
Chapter 5

It had been weeks since I had sent Marq out to the Crossroads Inn, and yet still no word back. It really brought home how large the distances I was dealing with were. The Riverlands were likely the size of many of the countries I had known back home after all. However, despite my impatience to hear back from Marq, I had managed to keep busy during the last few weeks; refining the guard, seeing what resources the Tully's had at their disposal, and just generally getting a better grasp of being in Westeros.

Indeed, I was currently pouring over a stack of papers that Utherydes had dumped on the great-hall table detailing how much of the harvest various lords were setting aside for the winter. The steward had been shocked when I had asked for them, I suppose that most lords tended to focus more on war and politics than that sort of bureaucratic detail. Still, paper pushing of this sort was the one part of the job I actually felt qualified for, and if nothing else I was hoping to increase some of the food stocks in the Riverlands before everything truly hit the fan. If we could manage one or two more good harvests, and perhaps get that food to castles outside of the war-zone, it really could make all the difference.

I was so focused that I didn't even hear that I had some company until there was a dry cough from above me. Startled, I looked up to spot an old priest standing in front of me. Or rather, I supposed a Septon. I'd seen the man around at a distance, but hadn't talked to him yet or caught his name. Still, I had become quite good at holding conversations with people whose names I did not know. "Septon? It is good to see you this morning."

"My Lord Edmure." The man gave a short bow, hands folded inside of his robes. "I am sorry to disturb you, but I was hoping to have a moment of your time?" A small, disapproving frown crossed his face. "I had hoped to talk to you in the sept, but I have not seen you these past weeks."

"Ahh. Yes, of course Septon." That was definitely an oversight on my part. I probably should have been making a point of going to the sept to pray. Honestly though, with all that was on my plate it just hadn't entered my head. I hadn't regularly attended religious services since I was a child, and so I had not stopped to consider that it would be expected in Westeros. Plus, if I was honest, while I wasn't an overly religious person in my past life, I still felt somewhat uncomfortable at the idea of praying to a bunch of statues; even if I was faking it. I suppose that was a symptom of my past-life's conditioning. Something I suspected I'd need to get over in a hurry in this world.

The man continued to just stand there, so I gestured to a chair. "Please Septon, do sit down. I apologize for not seeing you at the sept, but with father ill events have distracted me. I do assure you I have prayed daily with father in his rooms though." A lie, but a plausible one.

The Septon took a seat, but the troubled look remained. "Of course Lord Edmure. That is why I wanted to talk to you. There have been some troubling rumors going about lately."

That took me aback. "Rumors, Septon?"

"Yes my Lord. And as the Seven teach us not to engage in gossip, I thought it best to come to you directly."

Damn! Had someone noticed that I was acting oddly? I hope the faith didn't have any tradition of believing in possession or anything like that. I was probably panicking over nothing, but still I could feel a bead of sweat slide down my back. "Ehr. Yes. I do appreciate that Septon. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation, but what are the rumors?"

Watching me with solemn eyes, the man paused before continuing on. "The rumors are false I'm sure. But I have heard concerns expressed that you may have fallen into heresy, or at least become intrigued by it. The false pagan faith of the east centered around the Red God of fire, R'holler."

What? I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. Here I was worried about being accused of demon-possession, and that is the rumor going around? Seeing the Septon's affronted face, I quickly pulled my laughter in. "I'm sorry Septon, but you caught me by surprise. That's a ridiculous rumor. I've barely even heard of the religion, and what I have heard has made it sound completely preposterous. Some sort of flame god? Who on earth told you such a far-fetched tale?"

The Septon, I really did need to learn his name, managed to look both relieved and a bit sheepish at the same time. "I'm afraid I could not violate a confidence in terms of who raised the concern. They were sincere in their worry, but I am pleased to hear the worry was unfounded. Normally I would have simply dismissed such a rumor, but with not seeing you in the sept… I felt it best to ask. I know young folks are sometimes intrigued by foreign nonsense."

I snorted again and shook my head. "Well, I can assure you this lord has no interest in such foolery." If nothing else the sincerity of my surprise seemed to have reassured the Septon. Still, what had started this? "I understand you have to respect a confidence." Did Westeros have some version of a confessional? "Still, can you at least share whythey were so concerned?"

The Septon hesitated a second, thinking this over before nodding his head. "Yes, I suppose that would be acceptable Lord Edmure." He managed a small smile. "I suppose with hindsight it does sound a bit silly. But with you not coming to the sept, and then I heard you were recruiting those fire worshiping Pyromancer scum," a frown at the mention of the pyromancers "and you were heard by some… concerned… servants to be referencing a single god as opposed to the Seven. I just wanted to ask."

Wow, the pyromancers really didn't have a lot of friends in Westeros. The whole thing seemed to be a bunch of random rumor mongering, and I was about to say as much when I froze. My eyes narrowed and I felt a cold anger spread through my body. A single god? I remembered I had messed up and referenced god… to Maester Vyman. That snake had clearly gone to the Septon to share his 'concerns.' Yet another attempt in his damnable quest to undermine me.

Suddenly I realized I was ignoring the Septon, and quickly turned my eyes back to him. Desperately I brought my anger back under control and forced a smile onto my face. "Septon, I am sorry. Just to hear such baseless rumors is frustrating. The pyromancers are purely a matter of state, I assure you. As to the reference of god, I have on my own been giving great thought to the theory of the seven-as-one. It seems a sound way of viewing the faith, and that was all I was expressing. I'm sure Vyman could confirm as much."

I watched the Septon as I stressed that name, and sure enough the man started to squirm and look supremely uncomfortable. "Ahh. Well. Yes Lord Edmure. I'm glad to hear this has all been a confusion. And to hear you expressing such theological interests. I would be happy to discuss the seven-as-one with you some time."

Great. Looks like not only was I going to have to make a few appearance in the sept, but I had boxed myself into listening to some theological debates on the nature of god as well. I foresaw a lot of long and boring sessions with the Septon in my future. I was probably being unfair, but I was still on edge about Vyman undermining me again. First with Hoster, now with this. Well, there wouldn't be a third time. "Yes Septon. I look forward to it."

Clearly hearing the dismissal in my voice, the Septon made his way out of the hall. Once he was gone, I turned to face the guardsman waiting at the end of the hall just out of easy hearing distance. He looked familiar, what was his name again? Ahh, yes. I raised my voice and beckoned to him. "Guardsman Jemm."

The guard trotted over obediently. "Lord Edmure, how can I serve?"

I mused for a minute how I wanted to handle this exactly, as the poor guard shifted his weight from foot to foot. Finally, I looked up. "I understand good Maester Vyman has been expressing some concerns of late. Have you heard anything?"

The man looked intensely uncomfortable under my gaze. "Ahh. My Lord. It's not my place…"

I pinned him with a stronger look. "Don't worry Guardsman, I just want to hear what you've heard."

"Well. My Lord. I've not heard it directly from him. But the talk is the Maester is angry at being unable to see Lord Hoster. Says it ain't right. And ahh. Pardon my lord. But he's questioned some of your decisions. The whole castle is talking of the pyromancers… and the Maester, he doesn't like them coming to the Riverlands."

"I see." If nothing else, this was bringing home how easy it was for a lord to be isolated and unaware of what those below him were discussing. "An understandable concern."

"My Lord?" Poor Jemm looked quite confused.

"I can understand the good Maester being concerned about the Pyromancers. I assure you, I share that concern, even if I feel the risk warranted." Like hell I understood. "In fact, since the good Maester is so concerned, I know I can rely on him to help in a matter I have in mind. In fact…" I paused, ordering my thoughts "in fact, I mean to send him to Harrenhall to keep a closer eye on these pyromancers." And to get him out of my hair.

Jemm stood there awkwardly as I pulled a sheet of paper from the pile in front of me, jotting a few quick words on it. I quickly rolled the paper, tied it off, and handed it to the poor confused guardsman. He looked at the rolled paper in his hand, then to me. "Lord Edmure?"

"Guardsman Jemm. That right there is an order assigning Maester Vyman the important duty of traveling to Harrenhall to assist Lady Whent in assuring the Pyromancer's are properly set up in their new chapter house." Maybe if I was lucky he would run afoul of bandits on the way. "I want you to take a squad of guards with you and deliver those orders to the Maester. I'm sure he will be reluctant to leave his post, but we need someone of his… integrity… for such an important task. It is so important that he will need to leave at once. He has inspired me with his concern, and we must have a trustworthy Maester keeping an eye on these Pyromancers. He must leave without pause, it is far too pressing to waste time on farewells or consultations, and go to Harrenhall to supervise them. Do you understand your task… Sergeant Jemm"

Poor Jemm seemed at a loss for words. "My Lord… ahh. Yes. I understand the orders. But. But I'm not a sergeant. Perhaps you want Ser Ryger?"

I smiled at the man. "Sergeant Jemm, this is clearly a delicate task not suitable for a mere guardsman. It requires a sergeant's deft touch. Hence, surely you must be a sergeant." I waited for the man to figure out what I was saying, a look of dawning wonder and excitement coming across his eyes. "I will let Ser Ryger know of your promotion, and that you are deserving of a small bonus for handling a delicate situation so deftly. And firmly."

The man puffed up and saluted. "Yes Lord Edmure. You can count on me!" At my nod, he turned about and marched for the door, back rigid and determination in his step. I almost pitied poor Maester Vyman. Almost.

A/N: I ended up splitting this chapter in two, with the first half becoming chapter 5, and the second half to be chapter 6. Length wise it was reasonable for it to be one very large chapter, but the scenes seemed too completely disjointed from each other. It *felt* like two chapters. So I made the stylistic decision to divide them. On the plus side though, that means I should be able to post the next chapter tomorrow after I do a little editing.