
Chapter 4

I was nursing a morning beer and a raging headache. Indeed, it was all I could do to keep from slumping forward and resting my poor head on the inn's table. I probably should eat something, but the thought of food was making me feel particularly queasy. Somehow, I had let Edmure's friends convince me that we had to go and celebrate the tourney with drinks at the nearby inn. I'd agreed, both because I wanted to recruit them for some plans I had germinating in my head, and because it seemed a good idea to bond with important young Riverlords. Suffice to say though, those three held their alcohol far better than I did, and not much serious discussion got done last night. I had learned that Marq Piper had a great Tywin Lannister impression, but that hardly seemed germane to saving the Riverlands from the coming war.

Worse still, while I felt like I had been run over by a truck, those three looked annoyingly chipper. I suppose a night like this was par-the-course for them, as they definitely gave off a bit of a 'degenerate young lord' vibe. Especially Patrek Mallister, which was the name of the man who had been wearing the silver eagle. I gave him an especially bleary eyed glare as he chirped away energetically with the other two.

Seeing my glare, Patrek seemed to become even more chipper. "Something wrong Edmure? He never could hold his alcohol." The second was shared in a faux whisper I was clearly meant to hear to Lymond Goodbrook, the lord with the wavy blue line on his sigil. Yes, Lord Goodbrook. Unlike the others he was apparently not an heir, but the actual lord of his house, and yet seemed to find nothing wrong with gallivanting around the Riverlands. Was this place rubbing off on me too much that I found myself disapproving of that?

Well no matter. Headache or no, there was a reason I had gone out with these three. Now that I had the time-line pinned down, it was time to start trying to do things. It was one of the reasons I had insisted we be given a private dining room towards the back of the Inn; so we would have a little privacy as I tried to cause some ripples. I wasn't sure exactly how much time I had from the start of the tourney to the start of the war. It had been only a few chapters in the books as I recalled, but how much time had actually passed in those chapters? Surely enough for knights to travel all across the kingdom to the capital and then back to their homes. That hopefully meant a few months. And to make use of that time, I needed these three in front of me. Even in the short time since I had found myself stuck in Westeros, it had become readily apparent to me that some tasks could be carried out by anyone, and others needed the weight of a knight or a lord behind it. And conveniently I had three such tasks and here sat three young Riverlords that were closely tied to Edmure. To me.

"Yes. Well. Thank you Patrek." This would be so much easier if my head wasn't beating like a drum. "But now that we're all here, I'm hoping we can discuss a little business."

Patrek gave a dramatic groan. "Again Edmure? I swear, you're turning into such an old man. There's a tourney afoot, who has time for boring business!"

I gave the Mallister heir as stern a look as I could manage while hungover. Seriously, he was making a good argument against inherited titles as far as I was concerned. "The tourney is all well and good, but we're facing a crisis here. Both the Lannisters and the Greyjoys have been gathering men." I was making that up of course, or at least I hoped I was, but again I needed some justification for acting out of character. "I've had some spies keeping a close eye on things, and all the signs are pointing to trouble for us. Having a good time is all well and good," a bit of a glare at Patrek, "but this could be bad for all of us. I'm asking you all to help me out here."

Marq at least was paying close attention now. I seemed to recall that the Piper's held land near the border of the Westlands, so that made sense. He certainly had a more solemn caste to his face as he turned to me. "Of course Edmure. You can count on us. What do you need? How can we help? You know we'll do whatever is necessary for the Riverlands"

"Long as the help is at the Hand's Tourney," Patrek mumbled under his breath as Lyman gave him an elbow to the ribs.

I studiously ignored that, turning to face Marq. "Thank you. Honestly, I appreciate your being willing to help. With father so ill, I feel like I've been pulled in a hundred directions. I know it's a lot to ask, but I appreciate it."

Marq nodded and Lyman was looking at me expectantly as I ordered my thoughts. Patrek was still half lounging in his chair, looking bored. That look caused me to do a quick reshuffling of my plans, and I shifted my eyes from Patrek back to Marq. "As I said, since father has been ill, I've been trying to set up something of an information network across Westeros."

"Spies," Lyman mumbled.

I inclined my head at him. "Yes. Not to mince words, spies. Not the most lordly pursuit I know, but I felt it necessary."

Patrek grinned at that. "I approve. We need more spies and less boring ledgers."

"Yes. Well." I pulled the conversation back on track. "Among other things, I've learned that my sister Cat secretly visited Kings Landing, and is now heading back to the north."

That had them sitting up straight and paying attention. "In secret? Whatever for?" That was Marq.

"I don't know, but that's not important. With all the trouble going on, I don't want her walking through our lands without an escort. Marq, I know you wanted to go to the tourney, but would you be willing to take a squad of guards and escort Cat safely to Riverrun? I know she plans to pass by the Inn at the Crossroads, you could perhaps wait for her there?"

Marq seemed to be taking this much more seriously, as he nodded his head firmly. "You can count on me Edmure. I'll leave this morning and see Lady Catelyn to safety, don't worry."

That was a relief. I had originally been going to ask Patrek to do this, as I remembered vaguely that the Mallisters crossed paths with Cat on their way to Kings Landing, but Marq seemed a much more reliable individual for this task. I'd thought long and hard how I would try to change the course of events to one more favorable to the Riverlands. I'd considered writing some sort of letter to Eddard revealing the truth of Jon Arryn's death, warning him about Littlefinger, the Queen, and a host of other plots. I'd even considered riding to Kings Landing myself with a strong guard when I found out about the tourney. In the end though, I had discarded all of those ideas as too risky. I had no way to explain my knowledge to Eddard, and no way to know if things might not just go sideways if I leaked all that information in some random letter. Indeed, considering Edmure's reputation, Ned might just dismiss me entirely. Plus, if I went to Kings Landing myself, I would be way too vulnerable with all those Goldcloaks and Lannister guardsmen floating around. Maybe that made me a coward, but I intended to steer clear of Kings Landing and its plots.

And while I couldn't specifically tell my friends about Cat capturing Tyrion, not having anyway to explain that, if I gave Marq orders to bring Catelyn to Riverrun that meant Tyrion would be coming with her as well. I'd then have a Lannister hostage and perhaps a way to forge peace with Tywin. I'd certainly have more control over the way events escalated, and hopefully Tyrion coming to Riverrun as a 'guest' would also send events in Kingslanding down a different path. Getting to meet the character I admired the most from the books would be a nice bonus as well.

That was the idea anyway. I quickly turned my attention back to Marq. "I know I can count on you Marq. Take a squad of men, fourty or fifty. I know my sister will be safe with you until she reaches Riverrun."

Lyman was looking somewhat amused by that. "If Marq is fetching your sister, I'm guessing you have tasks for us as well?"

I resisted the urge to laugh at that. "Indeed. I do. With the Lannisters and the Greyjoys as threats, we need more men."

Marq looked like an epiphany had struck him. "Hence the guard?"

"Hence the guard. We'll need every man we can get our hands on. Lyman, I know this is a huge request, but I was hoping to send you as my representative to the Free Cities to contract a sellsword company, and then arrange to return with them to Maidenpool. I would make sure Lord Mooton prepares for you."

Lyman looked much more troubled by this task than Marq had looked at his. "Edmure, I want to help. But the free cities? That is a long trip to be away from the castle if trouble is brewing."

"Seems like a waste of money to me too. Better ways to piss away your inheritance." That was Patrek of course.

Even Marq looked troubled about it though. "Patrek does have a point Edmure. Can you afford it?"

I nodded decisively. "Yes, we can." No, we really couldn't. But I was taking the same philosophy to sellswords I was with the guard. I had enough gold to pay them an initial deposit and get them here. I'd worry about how I was going to pay them a year from now in a year. Besides, better to spend the money on swords than to have it be pillaged away by the Lannisters.

Lyman still looked troubled though. "Still Edmure, sellswords? They can hardly be relied upon. To leave my lands to go gallivanting for a bunch of sellsword scum in the free cities?"

Maybe I should have asked Lyman to find Cat and Marq to get the sellswords. I could see why a lord might hesitate to leave his lands. Still, I was committed, so best to push on. "I do understand Lyman, I do. And that's exactly why I need you for this task. I need someone with experience whom I can count on. And sellswords may not be as reliable as Knights, but not all companies are made the same. I don't want a contract with some joke of a company like, say, the Brave Companions. Find me someone who has a reputation of honoring their contract and can be of some use. Price is no matter, get the best."

He still looked a bit mulish so I continued. "I'm not asking this service of you as just your friend Lyman, but as Acting Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. If I'm wrong, you can say 'I told you so' and you get a nice adventure in the free cities to tell your grandchildren about. If I'm right, this could be a difference maker in any contest with the Westlands. You know with their gold the Lannisters will have their share of sellswords. We need this."

Lyman hesitated a moment longer before finally nodding. "I don't like it Edmure. I think there are better ways to find men. But if you think it's that important, I'll do it. And if I have to do it, I'll find you the best sellsword company money can buy." More to himself he went on, "I'll stop at Castle Darry on the way. Raymund knew the free cities well, he might have some advice."

Patrek seemed to find this whole turn of events hilarious. "He just gave you a the whole Tully treasury to spend as you want. When the Bravosi find out about that, they'll fete you from one end of the narrow sea to the next. All the dancing girls and feasts you could want."

Marq and Lyman did not seem to find that quite as amusing. I at least was glad a couple of my companions seemed to be giving this the attention it deserved. After getting to know him a bit better, I was starting to question why Patrek's father had even bothered to ransom him back from the Freys. I was also very pleased I had decided at the last moment to send Marq after Cat instead of Patrek. I had no doubt he was a droll drinking companion to Edmure, but the Mallister Heir's lack of maturity was a tad bit concerning. Indeed, I questioned even setting him the task I was thinking of.

Patrek must have seen something of this on my face, because he threw back his head in yet another laugh. "Now don't be shy Edmure. Go on, tell me, what brave quest do you have in mind for me? A trip to Yi Ti? Brave the ruins of lost Valyria? Never let it be said House Mallister did not do its part for the Riverlands!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his antics. "Actually, I had a small task in Kings Landing I was hoping you could help me with…"

He perked up at that. "Kings Landing? Now, that I could perhaps help you with. I'm sure between the tourney and the wine and the women I can spare a few minutes for my dear friend Edmure's task!"

I sighed before pressing on. "Well, indeed. Between the whoring and the fighting, perhaps you could find a few moments to stop and visit the Alchemists' Guild? I want you to talk to them and convince them to send a contingent of their order to the Riverlands. With at least a few members capable of producing wildfire. Let them know we will provide well for them here, including a full chapter house."

Even Patrek seemed taken aback by that. "The pyromancers? What on earth do you want those old frauds for?"

Marq cut him off. "Fraud's in some ways, but its obvious why Edmure wants them. Wildfire. I'm no fan of the Pyromancer's piss, but in a siege or the right situation I could see the use." He paused for a second before quietly musing, "and we would have it while the Lannisters did not. The only ones outside of Kings Landing with access."

"Marq has it exactly." Plus, besides the obvious use of wildfire in war, I could see the benefit of having a few pyromancers come the wintery apocalypse. And hadn't they noted to Tyrion at one point that their other spells became more potent after dragons returned? What other spells did they actually have?

While I was musing on this, Patrek took this as his cue to jump back in. "If you want pyromancers Edmure, I'll bring you pyromancers. Boatloads of the old men. I'm sure they'd jump at the chance of expanding their influence again, and of having a Lord Paramount as a patron. The Maester's won't like it though, and I think you're crazy to have that stuff in Riverrun. But it's your castle and it's on your head."

"You may be right Patrek…"

"I always am!"

I silenced him with another look. "Yes. Well. Not about the Maesters, I can deal with that." I could hardly manage to piss Vyman off more than I already had. I knew they had been rivals of the Maesters back in the day, but what were a few pyromancers really in the scheme of things? Why would the Citadel even care? "But no. You may have a point about Riverrun. Tell them I'll fund a chapter for them in Harrenhall." The place had been burned by dragons once, compared to that what damage could an accident with wildfire actually do? Plus, I intended to make sure that castle didn't fall to Tywin this time around.

Marq looked non-pulsed by that. "Lady Whent won't like the idea of pyromancers in her castle. Besides, Harrenhall is an unlucky location…"

Patrek hooted. "Afraid of curses now Marq?"

I waved both of them aside. "I'll write to Lady Whent." From what I remembered in the books, she would hardly be in a position to tell me no. "And Harrenhall may be a dark place, but it was the seat of kings too. Plenty prestigious enough for the Alchemists." And central enough in the Riverlands to make the wildfire more easily transportable.

Patrek had that amused grin on his face again. "Well, no worries Edmure. I'll see it done. Do you have any other quests for your noble knights?"

Lyman still looked a bit glum about his assignment. "I rather think that is enough for getting on with."

I nodded my head in agreement with Lyman. "Indeed. Thank you again my friends."

Marq smiled. "Don't worry Edmure. You can count on us. We'll leave right away, I'll have Cat safe in Riverrun before you know it."

Patrek cut in. "All well and good. But first, a drink to build our courage before our quests." He raised his voice to be heard through the doors. "Inn-keep, you're needed. Another round of the good stuff, Lord Tully is paying."

I shook my head, but said nothing. A small enough price for the help they were giving me. I could almost feel the press of events weighing down on me; time was getting short. But hopefully this would stir the pot some and tilt events more in favour of the Riverlands.

While I knew things would likely go sideways, this was Westeros, I was feeling more positive already. Even the hangover seemed to be subsiding…