

Chapter 21

The wind was brisk as I made my way towards the gathering, a sign that autumn was well and truly under way.

The Stark contingent was waiting for us on the nearby hill. Of course, it wasn't just Robb and his lords. The Blackfish was at his left, and a red haired woman that could only be Catelyn on his right. Even Lord Blackwood, who had commanded my Riverlords under Robb, was present, looking splendid in his raven-feathered cloak.

"Nephew." I reined my horse in, inclining my head towards Robb.

"Lord Edmure." Robb's face was severe, his tone formal.

At my side, Lord Bracken was frowning. "This is a cold welcome."

Blackwood sneered back at his rival. "You expected a feast? A tourney? His Grace has been busy warring! Ask Tywin Lannister about our 'cold welcome!'"

My eyes narrowed. I couldn't lie, it made me slightly uneasy to see one of my own vassals clearly so taken with Robb.

Suddenly one of the lords clumped to the right cleared his throat, and I was surprised to see Harrion Karstark step forwards. "Lord Edmure's hardly been traipsing around the kingdoms! Ask the Tyrells or Stormlords!"

He flashed a fierce grin before continuing. "Or you could ask them if they weren't all dead and captured! It's been a rewarding campaign…" and there he trailed off, patting at the Valyrian steel sword he'd liberated from Lord Tarly.

It was now Robb's turn to frown, perhaps at seeing one of his bannermen compliment me, or perhaps in seeing the annoyingly named 'Kar-Ice' hanging on Harrion's belt. That had to be frustrating when the actual Ice was still lost to Kings Landing.

Behind Robb, the Greatjon was sneering. "And yet, it was His Grace who won the war with one red stroke…"

Another Northern Lord was nodding at that. "Tywin Lannister himself…"

Lord Bracken made a dismissive gesture. "How many men did Tywin Lannister have, compared to the Tyrell host? And we'd have captured Kings Landing to boot, if your lot hadn't felt the need to pull stakes."

The Greatjon bristled, turning red in the face. "The King in The North!"

Black Walder sneered. "That's no answer. But what can you expect from Oathbreakers?"

The Greatjon turned at that, eyes narrowing dangerously. "What did you call me, boy?"

The Frey didn't back down, sending a scowl black as his name. "I named you Oathbreaker. Your king made a promise…"

A number of the Northerners looked uncomfortable at that, but Catelyn merely frowned. "An oath made under durress.."

Stevron looked affronted. "We offered you no threat when you agreed, Lady Catelyn…"

Black Walder was more adamant. "And I say you started this war Lady Stark…" emphasis on that last name… "when you took the Imp. And then you break your vow to us? For some jumped-up Harlot? A merchant's get?"

Now Robb was frowning, and behind him Grey Wind let out a low and grumbling growl that reverberated through the clearing. "That is my wife you speak of Frey."

The Greatjon growled agreement, hand trailing to his sword. "The Queen!"

Black Walder was practically frothing, spittle flying from his mouth. "Oathbreakers I name you!"

The Greatjon took one ominous step forwards. "Call me that again, Frey, and watch what happens."

I frowned, making eye contact with Stevron. This was starting to get a bit out of hand. The older Frey reached out. putting a quelling hand on his Grandson's shoulder, but Black Walder shrugged it off violently.

Another Northern Lord, a gray stone hand etched onto his doublet, sneered back. "And what would a Southron upstart know of honor? I won't be lectured by the likes of you, Frey."

The Greatjon let out a low grumble of agreement, echoed by many of the other Northerners.

Jason Mallister pinned the Northerner with cold gray eyes. I'd rarely seen the stoic man look so angry. "You… guests in our land… act in such a manner, and dare lecture us on honor? You assume too much, Flint."

Now the Riverlords were growling their agreement, and I saw a few Frey hands straying towards swords. The Northerners were doing the same, and Grey Wind was still emitting that low rumbling growl.

"Uncle Edmure! Uncle Edmure!" I blinked in surprise as the building tension was suddenly cut by a high pitched yell. A second later I had a little girl practically throw herself at me.

"Arya?" I blinked, amused despite myself. Somehow, I hadn't expected to see her here. Let alone jammed into some sort of overly fancy dress and clinging to me like a limpet.

She shot me a crooked grin. "Uncle Edmure! You came back! I wanted to see you."

All around me the lords had a wide gamut of looks ranging from amused to affronted. Either way, Arya seemed to have unintentionally cut the building tension.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I ruffled her hair and set her back on the ground. "You've grown Arya. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Catelyn gave a frosty frown that had Arya shrinking a little at my side. "Indeed Arya. I didn't expect to see you either. This is no place for a young lady. I was under the impression you were told to wait with the Septa?"

Arya mumbled something.

My sister's face could freeze water. "What was that, young lady?"

Arya scowled. "All the septa wanted was to give me stupid lectures on etiquette. It was boring. I wanted to see uncle Edmure…"

Robb was clearly smothering a grin now, something which seemed to have Catelyn in even more of a fury.

The Blackfish spoke up for the first time, voice solemn, but amusement dancing in his eyes. "Perhaps we should make this a family affair?"

I nodded, glad for the excuse to break things up before they turned to violence. "A good idea, uncle."

Robb gave a slow nod as well, and that seemed to be the signal for the Northern lords to disperse.

As my own Riverlords started to return to their camps as well, it became clear that the large Frey contingent was remaining on the hill top with us.

Catelyn was frowning again. "This is a family conversation…"

Black Walder's face twisted into something vaguely resembling a smile. "And we *are* family."

Stevron was calmer, blinking watery eyes and giving a wan smile. "After all, Lord Edmure is to marry my granddaughter, sweet Marianne."

Black Walder spat. "Some in your family still remember their honor…"

Robb was frowning at that, taking a step forwards to place himself between his mother and the Freys. "Watch yourself Frey…"

I raised a hand, ready to play the reasonable ally again, "Peace Walder."

Whether it was my raised hand or the sharp look his grandfather sent, Black Walder reluctantly subsided, though I could still her him grousing under his breath.

I turned back to Robb. "That said, the Frey's are to be family now. And this is a family gathering."

Robb scowled, but didn't dispute that, so I turned back to my Frey 'family'. "But it is a small and intimate family gathering. Stevron, perhaps you could remain with us while we talk to my nephew?"

An acceptable compromise it seemed, as the rest of the Freys subsided with only minimal grumbling.

Robb waited in regal silence until the Black Walder and his cousins were out of earshot before turning to me. "That was an ill welcome, uncle."

I resisted the urge to show my frustration. "Yes. Well. Throwing over your promise was also ill-done. You wronged House Frey, Robb. Wronged them greatly. It's been all I could do to keep the Freys from truly drastic action." I motioned to Stevron. "Lord Stevron has been of great help in assuring cooler heads prevailed. I'll take harsh words over harsh actions any day."

Robb had the grace to look abashed at that, face twisted in an odd expression as he turned to the older Frey. "Lord Stevron… I do apologize."

The old man looked unimpressed. "Your apologies won't see one of my sisters wed, or stop our neighbors from snickering at your disrespect."

Robb continued stiffly. "My honor would not permit any other choice. But… but I do mean to make things right…"

That seemed to finally and genuinely rile Stevron up. "Your honor? And how is it 'honor' that causes you to break your word to our house?"

Robb remained awkwardly silent at that.

"Bah. Your honor. Convenient how what's honorable just so happens to be marrying some wench you fancy yourself in love with." The older Frey gave a loud grunt and a shake of his head before continuing. "But tell me then. If you value honor so… do you mean to keep your word and see your sister wed to my brother Elmar?"

Robb grimaced, opened his mouth as though to speak, hesitated, and then glanced towards his mother.

Catelyn tilted her head back, gaze firm. "I will not see Arya put in any danger."

Stevron narrowed his eyes. "Insult atop of insult. We offer your daughter the hand of my brother… and that is putting her in danger? You DARE question the honor of my house after twice now breaking your word?"

"We have done no such thing." Robb's voice was icy. "You are justified in your anger. But the attitude of your family does not inspire me to trust my sister's safety to you."

Stevron seemed to be forgetting the role he was supposed to be playing, as genuine anger covered his face. "A Frey's word is always good, your Grace. *We* would never dishonor our name…"

Only the distinct knowledge that no one from this world would understand why is was so ironic for a Frey to righteously claim that to a Stark kept me from bursting out laughing at that comment. Indeed, I was very pleased with my poker face.

Meanwhile, Arya had been chewing on her lip as this discussion went on, glancing from me, to Stevron, and then her mother.

Finally, in a low voice, she spoke up. "I don't think we should be discussing this now…"

"Arya!" Catelyn practically hissed. "This is not the time nor the place for your willfulness… I will not have my daughter… I will not see my daughter…"

She trailed off, and for the first time it became abundantly clear to me just how *scared* my sister was. She was genuinely terrified of her daughter being out of her sight, or of something happening to her if she was sent to the Freys.

Robb just looked nonplussed. "Arya… surely…" he paused to glance at Stevron and changed to a more diplomatic tact. "That is, are you saying you wish to marry this Frey?"

"No!" Arya made a face. "Elmar's alright I suppose, but I don't want to *marry* him." She paused in thought. "Maybe Sansa could marry him. They both like to talk about boring stuff."

Despite himself, Stevron's face twisted in amusement, and the tension was again broken.

Arya meanwhile sent me a sly little look, and I was immediately reminded of our our conversations in Harrenhall about appearances and keeping lords on our side.

Robb however just looked confused. "I don't understand, what are you saying Arya?"

She gave that sly little smirk to me again, and then shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just saying. I'm not getting married for ages and ages. We don't need to talk about it now. Lets wait till everyone's home and the Lannisters are dead and Sansa is safe."

Stevron gave another shake of his head at that, and then an honest to goodness chuckle. "Hah. You are your uncle's niece, that's for sure Arya Stark." He sketched a little bow to her. "I for one would be honored to call you family, should the day ever come."

Arya seemed unsure if that was a compliment, but gave a small nod, shooting another glance at me as though to see if she had done well.

Stevron straightened again, looking to Robb. "For your uncle's sake… and your sister's too… we will leave it at that. You won't have any trouble from House Frey despite your… actions…"

Robb cleared his throat. "Lord Stevron…"

The old lord interrupted him. "But. I sincerely hope it is not only Lannisters who pay their debts. You crossed our bridge, and you owe us a toll…"

"I'm aware…"

Stevron again cut Robb off. "I'm sure your Grace. I'm sure. And I will trust to your 'honor' to pay that debt. To house Frey and to the Riverlands…"

He waited for Robb's curt nod, and then inclined his head in another shallow bow. "Your Grace. Lord Edmure…" a small smile. "Princess Arya. I will not intrude further."

I nodded back as Stevron made his exit. The old man's watery eyes met mine, and I could practically hear him thinking 'i did my part, now keep your bargain' as he walked past.

Catelyn waited in cold silence until we had the hilltop to ourselves before gesturing sharply for Arya to join her.

Arya scowled right back. "I want to stay with Uncle Edmure!"

"Arya!" Catelyn hissed. "Enough! Enough of your willfulness. I told you not to come here. You could have been in danger. This is no game…"

Arya's face took on a stubborn cast. "But I helped! I did… Uncle Edmure said…"

"Arya!" My sister's face had a wild look to it now.

I gave my niece a gentle nudge, trying to avert another melt down. "There now Arya. You did well. I'm glad you came… but perhaps you could give me some time to catch up with your mother? I promise we'll visit again before I leave."

She hesitated another second. "Promise?"

"Promise." I ruffled her hair one last time before giving her a gentle shove towards her mother.

Robb, the Blackfish, and I then stood in awkward silence for a long moment while Catelyn saw Arya away. Clearly this conversation was not occurring without my sister.

Catelyn's return got me another stern look. "I'd thank you not to keep putting ideas into my daughter's head. That sword she says you let her practice with? Encouraging her abysmal manners?"

"I… she…"

Catelyn cut me off. "She can't continue as a willful child! She needs to do her duty, to her family…"

"I'm sure…"

Again my sister rode right over me. "Bran missing. No word from Winterfell on Rickon. Sansa in Kings Landing. I won't let anything happen to her…"

"I won't either…"

She continued as though she hadn't heard me. "And… Edmure. Thank you…"

Suddenly, she was throwing herself into my arms, and I was shocked to feel some dampness on my tunic. Awkwardly, I patted her on the back. I mean, I sympathized with her. But I didn't actually think of her as my sister, so this was beyond awkward…

She gave a watery laugh. "You never did well with weeping women, Edmure. But thank you. Thank you so much, brother. For finding her. For keeping my little girl safe."

She finally pulled back, studying me closer. "You've grown, Edmure."

I snorted. "I doubt that. I wont say we were starving, but we were hardly feasting on the road."

She gave me a look with a hint of its previous firmness. "I'm serious, Edmure. I'm so proud. Father is so proud. He… he isn't always coherent anymore. But when he heard of the Battle of Five Armies? He was so proud. So happy."

I shrugged awkwardly, uncomfortable with all the praise, and searched for a safe response. "How is father?"

Catelyn frowned at that. "He grows weaker. I wish… I wish I could stay with him. The end isn't long now I fear…"

My sister turned her head away at that, the lines of grief in her face deepening.

I hesitated, unsure if I should try and comfort her or if that would be too close for our relationship.

I was saved from trying to figure it out by the Blackfish stepping forwards to place a hand on her shoulder. "There Cat. He'd understand. Family, Duty, Honor. All require you to go North. To Winterfell and your boys."

Robb took that as his cue to step forwards. "We've had naught but silence from Winterfell and Bolton's bastard. And now word reaches me that the Wildlings are moving. The Wall begs for help."

I shook my head, feeling more comfortable now that the talk moved from family history and towards politics. "Don't trust the Bastard of Bolton. He is no friend of ours."

Robb ran a weary hand through his hair. "So you've said, uncle. Repeatedly and at great length. But all the man has done is drive the Ironborn from Torrhen's Square. And Winterfell." Another shake of his head. "You were right there. Theon made an attempt on the castle that this Ramsay repulsed. I still can hardly believe it of him. He was like a brother to me."

I let a touch of grimness into my voice. "Then don't doubt my warning. I warned you about Theon. And about Moat Cailin, did I not?"

He sighed. "You did, Uncle. I don't deny it. The North owes you a debt…"

"And you can repay that debt by not trusting The Bastard."

Cat chose that moment to speak up. "My brother speaks true. A bastard is not like a true-born son. They are ambitious. And sly. This sudden silence from Winterfell speaks ill to me."

I felt like face-palming as I saw Robb's expression harden in denial. A lot made sense all of a sudden. Especially about Robb's refusal to heed my advice on this matter. Clearly this wasn't actually about the Bastard of Bolton, but some fight via proxy over Jon Snow.

"Look." I took a deep breath, as I tried to focus their attention back on me. "Just be cautious. Not all men are honorable, respect guest right, or even hold to their oaths. Just promise me you'll be cautious Robb."

He gave a wan smile. "A wise commander always is."

The Blackfish gave him a slap on the back, and a fond smile. "A lesson our nephew has learned the hard way."

Robb's smile turned serious. "Be that as it may. It's the Ironborn that truly concern me. This new king of theirs. You've heard of Oldtown?'

I sighed, that had been grim news. "Yes. The Hightower survived, I'm told. The rest of the city is burned and sacked though. The refugees are flooding across the Reach."

The Blackfish shook his head in disbelief. "I still don't understand it. Even with whatever men they lost to you at Kings Landing. How could the city fall to those reavers?"

"Their new King is cunning by all accounts. And… according to my sources…" or rather Bronn's fledgling information network… "Baelor Brightsmile had taken most of their strength north to help Willas Tyrell. Like as not it never entered their mind that the Ironborn would dare try for their city."

The Blackfish spat to the side. "The Reach is well and truly fucked. That's the last nail in the coffin."

Catelyn sent her uncle a look at the language before chiming in. "Is it as bad as they say?"

"Worse." I kept my words blunt and to the point. "By all accounts it's not a civil war so much as a hundred little civil wars. Stannis' decree and Willas' counter assured it. Every lord is turning on his neighbor, and every knight on his master. They all are claiming to be loyal to Tyrell or Baratheon… but it's all an excuse to settle grudges. The Reach is being bled raw. Like as not Wilas was counting on his Hightower kin to help deal with rebellions while Stannis is distracted. But now…"

The Blackfish nodded as I trailed off. "Too many of the Great Lords fell at Kings Landing. A great victory, Nephew, but the Reach will be decades recovering. I doubt either this Tyrell boy or Stannis have the strength to stamp out the fire they started. As you said, of the great Southron houses only the Hightowers escaped Kings Landing largely intact and now…" he spread his hands. "To top it off there will be thousands of refugees fleeing in all directions while the Ironborn reave and raid."

"Be that as it may." Robb's voice turned icy. "The situation in the Reach has my sympathies. But they are not my concern. What does have my concern are the rumors Lord Cerwyn carried me. Daenerys Targaryn?"

Catelyn was shaking her head in disbelief. "Edmure. How could you make such a mistake. To bind us to the dragons?"

The Blackfish was nodding in agreement. "Why tie us to a girl half a world away? Of a dynasty your father fought to unseat? I'd not have believed the tales true if every Northerner with you wasn't telling the same story."

I grimaced. I'd been expecting this reaction, but somehow their honest confusion and hurt was harder to deal with than the blistering anger I'd expected.

Still, I tried to reason with them. "It was the only choice…"

The Blackfish snorted. "There's always a choice. And I hear tell you've been telling the lords of dragons? Dragons, Edmure? The dragons have been dead centuries."

I rubbed my hands wearily against my face. I'd had this argument too many times with too many people. "Look. I thought they were just rumors at first. But it's been confirmed many times over. By individuals who have seen it with their own eyes…"

Catelyn sniffed. "Tall tales from sailors and sellswords most like. In White Harbor there are men who swear they've seen a Leviathan. I've heard Clansmen whisper of Others and dark beasts north of the Wall. Men often spout nonsense. I'll believe in dragons when I see them with my own eyes."

I resisted the urge to let that side track me. The last thing I needed was to bring the Others into this conversation. "Even if you put aside the dragons, it is the logical choice…"

Robb's face was still cold. "But is it the right choice? House Targaryen killed my grandfather and uncle. Raped my aunt. Madness and cruelty runs in that line."

I shook my head. "Those sins rest with Aerys. None other. The Mad King wronged your house. And he was punished. As he should have been. No arguments from me."

The Blackfish arched a single eyebrow. "And what does House Targaryen bring us to make this the right choice?"

"Dragons." I sighed at their continued disbelief. "But that aside? Dorne like as not. And what are our other choices, uncle. The Lannister's abominations? After what they did to Ned? This Ironborn reaver? Stannis Baratheon, a fanatic who would burn us all?"

Catelyn gave me a long look. "Gods know I wasn't pleased when Robb was proclaimed King. It seemed a recipe for more war. But now? That is your option brother."

Before I could comment, Robb interjected. "No. No mother."

I blinked at him in surprise, but he simply continued. "What claim do I have to the Riverlands? Why should House Tully swear to me? Because I've won battles? Edmure has won his share as well. Winning battles does not give you a claim to Kingship."

Catelyn looked ready to argue, but her uncle stilled her with a hand. "Peace Cat. The boy has the right of it. No man who sits the Iron Throne will simply let his kingdom fracture. The North is remote and safe… but us? No. Edmure is right in that."

My sister looked frustrated at that. "A great council then…"

I snorted. "And who would attend that great council? Tywin Lannister? Mace Tyrell? It will not be much of a council with so many lords dead and the realm fractured as it is."

Robb sighed. "It is your decision. I recognize that, Uncle. I do not agree, but I recognize it."

I gave a small shrug. "If it is any consolation, you have my word that I will do my best to assure the Queen leaves your kingdom be. And come what may, no Tully sword will ever march North."

He inclined his head slightly.

I turned to the Blackfish. "And you uncle? What are your plans?"

He snorted. "Ohh. I may be a Blackfish… but I am still a fish. I'll stick around nephew, at least till this war ends. Besides…" he flashed a small grin, "I want to see these supposed dragons of yours."

I gave a satisfied nod. I hadn't really connected with the Blackfish, and of course I had the worry that he might recognize something off with his nephew. But still, to gain a commander of his repute would be invaluable, especially as my knowledge of book events was largely pointless at this stage.

My uncle was turning to Robb now, a sad smile on his face. "Your Grace. It's been an honor."

Robb reached out, gripping his uncle's arm, and I had the distinct impression I was glimpsing something private between them. "You will always have a place in the North. Always."

The Blackfish gave a wan smile. "I might just have to visit when this business is all done."

I found myself repressing a rather absurd surge of jealousy… the man wasn't even actually my uncle, what did I care if Robb was his favorite?

Something must have shown on my face, because the Blackfish gave an awkward cough, and then took a step back to focus on me. "But. Enough of that. I imagine you want to talk of the prisoners, Edmure?"

Robb spoke before I could answer. "Lord Cerwyn shared your concerns, uncle. I assure you, no disrespect was meant. But they were my prisoners. My Lord's would not suffer me to simply let them go, not after so much blood was spent at the Whispering Woods and in the West. Even to family. Especially…" he grimaced "considering some of the recent tensions."

I arched an eyebrow. "You are the King."

He gave me a crooked smile. "They made me King. They could always unmake me."

I snorted. If that wasn't true, I didn't know what was. If my time in Westeros had taught me anything, it was that Westerosi Nobility had no respect for their lieges. Still… "You can keep Jaime Lannister of course. Let your men crow over the Kingslayer. It's Loras Tyrell I want."

Robb snorted. "So Lord Cerwyn said. I've no argument with you, uncle. I'll instruct Cerwyn to turn Tyrell and his other prisoners over to you. As you said, Your battle, your prisoner."

I blinked. Robb was being surprisingly understanding. "There is one other matter though."

He gave a weary sigh, sounding not at all like a boy. "There always is."

"Martyn and Willem Lannister. I ask you leave them with me."

My nephew shook his head. "By your argument, they are my prisoners. Captured at the Whispering Woods and Oxcross."

"They are." My agreement seemed to startle him, so I pressed on. "But. I still ask it. They are just boys, no real worth to you. You have no one to ransom them to. And they are no Jaime Lannister, they will have no prestige or value to your bannermen. To you, they are just boys. But to me? Valuable hostages. You will be in the North… but I will still need to deal with the remnants of the Lannisters."

He still hesitated, so I put all my cards on the table and hoped all my mummery with Stevron and Black Walder would pay off. "If it helps, this will give me something to calm the Freys. To show them that house Stark makes amends for breaking its word. It will help me assure you can cross their lands with no troubles, and help to sooth their tempers as well. It will make amends."

Robb hesitated one more long moment before finally nodding. "For amends."

"Thank you, your Grace." I figured I could be humble and polite in victory.

He chuckled. "You're welcome, I'm sure. We are done with this business?"

I grinned. "For now. A king's work never ends."

He gave a weary shake of his head. "So I've come to realize."

I gave him a friendly slap on the back. "But now that the business is done, let us relax. You'll spend the day here I hope, before continuing on?"

"Aye." He gave a small smile. "Like as not Arya would stab me with her 'Needle' if I didn't give her the chance to spend time with her uncle."

I nodded back. "I'm sure we can prepare a feast of some sorts as well."

A touch of wryness entered his voice. "Sit me next to the Freys I suppose. I imagine I have more apologizing to do."

Catelyn gave a sniff. "It's not kingly…"

Robb shrugged. "And as Uncle Edmure reminded us, I needs must pass through their land peacefully. I can humble myself for that."

Robb made to walk away before pausing and turning back to me. "Uncle Edmure. I've not agreed with all your decisions. I still think this business with the Targaryen girl madness. But. I respect your decision. House Tully has been a true friend. Thank you."

I blinked, slightly taken aback, but remembered myself well enough to take his hand in a strong grip when he reached out. Robb held the grip for a long moment before giving one final nod and turning to walk away, the Blackfish on his heels.

As I made to turn myself, Catelyn suddenly reached out, her hold surprisingly strong as she stopped me. "Edmure."

I blinked. "Sister?"

Her finger tightened on my arm until it was almost painful. "Edmure. Please."


She hesitated a long moment before continuing. "Robb. Robb had no choice but to call his men back. Mayhaps if we'd known… known how close the city was to falling. But. We didn't expect it… and with the Ironborn and the Wildlings? The Lords insisted."

"I understand. It's alright." Well. It wasn't. I was still seething mad that the damn Northerners couldn't have given me two more weeks. Even one! But complaining about it wouldn't change the reality at this point.

Catelyn was shaking her head. "No. Brother. Edmure. You don't understand. Robb wanted to stay. But he is a King. And as King he could not. And so he puts his trust in Stannis honor. But I met that man. There is no mercy in his heart.

I nodded grimly, for once in complete agreement with her. "The man is a danger."

She frowned. "Robb lets himself trust in the man's honor because he has no choice. He worries, but his pride won't let him admit it. But I? I am a mother. Edmure, I lie awake every night in fear thinking of that man."

"You fear for Robb?"

She shook her head. "No. Yes. Always… but that's not what I mean. He would do Robb ill, but Robb will be safe in the North. I'd stay here myself. With father. But my sons need me. Bran… Rickon. And yet still I have this fear. Please, brother. Promise me."

I hesitated, starting to get an inkling of where this was going.. "Promise you?"

Her nails were digging into my arm now. "Sansa. My Sansa. Promise me, you'll find her. You'll not let her come to harm. Please, promise me."

Something squirmed in my stomach as I looked at her pleading eyes and grief lined face. Somehow I found myself sighing and nodding. "I promise."

A/N: Well. There you go. Sorry for the delay. Usually when I take forever on a chapter it's due to real life, not any sort of difficulty writing. Some of that with this (the last month has been crazy due to Coronavirus. I work at a university and with all the students leaving and everything going online… very hectic). But honestly, most of the delay was just that this chapter would NOT sit right. Hopefully it turned out alright in the end. And I *am* excited to get to the next few chapters. This was something of a transition chapter, which was maybe why it was so hard to write. That and all the family dynamics were hard. The next chapters start the build up in the next arc, which I've been rather excited for.

For Arya. I kind of liked the idea that due to Edmure's influence she is taking a bit more of a scheming personality. She always was intelligent (honestly in some ways she always struck me as more cunning and better at reading people than Sansa, whom most fanfics place as the 'schemer' Stark).

Also… not a coincidence that Robb/Cat were ultimately pretty open to Edmure. I was intentionally a bit anti-climactic with the prisoners. I know a lot of reviewers have been urging me to have this chapter be a giant fight/call out between Tully's and Starks. But. I don't find that realistic with their characters. Cat and Robb both have their flaws (major flaws in Cat). And I tried to show that here. But both are ultimately family first and very loyal. A lot (not all) of the 'tension' has been of Edmure's own doing or due to the distance and lack of communication between them.

Finally, I do want to thank everyone who has taken the time to write a review for this story. It's weird, before I wrote my own story, I seldom gave reviews. Now I try to do it all the time. It's not only helpful, but honestly is a great motivator. And as I thought of this, I especially wanted to thank Weylandcorp4, Jean D'Arc, and Redsword. Looking back on this story (I've come a long way) my first couple of chapters were VERY rough and very short. However, these folks still read it and took the time to give me some encouraging feedback. And then continued to do so after every chapter. To a brand new writer who was rather unsure of himself, this was a huge boost of confidence that let me keep going and growing. I only mention this, because I do think there is a good lesson there (not to get all preachy). Not just about giving feedback which sure. But specifically for taking the time to encourage new writers on this site, even when their first try at writing might not blow you away. Anyway I wanted to share that and thank all of you (and them especially) since it was going through my head. As I struggled with writer's block on this chapter, a lot of the positive and encouraging feedback and messages I got really helped me push through it.