Chapter 17

Yi Bo pinned Zhan against the wall, his face stern, and in a harsh tone, he said, "This is your final warning. Don't ever touch my phone again in this house, and don't come into my room. I'm giving you this advice."

Zhan's heart raced, realizing how huge Yi Bo was standing in front of him. He had never noticed how tall he was before, and his stern expression made him seem more like a stranger than their driver. Despite this, Zhan kept his defiant expression, but he said nothing.

Yi Bo stepped back, still glaring at him with disgust, and calmly pointed to the door, saying, "Get out." Without protest, Zhan headed for the door, and just before stepping out, he turned around, glaring at Yi Bo, and said, "Why don't you tell me how much your cheap phone costs so I can pay you right now. I've never seen anyone flaunt such a small phone except you."

Yi Bo stared at him without blinking, as Zhan finished his statement and quickly left the room, heading straight to his own and locking the door behind him, breathing heavily.

Leaning against the door, Zhan was consumed with frustration and anger. Today, he had to share the same house with their driver, and the man even had the nerve to talk back to him. His heart burned with anger; he still couldn't believe this was happening. How could his father put him in the same house as this driver? How would he live like this?

He collapsed onto the bed, crying out, "Oh, Paa, why are you doing this to me?" He would have preferred any of his father's company employees to live with him, rather than this driver.

After crying himself out, Zhan eventually fell asleep.

The next day, it was almost 10 a.m., and Zhan hadn't left his room, his hunger growing unbearable. He finally got up, sluggishly entered the bathroom, and after freshening up, he opened one of his suitcases, which he hadn't unpacked yet. He pulled out some casual pants and a T-shirt and sat at the edge of the bed, feeling sad and dejected.

Eventually, he forced himself to get up and slowly opened his door, stepping into the living room. It was empty, except for a takeout box sitting on the table. He glanced around the living room cautiously before approaching the food and opening the takeout box. It was egg fried rice with large pieces of chicken, but the owner barely ate half of it, leaving most of the chicken untouched.

He noticed a plastic bag nearby filled with drinks and a lot of chocolates. Then, he heard a phone vibrating on the couch. He quickly glanced over but didn't see the phone, which made him realize it was probably under the throw pillow on the couch.

Just as he reached for the pillow, he heard the kitchen door open. His heart pounded as he quickly turned around, locking eyes with Yi Bo, who stepped out holding a cup of tea.

It was at that moment that Yi Bo noticed his phone vibrating. He walked over, and before he reached the couch, Zhan had already rushed back to his room, throwing him a glare on the way.

Yi Bo placed his tea down, watching Zhan as he disappeared into his room. He sat on the couch, eyeing the throw pillow as if trying to figure out whether Zhan had touched it or not. He quickly grabbed his phone and answered it just before it stopped ringing. It was Mr. Xiao.

He greeted Mr. Xiao respectfully, who replied, "This evening, pick Zhan up and bring him home. I need to speak with both of you." Yi Bo replied, "Okay." Mr. Xiao continued, "The car is there at the house, right?"

Yi Bo responded, "Yes, it's here."

"Alright, I'll be expecting you both after 4 p.m.," Mr. Xiao said.

"Okay, we will be there," Yi Bo replied before the call ended.

Yi Bo put his phone down and leaned back in the couch, his mood worsened. God knows he can't bear staying under the same roof with this spoiled brat. He wished this situation had never come about. If he had known things would turn out like this, he would have never come to work for their family in the first place. Now, the real challenge was figuring out how to tell Zhan to get ready to go to the house, a task he dreaded since he didn't even want to talk to him.

He got up, pocketed his phone, and left the living room, heading outside to the compound, where he felt more comfortable, and he need a fresh air to clear his mind.

What Zhan didn't know was that Yi Bo was just as troubled by this situation, perhaps even more so, but he was better at hiding it. And while Zhan disliked him, it was nothing compared to the hatred Yi Bo felt for him now.

Seeing that hunger was about to overpower him, Zhan emerged from his room and headed toward the kitchen. His eyes scanned the area, finding a few ingredients, but there were no vegetables, and he wasn't particularly fond of ramen. With no other choice, he reluctantly cooked the ramen, brought it back to his room, and set it down, only to break into tears.

Sitting at the edge of his bed, Zhan wept, pitying himself. Why had this happened to him? Who had set him up, shattering his happiness so suddenly? Though rebellious by nature, he always felt the need to present himself perfectly, even around those like Zan Jin, whom he followed closely. Now, he didn't even feel safe or comfortable in his own home.

His sobs grew heavier as the reality of his situation hit him. Unable to stomach the food, he simply lay down on the bed, his tears flowing freely, dampening the pillow beneath him.


After 4 p.m., Yi Bo entered the living room, sat down, and dialed Mr. Xiao's number. When Mr. Xiao answered, Yi Bo greeted him respectfully before lowering his voice, saying, "I spoke to him, but he didn't respond."

"Alright, give him the phone," Mr. Xiao instructed.

Yi Bo stood, his face expressionless as he walked toward Zhan's room. He knocked firmly.

Zhan, still lying down, groaned as he sat up. He frowned at the door, his irritation growing. After another knock, he angrily got up and swung the door open. "What's your problem, knocking like that? Are you here to collect a debt?" he snapped, glaring at Yi Bo.

Without a word, Yi Bo handed him the phone. Zhan hesitated, eyeing it suspiciously, before snatching it from Yi Bo's hand. Thinking it might be his aunt, his expression shifted.... until he saw the number. His heart sank. It was his father.

Summoning his courage, Zhan brought the phone to his ear, greeting his father in a quiet, almost trembling voice. His eyes widened as Mr. Xiao's stern voice echoed through the phone.

Zhan glanced at Yi Bo, who had moved to the side, arms crossed, leaning against the wall. Mr. Xiao didn't give him a chance to explain before ending the call abruptly.

The weight of his father's words hit him like a tidal wave. Zhan's eyes brimmed with tears as he glared at Yi Bo. "I'll never forgive you for this!" he screamed. "When did you ever tell me to go home and I refused? I will never forgive you!" Overwhelmed, he collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

In a fit of anger, Zhan threw Yi Bo's phone back at him and stormed off to his room, flinging himself onto the bed to continue his sobbing. Yi Bo calmly picked up his phone and left without saying a word.

Once Zhan had cried himself out, he grudgingly left his room and stepped outside to the compound. Yi Bo was already seated in the driver's seat, the car door open, waiting for him. With a bitter expression, Zhan climbed into the backseat. After pulling out of the driveway, Yi Bo got out of the car to lock the gate.

During the entire drive, Zhan continued to cry quietly in the backseat. When they finally arrived at the gate of the Xiao residence, Yi Bo honked the horn. Yang peeked out, waving with a cheerful smile as he opened the gate.

Yi Bo parked the car and stepped out, greeting Yang. By then, Zhan had already rushed inside the house. Yang, with a curious glint in his eye, lowered his voice and asked, "What's this I'm hearing, my friend?"

"About what?" Yi Bo replied, disinterested.

Before Yang could answer, Yi Bo cut him off. "Let me go in first, I'll be back."

Yang nodded, "Alright, I'll be here."

Yi Bo made his way to the entrance of the house, standing on the balcony as he dialed Mr. Xiao's number. "We've arrived," he informed him. Mr. Xiao acknowledged his arrival and told him to come inside.

Yi Bo entered the empty living room and made his way to Mr. Xiao's one. After knocking, he entered, bowing slightly before sitting on the carpet. He greeted Mr. Xiao again, who nodded in acknowledgment. Noticing Zhan wasn't present, Mr. Xiao asked, "Where is he?"

"He came in before me," Yi Bo replied, his tone respectful.

Meanwhile, Zhan had gone straight to his mother's part of the house after arriving. Concerned, Mr. Xiao stood and left the room, crossing paths with Lian in the hallway.

"Where's Zhan?" he asked her, his tone sharp with urgency.

Lian quietly informed Mr. Xiao, "He's in Madam's room."

"Go and call him for me," Mr. Xiao instructed, his voice firm. Lian nodded and disappeared into the hallway while Mr. Xiao returned to his part of the house.

A few minutes later, Zhan entered, his head lowered in defeat. His voice, hoarse from crying, barely carried across the room as he greeted his father. He refused to look up or meet Mr. Xiao's gaze, and instead found a seat opposite Yi Bo, his body trembling. "Paa, I'm here," he whispered.

Mr. Xiao, stone-faced, ignored his son's greeting. Just then, Mrs. Xiao entered the room, her concerned eyes darting between her husband and Zhan. She sat down, worry etched on her face as she silently observed the tension in the air.

Yi Bo stood respectfully, bowing slightly as he greeted Mrs. Xiao. She acknowledged him with a nod before turning her attention back to Mr. Xiao, who finally spoke. "Thank you for granting me the favor of marrying this boy, Lee. Thank you so much."

Yi Bo, maintaining his calm demeanor, responded, "No need to thank me."

Mr. Xiao continued, his tone measured but heavy with meaning. "I hope your heart allows you the patience and endurance to live with him. If there's ever an issue, don't hesitate to inform me."

At this, Zhan broke down, tears streaming from his eyes. "Paa, I swear I don't love him! I never will! I hate him! I hate him! I'll never live in the same house with him!"

The sudden burst of emotion sent Mr. Xiao into a fury. He stood abruptly and slapped Zhan hard across the face, the sound echoing in the tense room. Zhan screamed, clutching his cheek in shock and pain, as Mrs. Xiao gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in disbelief.

"Xiao, please..." she began, her voice quivering.

But Mr. Xiao cut her off sharply, "I don't want to hear anything from you Ren."

Mrs. Xiao, heartbroken, fell silent, her eyes welling with tears.

Mr. Xiao's gaze returned to Zhan, now crumpled on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. "Do you think I brought you here to ask for your opinion?" he hissed. "Is that what you think?"

Zhan could only cry harder, overwhelmed by the harshness of his father's words. He had never heard such cruelty from him before.

"You are nothing but a disappointment to me, Zhan," Mr. Xiao continued coldly. "I regret ever having you as my child."

Zhan's world spun. He felt like he was trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape the pain his father's words inflicted. His tears fell like rain, but there was no comfort in them.

"And if you don't want me to disown you," Mr. Xiao declared, "then you have no other husband but Lee. You will obey him as your husband, or you will find another father. Do you understand? If he didn't bring you into this house, I don't want to see your face here, even if it takes years."

Zhan's sobs quieted to a pitiful whimper as his father's words sank deep into his chest. He had no choice. He was being forced into a life he didn't want, with no escape.

Mr. Xiao's voice softened, but only slightly, as he delivered the final blow. "He is your protector now. Your peace of mind depends on living in harmony with him. We, your parents, no longer hold any power over you more than he does."

The weight of those words crushed Zhan's spirit. His father had handed him over entirely, leaving him with no hope of reprieve.

Mr. Xiao turned to Yi Bo, who remained quietly respectful. "And as for you, Lee," he said sternly, "if Zhan disrespects you in any way, you have my permission to deal with him. Do you understand?"

Yi Bo didn't raise his head but replied softly, "Yes, Sir."

Mr. Xiao corrected him, "Call me Father from now on."

Yi Bo hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Thank you, Father," he said, rising to his feet.

Turning to Mrs. Xiao, Yi Bo bowed his head. "We will be going." Then he moved toward the door.

Behind him, Zhan remained on the floor, still shaking with sobs. Mr. Xiao's patience ran out. "Get up and leave my house, you useless boy!" he yelled, his voice filled with disdain.

Zhan scrambled to his feet, crying as he made his way toward the door. Pausing, he turned back to his father and asked in a trembling voice, "Paa... what about my schooling?"

Mr. Xiao barely glanced at him. "That's up to your husband to decide. If he takes my advice, you'll never see a school again. Now leave!"

Zhan's heart shattered further, and he hurried out of the room. Yi Bo, who had overheard the entire conversation, walked ahead to the car, indifferent to Zhan's sobbing. As they reached the car, Yang stood outside, wide-eyed with curiosity.

"I've been waiting for you!" Yang exclaimed, trying to break the tension.

Yi Bo glanced at him briefly. "I'll be back tonight."

Yang smiled, clearly oblivious to the drama unfolding before him. "Alright, I'll be here."

Yi Bo climbed into the driver's seat as Zhan slumped into the backseat, continuing to cry silently. They drove in silence, Zhan too lost in his sorrow to notice the world passing by.

By the time they arrived back at the house, it was nearly six o'clock. Yi Bo parked the car, locking the gate before shutting off the engine. Zhan hadn't moved, his head still resting on his knees, soaked with tears.

As Yi Bo opened his door, Zhan finally stirred. He slowly climbed out, his legs shaky, his shirt damp from his endless crying. He began walking toward the house, but his vision blurred, and the ground beneath him seemed to tilt.

Yi Bo, seeing Zhan stumble, rushed toward him, but before he could reach him, Zhan collapsed to the ground. Without hesitation, Yi Bo knelt down, lifting Zhan into his arms. The boy had passed out from exhaustion.

Cradling him gently, Yi Bo carried Zhan into the house.


Slowly, Zhan opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was lying in bed in his now new room. Every movement sent sharp pain through his body, and despite the fan and AC being off, he felt a biting cold. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was exactly two o'clock.

He looked out the window, greeted by darkness, and realized it was two in the morning. Resting his head on his knees, memories of the day's events flooded back, and tears streamed down his face. He sobbed quietly, wiping his swollen eyes. He tried to get out of bed, but his body ached so much that he couldn't manage it.

Reaching for a blanket beside him, he wrapped it tightly around himself and curled up in one corner of the bed, hoping to fend off the chill. Yet the blanket did little to warm him, and his shivering continued. After nearly thirty minutes, the door creaked open. Zhan stayed curled up, covering his head with the blanket.

Yi Bo stood at the door, watching him. He had come to check if Zhan had woken up or was still unconscious, as he wasn't completely heartless. Just as he was about to leave, he noticed Zhan shivering under the blanket. Approaching the bed, Yi Bo reached out, intending to pull the blanket away from Zhan's face.

Zhan yanked the blanket tighter in anger, snapping, "Are you crazy? What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"

Yi Bo withdrew his hand, his expression hardening. He turned on his heel and left the room, glaring at him before clicking his tongue in annoyance, Zhan lay back down, his body still shaking from the cold.

By morning, Zhan hadn't moved from where he had curled up all night. He felt sick, weak, and drained. Every time he tried to get up, it felt as though something was pressing him back into the bed. Despite not having eaten since the day before, nausea gripped him as if he were about to vomit. His head throbbed with a splitting headache.

Around eight o'clock, the nausea became unbearable. Forcing himself out of bed, he staggered to the bathroom, collapsing by the toilet as he retched, though nothing came out.

In the living room, Yi Bo lay on the couch, hearing everything but refusing to move. Zhan eventually collapsed on the bathroom floor, his breathing labored, hot tears spilling down his face.

He remained like that for more minutes, his fever worsening as the minutes passed.

Despite Yi Bo's frustration with Zhan, he couldn't leave him to suffer. It wasn't in his nature to be cruel, and he knew Zhan hadn't eaten since the day before, evidenced by the untouched bowl of ramen he'd found and cleared away.

By noon, Yi Bo reluctantly stood up, convincing himself to check on Zhan, though he didn't want to. He didn't feel Zhan deserved his concern, but Yi Bo's sense of compassion won out.

Opening the door, he found Zhan lying in the middle of the room. Yi Bo stood by the entrance, watching him for over a minute before walking over. Kneeling beside Zhan, he gently pulled the blanket away from his face.

Zhan's eyes fluttered open, bloodshot and heavy with exhaustion. He didn't have the strength to be defiant. Although Yi Bo didn't touch him, he could feel the heat radiating from Zhan's fevered body. Without a word, Yi Bo stood up and left the room, pulling out his phone to make a call.

Once he was done, Yi Bo headed to the kitchen, boiling water in a kettle. After it was ready, he brewed a cup of tea and carried it back to the room. Setting the tea down beside Zhan, Yi Bo hesitated. He couldn't bring himself to speak to Zhan, nor tell him to drink it. The words stuck in his throat, weighed down by frustration and resentment.

In silence, Yi Bo left the room without saying a word.


Poor Zhan, everything is too much for him... Please enjoy 🌷🌻
