Chapter 10

Zhan went back to his room and noticed several missed calls from Zan Jin. He sat on the bed and called him back. The moment Zan Jin answered, Zhan could hear the loud noises in the background.

"Where are you right now?" Zhan asked.

Zan Jin responded, "Oh, I'm at a birthday party. You should come. Actually, no... you have to come."

Zhan shook his head. "No, Zan Jin, it's too late. I can't go out now."

Zan Jin scoffed. "Late? Zhan, it's only eight o'clock at night!"

"Even if I wanted to come, I can't. There's no one to take me. Don't even mention Lee to me. I swear, it's like he's cast a spell on everyone in this mansion. Everyone here supports him. I was watching all day to see if he'd leave, but I never saw him go."

Zan Jin chuckled. "So, what now?"

"I don't know," Zhan replied, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Well, here's what we'll do," Zan Jin said. "We'll head out to get some wine. You just go wait for us at that big supermarket near your place, and we'll meet you there."

Zhan sighed. "Don't keep me waiting, Zan Jin."

"Don't worry! We're leaving now. He Peng, Feng Cong, and I are already on our way," Zan Jin reassured him.

"Alright, I'll head out." Zhan hesitated. "And, Zan Jin… don't make me wait too long."

Zan Jin laughed. "Relax. We'll be there soon. Oh, and one more thing.... I didn't mention this earlier, but the birthday celebrant's friends are all rich, including some governor's sons. Make sure you dress well, though I know you never disappoint."

With that, Zan Jin hung up the phone. Zhan quickly showered, got dressed elegantly, and surveyed the mansion to make sure no one was around. Everyone was in their rooms, having retreated for the night after dinner. Privacy was respected in the household, and they wouldn't see each other again until breakfast in the morning.

Zhan slipped out of the mansion and made his way to the supermarket where Zan Jin had asked him to wait. After about five minutes, Zan Jin's car arrived, and they picked him up.

As they drove, Zan Jin teased, "If Ling were here, he'd pick you up when the party ends, even if it's midnight. But now you'll have to wait for us to drop you back unless you find someone new tonight."

Zhan rolled his eyes but didn't respond.

When they arrived at the party, it was just as Zan Jin had described....filled with older, wealthy kids. The dim lighting, food, and endless drinks gave the place an extravagant yet chaotic atmosphere. There were all kinds of beverages: water, lemon juice, wine, and strong alcohol. Two roasted lambs and spicy pepper chicken were being served, and the cake was a showstopper. Cigarette smoke lingered in the air as people partied relentlessly.

Zhan, however, didn't touch anything alcoholic. He grimaced, darkening his expression as he sat quietly with his friends while checking his phone. Zan Jin, now on his second glass of wine, joined He Peng and the others in drinking.

Cong noticed Zhan holding a chicken leg and a soft drink and said, "Since you don't drink alcohol, you should try this wine. It's better than the one we had the other day. You won't even feel's smooth."

Zhan shook his head. "No, thanks. This drink is enough for me."

He Peng chimed in, "Hey, I'm glad you don't overdo it with alcohol, but if you don't like it, you should at least give it a try. I don't love wine either, but since we're all drinking, you shouldn't refuse."

The group nudged Zhan to taste the wine. Finally, Zan Jin poured a glass, placed it in front of him, and said with a grin, "Just take a'll like it."

Zhan hesitated, staring at the glass of wine in front of him. His friends watched him expectantly, waiting for him to take a sip. Zhan sighed, knowing they wouldn't drop the subject until he gave in. He picked up the glass and brought it to his lips, the faint smell of alcohol hitting his nose. Just as he was about to take a sip, his phone vibrated.

Zhan put the glass down quickly, relieved by the distraction. It was a message from Lee.

"Where are you?" it read.

Zhan frowned, feeling a wave of frustration. "Why does he always have to interfere?" he thought. Ignoring the message, he looked back at his friends who were still watching him eagerly.

Zan Jin nudged him, grinning. "Come on, Zhan, don't leave us hanging. Just a sip!"

Zhan smiled weakly but pushed the glass away. "I can't, guys. You know I don't drink."

Cong raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "You're too uptight, Zhan. Loosen up for once. It's a party."

But Zhan had already made up his mind. He wasn't going to drink, especially with that nagging feeling in the back of his mind about Lee's message. Zhan's phone buzzed again. Another message from Lee, this time more direct: "It's not safe to be out alone at night. Come back now."

Zhan rolled his eyes. "Who does he think he is?" he muttered under his breath, stuffing his phone in his pocket.

Zan Jin noticed his distraction and asked, "What's up? You seem on edge."

Zhan forced a smile. "It's nothing. Just some...annoying messages."

Zan Jin leaned back, sipping his drink. "Let me guess, it's Lee, right? He's always acting like some kind of bodyguard. Ignore him."

Zhan nodded, but deep down, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Lee's tone had been more serious than usual. Despite his frustrations with him, Zhan knew Lee had a point. It wasn't exactly safe to be out so late, especially in a place like this.

As the night went on, the party got wilder. People were dancing, laughing loudly, and the alcohol was flowing freely. Zhan watched as Zan Jin, Cong, and He Peng threw back drinks like they were water, their faces flushed from the alcohol.

Suddenly, Zhan's phone rang. This time it was a call from Lee.

He stared at the screen for a few seconds before sighing and stepping outside the noisy room to answer it. "What do you want, Lee?"

Lee's voice was calm but firm. "Where are you, Zhan? It's late. You need to come home."

Zhan leaned against the wall, feeling both annoyed and guilty. "I'm just at a party with friends. I'm not a child, Lee. I can take care of myself."

"I'm outside. Come out now," Lee said, completely ignoring Zhan's protests.

Zhan froze. "Outside? What did he mean by that?"

He quickly walked to the window and, sure enough, Lee was there, standing next to his car, arms crossed as he stared up at the building.

"Are you serious right now?" Zhan said into the phone, incredulous. "You followed me here?"

Lee's tone didn't change. "I'm here to make sure you get home safely. Now come down."

Zhan gritted his teeth, feeling both embarrassed and irritated. How was he supposed to explain this to his friends? He looked back at the party, where everyone was still laughing and enjoying themselves, completely oblivious to his dilemma.

After a few moments of internal struggle, Zhan sighed. "Fine. I'm coming."

He hung up the phone and headed back to his friends, trying to act casual. "Hey, I've gotta go. Something came up."

Zan Jin frowned. "Already? But the party's just getting started!"

Zhan smiled apologetically. "I know, but I really have to go. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Cong waved him off with a smirk. "Don't tell me Lee came to pick you up like some overprotective dad."

Zhan laughed nervously. "Something like that."

He quickly made his exit, his heart pounding as he walked towards Lee's car. When he got there, Lee opened the passenger door for him without a word. Zhan got in, crossing his arms as he stared out the window, refusing to make eye contact....and he's pouting.

The silence between them was thick, but Zhan couldn't help but blurt out, "You didn't have to come, you know. I was fine."

Lee started the car and glanced at Zhan. "You were fine until something happened, and then what? ? It's my job to make sure you don't end up in a situation you'll regret."

Zhan huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a child, Lee. I can take care of myself."

Lee didn't respond immediately, his calm demeanor making Zhan even more frustrated. "I know you're not a child," Lee finally said, his tone steady. "But sometimes you act like one."

Zhan turned to glare at him, feeling a mix of anger and embarrassment. "You think you know everything, don't you?"

Lee kept his eyes on the road. "I know enough to keep you out of trouble. And tonight was trouble."

Zhan fell silent, biting back a retort. He wanted to argue, but part of him knew Lee was right. The party was getting out of control, and he wasn't comfortable there anymore, especially with the pressure to drink. Still, he hated how Lee made it seem like he couldn't make his own decisions.

They drove in silence for a while, the tension thick between them. Zhan stared out the window, watching the dark streets of the city pass by. He didn't want to admit it, but he was relieved to be away from the party, away from the noise and chaos.

After a few minutes, Lee spoke again, his voice softer this time. "Look, Young master, I'm not trying to control your life. I just want to make sure you're safe. That's all."

Zhan didn't respond right away, his arms still crossed as he processed Lee's words. He sighed, feeling the fight drain out of him. "I get it, Lee. But you don't have to follow me everywhere. I'm not going to do anything stupid."

Lee glanced at him briefly, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "I know. But it's my job to make sure you don't have the chance."

Zhan smirked despite himself, shaking his head. "You're impossible."

They pulled up to the mansion, and Lee parked the car. Zhan hesitated for a moment before getting out. As he stepped out of the car, he turned back to Lee.

"Thanks," Zhan mumbled, barely audible.

Lee nodded. "Anytime."

Without another word, Zhan walked towards the mansion, feeling a mix of emotions. As much as Lee annoyed him, he couldn't deny that he felt safer with him around. But that didn't mean he had to like it.

Once inside, Zhan headed straight to his room, exhausted from the evening's events. He collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing. He couldn't shake the thought that maybe, just maybe, Lee wasn't as bad as he made him out to be.

But he'd never admit that out loud. Not yet, anyway.

He kept replaying the night's events in his mind, wondering how he'd explain this later to his friends, especially Zan Jin.

The next day, while Zhan was lounging in his room, his phone buzzed with a message from Zan Jin.

"You disappeared so fast last night. What happened? Did your knight in shining armor sweep you away?"

Zhan rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the small smile tugging at his lips. "Very funny," he typed back.

A minute later, his phone rang. It was Zan Jin, calling now instead of texting. Zhan sighed and answered.

"Alright, spill," Zan Jin's voice teased through the phone. "Did Lee seriously show up and drag you home like some strict dad?"

Zhan leaned back against his pillow, groaning. "It wasn't like that. He was just...worried. You know how he is."

Zan Jin laughed on the other end. "Worried? Or just obsessed with keeping an eye on you? It's like he's your personal bodyguard. Kind of weird, don't you think?"

Zhan didn't reply immediately, unsure how to explain the situation himself. "I don't know. He's just…doing his job."

"Yeah, right. A driver who's also your babysitter." Zan Jin paused, then added, "Honestly, I don't get it. What's his deal? Does he have feelings for you or something?"

Zhan choked a little on his drink, sputtering. "What? No! It's not like that. He's just... overprotective, I guess."

"Uh-huh, sure," Zan Jin said, clearly unconvinced. "You know, if you ever need to escape, just call me. We'll stage a jailbreak." He laughed, but there was an edge of sincerity in his voice.

Zhan forced a laugh, though his mind was racing. He had never really thought about why Lee acted the way he did. Was there more to it than just doing his job? But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside. "I'll keep that in mind."

After a few more minutes of chatting, Zhan hung up, but Zan Jin's words stuck with him. Could Lee's protectiveness mean something more? Or was he just imagining things?


A week had passed since the last party, and Zhan had been laying low, focusing on his usual routine. However, Zan Jin wasn't one to let him stay in his comfort zone for too long. Late one evening, Zhan's phone buzzed with a group message from Zan Jin.

"Big night out, boys! We're hitting the hottest club in town tonight. No excuses. Be there."

Zhan stared at the message, feeling a mixture of excitement and hesitation. He knew how these nights went.... wild parties, too much drinking, and too many expectations. But after a few moments, he sighed, typing a quick reply.

"Fine. What time?"

Later that night, Zhan found himself in the back seat of Zan Jin's car, heading toward the nightclub. The city was alive with lights and music as they drove through the crowded streets. He felt a little out of place but forced a smile for his friends.

As they entered the club, the atmosphere was electric. Music pulsed through the air, and the place was packed with people dancing and laughing. Zhan could already see his friends getting comfortable, making their way to a reserved table.

Zan Jin was the first to grab drinks, returning to the table with a tray of colorful cocktails. He handed Zhan a glass with a playful grin. "Here, something light for you. You can't say no this time."

Zhan eyed the drink suspiciously, remembering how persistent Zan Jin could be about alcohol. "Is this just juice?" he asked, taking a small sniff.

Zan Jin laughed, waving his hand dismissively. "Of course! Trust me, it's all good. Just something to get you in the party mood."

Zhan hesitated for a moment but eventually shrugged. "Fine, but just one," he said, taking the glass. The moment he took a sip, he relaxed a little. It tasted sweet and fruity, nothing like the strong smell of alcohol he expected.

As the night went on, Zhan sipped his drink slowly, unaware that Zan Jin had mixed in alcohol without him knowing. The lights of the club flickered around them, the music growing louder, and soon, Zhan started to feel a little different.....lighter, more carefree, but also strangely warm.

He didn't notice the mischievous looks his friends exchanged as he finished his drink. All he knew was that, for the first time in a while, he felt oddly at ease.

After a few seconds, Zhan opened his eyes and looked at them, smiling. "Wow, this is really nice! It tastes good," he slurred, clearly drunk. Cong chuckled, shaking his head. "Zan Jin, that's enough. I told you," he said with a grin.

Zan Jin waved it off. "What's the big deal? There's no punch in it!" Meanwhile, Zhan continued sipping the wine, finishing his glass. The party carried on without a hitch.

Zhan's ramblings grew more frequent as his friends laughed at his drunken state. He Peng observed with amusement, "I didn't think just a little wine would knock him out like that. His blood must be weak."

They continued to have fun, but Zhan eventually grew quiet, slumping in his seat before falling fast asleep. The group kept partying, not planning to leave until well past one in the morning.

Zan Jin tried to wake Zhan, but Zhan refused to get up, his head hanging down every time Zan Jin tried to straighten him. Frustrated, Cong suggested, "Why not get a room at a nearby hotel? It's late, and no one's going to want to bring him to Xiao Mansion in this state."

He Peng nodded in agreement. "Calling that driver of his isn't an option either."

Zan Jin sighed. "Good idea, but I know how he'll react. If he wakes up and finds himself in a hotel, we're going to have problems. Still, it's the only option right now."

With that, they picked up Zhan and headed out. After booking a room, they laid Zhan on the bed, exhausted. Zan Jin fiddled with Zhan's iPhone for a bit before putting it away. The rest of the group took turns showering before settling into the room to sleep.

At half past four, Zhan woke up with a pounding headache. He barely managed to sit up, surveying the room. Stumbling, he headed for the bathroom, a familiar place since he and Zan Jin had lodged there before. After using the toilet, he felt a wave of nausea hit him, causing him to vomit. Holding his stomach in pain, he rinsed his mouth before heading back to the room.

The headache made it impossible for him to fall asleep again. When he saw that it was five o'clock, he struggled to wake up Zan Jin, nudging him for over ten minutes. Finally, Zan Jin opened his eyes, groggy. "What's going on, Zhan?"

Zhan, speaking with difficulty, said, "Who's going to take me home before my family realizes I'm not there? It's already morning."

Zan Jin groaned, "Who's going to drive you home at this hour? Everyone's asleep. Just wait until later."

Zhan frowned. "It's morning already! Look at the time! My sister might come to my room to wake me for meditation. If she's in town, she always wakes me up..."

Zan Jin, half-asleep, grumbled, "Oh, for heaven's sake, Zhan. Just let me sleep."

Zhan left him alone and stepped out of the room. The hotel reception was empty, except for a TV playing softly in the background. He wandered into the lobby, spotting a man smoking outside. Upon seeing Zhan, the man put out his cigarette and sighed, eyeing him curiously.

"Excuse me," Zhan began hesitantly. "I need some help, please."

The man glanced at him, assessing him from head to toe. "What kind of help?" he asked.

"I need a ride home," Zhan explained. "I'm here with my friends, but they're all asleep, and I didn't bring my car."

The man smiled faintly. "No problem. Let me grab my car keys."

"Thank you," Zhan said, relieved. "I'll just get my phone."

Zhan hurried back to the room to collect his belongings. As he searched, he couldn't find his phone anywhere. Panicking, he woke up Zan Jin again.

"Zan Jin, where's my phone?" Zhan asked, confused.

Zan Jin, still snoring loudly, groaned as he opened his eyes, annoyed. "Zhan, I'm trying to sleep! What's the problem now?"

"My phone! I can't find it!" Zhan repeated, growing more frantic.

With a long sigh, Zan Jin reached under his pillow, pulled out Zhan's phone, and tossed it to the side before rolling over to continue sleeping.

Zhan exhaled deeply, grabbed his bag and phone, and swiftly exited the hotel. As he stepped outside, he saw the stranger waiting in his car at the lobby. Without a word, Zhan got into the car, and they drove off.

The stranger tried to chat, but Zhan remained silent, battling a growing sense of nausea. He felt unsettled, only speaking to give directions. When they neared the spot where Zan Jin had dropped him off the previous night, the stranger asked, "Where's your house?"

Zhan pointed to a narrow alley with a locked gate and replied, "I'll walk from here. The gate is locked."

The stranger hesitated. "What's your name, by the way?"

Zhan, tired and feeling light-headed, muttered, "Sean."

"Alright, Sean," the stranger continued, "give me your number."

Zhan gave him a strange look, his expression clouded with confusion. Instead of responding, he thanked the man, opened the door, and stepped out. Feeling dizzy, he hurried into the alley. The stranger watched him disappear before reversing and driving away.

Once out of sight, Zhan quickly retraced his steps and headed home, stumbling slightly as his stomach churned. When he reached the Mansion, the gate was still locked, so he hid behind the flower bushes, hoping to slip inside unnoticed. Just then, he heard the gate creak open, and his heart raced when he recognized Paa's voice. His stomach knotted with anxiety as he crouched low, covering his mouth to stifle any sound while ants bit at his skin.

For what seemed like an eternity, Zhan heard nothing but the faint sound of footsteps. Suddenly, he saw someone sitting on a bench near his hiding spot. His heart sank... he thought it was Zhuo Ge, who often sat there before his morning exercises. However, when he took a closer look, he realized it was Lee. The shock of it made him queasy, and before he could stop himself, he bent over and started vomiting violently.

Lee watched him, his expression unreadable. Zhan didn't care. After emptying his stomach of the alcohol, he stood up unsteadily and headed for the house. Lee silently followed him inside.

Moments later, Yang emerged from the Mansion, rolling his eyes. "I bet you he didn't sleep at home. Smell that----he reeks of beer."

Lee didn't respond, his face impassive as he walked back inside and sat down near the gate, lost in thought.

Yang continued, "You can smell it, right? He definitely had a few too many."

Lee shot him a look and said, "You didn't brush your teeth, did you?"

Yang laughed. "Alright, fine. I'll go brush now." With that, he hurried back to the chalet.

Left alone, Lee noticed Zhan's bag among the flowers. He picked it up, carried it inside, and went straight to the living room where Simon and the others were still sleeping. He entered his bedroom, sat on the bed, and began rummaging through the bag. Finding Zhan's iPhone, he turned it over in his hands, but it was locked, so he set it aside.

Then, as he continued going through the contents, he pulled out a piece of paper. Taking a cautious sniff, his eyes widened...Weed. Lee stared at it in disbelief, then placed it aside. He opened another compartment in the bag and froze. His heart pounded as he pulled out several prophylactics, both male and female. Stunned, he put them on the bed and stood up, staring out the window, his thoughts racing.

Just then, Zhan stepped out of the shower, and the door to the room creaked open. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he saw Lu Jie enter, closing the door behind her.

"Where were you, Zhan?" she asked.

Caught off guard, Zhan stammered, "Me, Jie?"

"I saw you coming in just now," Lu said, her tone sharp. "Don't lie to me. I just left Paa's parlor."

Zhan remained silent, avoiding eye contact.

"Tell me the truth," she pressed. "Where did you go?"

"It was my friend's birthday, Jie," he admitted quietly.

Lu's expression softened. "If you wanted to go to a birthday party, just tell me. I wouldn't stop you. But are you really going to school today, or are you planning to sleep in?"

"I'm going," Zhan assured her.

"Good. You better get ready or you'll be late." With that, Lu turned and left, leaving Zhan to exhale in relief.

After dressing, he suddenly remembered his bag. His heart raced as he quickly threw on his clothes and rushed downstairs. At the dining table, he greeted Zhuo Ge.

"Good morning, Gege."

Zhuo looked at him, unimpressed. "Did you hear me knock on your door earlier? You didn't answer."

"I was in the bathroom," Zhan lied.

Zhuo eyed him suspiciously but said nothing further. Zhan hurried outside, hoping Yang and Lee wouldn't be at the gate, but to his dismay, both were there. Yang greeted him, but Zhan ignored him, distracted by something else.

"Yang, is there anywhere I can get a recharge card?" Zhan asked.

"Not unless we go to the supermarket," Yang replied.

"Fine," Zhan said, all the while keeping an eye on the spot where he'd hidden his bag. But when he looked, it was gone.

He crouched down to search the flowers, his movements frantic.

"Are you looking for something, Young Master?" Yang asked.

Zhan shot him a glare. "What's it to you?"

Lee remained quiet, focused on his phone. Zhan stole a quick glance at him, unsure of what Lee might know.