

Chapter 22

I sighed as I exited Riverrun's solar. It was expected that I visit Hoster, and so visit him I did. But I couldn't deny I found the experience draining. Hoster was no longer talking, at least in any coherent way, and even though he wasn't *actually* my father, it was simply depressing and exhausting to sit there keeping him company.

"Lord Edmure." Robert Frey, the Maester apprentice I'd brought in to look after my father, followed at my heels as I exited the solar.

I sighed again, forcing myself to focus on the apprentice. "Yes?"

"I fear…" the young man licked his lips nervously. "I fear Lord Hoster has not improved."

I gave the apprentice a reassuring smile. "That's no fault of yours, you've been as attentive as I could ask."

The lad fiddled with the chain around his neck, only a few links visible on it. "Yes, Lord Edmure. But I can't help but wish we had a true Maester. Perhaps if you sent to the Citadel…"

I cut him off. "You have your silver link, do you not?" I waited for him to nod. "Then you're as skilled as any other. Especially these days."

Robert looked even more miserable at that. "I wrote to the Archmaester for advice, but there's been no word from Oldtown. Nor from any of my friends in the Citadel either. Not since the Ironborn took the city."

I had no response to that. I rather doubted the Ironborn were the sort to be respectful to an institution of higher learning.

After a moment of silence, Robert seemed to screw his courage up and pressed on. "Lord Edmure. What I mean to say is, I don't think your lord father has long now."

"If you can at least ease his pain in these last days. I cannot ask for more." Truth be told, it was likely a credit to Robert that Hoster was still alive. From what I recalled of the time-line, he had already died by this point in the books.

Robert bobbed his head in agreement. "Of course, Lord Edmure. I just wish we had a true Maester to consult with. But I shall do my best."

"I know you shall." I paused for a moment. "And perhaps consult with Wisdom Malliard."

Robert reared back in surprise. "That Alchemist?"

I made a deliberate show of considering. "He may not have the expertise of a Maester, but he is a man of learning all the same. I know several Riverlords have taken on his brothers as advisers. He tells me that their chapter in Harrenhall is growing by leaps and bounds. They can hardly keep up with the demand for pyromancer advisers, even with so many of their brothers exiled from the capital and gathering in Harrenhall."

Robert frowned. "The Lords only follow your example, Lord Edmure. These Pyromancers are charlatans and mystics, nothing like a Citadel trained Maester…"

I shrugged. "As I said, they are no Maester, but they are educated. And with the Citadel going silent, we must rely on what we can."

And more to the point, it dovetailed nicely with my long term goals. With their chapter in Kings Landing destroyed, the remaining Pyromancers were fully reliant on my good graces. It couldn't hurt to both break up the Maester's monopoly a bit and get some voices very reliant on my good will near the ears of my lords.

"As you say Lord Edmure." Robert looked anything but pleased with my answer.

I was saved further response as we rounded the corner and came across Marq, clearly waiting for me.

"Edmure!" My friend smiled a greeting.

"Lord Piper." Robert inclined his head politely.

Marq only scowled back at the young man, voice taking on a distinctly icy tone. "Frey."

Robert shook his head. "Just Acolyte Robert please, my lord. A Maester's allegiance is to his lord. I may not have taken the vows, but I am trying to embody them."

Marq simply grunted, turning back to me. "You wanted to see me, Edmure?"

I nodded before turning back to Robert. "Thank you again for your help with father. I may see you later about sending some raven's as well."

Robert clearly heard the intended dismissal, as he bowed his head before making his way back towards the solar.

Marq was giving the man a dark look as he vanished around the corner. "I don't like seeing that one putting on airs and acting like a Maester."

I gave my friend an odd look. "Robert? He does the job well enough." I hesitated, since there was clearly more going on here. "Has he offended you in some way?"

Marq gave a sour glower. "No, but it just feels like a man can't take three steps here without tripping over a Frey. A Frey for your Maester, Frey advisers, that new Frey you took on to squire with young Darry, and now a soon to be Frey wife."

I gave Marq an amused look. "Marianne is a Vance."

Marq huffed. "You wouldn't know it from how Black Walder is crowing about the marriage."

I snorted, giving my friend a slap on the back. He still hadn't forgiven the Freys for the mocking nickname they had hung on him after the battle at Harroway's Town. The Freys, for their part, had taken every opportunity to whisper that I favored my friend too much. Especially after his failure in the recent battles.

Still, I tried to offer Marq an olive branch. "The Frey's are always going to be plotting, better to keep them close where I can keep an eye on them."

He shook his head. "I still don't like it. You honor them too much. And after every honor you give they simply want another. They crowd around your castle like vultures, whispering in your ear. I trust them not. They are greedy…"

I cut him off, injecting some finality into my voice. "The Frey's have kept their oaths and are soon to be family as well. I'll hear no more on the subject."

Marq subsided, though he still looked mutinous, and fell into step besides me.

"In any event," I spoke forcefully, deliberately changing the topic, "that is not why I wanted your company today."

"Ohh?" Marq sent me a wary look. "Don't tell me you're sending me on some other gods-damned mission?"

I resisted the urge to snort, it was good my friend could have a little humor about his bad luck. "I thought you might like to keep me company while I visited a few of our guests?"

"Guests?" Marq looked confused for a second, until he took in the direction of our steps, and then a truly evil grin spread across his face. "Lannister? Ohh yes, I'd like to see what that pompous ass has to say now."

I gave a wry shake of my head. "Don't rub it in too much. Lord Kevan still has his uses."

Marq shrugged. "Ohh I won't get in the way of your scheming, Edmure. But don't tell me you're dragging me along if I can't gloat a little."

Despite myself, I found a small grin tugging my face at Marq's excitement. "Just keep it in due-bounds. And besides, he's not our first stop. You knew Tyrell, didn't you?"

Marq gave a little chuckle. "Ahh. That's why I'm being dragged along, eh?"

I didn't deny it. "I thought seeing a friendly face might make him more reasonable. I hear he's been giving the guards a headache."

Marq shrugged again. "Maybe, but I doubt I'll be much help. I met him a few times in the capital when father took me, but I wouldn't call us close. Loras liked to have a good time." He sighed, looking a little melancholy. "We all did back then."

I gave him a little pat, talking of his father likely reminded him of his murdered family and burned keep.

Marq gave a little shake of his head, clearly pulling his thoughts back together. "But I don't know that I'll be much help to you. We hardly ran in the same circles. Acquaintances at best."

"Still. It can't hurt for him to see a familiar face at least."

A small and slightly dark smile came back on Marq's face. "Well. Let me prod at Lannister some, and I'll help all you want with poor Loras."

After that, we continued in silence until we entered into the dungeons. The damp, dark, and narrow hallways did not really lend themselves to conversation. It felt a little odd to have Marq at my back instead of Bronn, but I figured the last thing these negotiations needed was my rubbing the former sellsword's new lofty position in the face of a bunch of prickly Lords.

As we neared Loras' cell, the waiting guard stood up with alacrity, straightening into a salute. "Lord Edmure! Lord Piper!"

I nodded to the man. "How fairs our guest today?"

The guard shifted uncomfortably at that. "He's in one of his moods, my lords."

Marq grimaced, taking in the dark and damp walls. "To be expected in a place like this."

I sighed. "Indeed. Let's be about it then…"

At my nod, the guard handed Marq his torch, opening the heavy door to allow us entrance.

Despite myself, I did a double take as I entered. Loras was not as I had expected, despite the reports I had received.

The young Tyrell was in a corner of the windowless cell, hair long and unkempt and clothing torn. Filth and uneaten food was scattered across the cell, and even the bandages on his wounded leg looked battered and dirty. You could still see his good looks beneath all the filth, but the sunken cheeks and angry eyes went a long way to dispelling his pretty boy image.

"Tully." Loras ground out, glaring at me from behind his filthy hair.

"Ahh. Lord Tyrell." I was still a bit taken aback by the state of the cell.

The guard behind us clearly read my reaction and grunted. "Sorry Lord Edmure, he lashes out anytime we come near. We've had to keep our distance."

I nodded absentmindedly, waving the man to wait outside for us.

"Gods Loras…" Marq was looking at his acquaintance with shock. "What happened to you?"

"What happened?" Loras entire body seethed in tension as he leaned forwards. "What happened!? Your dogs murdered my brother! You *burned* my father! You killed my King!"

I took a step back at the sheer vehemence in his words. "It was war. And we had nothing to do with Renly's death…"

Clearly the wrong thing to say, as Loras actually lunged at me. His face a rictus of anger and hatred he leapt at me with surprising speed, clawed hands reaching out towards me.

"Edmure!" Marq leaped in front of me, shoving me behind him with one hand while the other drew his sword.

He need not have bothered though, Loras had barely made it a step before he let out a scream of agony, collapsing like a house of cards as his wounded leg gave out.


Despite that, I took a minute to catch my breath, my heart was going a mile an hour. Finally, I pushed down Marq's protective hand and stepped forwards again.

Loras was in a heap on the floor, growling like some sort of beast, half in pain and half in anger. When he saw me near, he looked up again, and the heat in his eyes was real. "You. YOU do not get to speak his name."

Hesitantly, I tried to start this over. "Ser Loras. We don't have to be enemies…"

If looks could kill, his would. "You burned my father." He spat on to the floor in front of me. "Give me a sword and I'll gut you where you stand, Tully."

Marq frowned at him, all our talk of a friendly face clearly forgotten after Loras actions. "You talk big for a half cripple."

Loras scowled. "Put steel in my hands Piper. If you dare. Then I'll show you what I do to Tully dogs."

Marq took a half step forwards before I put a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. So much for my friend helping me to connect with Loras.

I paused to study Loras for a moment. He was still seething on the floor, and I could see the bandages on his lamed leg leaking some sort of red pus. I made a mental note to try and get him some better medical attention when this was done, even if we needed to sedate the mad bastard.

I let the silence stretch for a moment before trying a different tact. "Has anyone shared news of your brother with you? Of Wilas?"

Loras stayed silent, but I saw a spark of interest in his eyes.

"He is in dire straights by all reports." I paused, and when I received no reaction I continued on. "He has few allies. Too many of your lords died at Kings Landing. Stannis has turned the rest on each other and the Reach bleeds red in Civil War. Oldtown is in the hands of the Ironborn as well. Rumor has it your brother's writ ends a day's ride from Highgarden. Your house balances on a knife's edge."

Loras finally looked up at that, teeth gritted. "And have you come to gloat over House Tyrell's fall? You did your bloody business well."

"No!" I leaned forwards, trying to make him see reason. "House Tyrell need not be an enemy of mine. We fought on the Blackwater, but that was because you took up the Lannister cause. Stannis is no friend of mine though, no more than he is to your house. I'd much rather have an ally to the south."

It was only the truth, already I had countless reports of refugees fleeing in mass from the chaos in the south. The entire Reach burned.

Loras seethed. "Stannis would be dead and dealt with but for you! You!"

I resisted the urge to pinch my nose at his stubbornness. "Be that as it may. I had hoped we could forge an understanding between us. One that could aid your brother. If nothing else, I dare say he is in dire need of your sword."

For the first time, the anger seemed to drain from Loras, and his back slumped in despair. "What good am I to Wilas? A disgraced knight who cannot even mount his horse? A tool for our enemies to wring concessions from?"

Marq did not seem pleased by this answer. "You are his brother. Would that my brother still lived to be ransomed back to me."

Loras sneered, and it twisted his face into something truly ugly. "Would that I could have been the one to cut your brother down, Piper!"

I half expected Marq to lunge at Loras in a fit of temper, but my friend only gripped his sword with white knuckles, looking down at Loras with contempt. "Gods. You are pathetic, Tyrell."

I tried one last time. "You're our prisoner, Ser Loras. But surely if we can come to some agreement that is mutually beneficial…"

Loras looked up, a wild look back in his eyes. "Never. NEVER!"

He trailed off in a fit of hacking coughs at that. Finally catching his breath, voice rasping, he continued. "I won't be your catspaw, Tully."

I shook my head. For some reason I had expected Loras to be much more reasonable, though I suppose we never saw much of him in the books. But this was a lost cause. Clearly if I ransomed him or got any use from him, it would not be willingly.

"I swear…" Loras interrupted my thoughts, gasping with effort as he somehow managed to heave himself upright, leaning against the wall with his weight on his good leg.

"I swear to all the Gods, Tully." His voice was a cocktail of pain and anger, intense beyond anything I had ever heard. "I swear. For my father. For my brother. You will pay."

I had no answer to that, instead just turning to the dor, Marq at my back.

Despite everything, I was pleased to see my hands were steady as we exited. There was something about the intense anger and emotion from Loras. The sheer hate. It was unnerving to witness it directed at me.

Marq seemed to calm down once we had exited, and gave me a sad smile. "Don't take that too hard Edmure. He's grieving."

I gave a shake of my head. Somehow seeing Loras, someone whom I thought of as a 'good guy', look at me with such hatred? It had been unnerving.

Marq gave me a reassuring slap on the back. "Don't look like that Edmure. You always want everyone to like you, but you did what you had to here."

I blinked, thinking for a moment of burning fields and knights roasting in their armor. "Aye. What I had to." I gave myself another shake, trying to dispel such thoughts.

Marq gave a short nod. "So. Still want to beard the lion in his den?"

What I wanted was to go back to a world where folks weren't swearing murderous vendettas on me. But barring that? "Aye. Let's hope Lord Kevan will be more reasonable…"

Lord Kevan's cell was deeper in Riverrun's dungeon, and yet when we entered it seemed much less dank than Loras'.

It perhaps was due to the occupant, as despite his predicament Kevan had managed to keep himself neat and presentable. Indeed, he somehow gave off a quiet air of dignity.

"Lord Edmure. Lord Piper." Kevan politely inclined his head towards us.

"Lord Kevan." I nodded back.

"Lannister." Marq was much colder in his greeting. "Enjoying your accommodations?"

Kevan glanced around the barren cell, a tinge of amusement in his eyes before focusing back in on us. "I find the hospitality somewhat lacking. But I suppose it is to be expected."

"And more than you deserve!" Marq sneered, his usual sunny disposition buried under his anger.

Kevan ignored him, turning weary eyes towards me. "The guards tell me many stories, but oft-times it is hard to know the truth from the lies. My brother?"

"Gone." I kept my voice firm and to the point. "My Nephew defeated him in the west."

Kevan closed his eyes, and for a long moment there was only silence. When he finally spoke, his voice was neutral and controlled. "I feared as much. The rest of my family?"

"The Kingslayer goes north with Robb. Cersei and her two elder bastards perished in Kings Landing. Stannis claims at their own hands. Tommen Waters is missing, either hiding or dead I suspect."

"My son? Lancel?"

I didn't answer him. How do you tell a man, even a Lannister, his son was dead?"

Kevan kept his face expressionless as the silence stretched. "I see. I thank you for the news, Lord Tully."

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Your younger two, Willem and Martyn, are safe enough. They are my guests and in good health."

Lord Kevan nodded, seeming to take no offense at my polite euphemism for 'prisoner.' "I thank you again Lord Tully."

Marq sneered at that, seemingly finding this proceeding too polite. "As you should. Not many would have been so lenient as Edmure."

Once again, Kevan seemed to show no anger at those words. "Indeed. I am well aware that I am at Lord Edmure's mercy."

"Mmm." I murmured non-committedly at that. "Be that as it may, mayhaps you can repay that mercy with some insights."

Kevan inclined his head. "If I can be of service, I shall."

I steepled my fingers. "I presume you've not had much news of the West since your arrival here?"

"Only what dribs and drabs your guards share."

I nodded. "Suffice to say, it is chaotic at best. The Northerners smashed anything even resembling an army. The Ironborn raid freely, and your hills have become lousy with bandits. The chaos is even seeping back into the Riverlands."

Marq spat on the floor at that, clearly thinking of his own burned keep. "All that ever comes from the Westerlands are reavers and scum."

I calmly continued, eyes focused on Kevan. "In normal times I'd deal with the problem myself, but we have many enemies. Stannis is no friend of my house… or of yours."

Kevan gave me a sad smile when I finished. "My brother oft-times said that today's enemies are tomorrow's allies."

Marq scowled at that, but he knew better than to interrupt.

I simply nodded. "Indeed. What the West needs now, is a friendly Lord Lannister. A Lord Lannister who has learned the folly of too much ambition. And who can be relied upon."

Kevan heaved a sigh. "Tywin always said Jaime would be his heir…"

I shook my head. "Ser Jaime forsook his claims when he took his vows."

"And the Kingslayer is a guest of King Robb. I doubt he will ever be warm again, let alone Lord of the Rock." Marq smirked as he twisted the proverbial knife.

Kevan still hesitated. "Tommen…"

I shook my head a second time. "Tommen Waters is a bastard. The new Lord of Lannister must recognize him as such and swear publicly to the true queen."

Kevan tilted his head. "I'd heard you swore to the Targaryn girl, but I could scarce believe it."

I shrugged. "The Targaryn's have always done well by house Tully. She is the rightful queen, far more so than Stannis."

Marq smirked. "And her having dragons doesn't hurt either."

Kevan eyed me warily. "I've heard this talk of dragons. But surely…"

"All true." I cut him off. "And also besides the point. She is the rightful ruler."

Kevan shook his head. "And will this rightful ruler be so forgiving? You were rebels against her father. As was my house. My brother…" he trailed off, clearly searching for a diplomatic way to say 'my brother had her family murdered and raped.'

"Her Grace's family was wronged, and those that wronged them will be punished." I kept my voice even as I answered his unspoken question.

Marq's eyes lit up at that. "The Mountain…"

"I know not if your brother gave the order…" yup, I could still lie with a straight face… "but either way he is dead. Any others who were involved will be punished fittingly."

Kevan leaned forwards. "Let's speak bluntly. You are saying you wish me to claim Casterly Rock."

"You are the heir at this point."

He still did not look pleased at this. "You are asking me to rob my brother's children and grandchildren of their legacy."

I frowned. "As you said, let's speak bluntly. Jaime is never inheriting. Cersei's children are dead or missing, and bastards besides. Your family is scattered to the wind. You can try to pick up the pieces, or I'll find someone else who can."

Kevan still had a stubborn cast to his face. "And what of my nephew. What of Tommen? What will you do with the boy? His claim is a threat to your ambitions."

Marq snorted at that. "You need not worry. *We* are not Lannisters, children have nothing to fear from us."

I raised a quelling hand, before turning back to Kevan. "Marq speaks truly. Honestly, you have more to fear from Stannis than us on that account. I've no desire to harm the boy. You will renounce him, acknowledge he is base born, and then should we come across him we will allow the boy to live out his life on the Wall."

He gave a stony faced nod. "I can live with those terms…"

I cut him off with a shake of my head. "Those weren't the terms, simply our starting point."

Kevan settled back down, inclining his head for me to go on.

"Since we are speaking bluntly…" I did my best to portray the stern lord… "your house dragged this entire continent into a war for your ambition. My lords saw their keeps sacked, my smallfolk had their fields burned. All by Lannister men."

Kevan seemed unmoved. "That is war, my lord. Or do you mean to tell me your Stark allies did not pillage up and down the Westerlands?"

I put a little teeth in my smile. "To the victor goes the spoils."

He grunted. "You want gold, I imagine?"

I nodded. "Restitution for my people, yes." And with any luck, enough to buy supplies before winter. And to pay off the sellswords.

"Gold we have. I can accept that." He didn't even bother asking what sum I wanted.

"Of course." I put on my blandest smile. "But I'm also worried about security. After all, you have lost your armies and there is much unrest in the region. If we are going to strike a bargain, it is only fitting that I help you in return."

Now Kevan looked wary. "Help?"

"Help," I agreed. "We will station a strong company in the Golden Tooth. Permanently. To help you to secure the passes, you understand."

Kevan did not like that at all. "My lords would never stand for that. For House Tully to occupy such a strong keep…"

"Better in our hands than yours." Marq's eyes were hard as he spoke. I knew the Golden Tooth was one of the key reasons he and the other western lords were even agreeing to this peace. The Golden Tooth had been the main invasion route from the west for generations.

I inclined my head towards my friend. "Lord Marq speaks truthfully. If you prefer, we can dispel of the polite fiction and we can simply seize the keep outright. I thought this might be more palpable for all though.

Kevan was still frowning. "You ask for much."

I was unmoved. "You owe much."

"And how long will this… garrison… be aiding us in the Golden Tooth?"

I kept face carefully bland. "Until the Queen can make a final decision on the matter, of course. I'm sure her verdict will depend on how much aid House Lannister provides us in the coming struggles. It goes without saying that I expect you to do your part against the various rebels and enemies of her Grace."

Kevan leaned back, studying me. But I knew he had him. Unlike Loras, he was clearly a reasonable man. And that meant he knew I was holding all the cards.

Finally he gave a curt nod.

I smiled. "Very well then. I will have some papers drawn up outlining our deal and your new allegiance to Queen Daenerys. And renunciation of Tommen Waters as well."

"Papers?" Now Kevan looked confused, it wasn't the normal Westerosi way to formalize an agreement like that.

I let some teeth show in my smile now. "Why yes. We mean to announce our agreement to the world. To share the happy news of our peace. Once it is affixed with your seal, and witnessed by our Septon, we will send copies across Westeros."

Not that I suspected any 'treaty' to be binding. But at the very least it would be a lot more uncomfortable for Kevan to backpedal after he declared his new loyalties to the world. A paper chain might not be ideal, but it would be better then nothing.

"And what of my sons?" Kevan's gaze was pointed now. "My sons and the other prisoners? If we are to be allies now, I assume they will be released? Or ransomed at least."

I nodded my head. "Ohh yes. Most certainly. I will release young Martyn to your custody immediately. But I rather thought that, to seal our new bargain, it would be fitting for Willem to remain with me. As a ward, of course. A way to heal wounds and build trust between our houses."

Kevan gave a wry snort at that. "Of course." He shook his head in disbelief. "You are not what I expected, Lord Edmure."

I wasn't sure how to take that, and so ignored it. "As long as you keep to your word."

Kevan sighed. "You ask for much, but as you said we owe much. You have my word."

He flashed a bitter smile before continuing. "You could have twisted the knife more, I know. But I suppose this is wise too. Tywin always preferred to turn his enemies into allies as well."

"Mmm." I wasn't exactly wild about the Tywin comparisons, though I'm sure Kevan meant well. "Be that as it may. Now that we've reached an understanding, I will send some men to bring you to some more… suitable… accommodations."

"Lord Edmure." He dipped his head just the tiniest bit as Marq and I made our way to the exit.

Marq waited until we had rounded the corner before finally speaking up. "I still don't like it, Edmure."

"Neither do I." And that was nothing but the truth. Making peace with the Lannister's just seemed… wrong. "But we've nothing to gain except unrest on our western borders by dragging this out. We lack the strength to take the Rock, and we've more pressing enemies as well. Better to pull the Lannister fangs and secure our flank."

"As you say." Marq still didn't seem happy. A moment later though, a savage grin came across his face. "But I will like seeing the Tooth in *our* hands. Let them cause trouble now, and see how they like experiencing raids coming out of the passes!"

I chuckled. "Indeed. The shoe will be on the other foot."

My friend gave a fierce nod at that. "You must ask the Queen to make the garrison permanent. If nothing else, that alone will make this palatable."

I gave a bland smile to him. "I'm glad you agree that seizing the Tooth is so vital."

Marq drew to a sudden halt at that. "Don't give me that look, Edmure! I know that look."

"And what look is that?"

He shook his head. "Every Gods damned time you give me some horrible Gods damned mission you have that look."

I let out another laugh. "You know me too well, I think."

He sighed. "Out with it. What is it?"

I got more serious at that. "I mean to give you a large force. You'll be the one escorting Lord Kevan westwards and garrisoning the Golden Tooth for me."

Marq's frown wasn't for show this time. "The Golden Tooth? You want me garrisoning that keep while Stannis threatens us in the east?"

"I need someone I can trust absolutely there. You'll be guarding the entire western frontier and it's a large command well. I mean to give you a large portion of our strength and the Company of the Cat as well."

He was shaking his head. "Don't try to butter me up Edmure. Is this because of the Battle of Five Armies? You think I don't hear what those Frey bastards whisper about me? That we'd have the capital but for me?"

There was some truth to that, though not in the way Marq meant. After his many struggles there *was* pressure from some for me to cut him lose. But this wasn't about punishing him so much as giving him the chance to try and rehabilitate his reputation.

I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I don't listen to those rumors, Marq. I need someone I can trust. Someone the Lannister's can't bribe and who the western Riverlords will trust and respect."

Marq gave a bitter little snort and shook my hand off his shoulder. "And so while you fight Stannis, I get sent out to rot in the Golden Tooth with a bunch of sellswords."

I grimaced. "Not just sellwords. But it does make sense to keep the Company of the Cat busy. And to have the Lannister's footing their bill as well."

Marq gave a stiff nod. "Of course. I understand Edmure."

I sighed. Why was it always so difficult. "Marq…"

Marq's face remained stiff "Don't worry Edmure. I'll see it done. When do you need me to depart?"

I hesitated. "When you're ready, there's no rush…"

"I'll start preparing and leave immediately then." His eyes turned bitter. "This time, I won't let you down."

I sighed as I watched Marq stalk away. That had gone worse then I had expected, but he was the logical choice to guard those passes. And he did need some easy successes after all the failures, much as I didn't consider them his fault. I'd have to find a way to make it up to him though, or at least show it was a sign of trust. As it was! No doubt this command would make him the most powerful lord in the Western Riverlands.

My musings were cut short as an out of breath Tully guardsman stumbled to a halt in front of me. "Lord Edmure!"

"Yes?" Despite myself, seeing guards running for me always made me a bit wary.

The man took a deep gulp of air before continuing. "We've been looking for you everywhere Lord Edmure. Ser Desmond sent me to fetch you at once."

I frowned, lengthening my strides as I started to hurry towards the courtyard. "Yes? Out with it!"

The guard gave a little grin, and I felt myself relaxing. It couldn't be that bad if he was smiling. "We spotted them from the walls, My Lord. A large host, flying Frey and Vance banners. They are almost to the castle, My Lord."

And at that, I felt a different sort of nervousness in my stomach. It seemed my wife-to-be had finally arrived.

A/N: Well there we go! Hopefully the next chapters will come out soon. I am sadly furloughed at the moment (thanks coronavirus). But the silver lining in that sucky news is I've had more time to write.

Anyway, I wanted to include the bit about the Freys/Piper rivalry here. It is very common in medieval settings for there to be a struggle to get positions of influence around a King (or in this case Lord Paramount). I.e if you control his squires, his advisers, etc, you have his ear and thus a great deal of influence. Its why in real life positions like "Groom of the Stool" was actually prestigious. In ASOIAF see the Lannisters and Robert in book one for an example of this.

It also tends to lead to… mmm… when you dislike what your leader is doing, you get to proclaim you are loyal to HIM but of course the fault is all his corrupt advisers who need replacing (by you of course). Anyway though, my point is that this is not to say the Freys are bad and Marq is good (or vice versa, as they insult Marq's performance) so much as that as Edmure becomes a stronger Lord Paramount, it is natural for the lords under him to switch from fighting with *him* to trying to cut each other down or limit the influence rivals have with Edmure. Marq is Edmure's closest friend, and thus a 'threat' to people who want influence or dislike the Pipers. The Frey's are marrying one of their relatives to him and Edmure and Stevron are getting thick as thieves. Those who don't like the Freys will resent that.

Finally. I know a lot of readers were pushing to have Edmure really stick the knife in the Lannisters. But for a variety of reasons this seemed the most reasonable alternative. While he has so many enemies, Edmure CANT really invade the West. So he takes what he can get, but more importantly turns an enemy into a junior allied partner.