Chapter 2

That night, Paa sat in the living room with his elder brother.

The brother said, "There's no need to explain anything to anyone. When the marriage happens, everyone will know. You don't owe anyone an explanation for this."

Paa took a deep breath and replied, "Okay, Da Ge."

The elder brother continued, "Yes, it's okay. No need to say anything to anyone. And where will they stay? Which of your apartments will they be staying in?" Paa responded, "I don't want to make him feel comfortable in any way. I wish the man would agree to go back to his village with him. I'll give him enough money to start a business or farm, or whatever will be enough to have meals.

Because I want Zhan to learn a bitter lesson in life, a hard one, not the one he was raised with."

The elder brother shook his head, a small hint of a smile escaping his lips. "No... There's no need for all that. Don't stop what you're doing. Give them the comfortable apartment."

After the elder brother left, Mrs. Xian entered the living room with a mug of black cinnamon and clove tea in her hand. She placed the mug in front of her husband and went outside again.

Zhuo entered after she left. He saw Paa on a phone call, so he waited until he finished. He greeted Paa and asked, "I tried calling you throughout yesterday, but I couldn't reach you on the phone."

Paa replied, "Yes, I traveled. Was there a problem?"

Zhuo continued, "Paa, it's about Zhan." Mrs. Xian chose that moment to return, and Zhuo suddenly became quiet.

Paa glanced at him. "What about Zhan?"

Zhuo became nervous but gathered his courage and said, "Paa, is it necessary to marry Zhan off...?" Paa raised his hand to stop him. "If that's what brings you here, just go, Zhuo. I need to rest."

Mrs. Xian listened to their conversation. Zhuo left.

Mrs. Xian stepped closer to her husband, took one of his hands, and said, "Dear, please don't worry yourself too much. In time, everything will be alright. Don't raise your blood pressure." Paa shook his head and sighed. "Zhan's video is trending day by day. A reputable person like me... No, Zhan has tarnished the image of my home."

Zhan's entire body trembled as he stood outside the court, facing the daunting assembly.

His uncle, father, brother Zhuo, and sister Lu Jie were present. His sister had come from her husband's home in Guangzhou City early that morning.

Two giant bodyguards in black stood nearby, ready to intervene if Zhan tried something rash.

Zhan wanted to run, but his father's intense gaze kept him rooted in place.

"Jie," he whispered, grabbing his sister's hand, "I don't want to get married. Please, make someone kidnap me." Zhuo, irritated, interjected, "Please don't make this more difficult for us." Lu Jie glared at him, "Zhuo, if you can't say anything nice, please shut up. My little baby brother is having a hard time here, and you're not helping."

Their father's voice boomed from not far away, "Why are you still here?"

"We're going inside now, Paa," Lu Jie called back, dragging a reluctant Zhan towards the court.

The elders followed behind them.

"By the way, where is the other groom?"

Paa elder brother whisper to Paa. "He will come later to sign. I don't want Zhan to see him now, or he won't sign the papers. If they want a proper wedding ceremony with rings, they can have it later."

It seemed Zhan didn't care about seeing the groom either. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

He signed the papers with a heavy heart, not daring to look up.

Lu and Zhuo were instructed to take Zhan to the apartment and wait there.

The other groom arrived shortly after and signed as well.

Zhan's father directed him to the main house, where Zhan's uncle goes with him.

Paa headed to the apartment where Zhan and his siblings were.

Lu and Zhuo were busy trying to comfort a distressed Zhan, who looked ready to bolt at any moment. When their father entered the apartment, he issued a stern warning. "If you try anything stupid or leave this apartment, I will cut ties with you and make sure living in Beijing becomes impossible for you."

The siblings knew their father well. He was kind and caring but relentless when crossed.

As a powerful business tycoon of the Xian Empire, his threats were never idle.

Zhan nodded vigorously, tears filling his big beautiful brown eyes. He knew he had no other choice.

"You two can stay with him before his husband arrives," their father added, addressing Lu and Zhuo. They nodded in agreement as Paa left the apartment.

As soon as the door closed, Zhan collapsed into his sister's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Lu Jie held him tightly, whispering soothing words, while Zhuo stood by, his face a mix of frustration and helplessness.

They stayed like that for a while, trying to provide what comfort they could to their youngest sibling, who was now trapped in a life he never wanted.

When Paa returned to the mansion, he gathered the elders, his wife, his mother, and his elder brother in the living room. He called Zhuo back as well. They all sat and waited as he finished a call.

The person he had summoned knocked at the door, and Paa told him to enter. The man walked into the living room with his head lowered. Everyone in the room, except Paa and his brother, looked at the man with shock.

Paa gestured towards the man and said, "He is Zhan's legally wedded husband." The room fell into a stunned silence.

Paa broke the silence and told the man to leave. After he left, Zhuo's gaze was fixed on his father. "How could you marry Zhan off to... You should have given him a choice. He doesn't deserve this forced marriage," Zhuo said, shaking his head. "Though he isn't bad after all, it's just that..."

Paa stood up, looking at everyone. "No one has the right to question my authority," he said sternly. He stomped off to his bedroom.

They stared at each other in silence. Paa's brother was the first to leave, followed by Zhuo. Mrs. Xian sighed; her husband had truly taken them by surprise.


Zhan was now all alone in the apartment. It was small, with only two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small balcony. There was a guest toilet in the living room, but that was it.

He sat on the rug carpet on the floor, leaning his head on the sofa with his hands as a pillow, crying silently. After his Jie left, she had ordered dinner for them, but Zhan hadn't eaten much. He had just put the food in the fridge.

He wondered who the unlucky guy that accepted his marriage was. Was he old or young? Chubby or slim? Ugly or handsome? His heart pounded loudly as these thoughts swirled in his mind. He stopped crying and felt a wave of fear wash over him.

He went back to one of the bedrooms and sat at the edge of the bed. He heard footsteps, signaling that someone had entered the apartment. Zhan's heart began to race. After a few minutes, he heard the person enter the other room.

When he heard no further movement, he stood up and went to the window, filled with fear. He was so tired of standing, but he didn't see any sign that someone was going to enter his room. He went back and sat on the bed. It was eleven o'clock at night.

He felt sleepy but refused to lie down because of his fear. Before midnight, sleep overtook him.

Zhan didn't wake up until the light of the sun fell on his face in the morning. He raised himself and went to the toilet. After that, he left for the living room.

He kept looking toward the kitchen when he heard the sound of a kettle.

His heart was beating fast as he slowly made his way to the kitchen. He let out a sound without being prepared.

He saw a man standing with his back towards him.

There was a kettle on the gas stove. The man turned and faced Zhan.

When their eyes met, a kind of shock appeared on Zhan's face.

He kept moving back, looking at the man with his mouth open but unable to say anything.

He pointed at the man with his finger, but his words failed him.

The man turned off the gas when the water started to boil. He poured the hot water into a mug and walked past Zhan, leaving the kitchen without glancing at him again.

Zhan saw it as if it were a dream. Then his mouth opened, and he let out a loud scream. Suddenly, the kitchen seemed to spin around him, and he fell to the ground... Everything went black.

Eight months earlier...

He sat on a white plastic chair between the mansion gate and the workers' quarters, wiping the sweat from his forehead from time to time. He took a small phone from his pocket and checked the clock, which showed 5:30 in the evening.

He turned to the guard sitting next to him, about to speak, when they saw the gate of the house open and a nice car enter the compound.

The guard said, "Let me inform him that you're waiting for him before he enters the mansion." The guard then went to the parking lot and waited until the elderly man got out of the car and fixed his tie.

The guard bowed and said, "Welcome, Sir." Mr. Xian replied, "Ah, Yang," and the guard continued, "Sir, Ling came with a stranger earlier, but he has already left, leaving the guest behind. He has been waiting for two hours."

Mr. Xian closed the car door and said, "Okay, he's already here. Call him for me." Yang quickly went to the guest and said, "Mr. Sir is calling you." The guest stood up and went to where the elderly man stood, bowing low in greeting.

Mr. Xian asked, "Are you the one Ling brought?"

The man replied, "Yes, I am, Sir." Mr. Xian said, "Okay. What's your name?" The man looked down and said, "My name is Lee, Sir." Mr. Xian asked, "How are you related to Ling?" Lee explained, "We're from the same city, and our families are friends."

Mr. Xian said, "That's good. I even visited your town a few months ago."

Lee remained silent.

Mr. Xian leaned over and asked again, "Did you study?" Lee shook his head and said, "No, I only went to high school, Sir." Mr. Xian shrugged and said, "Well, what's the plan? Are you going to come every day or what?"

Lee bowed and said, "Whatever you plan, it will be done, Sir." Mr. Xian said, "Okay, go and come back tomorrow morning. I'm going inside now to rest; I just returned from work." Lee said, "Okay, thank you, Sir," and bowed again.

Mr. Xian went towards the mansion entrance and went inside.

Lee stood straight, his eyes following Mr. Xian until he entered the mansion.

Then he turned around and went to where Yang was standing. Yang asked, "How did it go?" Lee replied, "He told me to come back in the morning."

Yang reassured him, "Don't worry, you already got the job. Since you came through Ling, Ling has been with Mr. Xian for over fifteen years now. Mr. Xian even attended his wedding in the village. Mr. Xian doesn't have any issues with his workers. You'll be happy working for him; he treats us like family."

Lee smiled for the first time since arriving at the mansion.

"My name is Lee Wang, but you can call me just Lee."

Yang smiled too, "Ah, Lee, nice meeting you." They shook hands, and Lee said, "Okay, I should go. Till tomorrow then." They said their goodbyes, and Lee headed outside.

Meanwhile, Zhan was lying on the sofa in the main living room, chatting with his friends. His mother came in, looking surprised, and said, "You didn't go to school, Zhan?" "Mama, I won't go today. I have something important to do." She glared at him, "Don't let your father know you're home." She went to the kitchen. Zhan got up and left the living room, pouting.

Yang was standing with Lee outside. After they greeted each other, Yang told him, "Mr. Xian went to exercise; he didn't come out early today. But let me inform the wife that you're waiting so you won't wait for nothing."

Lee said, "Okay, thank you for doing that," and sat back down on the white plastic chair while Yang went to announce his arrival.

Lee took in the compound, admiring the beauty of the flower plants, both real and artificial. On the other side, he noticed a small waterfall that caught his interest, with water pouring into an artificial pond filled with crocodiles and fish.

It didn't take long for Yang to return and say, "Did you see that balcony?"

Lee looked where he was pointing and replied, "Yes, I saw it." Yang instructed, "Go there and wait for Mr. Xian; there are chairs there too."

Lee got up and headed to the balcony, glancing around as he walked.

After noticing the beautiful seats, including the grass carpet lying on the ground and the artificial flowers adorning the place, he sat down on one of the seats, surveying his surroundings with his eyes.

After about fifteen minutes, the main entrance to the mansion opened, and Zhan stood there, looking at Lee from top to bottom, seemingly flabbergasted.

Lee looked at him and bowed his head, saying, "Good morning, young master." Zhan asked, "Who are you, Mr.?

Where did you come from?"

Lee replied, "I am waiting for Mr. Xian."

Zhan looked him up and down for more than a minute, seemingly unsure of what to say.

He then quickly went to Yang and asked, "Yang, who is that person sitting at the entrance?" Yang greeted him, but Zhan didn't respond. "Young master, he is the guest waiting for Mr. Xian. He's the one Mr. Ling brought yesterday; he's the new..."

Zhan rolled his eyes and interrupted Yang, saying, "Now, Yang, you think he should be allowed to sit there?

What about our privacy?"

Yang wondered "There are chairs in the compound, Zhan continue his talking, but he went to the balcony; it's as if he's entering the living room.

Why did this happen?" Yang lowered his voice and head, saying, "This is true, Young master, I'm sorry, we made a mistake." Zhan instructed, "Well, go and ask him to return here right this instant."

Yang replied, "Yes, Young master."

Zhan smirked, "I came to ask you, hope you didn't forget to feed my birds yesterday?"

Yang assured him, "Day and night, I feed them for you, Young master. Even today in the morning, I went to see them." Zhan said, "Thank you, man, let me go and check on them. I haven't seen them since yesterday."

He tapped Yang's arm and headed to the backyard, where the birds were kept.

After spending time with his birds, Zhan returned to the house.

Paa was standing on the balcony with that stranger, who was standing aside with his head down, listening to Paa.

Paa asked Zhan, "Why are you at home?" Zhan gathered courage and said, "Paa, I am typing an assignment later; I will submit it via..."

Paa stopped him, concerned, "Why are you skipping school these days, Zhan? Last week, I didn't even see you go.

That's not right, dear."

Zhan bowed his head and then looked at the man, who was looking at them. He frowned, wondering why the man was staring.

Paa introduced the man, "This is Mr. Lee Wang, the new driver."

Zhan nodded, saying nothing.

Paa instructed, "Go and get ready, man. You're going to Uni now."

Zhan returned a few minutes later, ready with his backpack. Paa handed the car key to Lee, telling him to take Zhan to the University.

After a 30-40 minute ride, Lee parked at the Uni gate.

Zhan got out, and Lee said, "See you later, Young master."

Zhan entered the school, and Lee reversed and left. When Lee arrived back at the house, Yang asked him, "Did you have breakfast?" Lee replied, "No." Yang offered, "Well, let me talk to the chef and collect something for you." Yang brought Lee a plate of food, and Lee thanked him.

While eating, Yang chattered, "But will you go at night and come back in the morning, or will you stay at this house?" Lee asked, "If I want to stay, where will I stay here?" Yang explained, "Listen, when Ling is here, we are all together. There are four boys: Sam and Sheng, who clean the lawn and yard, and Yin, who does the laundry."

"We are all here." Lee took the cup of tea and sipped, then asked, "Is the chalet big?" Yang laughed and said, "It's big. There's even a middle living room in the chalet, and there are six rooms, each with a bathroom. We even have a kitchen here."

Lee said, "Okay." Yang continued, "You should stay here with us. You don't have to spend money on transportation, travel, or buy anything for yourself. We eat everything that the mansion eats here."

Lee didn't say anything and finished eating his breakfast. He said, "Well, I'm going to stay here. Thank you for taking care of me." Yang looked at the fried egg and asked, "You didn't eat the egg." Lee shook his head and said, "I don't want it."

Yang grabbed the plate and ate the egg, blabbering, "Oh my God, some people don't eat eggs like this and they say it smells." After Yang finished the egg, he stood up and said, "Let's go see the chalet for a while."

Lee also got up, followed him, and they went to the far end of the main building where a beautiful chalet stood. When he first entered, he took off his shoes at the entrance to the chalet, just like Yang did, and then he went inside.

"It's okay," Lee said. "The living room is big, and there are chairs and even a TV." But everywhere looked very untidy. Yin was standing in the living room struggling to iron on the ironing board. Yang asked him, "Are you ironing? Is that why you didn't come out? Where's Sam?"

Yin was looking at the person who came in with Yang and replied, "They're in the room." Yang said, "Well, we have a guest. He's Mr. Lee, and he is the one who replaced Ling in this mansion."

Lee greeted Yin. Yin answered and continued what he was doing.

Yang looked at him and said, "Let's go to the room where you will be sleeping." Yin said, "You know the room on the right is mine, and the one on the left is Sam's, the one on the..." Lee was just looking at him.

Yang was looking at Yin and said, "Well..." Sam and Sheng came out of their rooms. Yin said, "Dude." Yang looked at them and said, "He is the new driver of the house. His name is Mr. Lee."

After all the introductions, they came back to the compound and sat down. Yang continued blabbering. Lee, who was tired of Yang's noises, just nodded to him.

For the next 30 minutes, Yang didn't keep quiet. Lee even stopped talking to him because he was too far away in his thoughts.

Mr. Xian came out. Yang lowered his voice and said, "It seems that he didn't go to the company today." Mr. Xian lowered his voice and asked, "Are the cars ready yet?" Yang looked at Lee quickly and said, "Go, he is talking to you."

Lee quickly went to Mr. Xian. Paa said, "Let's go out." Lee said, "Okay."

Lee was driving slowly. After dropping Mr. Xian, he went back to the mansion and took a nap. Later, he carried the young master from the university back to the mansion.

Lee was looking at him from the side mirror. Zhan was holding the phone to his ear as if he was making a call, though he wasn't. He just didn't want to talk to this stranger.

Lee got out of the car after he parked it. He turned around and looked at the side where Zhan was. Zhan was so engrossed with what he was doing on his phone.