Chapter 13

Yi Bo just stared back at Zhan, but Zhan ignored him. He intentionally didn't budge, knowing Yi Bo wanted to leave. Instead, Zhan started scrolling through his phone, deliberately blocking the way. Yi Bo, growing impatient, shoved Zhan slightly as he passed.

Zhan's eyes widened in anger. He grabbed Yi Bo's shirt collar and hissed, "Are you mad? How dare you shove me like that? Are you out of your mind, or have you started taking drugs?"

Yi Bo locked eyes with him, calm but firm. "Like you do?" he said sharply, pulling Zhan's hand from his shirt before walking away with a confident, almost regal stride.

Zhan stood there, speechless. Like you do? What did that mean? He watched Yi Bo walk off, the words ringing in his ears.

Before Zhan could dwell further, his phone rang. Seeing Leo's name on the screen, he picked up slowly. "I can hear you," he said.

Leo's voice came through. "I'm outside."

Zhan peered out of the gate and saw Leo's car parked across the street. He stepped outside, trying to shake off the encounter with Yi Bo, though the irritation lingered in his mind. No matter how much he wanted to look cheerful, he couldn't get Yi Bo's comment out of his head.

He reached the car, and Leo lowered the window. Zhan forced a smile. "Welcome," he said, but quickly noticed Leo wasn't alone. Sitting beside him was Mu Jiang, a friend.

"Zhan, how's it going?" Mu Jiang greeted with a smile.

"All good, Jiang ge. Welcome to my home," Zhan replied politely.

"Let's go inside," Zhan suggested, gesturing toward the house. But Leo glanced toward the side, eyeing Yang.

"Is that your driver?" Leo asked.

Zhan shook his head. "No, he went inside."

With that, Leo and Mu Jiang stepped out of the car, their presence exuding wealth and confidence. Zhan led them to the guest living room. Yang, sitting nearby, couldn't help but stare at them, noticing the quality of their shoes, clothes, and wristwatches. These were rich kids-the elite. The scent of their expensive cologne filled the air as they entered the house.

Zhan guided them to the cool, well-scented guest living room, where they exchanged pleasantries. Once they settled in, Zhan offered, "Let me get you some water."

Leo smiled. "And food too. We didn't have lunch. I was too eager to see you, my love."

Zhan's heart skipped a beat at Leo's words, but he managed to keep his composure. "Okay, I'll get the water first," he said, heading toward the kitchen, feeling a mix of confusion and stress.

He walked into the main living room and, not seeing anyone, made his way to the kitchen. His Auntie was there, standing at the stove, stirring something. His mother and aunt were chatting, clearly frustrated.

"If you'd listened to me ages ago, you would have fired that useless Lian," his Auntie was saying. "But no, you're too kind to cut her off."

Mrs. Xiao turned to Zhan. "Did you bring them in, son?"

Zhan was on the verge of tears. "What food are they going to eat? They're asking for some, and I have no idea what to do."

His mother tried to reassure him. "Don't worry. There has to be an alternative."

Zhan glanced at the kitchen counter and saw his Auntie cooking Chinese fried rice with some leftover ingredients. Relief flooded through him. At least they wouldn't be empty-handed.

His Auntie turned to him and smiled. "It'll be ready soon," she said, and Zhan thanked her gratefully.

With drinks in hand, he returned to the guest living room. Leo smiled at him. "Shall we greet your parents now?"

Zhan hesitated. "Okay, let me tell my mother. My father isn't back yet."

As he left the room to inform his mother, he overheard his grandmother's voice from the doorway. "Who are they going to greet? Is it our future son-in-law?"

Zhan sighed, embarrassed by his grandmother's interruption. No one replied, but she carried on, "Bring them into the main living room. I think they should greet me first since I'm his grandmother."

Reluctantly, Zhan went back to inform them. "They're in the living room," he said to his grandmother.

A few minutes later, his grandmother, Mrs. Xiao, and his aunt walked into the living room. Leo and Mu Jiang stood up politely as they entered. Zhan's grandmother scrutinized them with a sharp eye. "I hope you arrived safely, young men," she said.

They nodded politely, and she continued, "My grandson said you'd be visiting. It's good you found the time today."

Mrs. Xiao greeted them briefly before retreating back to the kitchen, leaving her mother-in-law to take the lead in conversation. The grandmother looked between Leo and Mu Jiang. "So, who's our son-in-law among you?"

Mu Jiang pointed to Leo. "He's Wang Leo."

Zhan's grandmother raised an eyebrow. "Are you the eldest son of former General Wang?"

Leo nodded with a polite smile.

"And your mother-she's still with your father, right?" the grandmother pressed on.

Leo confirmed, "Yes, they're still together."

The questions kept coming. "Do you have any brothers?"

"No," Leo replied. "But I have two younger sisters."

The grandmother nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And you'll inherit Wang Corporation one day, won't you?"

Leo shifted slightly. "Not yet. My father is still the head, but I'll take over as CEO soon."

"Good, good. When you marry my grandson, you'll take me to Shanghai with you, right? Maybe give me a nice position in the company." She smiled broadly, clearly pleased with her own humor.

Leo and Mu Jiang exchanged glances, unsure how to respond. Zhan, overhearing from the hallway, cringed in embarrassment.

The Grandmother continued her interrogation, "When will your family come to ask for his hand in marriage? I hope not now, right?"

Leo responded calmly, "Only when Zhan and I are ready."

She nodded approvingly. "That's true. The matter of marriage should be approached slowly, it's not something to rush. Get to know each other better first, don't be hasty in this matter. Zhan is my grandson, he has no flaws-he won't hurt you. And I hope your parents know that you're courting him?"

"Yes, they know," Leo said, meeting her gaze.

At that moment, Zhan re-entered the room. "The food will be delivered to the guest living room. Let's head back there."

The grandmother smiled. "Yes, of course. The food is waiting for you there. Welcome again to our home."

Leo stood up, followed by Mu Jiang, and they made their way back to the guest living room. As they walked out, Grandma leaned in close to Zhan and whispered, "Your boyfriend is so cute and handsome."

Zhan chuckled softly, lowering his voice, "After all that questioning, Grandma? You practically embraced me with your interrogation."

Before Zhan could continue, his aunt scolded him playfully, causing him to retreat with a quick smile.

Zhuo soon entered the living room and, with disbelief, said, "Grandma, how could you ask him all those questions? He's your future son-in-law, not some stranger! Why did you ask about his parents, his education, and whether he has male siblings? What does that have to do with anything?"

Grandma blinked, genuinely surprised. "Did I ask something wrong, Zhuo? What is inappropriate about asking questions when someone is courting my grandson? Didn't he come here to ask for marriage? So I need to know more about him. What's wrong with my questions? Just because this is a same-gender marriage doesn't mean I shouldn't be careful!"

Zhuo sighed in frustration, "It's not about the questions; it's about how invasive they are."

Unfazed, Grandma waved him off, "Get out of my sight. You never liked how I handled Lu's marriage either, but that turned out fine, didn't it? Don't meddle in my business, Zhuo. You have no idea what you're talking about!"

Zhuo shook his head in defeat, turning to leave the room. Grandma glared after him as he exited.

Just then, Lian appeared, holding a bag in her hand. Mrs. Xiao, catching sight of her, said sternly, "So, you've finally decided to come back? I hope you enjoyed your time off. Go wait for me in my living room...I'll deal with you soon."

Lian's hands trembled as she nodded and hurried up the stairs, knowing she was in trouble.

Meanwhile, Zhan busied himself serving the food his aunt had finished preparing. He brought out a tray filled with snacks, and Mrs. Xiao had even arranged for fresh fruit to be sliced for their guests. After ensuring everything was in place, Zhan politely served Leo and Mu Jiang.

Once they had finished eating, Zhan re-entered the room with Zhuo, who exchanged greetings before leaving again.

Mu Jiang stood up and stretched. "Leo, hand me the car keys. I need to grab my phone...I probably missed a ton of calls."

Leo passed him the keys, and as Mu Jiang left, Zhan watched him, feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, Leo pulled out his phone and scrolled through his gallery. After a few seconds of staring at the screen, he handed it to Zhan. Zhan's heart skipped a beat when he saw the image Leo was showing him...a photo from a restaurant outing with He Peng, Zan Jin, and their girlfriends, taken just a few weeks ago. The image showed them in less-than-decent attire, clearly enjoying themselves.

Leo's voice was cold. "You promised you'd stop going out like this. So, where did this come from?"

Zhan stared at the picture, unable to find the right words. "That was from a while ago," he finally muttered. "Before I promised you I'd stop. You can ask Zan Jin."

Leo's gaze was sharp. "Are you lying to me, Zhan? Zan Jin posted this last night on his status-I saw it and saved it. Don't try to fool me."

Zhan's heart sank. "I'm serious, Leo. We took that picture before I made the promise to you. I haven't gone out with them since."

Leo's voice rose, frustration creeping in. "Zhan!" His eyes bored into Zhan's. "I love you, and I want to marry you....that's why I'm stopping you from doing these things. Otherwise, your lifestyle wouldn't be any of my business. Do you think I've ever tried to control anyone else like this? I've had other partners, and I've never once stopped them from living how they want. But with you, it's different. I have serious intentions with you, and I need you to be serious about this too."

Zhan felt the weight of his words pressing on him, guilt tugging at his chest.

Leo continued, "My parents are wealthy and influential, Zhan. They will never approve of an uncontrollable partner. Do you understand what that means? I came here from Shanghai not just to visit, but because I want to marry you. I wouldn't do that for anyone else unless there was a real future involved."

Zhan swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper. "Okay... I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise."

Leo studied him for a moment longer, then nodded. "I hope so, Zhan. I really hope so."

Then, as if to ease the tension, Leo leaning back in the chair, watching Zhan "Your house is always so calm. But earlier, I noticed someone... your driver, right? He seems... different and familiar from the distance."

Zhan poured water into the glass cup and he gulf it, feeling the tension building "Yeah, that's Lee. He's just the driver."

Zhan's voice falters slightly, but he maintains a casual tone.

Leo, with a slight smile, but his eyes sharp "Just the driver? He seemed a little too close to you. Has he been around long?"

Zhan, caught off guard by the directness of Leo's question, pauses briefly before answering "Not that long. What's with the sudden interest?"

Leo, leaning forward slightly, his smile fading "I don't know... I just have this feeling. Maybe it's nothing."

Zhan forcing a smile, trying to deflect "He's nobody, really. Just doing his job."

Leo, still unconvinced, but letting it go for now "If you say so."

He sits back, but his gaze lingers on Zhan a moment longer before turning to Mu Jiang who come back just then.

Zhan (internally): "Why is he so curious about Lee? Is it jealousy, or does he know something?"

Zhan turns away to hide his unease, but the discomfort lingers, casting a shadow over the conversation as they continue to chat... About the same person.

Zhan sat down and said, "Yes, he's still here. He saw your car, that's why he went inside."

Leo, watching him closely, asked, "Did he see my car?"

"I think so," Zhan replied.

Leo nodded. "Okay, where is he now?"

Zhan leaned forward. "Here's the plan. We'll go outside. You stay in the compound, and I'll go meet him at the chalet where he lives. I'll tell him I need to go somewhere, and he'll come to take me. When he leaves the compound, you'll see him."

Leo smiled, amused. "Sounds like a child's play... but I really need to see him."

Zhan grinned. "It's the only way you'll be able to see him when he comes out. Let's head outside."

He stood, picking up a bowl of fruit slices. "Let me carry this for you." Zhan walked out, with Leo and Mu Jiang following him.


When they were talking about all this. Yi Bo is hiding in a secluded area of the house, away from Leo and Zhan. He's leaning against a wall, trying to calm his thoughts as he listens to fragments of their conversation.

Yi Bo (internal monologue): "This is getting too close. If Leo figures out who I am... it'll be over for me. I can't let that happen."

He clenches his fists, his heart pounding as Zhan's voice filters through from the living room.

Yi Bo (thoughts racing): "Why didn't I leave? I should've disappeared the moment I knew Leo was coming. But... Zhan. I can't just abandon him."

He hears Leo's voice, casual but laced with something more. The sound of Zhan's nervous responses only makes Yi Bo more anxious.

Yi Bo (struggling internally): "Zhan has no idea how dangerous this is. If Leo finds out I'm still around, he won't hesitate to do something stupid. And Zhan..."

Yi Bo looks down at his hands, his breathing unsteady.

Yi Bo (final thought, eyes narrowing with determination): "I have to keep him safe. No matter what it costs me."

When he heard the last sentence of their conversation, he takes a deep breath, standing up straighter. For now, he decides to stay hidden, waiting for the right moment to act, so he ran....

They reached the thatched area with chairs, and Zhan placed the fruits on the table. Leo sat down and remarked, "You look beautiful, you know."

Zhan blushed, "Thank you. I'll go find him now."

Leo nodded, "Okay."

Zhan headed towards the chalet, and Leo's eyes followed him until he disappeared. Glancing at his watch, Leo noted it was four o'clock.

When Zhan arrived at the chalet, he scanned the living room and saw Sheng lying on the couch. As soon as Sheng noticed him, he quickly stood up. "Are you looking for something, Young Master?"

"Where's the boy?" Zhan asked.

Sheng blinked in confusion. "Which boy?"

"Lee," Zhan clarified.

Sheng hesitated for a moment, then quickly responded, "He's in his room."

"Okay, go tell him that my mother sent a message," Zhan instructed.

"Right away, Young Master," Sheng replied, hurrying off.

Sheng knocked on Yi Bo's door for over a minute, but there was no response. He knew Yi Bo didn't usually sleep during the day, but perhaps nature had called. After another short wait, the door finally opened, and Yi Bo appeared, looking calm but slightly flushed.

"What is it?" Yi Bo asked.

Sheng relayed the message, "The Madam of the house sent a message for you."

Yi Bo nodded. "Alright."

He stepped out of the room and saw Zhan standing at the door, watching him. Zhan pointed and said, "You'll drop me somewhere now. Go get the car keys while I wait."

Yi Bo, maintaining his calm, replied, "Okay." He went back inside and returned a few moments later, handing Zhan the keys.

Zhan frowned, irritated. "Why are you giving me the keys? I told you to drop me off. Are you deaf?"

Yi Bo smirked. "I'm not going anywhere. The person who hired me gave me the day off."

Turning back toward his room, he added with a smirk, "Tell your boyfriend to take you wherever you need to go."

Zhan was left speechless, glaring at Yi Bo's retreating figure until he disappeared.

Returning to Leo, Zhan relayed the interaction. Leo chuckled. "It's fine. There's always next time. I'll knock that pride of his down a notch."

Zhan hissed, "He acts like this is his father's house, doing whatever he wants."

Leo didn't respond, but his mind was fixated on Yi Bo. He was eager to meet him.

Around five o'clock, Leo and Mu Jiang prepared to leave. They said their goodbyes to Mrs. Xiao and Zhan's aunt.


Later that evening, Yi Bo and Yang were sitting outside the mansion, enjoying the fresh air after the heat of the day. As usual, Yang was chatting about Zhan's boyfriends and their wealth. Yi Bo listened, though his eyes were elsewhere.

"I'm telling you," Yang said, "the smell of their expensive perfumes reaches the street. The designer shoes, the way they walk... These guys are the sons of this country's wealthiest-thieves, really, from big companies and the government."

Yi Bo raised his head and gave him a sharp look. Yang laughed. "I'm serious. Government thieves!"

At that moment, a car approached, and both men fell silent, watching as the headlights illuminated them. Yi Bo stood as if to go inside, but just then, the car's lights dimmed...

Yang glanced at Yi Bo and said, "I thought it was Young Master's boyfriend who came back tonight. He could easily pick him up and leave, and no one would know except for me at the gate."

Yi Bo raised an eyebrow, "Whose boyfriend?"

Before Yang could answer, the driver's side door opened. Hang stepped out with his friend, both walking toward the gate. Yang greeted them immediately, and Hang responded, his gaze lingering on Yi Bo. He extended his hand, and Yi Bo reached out to shake it. Hang's friend kept staring at Yi Bo, curious.

Without saying much, Yi Bo turned and started walking up the driveway, keeping his distance. As they entered the gate, Hang's friend leaned over and asked, "Who is that guy?"

Hang shrugged, "I don't know. I've seen him a couple of times with Yang. Maybe he works here or lives nearby."

His friend furrowed his brow, "No, he looks familiar... but I can't place where I've seen him before."

"Wait," Hang said, suddenly curious. He turned back towards the gate, and his friend followed. Hang called out, "Yang!"

Yang quickly came over, "Yes, Master?"

"Who is that guy you were talking with?" Hang asked, nodding in Yi Bo's direction.

Yang glanced at Yi Bo, who was now walking away, and replied, "Oh, he's the new driver. Mr. Ling left the house after Mr. Xiao opened a big shop for him. So now this guy works here. He's only been here for two days."

Hang's friend blinked in surprise. "Driver?"

"Yes," Yang confirmed. "He's the driver for the Xiao family."

Hang's friend exchanged a look with him, then said, "Seriously, I know him from the UK."

Hang chuckled, shaking his head. "Someone like him? In the UK?"

The friend insisted, "Yeah, I'm sure of it, but I just can't remember where."

They entered the living room, where Zhan was lying on the sofa, engrossed in his phone. Seeing them, he stood up and walked past without acknowledging their presence.

The friend muttered, "He's really full of himself, isn't he?"

Hang sighed, "He's always been like that...a spoiled brat with no manners, even when he was little. Nothing like his siblings."

He sat down, picked up his phone, and began calling Zhuo, as they had come to see him.

Zhan, still rattled from his conversation with Leo, goes looking for Yi Bo. He finds him alone in the garage, leaning against the car. The air is thick with unresolved tension.

Zhan, crossing his arms, trying to sound nonchalant but failing "Earlier... what did you mean by 'like you do'? What's that supposed to mean?"

Yi Bo, barely glancing at him, his jaw tight "Forget about it. You wouldn't understand."

Zhan, stepping closer, frustration bubbling over "You've been acting weird all day. What's going on with you? Is there something you're not telling?"

Yi Bo remains silent, his gaze fixed on the car. Zhan's frustration grows.

Zhan, voice rising "Come on, if there's something I should know, just say it!"

Yi Bo finally looks at Zhan, his expression hard but conflicted.

Yi Bo quiet, but firm "It's not your business, Young master."

Zhan feels a wave of anger and confusion. Why is he so secretive?

Zhan voice shaking with frustration "Not my business? How is this not my business? You're hiding something...."

Yi Bo cutting him off, his voice low and dangerous "Trust me, you don't want to know."

For a moment, they stand there, tension crackling between them. Zhan opens his mouth to argue, but something in Yi Bo's eyes stops him. There's a darkness, a weight of something much bigger than Zhan understands.

Zhan stepping back, feeling out of his depth "Fine. Whatever. But don't expect me to just ignore this."

Yi Bo turns away, his face unreadable as he walks past Zhan. Zhan watches him go, frustration gnawing at him. He can't shake the feeling that something is very, very wrong.

Zhan (internal monologue): "What the hell is going on with him? And why do I feel like it's only going to get worse?"