[Third Person's PoV]
There was a heavy silence in the air as they got back in the Avengers plane. Bruce head was swaying side to side as he kept muttering to himself, "My head feels like I've just been ran over… and the car then just to be spiteful reversed itself onto me"
Seeing everyone's gloomy look, Tony interjected, "Alright, I know you're all disappointed with this failure but there's a good thing to take away from this"
They all looked towards Tony questioningly, wondering what he was referring to. That was until they saw the smugness on his face as he pointed to himself, "I was the MVP of this exchange!"
"Remind me again who was it that got laid out and put to sleep? While everyone was fighting. One of us was snoozing away" Melissa interjected with a scoff.
Tony stuck his hand out towards her as if to say, 'Talk to the hand~' which only made Melissa roll her eyes.
Stark let out a scoff, "Let's be real kid, if there actually was a MVP in this battle, it's me, I battled with Ultron AND went to defeat the Hulk when you couldn't do it yourself"
"Oh? You battled with Ultron? But what's this? He's not here, where could he be? It can't be that the supposed MVP managed to let him get away? Le Gasp!" Tony said sarcastically, gasping in exaggeration.
"And!" Tony added lifting a finger up, "You arrived when I already dealt significant damage weakening him from his usual strength, not to mention I took the Hulk away from civilization meaning not a single person was injured–"
"Ughhhhhhhh" Bruce moaned in pain in between Tony's speech, "I think I might have a concussion"
"As I said, no one was injured, I just saved your asses from bad PR, you guys would have had the government on your ass if it wasn't for my quick thinking. So once again… M.V.P!" Tony said, pointing to himself with every letter.
"Tony, this is not a joking matter" Steve said with a serious expression, "Ultron is still out there, constructing a new body for himself out there with the Vibranium he managed to steal right from under our noses. He's a threat now but imagine the threat he's going to be when he's made out of Vibranium. All of the lives he takes next is because we failed to captured him"
"Ughhhhhh!!" Tony grunted in disgust, Tony then looked towards Stark as he asked, "Is he always such a Debbie downer? Isn't he suppose to be the always optimistic leader"
Melissa then intervened and added, "Wanda, the one that put you to sleep, trapped them in realistic illusions, it seems it affected them more than they would have liked"
At this Natasha's, Steve, and Thor looked down with a trim expression.
Tony, seeing this, massaged his forehead, "I can't believe I'm going to be the one to do this…" He mumbled to himself.
"Alright, get your fucking head out your asses" Tony said with an irritated expression.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Most of them exclaimed hearing Tony cursing.
"Cap, doesn't like that type of language. You better watch it" Clint said from the pilot seat.
Steve just felt his eyebrow twitching.
"No, you guys need to hear this, sure we all technically lost this battle, but that doesn't mean you all have to be so pessimistic about it. The whole thing I said earlier about the MVP was to make you all realize that sure this fight didn't go as we expected but that doesn't mean it was all bad. This could have gone sooo much worse!"
Tony had an unnaturally serious expression as he looked around, "You guys are supposed to be heroes, it is your job to always look at the bright side of things even when things seem bleak. You can't be acting all moppy because of one missly loss, you guys aren't going to win every battle, don't be so arrogant.
That's what heroes do, they lose battles, they get defeated constantly, but that's what distinguishes a hero from the everyday people. No matter how many times they lose they always get back up and manage to find a way to win. So stop taking this loss so personally, trust me when I say this isn't going to be the first time you guys lose and it surely won't be your last and trust me when I say they will come a loss that will overshadow all of the other losses you've ever experienced.
So stop being so pathetic, sure you are all lost, but you are all still alive, which means you guys can have another go. Which could only happen once you get your heads out of your asses like I said…" Tony said ruffling his hair in annoyance.
Tony then began waddling away with a weird stance, he clicked his tongue, "I'm going to sleep, you people exhaust me" Tony grumbled as he walked towards the back of the jet, created a bed using his hard light construct and laid down on it turning his back on everyone, mostly to hide away his blush as he was too embarrassed to even look at them.
"Did we all just get a pep talk and a scolding too from a child?" Stark asked, looking at everyone in confusion.
Steve let out a sigh and nodded his head with a faint smile, "It appears to be that way… But I can't say that there isn't some truth in his words"
"I know that's what makes it weirder," Stark said.
Just then a beeping appeared from the console of the ship, which Tony went and activated. It was a call from Maria Hill.
"So how did it go? Did you manage to get him?" Maria asked as she appeared on screen.
"Unfortunately not…" Stark and the others went on to explain what had occurred between them all and the effect Wanda had on the team.
Maria hummed in confirmation, "Then you all better lay low and recover" She said.
"What?" Stark asked, "So after we've been hit we've supposed to go and hide?"
"No, when you're hit you're supposed to recover" Maria retorted, "It appears to me you all need to recognize yourself if you are to take down Ultron. As it appears to me that he's trying to split you all up from within. So lay low and recover, and when you are all ready you can confront him once again."
With that Maria ended the call, leaving Stark to grumble slightly.
Stark then looked towards Barton as he had been piloting for a while, "You need a break? I can take over"
Clint shook his head, "No, I can still go on, not to mention I know a place where we can lay low for a while"
Clint then turned to look at Stark teasingly, "Not to mention I think you need to sit down and recover from the scolding the younger you just gave to everyone. I mean are we sure that's even your counterpart to begin with? He honestly seems much better at Pep talk than you are"
Stark rolled his eyes and walked away ignoring Clint's chuckling.
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