Chapter 11

Zhan turned around, anxiety creeping up his spine as he went back inside the house. If Lee didn't take my bag, then who did? His mind snapped to full alert, cold dread replacing the grogginess he felt before. He quickly headed to his room to prepare for the day. Once ready, he made his way to Mrs. Xiao, greeting her with a forced smile.

"Mama, I'm heading to school. I've got an eight o'clock lecture," Zhan said as he sat down, glancing at the clock, which read 7:30.

Mrs. Xiao raised an eyebrow. "Did you have breakfast?"

"I'll grab something when I get off."

She gave him an appraising look. "You look good today, all dressed up. See you later, son. Be careful."

Zhan offered a small smile, "I will," and with that, he left the house.

Despite his brave front, Zhan's mind was in turmoil. His appetite was gone, his nerves frazzled. As he stepped outside, he saw Yang  sitting. Sighing deeply, Zhan approached him.

"Yang, have you seen my bag? I think it fell at the gate last night... or early this morning. Did you come across it?"

Yang shook his head. "Bag, Young Master? No, I haven't seen anything. But you know if I did, I'd have kept it safe for you."

Restlessness gnawed at Zhan again, and a faint feverishness started building in him. "Where's the driver?"

Yang gestured toward the chalet. "He went to take a bath."

"Tell him to come out and take me to school, now."

Yang nodded and hurried off to inform Lee. Inside the chalet, Yang found Lee combing his hair.

"He wants you to take him to school, now," Yang said.

Lee, without pausing, replied, "Does he usually leave for school at 7:30?"

Yang shrugged. "Honestly, I've never seen him leave this early....especially not on a Saturday. But just take him, so he doesn't cause a scene."

Lee said nothing as he continued combing his hair. Yang glanced around the room, impressed. "Wow, you're really keeping this place tidy, huh? Looks just like one of the rooms in the main dirt, no mess, not even a smell! If I slept here, I'd never get up...."

Lee interrupted him, "Let's go," standing up with finality.

As Yang made to leave, he paused. "Isn't that a phone vibrating?"

Lee ignored the question, instead moving toward the bed. Underneath the duvet, he found Zhan's bag, the phone inside it still buzzing with incoming calls. Lee glanced at the screen....Zan Jin....four missed calls already. He wrapped the phone in the duvet, since he couldn't silence it due to the lock, grabbed the car keys, and locked up the room behind him.

Zhan, now waiting outside by the car, couldn't stop his mind from racing. Lee took my bag. He had to. When did he start meddling in my things? His face burned with indignation. He stood near the car, glaring at Lee who, as usual, ignored him.

Frustrated, Zhan slipped into the car, the tension palpable. Yang opened the gate, waving as Zhan got in. Zhan didn't bother to return the gesture.

As they drove off, Zhan wrestled with his thoughts. Should he ask about the bag? No, that would give Lee too much power over him. He glanced at Lee through the rearview mirror, only to catch Lee looking back at him. Zhan quickly averted his gaze, frowning in irritation.

Nearing the school, Zhan broke the silence. "Turn on the AC. It's hot in here."

Lee smirked. "Don't know how."

Zhan's head snapped up. "What did you say?" he asked, incredulous.

Lee didn't respond. Zhan glared at him, furious, and continued chewing his gum with renewed aggression.

When they reached the parking lot near Zhan's department, Zhan hesitated, waiting for Lee to bring up the bag. But Lee remained silent, staring straight ahead.

"If Young master is not ready to go, I will leave the car keys with him." Lee said that with a smirk.

Zhan's temper flared. "You think I'm bringing the car back that you'll  leave the keys for me?" he snapped, opening the door and stepping out without bothering to lock it. Lee followed him with his gaze, sighed, and got out to lock the door himself before driving away.

Moments later, Zan Jin spotted Zhan. "Why were you ignoring my calls, Zhan?"

Zhan exhaled in frustration but said nothing, plopping down into a chair. His mind was elsewhere....Lee took my bag. He's keeping it from me. What's his game?

Zan Jin's voice broke through his thoughts again. "I'm talking to you, Zhan. Anyway, I need you to bring the bag from last night. There are... things in there I need."

Zhan's head snapped up. "What things?"

Zan Jin shrugged nonchalantly. "Weed, prophylactics, stuff. I looked for them this morning and realized I must've left them in your bag."

Zhan's eyes widened. "All of that was in my bag?"

"Yeah, your bag's bigger, so I put it in there."

Zhan's heart pounded as he pressed a hand to his chest, panic setting in. "You've ruined me..."

Zan Jin gave him a confused look. "Ruined you? What's the big deal?"

Zhan stood, pacing. "That bag... it's gone! I don't know who took it!"

"Who took it? Have you asked Lee?"

Zhan stammered, his thoughts racing. "I don't know how to ask him... I didn't see him take it, but he was the only one around this morning."

Zan Jin crossed his arms. "Then just confront him. Tell him to give you back your bag. What's he going to do? Say no? And make sure you let him know he has no right to touch your things, ever."

Zhan felt his anxiety spiral. "And what if he found the stuff inside?"

"Even if he did, what does it matter? You didn't ask him to go through your bag." Zan Jin shrugged dismissively. "Besides, it's not like Mr. Xiao found it. Just tell the driver to hand it over."

"But my phone was in the bag too," Zhan muttered, "What if he tries to sell it?"

Zan Jin laughed. "That expensive phone? Let him try! We can track it at the police station. No one needs to know."

Zhan rolled his eyes. "No way I'm announcing to the world I've been sneaking into clubs with a bag full of adult stuff."

Zan Jin smirked. "They'll track it discreetly, trust me. But you need to deal with Lee. Don't let him walk all over you. He works for you, remember?"

Zhan stood up, his mind swirling with all kinds of thoughts. Could Lee really have taken it? And if he did... why?

Zhan stood up and said, "Anyway, I'll call you from my sister's phone. She has your number." With that, he left the hall.

Since starting school, this was the first time he had ever walked along the street on foot, and it made him pause. He could count on one hand the number of times he'd ever taken a taxi. When he did, he would simply get out, hand over the money, and enter his house.

Yang was standing alone by the gate. In a raised voice, Zhan called out, "Yang, did you ask the driver if he saw my bag?"

Yang shook his head and replied, "No, but if he finds it, he'll let me know. He's a man of honesty and trust."

Zhan hissed in frustration. "Aren't you stupid? I don't even know what to say."

He sighed before continuing, "Listen, the phone in that bag is worth about one and a half million."

Yang rolled his eyes just as Zhan stole a glance at Lee approaching. His mood soured instantly, and he turned on his heels, heading quickly towards the house.

Once Lee sat down, he asked Yang what Zhan had wanted. Yang replied, "He asked me if I saw his bag."

Lee took out his small phone, glanced at it, and shrugged. "That's his problem."

Yang added, "Well, it's quite the problem. Today, he'll probably ask his father for a new one. His father will buy it for him unless his mother steps in. Three million for a phone… if I had that kind of money, I'd head back to my village, start farming, and get married."

Lee raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Yang laughed. "You think I'm joking, my friend."

Lee said nothing further, leaving Yang to his musings.

Zhan entered the parlor, heading straight for his room. He sat on the edge of his bed and muttered to himself, "The world was peaceful until Lee showed up. Ever since then, I haven't known a moment of rest."

Moments later, Lu Jie entered and sat beside him. "You didn't wait until your lectures were over today?"

Zhan rubbed his face in frustration. "I'm tired. I just came back."

Lu Jie smiled softly, "Then rest for a bit. Later, come with me to do some shopping. I'm heading back to my husband's house tomorrow."

Zhan raised an eyebrow. "Who's taking you shopping?"

"Yi Bo," Lu Jie replied casually.

Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Who?"

"Yi Bo. The driver."

Zhan scoffed, "Yi Bo? Who on earth gave him that name? I thought your husband's brother was Yi Bo. Are you telling me the driver is also called Yi Bo?" He shook his head. "I can't believe this."

Lu Jie just looked at him, her expression unreadable.

Zhan continued, "There are some dramatic people in this world. Does he even know what the name Yi Bo means? The nerve! And you believe him?"

Lu Jie sighed, "He said that's his name. I didn't give it to him."

Zhan narrowed his eyes. "You're not being smart about this. If it was Xu, maybe I'd believe it. But why does this guy call himself Yi Bo? Are you sure you're not the one who gave him that name?"

"No," Lu Jie insisted, "That's just what he's called."

Zhan leaned back. "Unbelievable. Maybe If Ling told me his name was Yi Bo, I'd accept it. But not this guy.

Zhan glanced at the clock and stood up abruptly. He left the main living room, stepping out onto the balcony, where he saw Lee sitting with Yang at the gate. Without a word, he went back inside, cutting through the kitchen and opening the door that led to the backyard, which also connected to the chalet.

As he passed through, he noticed the chef eyeing him curiously. He frowned and snapped, "What are you looking at?" The chef quickly averted her gaze, and Zhan hurried out, making his way to the chalet.

At the chalet door, Zhan noticed that no shoes were left outside, signaling that no one was there.

He carefully opened the door and stepped inside, scanning the parlor. His eyes darted around as he moved through the room, but there was no sign of his bag. Not willing to give up, he checked the dining area, and even peeked into the toilet, gagging at the overwhelming stench. He hurriedly left the parlor, grimacing, and headed for the rooms.

Both rooms were open, and the smell was unbearable. Covering his nose, Zhan inspected them but found nothing. The last room, the one he suspected belonged to Lee, was locked.

"Is this where my bag is?" he muttered to himself.

Zhan's mind raced as he thought about how to get inside. Deciding to find a spare key, he rushed back into the main house. After some searching, he found a bunch of spare keys in the bedside drawer of Paa's room. With a smirk, he took all three, just in case.

Back in the chalet, he wasted no time unlocking Lee's room. As soon as the door opened, a wave of relief washed over him. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and marveled at how different this room was from the others.

The air smelled clean and fresh, a stark contrast to the filth outside. The neat and tidy appearance of the room made him pause... everything was perfectly arranged.

On the bed, something was covered by a duvet. Zhan quickly pulled it back and there it was...his bag. A grin spread across his face as he grabbed it, opening it to rummage through his belongings. While everything seemed intact, his phone was nowhere to be found.

"Where did Lee put my phone?" Zhan wondered, frustrated.

His gaze shifted to a bag sitting near the bed, one that clearly belonged to Lee. He hesitated for a moment before curiosity got the better of him. Kneeling down, he unzipped the bag. He barely had it open when he saw his phone inside. Triumphant, he reached for it....but just as his fingers touched the phone, the door to the room creaked open.

Zhan froze, his heart pounding. He stood up, letting go of the phone as panic set in. His body trembled as he turned to face whoever had entered.

Lee stood at the door, eyeing Zhan with a peculiar expression.

Zhan avoided eye contact, his heart racing. Trying to keep his composure, he bent down, grabbed his phone, and placed it atop the bag.

Without a word, Lee walked into the room, shifted the bag's position, and locked eyes with Zhan. Noticing the move, Zhan lunged for the bag and snapped, "When did I start playing with you in this house? How dare you touch my things?"

As Zhan reached for his phone, Lee swiftly took the bag away. Zhan stared in disbelief, his anger bubbling up. He was about to grab Lee's collar, as he usually did, but something about Lee's expression made him pause. He sneered, "If you don't give me my phone right now, I'll accuse you of something so severe, you'll regret ever crossing me."

In a calm, deep voice, Lee responded, "If you dare…"

Zhan's eyes narrowed in surprise. He was tempted to slap him but held back. Lee placed the bag in front of him and taunted, "If you have the guts, touch it."

Seething, Zhan retorted, "You're a thief now? If you're going to steal, why start with me? What will you do if I touch it? I'll make you regret ever messing with me!"

But despite his words, Zhan didn't dare touch the bag. His heart pounded as Lee's gaze bore into him.

Lee, calm as ever, picked up Zhan's bag and tossed it in front of him. "Take your bag and leave," he said, his voice cold. "Your things are more important to you than that phone."

Zhan, on the verge of tears, muttered, "Give me my phone, or I'll report you to Paa or Zhuo Ge."

Lee's voice remained steady. "Take your bag and go."

Feeling defeated, Zhan grabbed his bag, blinking back tears as he walked toward the door. Just as he was about to leave, he darted back, snatched Lee's bag, and bolted for the door.

He reached the living room, but before he could make his escape, he slipped on a plate left behind by Sheng. Zhan went flying and landed on the floor with a thud, facing the TV. "Ayya Paa, my back is broken," he groaned.

From the doorway, Lee stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the pillar, watching. Zhan burst into tears. Lee moved forward to retrieve his bag, and as Zhan saw this, he scrambled to his feet, snatched Lee's bag again, and took off, this time heading toward the kitchen.

"Take your phone and return my bag!" Lee shouted, realizing his valuables were inside. He quickly gave chase.

Zhan reached the kitchen door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Panic set in. "I'm finished! Chef, who told you to lock the door?" he cried, eyes wide.

Lee approached calmly, retrieved his bag, and walked away, leaving Zhan standing there, tears streaming down his face.

He stormed to the front of the mansion, shouting, "I'll make sure you regret ever disrespecting me in my father's house! Only a fool would treat me like this!"

Inside the house, Lu Jie, seated in the living room, looked him over and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhan ignored her question and demanded, "Where's Chef?"

The chef, hearing his outburst, came rushing from Mrs. Xiao's side of the house. Zhan marched over to her. "What kind of idiot locks the kitchen door when I'm outside?" he barked.

The chef stammered, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you'd come back that way. I thought you'd use the front door."

Zhan glared at her. "No, I'll come back through your nose, you fool."

Lu Jie watched silently as Zhan stormed off to his room. Once he had calmed down, Lu Jie entered the room and asked, "So, are you coming with me or not?"

Zhan, still fuming, replied, "Jie, you're the first to get upset whenever I disrespect that driver. If you care so much, go find him and get my phone and bag from him before I do something he will regret."

Lu Jie, confused, asked, "Why does he have your bag and phone?"

"How would I know?" Zhan snapped. "I dropped my bag by mistake at the gate yesterday."

"Dropped an entire bag?" Lu Jie interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "Not a wallet, but a whole bag?"

"That's none of your business," Zhan shot back. "Just get my things before I lose my temper. If he doesn't listen, I'll slap him, and no one can stop me."

Lu Jie shook her head. "Where did you get this idea that your bag is with him?"

"Yang told me," Zhan said defensively. "And don't forget, my phone is with him too."

Lu Jie sighed, "It's not that serious. Just ask him nicely, and I'm sure he'll give it back."

Zhan let out a sarcastic laugh. "You think I'll ask him politely? I'm not scared of him! Yang said he stole it, and he's trying to keep quiet. If he's stealing now, what's next?"

Lu Jie grabbed her handbag. "It's late. I'm going to shopping."

"Don't you want me to come with you anymore?" Zhan asked.

"Oh, I thought you didn't want to," Lu Jie replied.

"When did I say that?" Zhan smiled, his earlier anger fading.

Lu Jie stood by the door, her voice sharp. "I'm outside waiting for you, Zhan."

Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and left. Zhan hesitated only a second before following her, knowing full well the only reason he agreed to this shopping trip was Lu Jie's promise to retrieve his bag and phone from Lee.

In the living room, Mrs. Xiao's voice cut through the air. "Don't forget my perfume!"

Zhan, dark-eyed and brooding, exchanged a glance with Lu Jie, who merely nodded. "Let's go."

They stepped outside, and Zhan's mood darkened further when his gaze landed on Lee and Yang, standing by the car. Lu Jie glanced at Lee, her tone indifferent. "If you're done doing nothing, can we leave now?"

Lee's expression didn't change. "Okay." He turned and walked to the car without another word.

Zhan trailed behind him, eyes filled with resentment. Yang caught the look but said nothing. Lu Jie moved towards the front seat, hand on the door handle.

"What are you doing in the front seat?" Zhan asked sharply.

"I prefer sitting here," she replied nonchalantly.

Zhan scowled but climbed into the back seat, his body language dripping with irritation. Yang opened the gate, and they drove out of the compound.

"Which mall are we going to, Mrs. Cao?" Lee asked, his voice even.

"Whichever is closest," Lu Jie replied.

Zhan interrupted, leaning forward. "Hey, take us to The Peninsula Arcade Mall."

Lee said nothing, his hands steady on the wheel. Zhan soon noticed they were heading in a different direction, his jaw clenched. "Hey! Are you deaf? Where are you taking us?"

Lee remained unbothered, eyes fixed on the road as if Zhan hadn't spoken.

Lu Jie shot a glance at Zhan. "It's the same thing, Zhan. Relax."

Zhan swallowed his retort, glaring at his sister but holding his tongue, his lips twisted in a silent pout. Lu Jie merely smiled, raising her chin, ignoring the tension.

At a traffic light, Lee rolled down the window, accepting a face mask from a young boy selling them at the corner. He handed the boy some money and rolled the window back up.

Zhan made a disgusted noise, his lips curling in disdain, but he kept quiet, simmering in his seat.

When they arrived at the mall, Lee parked the car smoothly and turned to Lu Jie. "I'll wait here."

Zhan scoffed. "Wait? Who's going to carry our stuff when we're done? What's the point of having a driver if he can't even help with the bags?"

Lu Jie sighed. "The staff inside will take care of it, Zhan. It's unnecessary for him to leave the car."

Zhan shook his head, his annoyance palpable. "You have a big problem if you think this is normal. Why did we even bother bringing him then?"

Ignoring her brother's rant, Lu Jie turned to Lee. "We'll call you when we're done."

Lee, ever polite, nodded. "Just call me if you need anything." He handed her his number, which she quickly saved in her phone.

Zhan narrowed his eyes at the interaction. "What's the point of exchanging numbers with the driver?" he muttered. "I don't know why you and Mama treat him like this."

Lu Jie didn't respond, pushing the shopping cart inside. Zhan followed, still fuming but letting it slide for now.

Inside the mall, as they walked through the aisles, Zhan made a point of pushing the cart with a scowl, drawing glances from onlookers who admired their striking appearance. Though not twins, they looked similar enough to catch people's attention...Lu Jie, slightly plumper with fair skin, and Zhan, slim and sharp-featured, his long nose and delicate lips giving him a youthful, almost ethereal beauty.

Lu Jie noticed Zhan wasn't picking up anything. "Weren't you planning to shop?"

Zhan made a face. "Not here."

Lu Jie shrugged and continued picking out items, unbothered by his mood. She grabbed the expensive perfume Mrs. Xiao had requested and, with a small smile, tossed it into the cart. "Here, Zhan."

Zhan took it with a grudging nod. "Thanks."

As they reached the counter, Zhan realized he'd forgotten something. "I need a nail-cutting kit. Be right back."

When Zhan disappeared into the store, Lee entered the mall, wearing a face mask. Spotting Lu Jie at the counter, he approached her. "I saw your missed call."

Lu Jie, surprised, feigned ignorance. "Oh, I didn't notice."

Before Lee could respond, a voice cut through the air. "Bo?"

Lee froze, eyes widening beneath the mask. Turning slowly, he saw a woman approaching, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Nia?"

Nia giggled. "I recognized you even with the mask! What are the odds?"

Lee shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Lu Jie. "Excuse me for a moment," he said, quickly ushering Nia out of the store.

Lu Jie watched them leave, her mind whirling. Who was she? The way Lee had acted...hurried, almost panicked...left a bitter taste in her mouth. She shook her head, trying to refocus, but her thoughts were all over the place.

Zhan returned, eyeing her curiously.

"What are you staring at?"

"Nothing," Lu Jie replied, distracted.

Back at the car, Lee stood by, arms folded. The workers loaded their bags into the trunk, and Lu Jie tipped them generously before climbing into the front seat. Zhan, still fuming, got in the back.

They drove in silence, tension hanging in the air. Lu Jie's mind raced, and Zhan impatiently waited for her to bring up his bag issue. Finally, she broke the silence.

"I need to talk to you, Yi Bo."

Eyes on the road, Lee responded politely. "I'm listening, Mrs. Cao."

"Zhan's bag. You still have it?"

There was a pause, then Lee nodded. "Yes."

Lu Jie glanced at Zhan, who glared at Lee like he wanted to throttle him. "You'll give it to me when we get home."

Lee nodded again, his tone measured. "Of course."

Zhan turned away, muttering under his breath. "I'll deal with him when we get home," he thought bitterly.

At home, Zhan stood outside the car, his patience wearing thin. He watched as Lu Jie approached Lee.

"I'll collect the bag for him," she said softly, trying to diffuse the situation.

Lee nodded, carrying Lu Jie's shopping bags to the main entrance. When he returned, Zhan stepped forward, tension radiating off him in waves. "My bag, now."

Lee met his gaze calmly. "I'll bring it from the chalet later."

Zhan's eyes darkened with fury. "What did you just say?"

But before he could explode, Lu Jie stepped in. "Go inside, Zhan. I'll get it for you."

Seething, Zhan walked into the house, his blood boiling.

Later, as Lu Jie approached Lee, she handed him a small bag, her voice soft. "I bought this for you."

Lee looked at her, surprised. "Thank you."

"Now... about Zhan's bag?"

Lee gave her a long look before nodding. "Follow me."

At the chalet, Lee slowed his pace, noticing Lu Jie trailing him. She called out. "I want to ask you something."

He didn't look at her. "Go ahead."

"Who are you?"

He stopped walking, his expression carefully neutral. "I'm not sure what you mean."

Lu Jie narrowed her eyes. "I think you do."

He didn't respond, instead heading inside to retrieve Zhan's bag. When he returned, he handed it to her, but the zipper was slightly open.

Lu Jie's eyes widened as she spotted two sachets of condoms, Weed and prophylactics at the top. Her breath caught in her throat, and she clutched the bag, her mind spinning. She turned to leave quickly, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Here's his phone," Lee said, holding it out.

She grabbed it without looking him in the eye, her hands trembling. She stormed to Zhan's room, her heart pounding in her chest.

Inside, she threw the bag onto the floor. "Zhan, what is this?" Her voice wavered, her expression one of disappointment and confusion.

Zhan froze, his heart skipping a beat. He saw the open bag and felt a cold wave of dread wash over him. His mind raced, searching for an explanation.

"It's not mine, I swear!" he blurted out, panic lacing his voice. "It's Zan Jin's...maybe even He Peng's! Lee's trying to set me up! Please, Jie, you have to believe me!"

Lu Jie sat on the bed, head in her hands, silent tears pooling in her eyes. Zhan knelt down, frantically stuffing the things back into the bag and zipping it up.

"Please, believe me," he whispered, desperation creeping into his tone.

Lu Jie said nothing. She stood up, placed his phone on the bed, and left the room, her silence louder than any words she could have spoken.


My dear brothers and sisters, please vote and comment before you made me lazy with this silent. And do enjoy the story, love you all 😘