Chapter 26

When Zhan saw that Lu Jie wouldn't stop crying, he quickly stood up and rushed back into the house to call YiBo. They almost collided at the door, and YiBo pushed him back, nearly causing him to fall. Realizing what had happened, YiBo quickly pulled Zhan forward, and Zhan stumbled into his chest. Zhan's eyes widened in surprise as he looked up at YiBo, but without making eye contact, YiBo pushed him aside and went out to Lu Jie.

Zhan watched as YiBo knelt in front of Lu Jie and said gently, "Please forgive him, Lu Jie. Don't take what he said to heart." Through her tears, Lu Jie replied, "Just open the gate. I want to go home." YiBo responded, "That's why I'm apologizing. Please don't go." She shook her head, but he added, "If you truly consider me your brother, act like the good sister I know you are. Come on, let's go back inside." He stood up, and she followed, still wiping her tears as they returned to the living room.

Zhan had already gone inside. When they entered, he looked at Lu Jie and said softly, "Please forgive me. I didn't mean it." She ignored him and walked past him into his room. Zhan glanced at YiBo and muttered, "Look at what you've caused. You keep encouraging her with your gossip and betrayal, things that aren't even in her nature."

YiBo calmly looked at him and said, "If you keep being rude to me, I'll pack you up and send you back to the village." Zhan stood still, glaring at him before pouting and mumbling, "Did I say anything?" Without another glance, YiBo went to his room, and Zhan, sulking, returned to his own.

That night, Zhan prepared for bed, choosing to sleep on the couch while leaving the bed for Lu Jie. She still didn't speak to him, so he came over to her side, worried, and asked, "You're really not going to say anything to me?" She glanced up and replied, "What do you want me to say?" Zhan sighed, "You know I didn't mean it. You know I love you too much to hurt you."

Lu Jie smiled slightly and said, "But you've been acting rudely toward me lately, even on the phone." Zhan pouted and said, "Why were you talking to my worst enemy? If it was anyone else, I wouldn't care, but you know how much I cherish you. Why would you talk to my worst enemy?"

She sighed and replied, "Alright, I promise I won't talk to him again. I was only calling him to deliver your messages." Zhan quickly said, "No, block him entirely." Lu Jie, appeasing him, said, "If that's what will make you happy." She took her phone, blocked YiBo's number, and showed Zhan as she deleted it. "Done."

Zhan smiled and asked, "Are you calm now?" Lu Jie nodded and said, "On one condition." Curious, Zhan asked, "What is it?" She responded, "Go to your husband's room." Zhan looked at her in disbelief and said, "You must be crazy. What would I do in his room? So now you're calling him my husband? If you truly cared about me, you wouldn't say that."

Lu Jie remained silent, pulling the blanket over herself and closing her eyes. Frustrated, Zhan stood up, pacing for about ten minutes before he sighed, his face hardening. "If that's what it takes for you to forgive me, fine." He left the room in a rush.

Once in the hallway, Zhan hesitated, staring at the door to YiBo's room. After a moment, he decided he'd rather sleep in the living room. He turned off the lights and quietly made his way to the long sofa. But as he searched for a comfortable spot, his hand accidentally landed on something firm.... YiBo's body. Startled, Zhan jumped back, eyes wide.

YiBo sat up, using his phone's light to illuminate Zhan's face. Zhan, embarrassed, scratched his head and started to leave, but YiBo asked, "Need something?" Zhan turned, trying to compose himself, and said, "What do you mean?" YiBo replied, "You should know better. You came in here touching me." He shone the light on the area Zhan had touched, implying his private parts.

Zhan stood there, speechless, trying to process the situation. After a moment, he muttered, "I don't know what you're talking about." YiBo smirked. "Just tell me what you want." Frustrated, Zhan snapped, "Whatever you're thinking, it's not that!" He turned to leave, but YiBo grabbed him, pulling him onto his lap. "Then I'm honored to give you whatever it is."

Panicking, Zhan said, "I just came here to sleep! That's all!" In a low, husky voice, YiBo asked, "Of all the places to sleep, why here?" Zhan buried his face in YiBo's chest, mumbling, "Jie told me to come to your room if I wanted her to forgive me, and I really want her to forgive me." YiBo observed him for a moment, realizing how childish Zhan still was. The soft scent of Zhan's hair filled the space, and for a brief second, YiBo's expression hardened before he let Zhan go.

Zhan slowly lifted his head to look at him. YiBo moved to the other side of the couch, and with full audacity, Zhan said, "I'm going to sleep in your room, and you'd better not come in until I leave." Without waiting for a response, Zhan got up and headed to YiBo's room. He entered, looking around at the neatly kept space. The pleasant scent of the room filled his senses. Noticing YiBo's bag, he knelt beside it, curiously opening the zipper.

Inside, he found an iPhone charger, which he inspected for a moment before setting aside. Next, his eyes landed on several Dairy Milk chocolates. Zhan wondered how YiBo could afford so many and figured his father must have given him money. As he continued digging, he found a photo of an elderly woman, clearly of mixed heritage. Zhan stared at the picture, feeling like he had seen her somewhere before.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember where. Setting the photo aside, he found several ATM cards—one regular, one platinum, and one black. Zhan's eyes widened as he stared at the high-value cards. Turning one over, he saw the name "WANG YIBO" printed in bold letters. "Who's that?" Zhan wondered aloud.

Just then, the door swung open, and YiBo stormed in. Zhan jumped in surprise, standing up quickly. YiBo marched over, snatching the cards from Zhan's hand and pinning him against the wall with a fierce glare, his demeanor completely changed.

Zhan trembled with fear, his voice shaking as he said, "I swear I just opened the bag and saw the phone charger..." YiBo forcefully shoved him, causing Zhan to fall to the floor. Without a word, YiBo picked up the bag and stormed out of the room.


The next morning, just before 9 a.m., YiBo was sitting in the living room when Lu Jie walked in. She stopped by the chair and greeted him. He responded and asked, "How was your night?" She replied, "Ahh... I slept well. Has Zhan not woken up yet?" Although YiBo hadn't seen Zhan since the previous night when he left the room, he still replied, "Probably." She nodded and said, "Oh, I see. I'm leaving now." He asked, "Where are you going?" She lowered her head and replied, "Mama sent me to a friend's house to pick up something for her. The woman leaves for work at 9, so Mama told me to go before then."

YiBo remarked, "But you haven't had breakfast." She replied, "I'm fasting today." He was silent for a moment, watching her. She added, "If Zhan wakes up, please tell him I went to pick up something for Mama."

He responded, "Alright, but let me drop you off." She quickly replied, "No, it's not far, and I'll be back later." He asked again, "Are you sure?" She nodded, "Yes, I'm sure." He sighed, "Alright, see you when you get back." She said goodbye and left.

At around 10 a.m., YiBo got up to go to his room to shower. He noticed Zhan hadn't come out yet, so he decided to check on him. When he opened the door, Zhan was lying on the floor. YiBo stood at the doorway, watching him. Zhan trembling, and complained, "You see how you shoved me so hard? Now you're relaxed, but my foot is killing me."

YiBo glanced at Zhan's foot, then knelt beside him to take a closer look. Zhan flinched away, tears welling in his eyes. YiBo frowned but gently pulled Zhan's foot toward him again. Zhan yelped, "It hurts!" Seeing that Zhan had twisted his ankle, YiBo got up and left the room, with Zhan watching him leave.

After some difficulty, Zhan managed to get up, washed his mouth with mouthwash, and came out of the bathroom. By then, YiBo had returned to the room. Zhan looked up at him as he walked over, knelt down, and opened a tube of ointment. Zhan could only watch in silence. YiBo rubbed the ointment on Zhan's ankle, and Zhan's eyes widened as he tried to pull away while holding Yibo's hand.

YiBo sternly warned, "Don't touch me again." Without waiting for a response, he started massaging the ointment into Zhan's ankle, straightening it out. Zhan cried out in pain and grabbed YiBo, sobbing, "Help, Appa!"

Ignoring Zhan's cries, YiBo continued until the ankle was set correctly. Zhan was drenched in sweat from the pain and clung to him tightly. Once done, YiBo released his foot and stepped back. Zhan pouted as he wiped his eyes, but YiBo didn't say anything. He stood up and headed for the door.

Zhan quickly called after him, "Please call Jie for me."

YiBo turned and said, "The same one you sent away?" Then he walked out of the room. Slowly, Zhan dragged himself to the bed and collapsed onto the mattress, realizing that Jie had truly left despite all his pleas.

By 2 p.m., Zhan felt well enough to walk on his injured foot. Limping, he made his way to his room and noticed a large shopping bag on the bed. Curiously, he opened it to find expensive designer clothes from Gucci, about ten outfits in total. His eyes widened as he examined them, seeing boxers, vests, creams, and perfumes inside the bag. He quickly went to the living room and asked YiBo, "Where did you get the money to buy all those clothes for me?"

YiBo glanced at him briefly and replied, "Your father's money, of course." Zhan frowned, "But who picked them out?" YiBo replied, "I was just a messenger. I went to the Shooping Mall to pick them up." Zhan pursed his lips and said, "I thought as much." He turned and left, with YiBo watching him until he entered his room. YiBo smiled slightly before turning his attention back to the TV.

After showering and dressing in one of the new outfits, Zhan looked quite handsome, and the clothes suited his complexion well. Although he still looked a bit thin, his complexion was starting to improve. He walked back into the living room. YiBo glanced at him briefly and then looked away. Zhan headed to the kitchen to reheat the leftovers from the meal Lu Jie had made the night before. He plated his food and took it back to his room to eat.

By 5 p.m., Zhan was anxiously waiting to see if Aunty Bing would visit that day, but she didn't show up. At around 5:30, YiBo opened Zhan's door and said, "Meet me in the car." Zhan watched him leave, then got up and followed. Despite seeing YiBo already seated in the car, Zhan hesitated and stayed outside, not wanting to take any chances.

He asked, "Where are we going?"

YiBo replied, "To your house." Zhan hesitated for a moment before climbing into the back seat and locking the door. As they drove away from the house, he noticed they were heading toward the mansion. He wasn't sure whether to feel happy or worried. The only good thing about going to that house was seeing Aunty Bing; otherwise, he had no desire to go there.

As they neared the house, YiBo said, "Listen to me carefully. I'm taking you to your house for one reason only: to greet your mother, who is unwell. If your father is there, greet him too. After that, we'll leave the house."

Surprised, Zhan asked, "So, you mean I'm supposed to enter my own house, greet my mother and father, and then leave without seeing my aunty?"

YiBo, watching him through the rearview mirror, replied, "I didn't bring you here to visit your aunty. You'll greet her whenever you happen to meet her elsewhere, but you won't be going to her room. And if you refuse to follow my instructions, I promise that when we leave this house, I'll take you back to my village permanently."

Zhan stayed silent, not saying a word. After parking the car, YiBo asked, "Did you hear me or not?" With a frown, Zhan replied, "I heard you." He opened the door and stepped out, his face tense, still limping.

Yang was overjoyed at the sight of YiBo, nearly throwing himself on him out of excitement, while Zhan just tightened his expression and walked straight into the house without acknowledging him. Yang lowered his voice and asked, "Is he limping because of an injury?" YiBo simply said, "I'll be right back," and followed Zhan.

Aunty Bing had just come out of her room and, seeing Zhan, clapped her hands excitedly, saying, "Oh, look who's here!" Zhan glanced at YiBo standing behind him, observing the interaction. Lowering his head slightly, Zhan said, "Good evening, Aunt." Aunty Bing beamed, "Come inside, son." Zhan, making an effort, replied, "I need to check on my mother first." Aunty Bing stood there, surprised, as YiBo headed toward Mrs. Xiao's section of the house, with Zhan following closely behind.

Once inside his mother's room, Zhan couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze. Mrs. Xiao warmly returned YiBo's greeting and asked, "How are you feeling?" Mrs. Xiao replied, "I'm feeling better." Zhan, fidgeting with his fingers, finally spoke, "Mama, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Xiao, looking directly at him, said, "I'm improving."

Aunty An came out from the bedroom, exchanging respectful greetings with YiBo, while Zhan quietly observed her. After a brief exchange, Aunty An turned to head back to the room without acknowledging Zhan, leaving him standing there. He hesitated for a moment before following her, determined to greet her. But instead of a warm welcome, Aunty An scolded him sharply.

"I can't believe how careless and inconsiderate you are. Your mother's been sick for so long, and you couldn't even call to check on her! And yet every time Bing Jie enter this part, she claims you two have spoken. Are you trying to drive yourself to an early grave, Zhan?"

"Your husband has been visiting your mother, but you never thought to come along? The world waits for no one, Zhan. If you think Bing Jie raised you, then let's see how well you manage without your own mother."

Zhan, clearly affected by her harsh words, quietly said, "I didn't call because I was scared, and Lee never mentioned he was coming here."

Aunty An, now even more frustrated, retorted, "He needs to tell you? You're an adult! You've embarrassed this family enough. That ridiculous video of yours is still a stain on us, and you'll see the consequences soon enough. If Lee's family had been more educated, there's no way they would have let him marry you, but your father's influence is the only reason he did. If Lee were from a more prominent family, they'd have ridiculed you out of the marriage."

"Just because things have quieted down now, don't think it's all forgotten. You'll realize the damage you've done in the future. If you want to save your marriage, you'd better start appreciating your husband. If you mess this up, no one's going to marry you again. And trust me, your father won't be able to arrange another match for you. So, either take care of this marriage, or you'll be left with nothing."

Zhan sat there, absorbing her words in silence. Aunty An concluded, "That's all I have to say. Now, get out of my sight."

Zhan stood up slowly and walked into the living room, head down. He sat on the carpet, glancing up at his mother, who was watching him closely. In a soft voice, he asked, "Mama, where are Lei and the others?" She replied, "They're at school."

Zhan stayed quiet for a few minutes before Mrs. Xiao pointed toward YiBo and said, "You see that man sitting over there? If you want things to go well for you, you'll make sure your marriage with him stays intact. If you let it fall apart, don't think you'll ever find peace again. I won't be the one to help you then."

Zhan glanced at YiBo briefly, then turned back to his mother. YiBo, not saying anything, stood up to leave. As Mrs. Xiao got up to head into her room, she said, "Thank you, son. I appreciate it. Take care." YiBo replied, "Get well soon." She nodded and walked away.

Zhan stood up and followed YiBo out, silently keeping pace with him as they left the house.
