was absolutely destroyed in that frail body of his when he introduced himself. He's building himself a new body to content against all of you and he's looking for the strongest metal on earth to do it" Tony explained.
"Baron Von Striker had a source for that Vibranium, which apparently came from outer space in this world. What Ultron is after is the source with the Vibranium shipment, a source that goes by the name of Ulysses Klaue" Melissa said informing them.
They were all taken aback, Natasha looked at Melissa weirdly, "How do you know all of this?"
"When Tony first learned that this was an alternate world, he hacked into your systems and downloaded all of your files. Ultron may have taken and deleted all of your files but he doesn't have access to ours" Melissa said as she and Tony both threw up peace signs
Stark narrowed his eyes towards Tony, "What kinda person goes hacks and steal sensitive information from the place they just entered"
They all just turned to look at Stark as they said, "You"
"Now then, enough about Ultron and his quest to build himself an ultimate body to kill you and every single person in existence, I brought y'all upgrades!" Tony said before he let out a high pitched, "Yay!"
"It looks like Christmas came early," Natasha said with a smile.
"So who wants to go first?" Tony asked, looking around.
"I don't mind going first," Clint said, raising a hand.
"Here, go on and show the class what you receive" Tony said, handing him a briefcase to Clint.
Clint opened the briefcase and saw his comic accurate purple and black suit minus the helmet but they did have purple classes. Clint grabbed the suit and held out in the open, "What's this?"
"You're supersuit, it's made out of Vibranium Fibers so you'll be able to tank hits–"
"Wait, wait, wait," Stark said, waving his arms down, "Vibranium Fibers?"
Tony looked at Melissa weirdly and asked, "Did I stutter?"
Melissa shook her head.
"I think What Stark is trying to ask is where did you get Vibranium to make the Fibers?" Steve asked in confusion, expressing exactly what everyone was thinking.
"In our world, Vibranium didn't come from outer space, Vibranium is something Tony had created from scratch" Melissa explained.
All of their eyes widened in shock and looked at Tony in disbelief, Stark walked up towards Tony and put his hands over his shoulders, "Are you saying you know and created the Atomic Structure of Vibranium!?"
"First off… hands off the merchandise, I bruise easily" Tony said, swatting Stark's hand away from his shoulders.
"And of course I did, it was fairly simple as well. I mean I was making armor to defend myself and be a hero in the world where villains with superpowers were an everyday thing. I needed to make it shock-absorbent to absorb most of the damages thrown my way and so I wouldn't end up killed by someone with super strength. Padding my suit of armor was stupid so making a metal to do that. At first it was difficult since after a while its structure would just crumble after taking in a large amount of shock, however instead of containing it, I recreated it to take and disperse the shock. And since shock is all about vibrations I named it Vibranium~" Tony explained as he casually threw finger guns.
Melissa then turned towards Tony with a confused look, "What do you mean fairly easy? Didn't it take you a couple of years to get it down"
"You shush" Tony said
Melissa only made a zipping motion towards her mouth.
Melissa then chuckled seeing their shocked expression and look of disbelief, She leaned in and whispered in a loud enough voice for them to hear, "Wait till they find out Vibranium is only like your 3rd strongest metal"
"Now shall we begin with the presentation of what I made for you all?" Tony ask taking in the look of awe and bathing in it.
+31 advance Chapters on: patreon.com/Shadow_D_Monarch3