Chapter 18

If you sees mistakes please ignore, my vision is blurred.

Yi Bo paced the living room, his thoughts racing. "Should I call anyone from Zhan's family? Maybe Xiao Zhuo or Zhan's mother?" He knew Zhan wouldn't allow him near, and frankly, he had no desire for any close interaction with him. Physical contact was out of the question.

After nearly an hour of restless pacing, Yi Bo left and returned with a doctor he had called from a hospital that offered home services. He greeted the doctor and led him to Zhan's room, where the doctor set up his equipment and began the examination.

Leaving the two alone, Yi Bo returned to the living room, where he sat quietly, waiting. The doctor eventually managed to get Zhan to sip some tea, although it took nearly fifteen minutes of persuasion. After administering injections and giving Zhan some medicine, the doctor noticed Zhan shivering. He unfolded a blanket, wrapped it around him, and advised, "Make sure you get plenty of rest. I'll return tonight for another injection."

Zhan said nothing, too exhausted to respond, and instead, sleep started to weigh on him. The doctor left the room, exchanged brief goodbyes with Yi Bo, and exited the house.

Yi Bo woke at 3 p.m. when he heard a knock at the gate. He opened it to find Aunt An, Lei and Mei's mother, the kinder of Zhan's two aunts. She bore a strong resemblance to Mrs. Xiao. In contrast, Aunt Bing.....who had visited the day before and promised Zhan a phone.....was cruel and heartless.

He greeted her politely and let her inside. After sitting down in the living room and exchanging pleasantries, Aunt An asked, "Is everything alright?"

Yi Bo nodded.

After a moment's hesitation, she continued, "Where is Zhan?"

Yi Bo glanced towards Zhan's room and replied, "He's inside."

"Let him know I'm here," she requested.

Yi Bo stood and walked to Zhan's room, but he returned quickly. "Auntie, he's been unwell since yesterday. A doctor just saw him. You can go to his room if you'd like."

Aunt An stood and followed him. Yi Bo opened the door for her and then stepped aside, letting her in before retreating to the living room once more. He hadn't been back inside the room since the doctor left.

Zhan sat up slowly, his eyes meeting his aunt's. Aunt An took in the sight of him-thinner and paler than before. With a heavy sigh, she asked, "How are you feeling?"

It was as if Zhan had been waiting for this moment. He broke down into tears. "Auntie, please forgive me. I don't know where that video came from. I swear I didn't record anything, and I didn't allow anyone to record me. I don't know how it happened."

Aunt An, caught off guard, said nothing at first. Zhan continued to sob, burying his face in the bed. She gently lifted his head. "That's enough. I'm not here for your tears. What's done is done."

Zhan tried wiping his face, but the tears kept falling. Shaking her head, Aunt An continued, "If you had listened to your mother, this wouldn't have happened, Zhan. You're the one who chose those friends, wandering from place to place, while your siblings live proper, respectable lives. You ruined yourself. You've damaged your reputation, and it can't be undone. That video is everywhere on the internet."

Zhan's sobs grew louder, his world collapsing around him. Aunt An pressed on, "Have you made any new friends in the dormitory?"

Zhan shook his head silently.

"Then how can you say you don't know where the video came from? Your face wasn't hidden, and nothing was blurred. It's clearly you in the video. Even the boxers you wore..... I bought those for you in the UK."

Zhan had no defense. Aunt An asked, "Aren't you staying in the dormitory at school?"

Zhan lowered his head further.

"Answer me!"

In a shaky voice, Zhan replied, "No."

Aunt An's eyes narrowed. "Didn't you tell me your friends stay in the dormitory?"

Zhan nodded. "Yes, but we only meet in class."

Aunt An's gaze sharpened. "So you're lying to me?"

"I'm telling the truth, Auntie," Zhan stammered, his voice trembling.

Scoffing, Aunt An replied, "Keep your truth to yourself. I'll find out where that video came from. And if you're lying, I'll know."

Zhan's heart pounded. How could he explain that he never stayed in the dormitory but had secretly staying in an Zan Jin's rented apartment? If Aunt An found out, she wouldn't hesitate to punish him. And how could he even begin to explain that his friends.....Zan Jin, He Peng, and Xin.....weren't responsible for the video?

Interrupting his thoughts, Aunt An said, "One day, you'll confess where the video came from. But for now, stop dwelling on it. Whatever plans you had, they've backfired. You're stuck here, living with YOUR 'husband'."

Zhan's sobs deepened. "He's not my husband, Auntie! And he'll never be! How could a driver be my husband? I'll never accept it."

Aunt An responded sarcastically, "Oh, of course. If you could sign a divorce papers, that would solve everything..."

Zhan let out a frustrated cry. The mere mention of Lee being referred to as his husband felt like the weight of the world crushing him. He'd rather someone shoot him than hear those words again.

Unbothered by his outburst, Aunt An picked up a nearby cup and inspected the tea inside. "Have you eaten anything today?"

Zhan shook his head, still crying. "No."

Without another word, Aunt An stood and left the room. Zhan collapsed back onto the bed, his sobs even harder than before.

When Aunt An returned to the living room, Yi Bo asked, "Should I get something for you, Auntie?"

"No, I'll cook something-maybe some rice and congee for Zhan. Do we have food here?" she replied.

"Yes, but I can go get anything we're missing," Yi Bo offered.

"Alright," Aunt An nodded, heading to the kitchen to prepare the meal. Meanwhile, Zhan gathered himself and reached into her bag, retrieving her phone. He quickly dialed Lu Jie's number.

When the call connected, Lu Jie answered, "Good evening, Auntie?"

"It's me," Zhan replied hurriedly. "Jie, I need Zan Jin's number right now."

"What? Why do you need Zan Jin's number? Can't you stay away from trouble for once, Zhan?" Lu Jie questioned.

Zhan pouted, "Just send me the number, please, Jie."

Ignoring her protests, Zhan hung up and continued pouting. Moments later, Zan Jin's number came through on Aunt An's phone. Zhan quickly copied it onto a piece of paper and tucked it away in his pillowcase.

With trembling hands, he dialed Zan Jin's number. When it rang, Zan Jin answered immediately.

"It's me, Zan Jin," Zhan said quietly.

Zan Jin, who was at the marketplace, quickly found a quieter spot and replied, "Zhan, I've been trying to reach you since yesterday. I think the number you called from yesterday blocked mine, always busy. I couldn't figure out how to contact you."

Zhan said, "Is it the driver's phone. Did he block you?" Zan Jin replied, "Yeah. Wait, are you telling me it's just you and him in the same house?" Zhan broke down in tears. "The thought of that makes me want to kill myself, Zan Jin."

Zan Jin asked, "Kill yourself over who?? Just send me the house address right now." Zhan replied, "I don't even know where I am. Let me call Aunt Bing and ask her." Zan Jin said, "Fine, hurry up and call her or send me her number so I can call."

Zhan agreed, "Okay." He hung up and immediately dialed Aunt Bing, who answered after a few rings. "Auntie, it's me," Zhan said. She asked, "Is An at your place now?" "Yes," Zhan replied. "Alright, Lian will bring your phone over later," she said. "Auntie, Zan Jin and the others want to come over, but I don't know the address," Zhan admitted.

Aunt Bing replied, "Of course you wouldn't. Here's what you should do." "What?" Zhan asked. "Tell them to come to your father's house. Lian knows the way, so they can follow her," Aunt Bing suggested. "Okay, Auntie," Zhan said. He then called Zan Jin back to relay the plan. Zan Jin said, "That's much easier. Send me Lian's number."

Zhan warned, "Alright, but don't call this phone line..... it's my mom's sister's." Zan Jin replied, "Alright then, we'll just head over later." After the call ended, Zhan deleted his recent calls and the message to Zan Jin with Lian's number. Then he put the phone back in his Aunt bag.

Auntie An had just finished cooking vegan fried rice with tofu, and mixed vegetables, then congee for Zhan. She plated the food and walked into the parlor, looking at Yi Bo as she announced, "The food is ready." "Thank you for your hard work, Auntie. We appreciate it," Yi Bo replied.

She went into Zhan's room and placed the food on the floor. Zhan emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at Auntie An and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Auntie." "You're welcome. Now hurry up and eat, and put some clothes on," she urged. "Thank you," Zhan said again.

He wanted to ask when she planned to leave, hoping Zan Jin and the others wouldn't arrive while she was still there. Seeing him hesitate, Auntie An added, "Get up and pick out some clothes to wear." Zhan complied, pulling out a shirt and pants before heading back to the bathroom to change.

When he returned, Auntie An handed him the congee. Zhan took a bite but made a face of distaste. He absentmindedly pushed the congee around in the bowl. Meanwhile, Auntie An went into the bathroom and returned a moment later.

"Auntie, aren't you going to eat?" Zhan asked. "No, I ate before I came," she replied. Zhan stayed silent, and Auntie An said, "I'm leaving now, Zhan." Zhan sighed in relief. That's exactly what he had been waiting to hear, especially since it was already 4:30 PM, and he suspected Zan Jin and the others were on their way.

Before leaving, Auntie An said, "Now listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you." Zhan lowered his gaze and quietly responded, "I'm listening, Auntie." She continued, "Calm down and compose yourself. Do you see that man sitting in the living room?"

Zhan looked up, tears welling in his eyes even before she said anything more. "That man is your husband now," Auntie An said. Zhan broke down. "Please, Auntie, stop saying that! Oh no, please, don't call him that..... I beg you!"

But Auntie An continued, "It's a fact. Didn't he help you by marrying you?" Zhan kept crying as she went on, "Now live peacefully with your husband. Respect him, and he'll respect you. Work together to make this life bearable. It seems like you haven't learned any lessons from what's happened to you. That's all I'm going to say."

"If my advice is useful, good. If not, your tears will never stop," Auntie An said. She picked up her handbag and headed to the door. Zhan, still crying, followed her and shakily asked, "But Auntie, what about my schooling?"

She turned to him. "Well, you'll have to discuss that with your husband. If he agrees, then you can continue." "Auntie, please tell him I'll be going back to school on Monday," Zhan pleaded. "Oh, so now I'm the one who has to tell him? It sounds like you've given up on school if I'm the one who has to inform him," she said.

Auntie An left the room and greeted Yi Bo in the living room. "Auntie, are you leaving already?" Yi Bo asked. "Yes, I left the kids at home," she replied. "Let me drive you," Yi Bo offered. "No, it's alright. I'll find a taxi," Auntie An insisted. Yi Bo said, "It's no trouble. I'll take you." He grabbed his keys and left. Auntie An felt pleased with his politeness and thought she'd have a chance to talk to him about Zhan during the ride.

Zhan glared after Yi Bo as he left. Auntie An turned to Zhan and asked, "Who are you glaring at, Zhan?" He stayed silent. She warned, "This is the last time you'll see me here if you don't calm down and live peacefully with your husband." Zhan stomped his foot, tears streaming down his face, and cried, "Please, Auntie, stop calling him my husband! Oh no, I'm doomed!" Without another word, Auntie An left.


Once alone, Zhan wiped his tears and returned to his room. He swore that, over his dead body, he would never accept Yi Bo as his personal driver, let alone his husband. Not long after they left, Zhan heard a knock at the gate. He rushed outside, knowing it was Zan Jin and the others. Reaching the gate, he heard their voices and felt a sense of relief-until he realized the gate was locked from the outside.

He Peng shouted, "What's going on with the gate? Why are you leaving us standing in the sun?" Zhan, eyes brimming with tears, replied, "It's locked from the outside." Zan Jin gasped, "What? Who locks the gate from the outside?" He Peng added, "This guy's an idiot! Locking the gate from the outside? What is this, a zoo?"

Frustrated, Zhan started crying. Zan Jin sighed, "This is your cry over everything." Lian, at the side holding a bag, Zhan said, "He took Aunt Bing home, but like an idiot, he locked the gate as if this were his father's house."

Zan Jin muttered, "And he used a lock too! I can't wait to meet this guy." Wiping his tears, Zhan said, "Just wait a bit, he should be back soon. You'll see him." They waited by the gate, and Zhan sat on the stone bench where Yi Bo usually sat.

From a distance, Yi Bo saw them waiting. He parked a little further from the house. Lian spotted the car and said, "There he is." He Peng and the others stared, waiting for Yi Bo to step out, but he didn't. Zan Jin remarked, "Look at this lazy guy. He won't even get out of the car."

Xin added, "I'm watching this in disbelief." He Peng turned to Lian. "Go get the key from him since he clearly has no sense. Who leaves people standing in the sun like this?"

Lian walked up to Yi Bo's car, and as he lowered the window, everyone at the gate leaned in, eager to catch a glimpse of him. She circled around to his side, peered through the window, and said, "They want you to give us the house key."

Without looking up, he asked, "Who are these people at the gate?" "They're Young Master Zhan's friends," she replied. "Alright, so you're the one who brought them here?" he asked. "Yes," Lian explained. "Zhan's aunt gave me a package to deliver to him, and they came along since they didn't know the way."

He extended his hand, saying, "Give me the package. I'll take it to him, and I'll get a new key since the old one's broken."

Lian stood there, briefly caught off guard, watching as he took the package from her hand. Yi Bo glanced back at her and asked, "Do you need a ride home before I go?" Lian frowned, confused. "I came with them," she said, motioning to the car. "Then go back to their car," he replied curtly.

With that, he raised the window, reversed the car, and drove off down the street.

I didn't write much today, my medical glass broke but I fixed it this evening, do not worry.... Please enjoy 🌷🌻

Zhanxianyibo ❤️💚💛