Chapter 14

The next morning, Monday, Zhan finished getting ready by half-past nine and walked into the living room. Zhuo Ge and his mother were sitting at the dining table. Looking at his mother, he said, "Mama, I'll be going."

Mrs. Xiao smiled warmly. "Alright, son. Take care."

He glanced at Zhuo and added, "I'm off, Gege."

When he reached the gate, he didn't even acknowledge Yang or Yi Bo, who were standing there. Zhan left the mansion, strutting confidently. He had already made up his mind....if Lee was the one driving him to school, he would rather take a taxi.

Yang called after him, "Come back safely, Young Master." But Zhan didn't bother to look back or respond, just as he hadn't acknowledged Yi Bo. Yi Bo, for his part, didn't seem to care and kept his eyes forward.

Yang watched Zhan walk away and commented, "Is he planning to walk to school today?"

Yi Bo just smiled and said nothing.

Zhan arrived at school around eleven, but instead of attending any lectures, he met up with Zan Jin and the rest of his clique in the cafeteria. They were lounging around, talking about random things. Everyone in the group had switched to the latest iPhone that had been released a month ago...except for Zhan, whose parents were wealthier than all of theirs combined.

He Peng teased, "I'm surprised. A big boy like you can't scrape together a few million to get a new phone? What's the point of having that boyfriend of yours, Leo? Get him to buy it for you."

Zhan rolled his eyes. "No way. I'm not going to ask him for anything. I don't ask him for stuff."

Without wasting any more time, Zhan pulled out his phone and dialed his father, Paa's, number.

Lowering his voice, he said, "Paa?"

On the other end, Mr. Xiao's concerned voice came through. "What's wrong, son? Did something happen?"

Zhan spoke slowly, "Paa, today when I got to school, my phone fell as I was getting out of the car, and the screen is completely shattered."

Mr. Xiao gasped. "Oh no."

Zhan continued, "I think the phone needs to be repaired."

Mr. Xiao sighed. "Alright, here's what we'll do. When you come home, ask the driver to take it to the repair shop and get it fixed. He'll call me to let me know how much it'll cost. If it can't be repaired, we'll just buy a new one."

Zhan smiled slightly. "Okay."

"Is that all?" Mr. Xiao asked.

"Yes, thank you, Paa. See you later."

He hung up the phone and looked at his friends, who had been eavesdropping. They chuckled.

"Classic. Daddy's boy," one of them teased.

Zhan sighed. "But why does he have to link me with that rude driver? This plan won't work if it's him."

Zan Jin bit his lip. "Seriously, if it were Ling, things would be fine. Why hasn't he been fired yet?"

Zhan touched his mouth, amused. "Maybe he's a wizard. No matter how much I insult him or what I do, he refuses to leave. It's like the house belongs to his father. I even took a taxi today because I won't ride in the same car as him again."

Xin chimed in, "You haven't taught him a proper lesson, that's why he's still there. If it were me, I would've packed him off to his little village by now."

Zhan smirked. "He's probably staying because he's enjoying the good food and drink too much."

Zan Jin grinned mischievously. "Get ready. We'll come to your house and teach him some manners."

Zhan laughed. "Fine, but make sure to dress decently. You know how my mother is."

Zan Jin shrugged. "No problem. Let's do it on Thursday...we'll have time then. Tomorrow, we've got the club, and Wednesday, there's a picnic. Oh, and make sure to sort out the details for the picnic."

Zhan nodded. "Okay, just drop me the location."

The rest of the day passed with no one even glancing toward their department or attending lectures. Later, they headed to a big restaurant where Xin's new boyfriend treated them to dinner.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Yi Bo was standing at the gate, listening to Yang recount a story about an old friend they grew up with. "This guy got obsessed with money and started avoiding everyone. Turns out he was part of a kidnapping ring. He's been in jail for three years now," Yang said, shaking his head.

Just then, the gate opened. Mr. Xiao mother entered the house, holding her handbag. Yang quickly stood up, flashing a big smile. "Welcome, Lao Lao Shi."

She glanced at Yi Bo before turning back to Yang. "Is nobody home? It's so quiet."

Yi Bo stepped forward and greeted her politely. She squinted at him. "Oh, I didn't see you there, young man. How are you?"

"Good, thank you, Lao Lao Shi," Yi Bo replied.

She looked at Yang, exasperated. "Yang, why is this man still here? Shouldn't he be gone by now?"

Suppressing a chuckle, Yang replied, "He's still here, Lao Lao Shi. He's been nothing but kind, polite and hardworking."

She snorted. "Kind, Polite? Hardworking? Please. Men like him... big, muscular, gym rats...they're the ones who do bad things in this world. Look at his forearms! Those aren't the arms of a driver. Those are the arms of a killer."

Yang tried to keep from laughing out loud. "Oh, Lao Lao Shi…"

She sighed. "I had intended to spend the night here, but I really can't with him staying in this house."

With that, she marched into the house to greet the family, still muttering to herself about Yi Bo's suspicious muscles.

Later, she sat in the living room with Mrs. Xiao, whispering, "Are you really still letting him stay here?"

Just then, Yi Bo appeared at the door, holding a bag of apples. Mrs. Xiao stood up and walked over. Yi Bo greeted her politely and handed her the bag. "These are from Lao Lao Shi's request," he said.

Mrs. Xiao took the bag, nodding, while Lao Lao Shi stared incredulously at the large bag of apples. "What is this?" she demanded. "I only wanted two apples, not the whole store! How am I supposed to pay for all this?"

Ren, who was nearby, chuckled. "Mother, it's already bought. Just keep it."

Grandmother shook her head, flustered. "I'm not a thief, you know! My sons didn't get rich by wasting money like this!"

Despite her grumbling, she eventually took two apples and left the rest, shooting one last skeptical glance at Yi Bo as she munch... "This man probably thinks we're rolling in money, just because we live in a big house."

Yi Bo just smiled and nodded. "Enjoy the apples, Lao Lao Shi."

Grandma took another large bite of her apple and said, "Thank you. Not even my grandchildren have treated me this well." Yi Bo smiled quietly, not saying a word. She added, "Go inside, so Ren can properly thank you too. I'm grateful, but she should be as well."

Yi Bo quickly shook his head, saying, "No, Lao Lao Shi, there's no need." She urged him once more, but he hesitated at the doorway. Narrowing her eyes, she said sternly, "I told you to come in. I'm the mother of the owner of this house, so you will listen."

Mrs. Xiao, observing them from the living room, smiled and said, "It's fine, just come in." Reluctantly, Yi Bo entered. Grandma gestured to Mrs. Xiao and said, "Ren, did you know? He bought me these apples with his own salary! He might look like a foreigner, but he knows how to treat an old woman."

Mrs. Xiao smiled warmly. "Thank you very much," she said.

Grandma sighed and shook her head. "You're ten times better than Hang and Zhuo. They've never bought me anything. No gifts, nothing."

Mrs. Xiao didn't respond, allowing her mother-in-law to continue. Just then, the door opened, and Zhan walked in. He stopped short, staring in surprise at Yi Bo, then turned to his grandmother and mother. "What is this? Why is he in the living room?"

Mrs. Xiao shot him a stern look. "It's none of your business."

Zhan frowned, his tone growing sharper. "Mama, it is my business. This is our living room, our private space. This is uncalled for! Even the Yangs, who've lived here for years, aren't allowed in here, let alone the... driver."

Mrs. Xiao stood up, her glare making Zhan retreat hastily toward the stairs. Without another word, she followed him out of the room.

Grandma lowered her voice, turning to Yi Bo. "We're sorry about Zhan," she murmured. "That boy doesn't listen to anyone and isn't afraid of anything. He's been like this for a while now."

She paused, sighing deeply. "That day he came to complain about you, telling me to fire you, I didn't listen. Why would I ruin someone's livelihood because of him? Ever since, he's been mad at me, as if I don't see his behavior. But still, we love him."

Glancing at Yi Bo, she added, "You're still here, though, because I didn't listen to his nonsense. And look at you now, buying me apples. How kind."

Yi Bo simply bowed his head. She studied him thoughtfully. "They're feeding you enough, aren't they? You're not going hungry?"

Yi Bo smiled softly. "Yes, we're well taken care of."

She nodded, satisfied. "Good. You can come to my elder son's house any time you want. You're practically family now."

"Thank you, Lao Lao Shi," Yi Bo said with a slight bow.

"Alright, off you go," she said, waving her hand. He excused himself and left the room.


Later that night, Zhan was in the kitchen, preparing pancakes for a late-night snack. As he worked, faint giggles and whispers drifted in from the back door that led to the workers' quarters. Curiosity piqued, he quietly moved closer, listening to the voices of the two younger chefs, Lian and another woman.

Lian was giggling as she said, "Today, I managed to get Mr. Lee's number when I brought him his dinner. I tricked him by saying it was for emergencies, like if I couldn't deliver the meals."

The other chef gasped. "Wow, you're good. That guy doesn't laugh or talk. He's either in the room or with Yang at the gate. I don't even know how they became friends... they're nothing alike."

Lian lowered her voice further. "Honestly, I don't think he's as poor as people think. Have you seen his skin? Fresh as anything. I once caught him wearing designer clothes. As soon as he noticed me staring, he went to change. And he always smells of expensive cologne. Everything about him screams wealth."

The other woman laughed. "Well, Lian, since you have his number now, go for it! He's calm, handsome... the dream guy for any girl."

Just then, Zhan yanked the door open, startling both women. His face was hard, anger radiating from him. He extended his hand toward Lian. "Give me your phone. Now."

Lian's eyes widened in panic. Slowly, she handed it over. Without hesitation, Zhan scrolled through, found the number, and deleted it. Handing the phone back, he glared at her. "From now on, I'll check your phone regularly. You're here to work, not flirt with drivers."

He slammed the door shut, fuming but feeling a strange sense of relief. A few moments later, he paused, turned around, and reopened the door. The chefs hadn't moved, still frozen in place, Lian close to tears.

Zhan smirked. "Oh, and from today, you're not allowed to go to the chalet anymore. Call Yang or Sheng if you need to bring anything. If I catch you even near there, I'll report you to Paa. I won't tolerate you sneaking off to the workers' quarters for romantic affairs with the driver."

With a final, satisfied glance, he slammed the door again and returned to the kitchen, feeling a surprising rush of satisfaction. After finishing his pancakes, he went to his father's study.

"Good evening, Paa," he greeted, his mother sitting nearby. Zhan remained silent until Mrs. Xiao smiled and excused herself from the room.

Paa looked at him. "What is it, love?"

Zhan hesitated. "Paa, my phone... even if it's repaired, it'll be a hassle in the future. Can you just buy me a new one?"

Paa chuckled. "Of course. I'll transfer the money to Zhuo's account, and you can go with him to buy it."

Zhan's face fell slightly. "No, Paa... you said I could go with the driver, right?"

Paa smiled, sensing Zhan's preference. "Alright. I'll check with him if he has an account. If so, I'll transfer the money to him."

Zhan brightened. "Thanks, Paa! Goodnight." He left the room with a smile, knowing he'd have the latest iPhone by tomorrow.


The next morning, Zhan stood by the window, watching intently as Yi Bo stepped outside. He hurried downstairs and approached Yang, asking, "Yang, does this new driver have a bank account?"

Yang shrugged and replied, "I don't know. I've never heard him mention anything about withdrawing money."

"Okay," Zhan muttered, turning to leave. He had spent the entire previous day thinking about how to ask Lee for his account number and had hoped Yang might know.

Back in his room, Zhan listened carefully, and the moment he heard Yi Bo return, he rushed downstairs. Approaching Yi Bo directly, he demanded, "Hey, Paa asked for your bank account number."

Yi Bo glanced at Yang, clearly unsure how to respond. Irritated, Zhan snapped, "Hey, stop looking at Yang. I'm asking you, not him."

Yi Bo nodded and said quietly, "I don't have a bank account."

Zhan eyed him and replied, "I thought so." Without another word, he turned and went back inside.

Yang leaned toward Yi Bo and whispered, "I think Mr. Xiao wanted your account number. Maybe he was planning to give you some money as a gift."

Yi Bo shook his head, repeating, "I don't have an account."

As Zhan made his way down the hallway, he bumped into Paa, who was leaving for the company. "Paa, Lee doesn't have a bank account, so you can transfer the money to my friend Zan Jin's account instead. My own account has an issue, but I'll fix it next week."

Paa nodded, "Alright, send me your friend's details via text. I'm late for a meeting with some foreign clients."

As Paa left, Mrs. Xiao, who had been listening, stepped forward. "What do you need so much money for?"

Zhan smiled, "I'm getting a new phone, and Paa's sending the money."

Mrs. Xiao frowned, "Why are you using your friend's account? What's wrong with yours?"

"My account has some issues, Mama, but I'll get it fixed."

Mrs. Xiao narrowed her eyes, "Haven't I told you I don't like you hanging around those kids? You're pushing my patience, Zhan. Don't make me start scolding you in front of everyone."

Zhan softened his expression, trying to appease her. "Mama, he's my classmate. We meet in lectures all the time, and they're good to me." Without waiting for a response, he hurried off.

Later, he quickly dressed and, within minutes, left the mansion, passing by Yang and Yi Bo without even a glance.

Yang turned to Yi Bo and said, "Looks like you can relax now. He's probably taking a taxi to wherever he's headed."

That evening, Zhan returned home with a brand-new iPhone in hand.

As he sat with his mother in her room, he said, "Mama, exams are coming up in three weeks, and I want to move back to the dorms to focus on my studies. Can you convince Paa to let me go?"

Mrs. Xiao raised an eyebrow, "If you promise to actually study, I'll talk to him."

"I swear, Mama. I'll study hard," Zhan reassured her.

The following morning, Mrs. Xiao convinced Paa to let Zhan return to the university dorms until his exams were over, which made Zhan immensely happy. For a while, at least, he would be free.

Zhan was so happy that he was humming and bouncing around, occasionally dancing to his own rhythm. His mother noticed and asked, "Are you going to school today?"

"I will, Mama. I have lectures at 2 o'clock," he replied.

"There's still time," she said. "You should start preparing your things for tomorrow." With that, she turned and left the room. Zhan couldn't hide his excitement—he was finally getting the freedom he longed for.

After a quick shower, he got dressed, headed downstairs for breakfast, and left for school at eleven. He didn't even glance at Yi Bo, who was sitting nearby, and instead took a taxi to campus.

When Zhan told his friends, Zan Jin and the others, that he was returning to the dorms for the exams, they were thrilled. He Peng playfully smacked his shoulder and said, "You're a genius!"

Zhan grinned, feeling proud of himself. "I only came up with this plan yesterday. If I hadn't, I'd still be stuck in that mansion. Zhuo Ge and Mama are always watching me... And don't even get me started on the driver. That place is a living hell. But tomorrow, I'll bring my stuff to the dorms, and finally, I'll have some peace."

Zan Jin laughed and said, "Who told you we'd be staying in the dorms? I've got a new setup. An older, rich woman I'm seeing got me a two-bedroom apartment. I told her I didn't want the restrictions of dorm life."

"Let's just move in there," Zhan suggested, but then hesitated. "But aren't there a lot of us? We're six in total."

Zan Jin shrugged. "We'll make it work for a month. We can share the space. It's got a living room and two bathrooms."

Just like the previous days, they spent their time lounging at the cafeteria instead of attending lectures, and later they headed to the city for pizza.

While they were eating, Zhan brought up the driver again. "I'm finally leaving the house, but you guys still haven't come over to teach that driver a lesson."

Xin frowned. "We can go now, if you're sure he's around."

Zhan smirked. "Oh, he's always at the gate, 24/7. He's practically glued to that spot. Maybe he should open a shop there and start selling snacks—at least then he'd make some money." They all burst into laughter.

Excited, they piled into Zan Jin's car. Zhan and Zan Jin took the front seats, while the rest crammed into the back, ready to head to Zhan's mansion.

At 3:00, Zan Jin parked outside Zhan's mansion. He said, "I can't believe I'll still recognize the place, it's been so long." Zhan replied, "Hmm, after all the directions I gave you, you better!"

Zhan stepped out of the car, praying Yi Bo would be at the gate. His friends followed as they entered the property. Yang stood up and greeted them. Zhan glanced at him from head to toe and asked, "Where's the driver?"

Yang responded, "He was here a couple of minutes ago, but he went to the chalet to take a bath."

Zhan muttered a curse under his breath, thinking, Why today, of all days, did he leave the gate? Zan Jin asked, "Where's the driver?"

Zhan waved it off, saying, "You guys go inside first." They followed him into the main living room while Yang watched them with a curious expression.

As soon as they went in, Yang hurried to the chalet to inform Yi Bo that Zhan had brought friends and they were asking about him. Not even a minute later, Yang returned to his post at the gate.

Inside, Zhan's friends ate until they were full, then switched to playing video games. Mrs. Xiao soon entered the room, her serious expression making them quickly stand up and greet her. Sensing the tension, they told Zhan they were ready to leave. Before they could go, Mrs. Xiao called Zhan back and said sternly, "Don't go beyond the gate again with your friends."

Zhan, pouting, responded with a quiet, "Okay."

Outside, He Peng remarked, "Your mother is way too strict."

Zhan made a face as they walked across the compound. Xin chuckled and said, "That's a classic Chinese mother for you." Everyone burst into laughter.

Zhan paused, scanning the area, noticing Yi Bo still hadn't returned. Only Yang was at the gate. He Peng asked, "Where's that rude driver?"

Zhan remained silent for a moment before saying, "Wait here. I'm going to check the chalet."

He made his way over to the chalet, his friends following closely. When he reached the door, he noticed no shoes outside, which meant Sheng and Yin were likely out. They sometimes took trips to the city after finishing their work.

He slowly pushed open the door to the living room, the sound louder than he expected. Entering with a frown, he glanced around, curious. The room was unusually clean, and there wasn't the usual smell he had anticipated.

He tiptoed down the corridor, quietly reaching for the door handle to Yi Bo's room. Slowly, he turned it and pushed the door open.

Yi Bo immediately sat up on the bed, his expression darkening, mirroring Zhan's own angry look. Zhan shot him a hateful glare and sneered, "Hmm, sleeping during working hours?"

Yi Bo calmly placed a pillow over his iPhone beside him and lowered his legs from the bed. Zhan's eyes lingered on Yi Bo's clean, white feet, oddly spotless for someone who worked hard. Yi Bo stood up with composure and said, "Does working in your house give you the right to enter my room without knocking, young master?"

Zhan snapped out of his momentary distraction and laughed mockingly. "I see you didn't bring the room with you to this house, or did you?" His tone grew harsher. "Is that why you're so rude to me? Or is it because you think you're better than me now? Full of yourself when you're nothing but a poor villager."

He continued, dripping with disdain, "While the owner of the mansion is at work, here you are, sleeping. When you're done, come drop my friends off at their houses." Just then, the sound of footsteps caught his attention, and Zhan turned to see his friends entering the room.

Zhan gestured for them to approach, but Yi Bo, unfazed, walked to the door and slammed it shut in Zhan's face.

Zhan's jaw dropped in disbelief. He stared at the door until Zan Jin hurried over. "Did you see that? Did you see what he just did to me?" Zhan exclaimed, his eyes wide with indignation.

He Peng banged on the door furiously. "Today, we'll see who's got your back in this city, you poor, useless nobody."

Zan Jin joined in. "What's the matter? Are you scared of a bunch of kids like us?" Their taunts grew louder and nastier, a barrage of insults meant to provoke.

Inside, Yi Bo heard every word. He stood there, breathing deeply, trying to control the rising anger boiling inside him. His hands clenched, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with something darker. It took all his strength to remain calm.

When the voices finally faded, Yi Bo straightened up. Slowly, he walked to the window and stood there, staring blankly outside, not blinking. Since arriving at this house, he had tried to suppress his growing resentment toward Zhan. But today, something snapped. For the first time, he truly hated Zhan. He had tried to resist that feeling, but now, he couldn't deny it anymore. He hated everything about him.

If I had known this is what I'd find here, I wouldn't have come at all. I wouldn't have lost anything, he thought bitterly.

He turned away from the window, retrieved a small book...a diary...from his bag, and wrote a few lines in it before closing it and putting it away. Returning to the window, Yi Bo felt the weight of his emotions. It had been a long time since he had felt this kind of pain. They can't just come and insult me and walk away unpunished.

His phone vibrated on the bed. He lifted the pillow and picked up the phone, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw the name flashing on the screen.