Chapter 12

Zhan lounged on the sofa, picking up his phone. A wave of notifications greeted him—missed calls, mostly from Leo. One call had come in that morning. He smirked and dialed Leo's number back. The phone rang once, twice, then clicked just before it was about to go to voicemail.

"Hello?" Zhan's voice softened when he heard Leo's silence. "Can you hear me?"

A moment passed before Leo's calm voice broke through. "Yes, I can hear you."

Zhan hesitated, then sighed. "You called this morning. I'm sick… that's why I didn't pick up."

"Sick? What's wrong?" Leo's voice took on a concerned edge.

Zhan shook his head as though Leo could see him, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "I woke up with a fever."

Leo's tone softened. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm better... that's why I was able to call you."

"Since when have you been sick?"

"Two days ago," Zhan said, barely meeting the weight of Leo's concern. There was a long silence on the other end. Zhan blinked, wondering if he should have told him earlier.

"I'm sorry," Leo finally said, his voice gentle. "Get well soon, okay?"

"Okay." Zhan blinked again, feeling something heavy in the space between them, even through the phone.

"Have you been able to eat?"

"Yeah... I managed," Zhan replied, brushing it off. "That's how I got the energy to call you."

"Good. Take care, dear."

The silence lingered between them, then Leo broke it again. "Zhan..."


Leo's voice dropped, his tone suddenly serious. "Where did you find that driver?"

Zhan frowned. "I didn't hire him. He just... showed up at the house one night."

"What's his name?"

"Lee," Zhan said simply.

"Lee? Is he still around?"

Zhan clenched his jaw. "Yeah, he is. And he keeps disrespecting me. I've had enough. I've decided to just take taxis to the university from now on."

Leo's voice turned icy, cutting through the tension. "Don't worry. I'll put an end to all of this."

Zhan smiled, the promise in Leo's voice warming him. "I trust you, dear."

"Is he staying at the house permanently, or does he come and go?"

"He's here permanently. He's not going anywhere."

Leo's voice was final. "Good. I'll be in Beijing tomorrow."

"Okay," Zhan said, the weight lifting off his shoulders. "I'll see you then."

"I'll call you later," Leo added, his voice softening again.

"Alright, dear." As the call ended, Zhan leaned back, his eyes closing in contentment. Finally, he thought, Leo would take care of everything. Lee had stepped into Leo's trap, and soon it would all be over.

The hours drifted by. Zhan remained seated in the living room, lost in his thoughts as the night crept in. He wasn't sure why he stayed there, unmoving, as the clock ticked past nine. It wasn't until Lu Jie approached him, concern flickering across her face, that he realized how late it had become.

"Zhan, it's time to go to bed," she urged gently.

But Zhan shook his head, staying where he was. "I'm fine. Just checking my phone."

Zhuo-Ge entered moments later, his brows knitting together. "What are you doing here?"

Zhan offered a faint smile. "It's fine. I'm just... thinking."

Zhuo-Ge sighed but didn't press further. "Alright. Come with me; I need you to take something to Yang."

Zhan trailed behind his brother as they walked to Zhuo's bedroom. Zhuo handed him a pair of shoes. "Take these to Yang."

Just as Zhan reached for them, Lu Jie stepped forward, gently taking the shoes from his hands. She smiled softly. "Go rest, Zhan. I'll handle it."

Relief washed over Zhan, and he quickly muttered, "Thanks, Jie," before hurrying to his room.

Zhuo glanced at Lu Jie as Zhan disappeared. "What time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"In the morning," she replied.

"Alright." He nodded, and with that, she left the room, walking toward the gate. There, she found not Yang, but Lee standing in his place.

"Good evening, Mrs. Cao," Lee greeted, his posture rigid.

She gave him a curt nod. "Where's Yang?"

"He stepped out. He should be back soon."

Lu Jie's eyes narrowed slightly. "Is he far?"

"I don't know."

She shifted, standing beside him, her presence unsettling the usually stoic driver. After a minute of tense silence, she finally broke it. "I asked you something earlier, but you didn't answer."

Lee didn't meet her gaze. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Cao. What did you ask?"

She crossed her arms, her tone unwavering. "I asked who you are."

Lee was silent for a moment, his shoulders tightening. "Alright... but this stays between us. I don't tell anyone my story."

"I promise to keep your secret," Lu Jie replied, her voice firm.

Lee let out a slow breath, finally turning toward her. "Even from your brothers?"

"I promise," she reassured him.

Lee hesitated, then spoke, his voice low. "Like I told you before, my name is Lee Wang Yi Bo... but I'm better known as Wang Yi Bo. My hometown is Luoyang, Henan."

Lu Jie's eyes flickered with recognition. "Ling's hometown?"

"No," Lee corrected quickly. "Our hometowns aren't the same."

He continued, sharing fragments of his past, but Lu Jie sensed that only a sliver of the truth was being revealed. A veil of mystery hung around him...some truths, and a few lies scattered in between.

After everything that had happened, Ling gave me the opportunity to do this work here at the house. You've heard my brief story." She lifted her head, her expression unreadable. Softly, she added, "May the Creator guide us all."

"Amen," Yi Bo responded.

Just then, Yang entered the courtyard, carrying a small bag. When he spotted her, his heart raced, and he widened his mouth into a sheepish smile. In a whisper, he greeted, "Good night, madam," before slipping into the chalet with the bag in hand.

Athour : Since now me and you dear readers we come to know who's Lee, let's continue calling him with his known name, but for others that don't know it's Lee right? Right??

Yi Bo broke the silence. "What time do you leave tomorrow?"

"Early morning," she replied.

"Okay, you're going alone?" he asked.

There was a pause before she quietly responded, "No, we usually go with Zhan. They drop me off and then turn around."

"Alright," Yi Bo acknowledged.

"Goodnight," she said as she turned to leave.

"Goodnight," he echoed, watching her retreat with a soft sigh.

The next morning, Yi Bo came out, having been summoned by Mr. Xiao. On the balcony, he greeted Paa with a polite nod.

"You'll drive Lu to the airport," Mr. Xiao said. "Zhan will go with her, and you'll return together."

Yi Bo bowed slightly. "I understand, sir, but I just woke up feeling unwell today."

"What's wrong?" Paa asked with concern.

"I think it's a fever," Yi Bo replied.

"Go to the hospital with Sheng and get checked out then," Paa instructed. "Let me know before you leave."

"Thank you," Yi Bo responded, grateful.

Paa reassured him. "Don't worry. Since Zhuo is here, he'll take her. You go rest."

Yi Bo thanked Mr. Xiao again before leaving. Truthfully, if Lu Jie had been going alone, he would've driven her. But with Zhan in the car, he knew he couldn't manage the long trip. That's why he pretended to be ill....anything to avoid spending that time with Zhan.

Mr. Xiao entered the living room, just as Lu Jie was emerging with her suitcases. "Lu, wait here. I'll speak with Zhuo. The driver isn't well."

Lu Jie simply nodded, sitting back down, her expression thoughtful.

Mr. Xiao left to find Zhuo, and at the same time, Zhan appeared. His expression was one of irritation. "So, Zhuo is the one taking us to the airport?"

He scoffed. "Honestly, I can't stand being in the car with him for that long. If he's the driver, I'll just head back to my room. He'll probably kill me on the way back."

Mr. Xiao returned, signaling Zhuo would take them.

Zhan let out a relieved breath. "Much better." He grabbed one of Lu Jie's suitcases and headed outside, standing by the car until she came out with a worker carrying the other bag. Once Zhuo arrived, they all climbed into the car.

Mrs. Xiao stood on the balcony, saying a silent prayer for Lu Jie's safe journey. Zhuo started the car, and Yang waved goodbye. Zhan, seated in the back, didn't even look his way, but both Zhuo and Lu Jie waved back.

As they drove off, Lu Jie's phone buzzed in her bag. Zhan glanced over curiously. She pulled out the phone and looked at the screen...Yi Bo's name flashed.

Zhan squinted, almost in disbelief. Leaning closer, he watched her raise the phone to her ear.

From the other end, Yi Bo's voice came through. "Did you wake up safely, Mrs. Cao?"

"Yes," Lu Jie replied softly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you myself," Yi Bo continued. "You left without saying goodbye. Please have a safe flight."

She lowered her gaze. "Amen. Thank you."

"See you later," he added before hanging up.

Zhan eyed her suspiciously. "Was that the driver? Has he bewitched you too, or is he your friend now?"

Lu Jie said nothing, but Zhan's disbelief was clear.

Zhuo, overhearing, asked, "Who's the driver?"

Zhan scoffed. "That useless house driver, Ge. What business does he have calling her?"

Lu Jie defended herself. "What's wrong with having the driver's number, Zhan? I have Yang's number too."

Zhan shot back, "When Ling was here, didn't you have his number? Who communicated with him more than you?"

"Ling is different," Zhan grumbled. "I only talked to him if it was important."

"Well, this was important too," Lu Jie snapped. Zhuo shook his head slightly, stepping in to calm the situation.

"What's wrong with having his number, Zhan? It's no big deal."

Zhan opened his mouth to argue but found himself at a loss for words. For the rest of the journey, he remained silent, brooding, but his mood darkened.

At one point, he stole a glance at Lu Jie and noticed she had fallen asleep. Seizing the opportunity, he carefully took her phone, unlocked it, and quickly blocked Yi Bo's number from the call log before deleting the entry. He then returned the phone to her lap as if nothing had happened.

Zhan remained quiet for the rest of the ride. When they arrived at the airport, Zhuo turned to him and said, "Help with her luggage."

Frowning, Zhan reluctantly got out, helping Lu Jie with her bags. As they reached the terminal, Lu Jie noticed his sulky expression.

"Still mad?" she teased. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Zhan glanced at her, still pouting. "I won't forgive you. The driver's better than me, right?"

Lu Jie smiled, gently reassuring him. "Who said that? There's no one better than you. I didn't mean to make you upset."

Zhan's pout deepened. "Really?"

Lu Jie pulled him into a hug. "I mean it."

"Alright, I'm over it now," Zhan replied, finally smiling.

Together, they returned to the car where Zhuo was waiting. As Zhan settled in, his phone vibrated... Leo was calling.

After exchanging greetings, Leo said, "I'll be in Beijing this evening. Send me your address."

Zhan's eyes widened. "You're coming to our house?"

"Yes, I'll be waiting for you," Leo confirmed before hanging up.

Zhan was elated. Leo had never visited their home before, and the thought excited him. He immediately started thinking about what to prepare, his happiness bubbling over. Or was he coming because of that useless driver? That would be even better.

At two o'clock, Zhan arrived home with Zhuo. As soon as Zhuo turned off the car, Zhan opened the door and got out, his eyes scanning the courtyard. He noticed Yang locking the gate but didn't see Yi Bo anywhere. With a frustrated sigh, he turned and made his way inside the house. Without a word, he headed straight to Mrs. Xiao's section of the home.

Mrs. Xiao, sitting in her living room, looked up and said, "You're back already?"

"Yes, Mama," Zhan replied, sitting down beside her. "Today I have to tell you... Lu Jie didn't cry when we left this time."

Mrs. Xiao chuckled softly. "Good, she's growing up. She's not a little girl anymore. But every time she comes here, she finds it hard to say goodbye to her maternal family. Crying won't change anything."

Zhan leaned in a little closer, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin. "Mama, guess what?"

Mrs. Xiao raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "I'm no good at guessing, Son. Just tell me."

Zhan's grin grew wider. "Mama, Leo is coming to the house today!"

For a moment, Mrs. Xiao stared at him silently, blinking slowly. "Who's Leo?"

Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Leo, Mama. My boyfriend."

Mrs. Xiao shook her head. "But didn't you tell me he stopped calling you?"

Zhan nodded, frustration creeping into his voice. "Yes, but that's the driver's fault, not mine. But Mama, Leo called me yesterday...himself!"

Mrs. Xiao sighed heavily, her expression turning stern. "Oh, Zhan. You never listen, do you? I've told you to distance yourself from Leo, but you never do. I don't know what to do with you anymore."

She continued, her voice filled with concern. "Leo won't do anything but deceive you, Zhan. He's rich, richer than you, and I've heard he's the Wang's, maybe the only Male heir to the Wang family in Shanghai. Those rich boys only marry for business purposes. They don't marry beneath them."

Zhan made a sympathetic face, trying to explain. "Mama, he's not like that. He loves me. He told me when I got in Grade 3 that he'd send his parents to ask for my hand in marriage. I swear that's what he said, Mama."

Mrs. Xiao looked at him, exasperated. "Zhan, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Do you really think Leo's parents will let him marry you? They're looking for a match that benefits their business, not love. And you can't give them what they want...a future heir."

Zhan pouted but remained persistent. "I know he loves me, Mama. Just tell me what to cook for him."

Mrs. Xiao frowned. "Cooking? Did he ask you to cook for him?"

Zhan shook his head. "No, but he's coming from Shanghai by flight. Shouldn't I prepare something?"

Mrs. Xiao's tone softened. "No, there's no need to cook. It's his first visit. You don't cook for someone until they've come at least five times. Just have water or drinks ready."

Zhan hesitated. "What about snacks?"

Mrs. Xiao sighed. "Fine, I'll bake some small chops for him. But nothing more than that."

Zhan smiled, relieved. "Thanks, Mama. Should I help?"

Mrs. Xiao waved him off. "No, you go get ready. I'll handle the rest."

Zhan nodded, already thinking ahead. "I'm bringing him into Paa's visitors' living room, right?"

Mrs. Xiao shook her head, chuckling. "No, no. Why would you bring someone no one knows into your father's formal living room? You'll put a chair outside for him."

Zhan frowned. "But I told Zhuo-ge, and he said to bring him to Paa's guest room."

Mrs. Xiao laughed. "What does your brother know? The second or third visit, maybe. But not today."

She waved him off. "Now, go on and get ready. I'll head to the kitchen."

Zhan obeyed, heading back to his room. After a quick bath, he sat on the carpeted floor, scrolling through his phone. A few minutes later, his Auntie entered without knocking. Zhan looked up, startled, and quickly greeted her.

The Auntie shook her head. "Am I supposed to greet you when I come to this House, Zhan?"

Zhan rolled his eyes playfully. "No, Auntie, I just didn't know you were here. I would've run to greet you."

She smiled, but her tone was teasing. "Mm-hmm. What about Lei and Mei's health?You did not  visit them?"

Zhan sighed, scratching the back of his head. "I haven't gone the time, Auntie."

His Auntie gave him a mock glare before turning to leave. Zhan quickly followed her, hoping to make amends.

"Auntie, where are they now, did you visit with them?"

"They're outside in the yard, playing. I hope Lu Jie didn't cry today."

Zhan grinned. "Nope, she didn't. She's becoming a real lady. Auntie, guess what?"

"What is it now?" she asked, slightly amused.

Zhan lowered his voice, glancing around to make sure his mother wasn't nearby. "Auntie, Leo is coming today."

His Auntie blinked in confusion. "Who's Leo?"

Zhan sighed dramatically. "Auntie, I've told you about him before!"

His Auntie shrugged. "Alright, alright. What are you preparing for him?"

Zhan puffed up proudly. "We've already discussed that with Mama."

Without waiting for a response, he headed outside to look for his cousins. When he didn't find them in the main living room, he stepped out into the courtyard. His eyes scanned the area, but the only person in sight was Yang, sitting in his usual spot.

"Yang, where are my cousins?" Zhan asked impatiently.

Yang smiled politely. "Welcome back, young master."

"I'm asking you a question, Yang!" Zhan snapped.

Yang scratched his head nervously. "They're in the chalet with Lee. They just went there."

Zhan's face twisted in disbelief. "What? With that driver?" he spat the word like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

Yang nodded cautiously. "Yes, Young Master."

Zhan clenched his fists, anger rising in his chest. "How dare he take them to that filthy place!" Without another word, he turned on his heel and stormed off toward the chalet, his mind racing with a mix of fury and disbelief. How could his precious cousins be in that dirty space?

When he reached the chalet, Zhan noticed their shoes neatly placed by the door. His stomach churned. He didn't even bother going inside. Instead, he snuck around to the back of the building and peeked through the window. The curtains were slightly drawn, but it was enough for him to see inside.

There, at the foot of the bed, Yi Bo sat with a small phone pressed to his ear, looking entirely too comfortable for Zhan's liking. His cousins, Lei and Mei, were sprawled out on the bed, playing games on the phone, giggling softly. Zhan's heart sank. How dare they be so carefree in a place like this?

"What are you doing in here, Mei and Fei?" Zhan barked through the window, his voice harsh with anger.

Yi Bo flinched, quickly pulling his expensive phone from Mei's hands and stuffing it under the bedsheets. The cousins, startled, jumped up from the bed, guilt written all over their faces. Lei hesitated before speaking, "Gege, Mummy said we could play ball outside."

Zhan scoffed. "Outside? Is this outside?" He waved his hands around dramatically. "And is that a ball in your hand? You're playing with phone, and in this filthy place, no less! You'll get sick from the germs in here!" His voice dripped with sarcasm and frustration. He wonder though, where did the phone vanished...?

"But Gege," Lei protested, "this room smells nice."

Zhan cut him off. "I don't care! Get out of here right now before I come in and drag you out myself!"

The cousins scrambled toward the door, glancing nervously at Yi Bo as they left. Zhan, still seething, shot a sharp glare at Yi Bo, who didn't even bother to look up. His calm demeanor only fueled Zhan's anger. He hissed under his breath and turned away, storming off from the window.

At the door of the chalet, Zhan found his cousins hurriedly putting on their shoes. He crossed his arms, glaring at them. "What were you doing inside? Who told you to go in there?"

Mei, clutching her shoes, looked up and answered, "We were playing a game on the phone Handsome Gege gave us."

Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief. Did he really just see one of the latest iPhones in Mei's hand? Before he could react, it disappeared.

"Playing a game? Is it the Nokia phone game that's got you all excited?" He sneered. "From today, if I see your feet anywhere near this place again, I'll feed them to my birds." Zhan heart hurt for remembering his lost birds and beautiful Parrot.

The cousins giggled, but Zhan wasn't in the mood for jokes. He grabbed their hands and started dragging them away from the chalet.

Lei piped up, "But Gege, Handsome Gege's phone isn't a small Nokia. It looks just like yours!"

Zhan rolled his eyes. "Who in their right mind would give that driver a phone like mine? He'll never have one till the day he dies."

Mei chimed in, "It's the same kind as Lu Jie's, Gege. Exactly like yours."

Zhan couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. "He'll never have a phone like mine. Do you even know how much this costs? My phone is over a million. Do you know what a million is?"

Mei, unfazed, added, "He even gave us Dairy Milk chocolate, each! And he has a lot of them in his bag, Gege. I think I want him to be my friend."

Before Zhan could respond, Mrs. Xiao's voice called from inside the house. "Zhan! Where are you?"

"I'm here, Mama!" Zhan quickly ushered his cousins into the living room, eager to avoid his mother's wrath.

Mrs. Xiao glanced at him. "I sent one of the workers to the market to buy some things, but she hasn't come back yet."

Zhan asked, "There's nothing in the freezer?"

"No," Mrs. Xiao replied. "I need something else."

"Alright, I'll try to call her." Zhan hurried upstairs to retrieve his phone. After a few attempts, the worker's number was unreachable. Frustrated, he went back to his room to change his clothes when his phone rang. It was Leo.

"Our flight is about to take off. I'll call you in about two and a half hours."

Zhan's eyes lit up. "Alright! Have a safe trip!" He hung up, giddy with excitement. Leo was on his way.

Quickly changing into something stylish, Zhan headed downstairs and opened the fridge. His brow furrowed. There were drinks in there, but none that Leo liked. Leo's favorite drink, apart from alcohol and champagne, was canned Coke, and there wasn't a single one in sight.

Irritated, he grabbed his ATM card and stormed outside. Yang was sitting with Yi Bo, and Zhan didn't even bother acknowledging Yi Bo's presence as he approached.

"Yang, I'm sending you to the mall," Zhan said, handing over the ATM card. "Get me a pack of canned Coke. I said can Coke, not bottled. And a pack of fresh milk... white milk, not flavored. If you bring back any nonsense, you'll drink it yourself and pay me back."

Yang took the card and smiled. "I won't mess up, Young Master."

Zhan asked again, "Do you remember the PIN?"

Yang hesitated. "No, Young Master."

Zhan glanced briefly at Yi Bo, who was silently sitting by. With an annoyed frown, he muttered, "Let's go outside the house, and I'll tell you the PIN."

Yang, amused, gave a small smile. "Yes, Young Master."

The two walked outside the gate. Zhan turned to Yang, whispering the PIN while glancing back at the compound. "And don't go playing around with the ATM on the street," he warned. "Bring it back to me immediately, or else it might get stolen."

Yang laughed softly. "Yes, Young Master."

As Zhan entered back into the compound, he couldn't help but walk past Yi Bo with his usual haughty demeanor, bouncing and frowning all at once. He turned suddenly, glaring at Yi Bo... And their eyes meet.

"Do you owe me something?" Zhan asked sharply, hand resting on his small waist.

Yi Bo, unfazed, take his eyes away glancing up at the sky. "I'm the one who should be asking that question."

Zhan blinked, stunned for a moment. "What did you say?"

Yi Bo remained calm, still looking elsewhere. "You heard me."

Zhan, flustered, stepped closer, his voice rising. "Repeat that again. I dare you."

Yi Bo met his gaze for the second time. "What do you want me to repeat?"

Zhan, his face twitching in anger, muttered, "I don't know."

Yi Bo, shrugged his shoulders stood up, stretched his arms, and yawned. "Since you see I haven't stolen anything from your bag the other day, I won't touch anything of yours. Even that folded paper...I didn't take it."

Zhan blinked in confusion. "What folded paper?"

Without another word, Yi Bo walked towards the gate, leaving Zhan standing there, dumbfounded. Zhan glared at his retreating figure before turning on his heel and heading back inside.

Sitting in the living room, Zhan stewed in his frustration until Yang returned with the Coke and milk. Zhan quickly put them away in the fridge before retreating to his room, his thoughts swirling. Leo was coming. Yi Bo was getting on his nerves. And something about all of this didn't sit right with him.


After about two hours, the worker Mrs. Xiao sent out still hadn't returned. Zhan walked out of the living room and found his mother sitting on the couch, watching a movie.

"Mama, Leo called me since and said they're boarding the plane," Zhan said, his voice tense with frustration.

Mrs. Xiao glanced up at him, her eyes taking in his appearance. He looked so handsome, like someone who had descended from heaven itself. She touched her lips thoughtfully. "The one I sent hasn't come back from the market yet. I'm tired of waiting. That's why I'm sitting here watching this. I thought it would only take a little time to finish the baking…"

Zhan looked at the clock. "Mama, I called her phone, but she didn't pick up." He then pointed at the phone lying on the chair beside her. "Look where she left her phone. I bet she's out meeting someone else."

He felt a heaviness in his heart, the frustration piling up. Fighting the urge to cry, Zhan stood up and left the room. He went to the guest living room and turned on the humidifier, letting the scent of flavored perfume fill the air. The sweet smell calmed him slightly, but when he returned to his mother, the worker was still nowhere to be seen.

Fifteen more minutes passed, and still, there was no sign of her. Zhan felt as if he was on the verge of tears. Mrs. Xiao was engrossed in her movie, seemingly unaware of the storm brewing inside her son.

Zhan's phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence. He opened his eyes to see Leo's name on the screen. He picked up quickly.

"I'm about to pull into your driveway," Leo said, his voice steady.

Zhan jumped up. "Okay."

As Leo hung up, Mrs. Xiao glanced over at her son. "What happened?"

Zhan clenched his fists, trying to keep his voice steady. "Mama, if that useless worker doesn't show up soon, I won't hesitate to fire her. Leo's almost here, and she still hasn't come back. What am I supposed to do now?"

Mrs. Xiao rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, I can see that."

Zhan stormed off, anger bubbling inside him. The only thing holding back his tears was the carefully applied makeup on his face. He couldn't afford to break down... not now. He suppressed the emotions threatening to spill over.

Mrs. Xiao rested her chin on her hand and muttered, "Lian is useless. I'll deal with her when she gets back."

Outside the mansion, Yi Bo was sitting on a bench beside Yang, casually watching the cars and people passing by. Yang did most of the talking, with Yi Bo occasionally offering a smile or ignoring him altogether. Despite his silence, Yi Bo listened.

At one point, he noticed a car in the distance that he recognized. His interest piqued as it drew closer. It was Leo's car. Yi Bo's heart raced.

He quickly stood up and turned to head back into the house. Yang asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back," Yi Bo replied, his voice hurried.

As he headed inside, he nearly collided with Zhan, who was on his way out. Yi Bo recoiled, his heart thumping in his chest. He knew there'd be big trouble if Leo spotted him today. If that happened, it would only be a matter of moments before his family discovered his whereabouts.

Zhan inhaled the lingering scent of Yi Bo's cologne, his eyes narrowing. He purposely blocked Yi Bo's path, forcing him to stop. A sly smile crept across Zhan's face. Today's the day, he thought. I'll finally see how Leo deals with this so-called driver.

From the corner of his eye, Zhan saw Leo's car pulling into the driveway, and a sudden joy filled him. Today, it would be Leo Vs Driver Lee, and Zhan was looking forward to the show.

On the other hand, Yi Bo stood frozen, staring hard at Zhan. His heart was pounding, louder and faster with each passing second. He couldn't let Leo see him. If Leo did, it wouldn't be long before the truth came crashing down.