Chapter 27

As they left Mrs. Xiao's part, Zhan glared at YiBo and said, "Please, let me go and greet Aunt. We're very close, like mother and son, even before she moved to the US." YiBo turned to look at him and asked, "Is there another Aunt besides the one we already greeted when we arrived?"

Zhan's voice wavered as he replied, "I just want to greet her in the living room, not go to her bedroom." YiBo responded, "NO." Tears welled up in Zhan's eyes, but he refused to let them fall, staring at YiBo in disbelief. How could anyone have such control over him? As if Zhan were a woman, surely this was the limit of his patience.

Zhan walked off as if he were flying, heading toward the door leading out of the living room. YiBo followed and found him leaning against the car, tapping his foot. YiBo circled to the driver's seat, opened the door, and got in. Zhan opened the back door and climbed in as well, since YiBo was still technically their family's driver.

As YiBo pulled the car out, Yang, standing nearby, pleaded, "I've been begging Sheng to give me a few hours off to visit you, but he refused..." YiBo looked at him and said, "One day, you might not be able to open that gate anymore, and your status will be the same as everyone else's."

Yang raised his hands toward the sky and said, "May the Creator hear your prayer, may He look upon us as He has looked upon you. This incredible progress you've made... may it uplift us too. Who would've thought Yang would stop opening gates? I've even developed hemorrhoids from sitting on that bench all day! I heard Mr. Xiao say they're looking for a new driver since you've become part of the family now and won't be driving anymore."

YiBo just smiled, took some money out of his pocket, and handed it to him, saying, "Here, buy yourself some watermelon." Yang accepted it with both hands, saying, "You're too kind, friend!"

Zhan watched this exchange with a cold stare, feeling a surge of anger rising inside him. His resentment toward YiBo grew even stronger, thinking YiBo was acting this way just because he's father had married him off to him. He felt YiBo thought too highly of himself.

As they left the neighborhood, Zhan looked at YiBo through the rearview mirror and said, "You think you're above everyone now just because my father arranged this marriage, don't you? You think you're the luckiest man in the world, now that you're swimming in my father's money, right? Taking advantage of me and living off my father's fortune!"

YiBo smiled but said nothing in response. "If only Zhan knew that YiBo hadn't touched a penny of the money given to him-whether it was salary or gifts. If only Zhan knew that YiBo had enough wealth to last him a decade without working."

Zhan rolled his eyes and added, "Poor people never know their place. I bet you're proud to call me your partner, aren't you?" He rolled his eyes again and stayed quiet the rest of the ride, not saying another word until they arrived home. Zhan stepped out of the car, opened the gate, and walked into the house as if it were about to explode behind him.

YiBo smiled silently as he drove into the compound.

Zhan stepped out of the living room and spotted YiBo lounging on the long sofa, talking on the phone. Since YiBo hadn't noticed him, Zhan quietly crawled behind the sofa, eavesdropping on the conversation. He strained to listen as YiBo said, "I'll be back in a month. When I return, I won't leave again until after our wedding." As soon as Zhan heard this, only one name popped into his mind: Nia. He had already committed her name to memory. Zhan pursed his lips and squatted down, listening more intently. Then YiBo continued, "No, Nia, I stayed longer this time for a reason. It wasn't because I wanted to, but I'm almost done here. I'm tired of the USA myself."

Zhan's mouth fell open in shock. USA? This man, who couldn't even tolerate drinking water from their own town, was claiming to be in the USA? Did he even know what "USA" stood for?

Zhan chuckled quietly. YiBo, sensing his presence from Zhan's familiar scent, glanced around the room but didn't spot him. He leaned back and added softly, "You're the first and the last, Nia. I won't compare you to anyone else, because you've done something unforgettable for me. Unless, of course, you want me to marry a foreigner and return to China with her," he chuckled. "Why are you so quiet?"

Not tolerate YiBo's lie anymore Zhan stood up in disbelief and said, "I've never seen someone lie as much as you." YiBo instantly hung up the phone and stood up, facing Zhan. Surprised, Zhan asked, "Do you even know what USA means? Do you know where it is? Aren't you afraid of lying all the time?"

YiBo replied calmly, "You broke one of our conditions, so I had to break one too..." Without another word, he left the living room. Zhan pouted and watched him leave, disappearing into his room. After standing there for over five minutes, Zhan finally decided to follow him.

Zhan quietly turned the handle of YiBo's door and found him unbuttoning his shirt. With a pout, Zhan said, "Okay, I'm sorry."

YiBo glanced at him, replying, "I'm not accepting that." Zhan pleaded, "Please." YiBo ignored him and walked into the bathroom. Zhan frowned, then his eyes landed on YiBo's phone by the bed. Moving stealthily, Zhan picked up the phone and looked at Nia's number. He bit his lip in frustration, wondering how the number hadn't been blocked. Did Lee unblock her?

Still staring at the number, Zhan clicked his tongue quietly, reblocked it, and deleted the contact before quickly putting the phone back and leaving the room.


Zhan emerged just as YiBo stepped out of his room. Frowning, Zhan said, "You didn't say in our agreement that only you could open the gate when someone knocks. I can open it too; you're not the only one in the house." YiBo didn't respond as he headed toward the door, where someone was banging on the gate aggressively. Zhan watched him through the living room window as YiBo approached the gate. Standing there, YiBo asked, "Who is it?"

An angry Aunty Bing shouted, "Why are you asking? Is this your father's house? When someone knocks, do you have to ask who it is before opening?"

Her friend beside her chimed in, "Is the driver really asking you that question?" Aunty Bing responded, "Isn't he just a pauper? You know people like that can never feel comfortable anywhere." Ms.Tu added, "That's obvious."

Aunty Bing fumed, "So you're not going to open the gate for me?" YiBo rolled his eyes and replied, "The repairman is on the way. The gate's been faulty since yesterday. We haven't been able to leave all day, so you'll have to wait." Both women stood speechless. Without saying anything more, YiBo turned and walked back inside without opening the gate.

Zhan gave him a questioning look and asked, "Who's at the gate that you didn't open for?" YiBo stared at him and said, "The person you think is more important than your own mother."

Zhan's eyes widened. "Aunty Bing?? You didn't open the gate for her?" Without waiting for a response, Zhan stormed toward the door, intending to open it himself. YiBo grabbed him, standing firmly in his way, looking directly into his eyes. "If you want us to part ways peacefully without your parents blaming you or thinking you're at fault, don't break any more of my conditions. Cutting ties with the person you call Aunty is one of them. After we part ways, you can resume your relationship with her. That's not my business. But as long as we're together, it's either me or her."

Zhan stood in stunned silence before shaking his head in disbelief. "Do you even realize what you're asking? Do you know who Aunty Bing is? After all this time in our house, you still don't know how important she is? She's my mother's sister! She raised me from when I was little until she left for the USA. There's no one in this world who loves me more than she does. I don't even know if my own mother loves me as much as she does, because my mother never shows it the way Aunty Bing does.

"Since I was born, no one has ever denied me anything I wanted. Whatever I desired, I got it. Just as my father treasures me, so does Aunty Bing. She's never stopped me from doing whatever I wanted. I grew up in her care, and she's always supported me, treating me like her own child. She hates to see me sad for even a second. I've never been as close to anyone as I am to her-not even my own mother. And now you expect me to cut ties with her? Are you even thinking straight?"

"And of course, I would choose her over you a hundred times. How dare you think you're important to me? You're just a stranger forced into my life."

YiBo looked him in the eye, saying nothing. For the first time, YiBo felt genuine sympathy for Zhan. Zhan burst into tears and cried, "If cutting ties with Aunty Bing is a condition for our separation, then maybe we shouldn't part ways at all. You'll be the one to suffer, not me." With that, he pulled his hand from YiBo's grip and stormed into his room.

YiBo sat on the couch, deep in thought, trying to process everything Zhan had just told him.

Later, at six in the evening, Zhan heard YiBo leaving the house. His eyes were swollen from crying all day, distraught because YiBo hadn't let Aunty Bing into the house. As soon as he heard the sound of the gate, Zhan rushed to it, only to find it locked. His frustration peaked-if he had a weapon, he felt he could have killed YiBo in that moment.

Meanwhile, YiBo was sitting quietly in the living room when Mr. Xiao arrived. YiBo greeted him with his head bowed. Mr. Xiao, observing his demeanor, grew curious, hoping that Zhan hadn't caused any trouble again.

In a low voice, YiBo said, "Father, I've come to ask a favor." Mr. Xiao, watching him closely, responded, "I'm listening, Lee. Speak up." YiBo hesitated before continuing, "I'd like to take him with me to my mother's hometown in Luoyang, Henan... I'm thinking of starting a business there, maybe even farming."

Mr. Xiao looked at him thoughtfully and said, "He's under your care now, Lee. You don't need my permission to move. Just inform me so I can wish you well and provide any support you may need." YiBo remained with his head lowered. Mr. Xiao added, "It's good to hear about farming. It's the root of wealth. I wish you success."

"Thank you," YiBo said quietly.

Mr. Xiao, still contemplating, replied, "Make sure to check house prices in that area." YiBo nodded, "I asked a friend yesterday." Mr. Xiao asked, "How much did he say?" YiBo shared the amount. Mr. Xiao stared at him, then said, "No, find something more expensive. Whatever the cost, I'll handle it."

YiBo looked up at him, surprised, and said, "The house is near the village where I plan to farm-that's why I chose it." Mr. Xiao remained silent, his thoughts on Zhan. Despite his frustrations with his son, he realized how much he still loved him and didn't want him to suffer any discomfort in life.

After a long sigh, Mr. Xiao said, "Alright, I'll send the money." YiBo noticed the shift in Mr. Xiao's tone and kept his head down out of respect. Breaking the brief silence, Mr. Xiao asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

"Maybe next week," YiBo replied.

"Okay," Mr. Xiao nodded. "Have your friend look into whether there are any plots of land available in the area for me as well."

YiBo looked up, surprised but respectful, and said, "Alright, Father." Mr. Xiao concluded, "I'll expect an update by tomorrow morning." YiBo agreed, thanked him again, and quietly left the main living room.

Aunty Bing walked in and after sitting down, she said, "Looks like you had a visitor." Paa shook his head and replied, "It was Lee." She sighed, "Oh, so that's why you've stopped me from visiting Zhan. It's been nearly two weeks since I last saw him. I think about him day and night. Are they doing well?"

Paa responded, "They're fine. He came to talk to me about something." Aunty Bing adjusted her posture and asked, "What's the matter? Is everything okay?" Paa reassured her, "Everything's fine. He says he's going to farm in his hometown and plans to take Zhan with him."

Aunty Bing's eyes widened in shock. "Take him where? How can Zhan possibly live in his hometown? What will he even say to him, Brother-in-law?"

Paa replied, "Right now, Lee has more control over him than I do. There's no way I can stop him from taking Zhan with him, Bing." She shook her head in disbelief, "No, Brother-in-law, this is unacceptable. Have you given up on your son without us knowing?"

"After all the punishment you gave him by making him marry a driver, that wasn't enough for you? Now you're supporting the driver in taking him to his hometown in the name of farming? Come on, Brother-in-law, you're Zhan's father. You should show him some mercy, especially since he's your child and your favorite. Why don't you ask Lee to leave Zhan here while he goes off to his farming until he's done?"

Paa sighed and said, "We aren't small-minded people, Bing. I can't tell Lee to leave Zhan at home. The fact that he came to ask for permission shows he respects me, and I can't refuse him. I've even told him to find land in the area where they'll stay, and no matter the price, I'll buy it. When he told me the house they found was only 300,000 yuan, I was shocked. Is there still a house for that price in this day and age?"

Aunty Bing sat silently, staring at him without blinking. Paa glanced up at her, noticing her quietness. She smiled and asked, "So, you're going to build a house for Zhan over there?" Paa nodded, "It seems like the best solution. If there's no electricity, I'll set up solar power 24/7. I'll also have a borehole installed and furnish the house properly."

Aunty Bing adjusted her seat and smiled. "That's a good plan. Zhan will be comfortable and won't feel like he's in a village. He'll even feel like he's still in the city."

Paa replied, "Exactly! I don't think it'll cost too much. With the land and construction, it shouldn't take more than a few millions, right?"

Aunty Bing agreed, "Yes, that sounds reasonable since it's not in the city. The land might not be too expensive."

Paa added, "If they find land tomorrow, construction can start immediately."

Smiling, Aunty Bing said, "Alright, let me go finish what I was doing upstairs." Paa responded, "Alright." She stood up and left the living room.


As with the previous day, someone knocked on the gate, and Zhan and YiBo came out together. YiBo didn't even look at Zhan as he walked out, but Zhan followed him, determined to confront YiBo, if it is Aunty Bing at the gate.

YiBo frowned and turned to Zhan, asking, "Why are you following me?" Zhan also frowned, "You go your way, and I'll go mine."

YiBo continued walking, with Zhan trailing him until they reached the gate. YiBo asked, "Who is it?" Zan Jin answered, "Good afternoon." YiBo, still frowning, asked, "I said, who is it?" Zan Jin quietly replied, "It's Zan Jin."

Zhan interrupted, "One of the conditions was that my friends are not banned from visiting me. So let him in! Or am I supposed to live here without seeing anyone as if I've killed everyone in the town?"

YiBo just stared at him, and suddenly, tears filled Zhan's eyes. "Please, I'm asking you."

Zan Jin could hear the entire conversation, silently praying that YiBo would open the gate. YiBo turned away, leaving the gate locked. Overjoyed, Zhan quickly unlocked the gate and hugged Zan Jin, exclaiming, "I missed you, my friend! Where are He Peng and Xin?"

Zan Jin smiled, "They don't even know I'm here. You've been on my mind since yesterday, so I came without telling them."

Zhan locked the gate, smiling as he held Zan Jin's hand. As they headed toward the balcony, Zan Jin lowered his voice, "I should at least greet him so he doesn't stop me from coming next time. You know how it is with these small-town guys; they love to feel important."

Zhan scowled, "Don't bother greeting him. What's your business with him? You didn't come to see him. Even I don't greet him, and I live here."

They entered the living room, and as Zan Jin made eye contact with YiBo, he quickly withdrew his hand from Zhan's. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Good afternoon."

Annoyed, Zhan pulled him toward the bedroom and locked the door behind them. "Didn't I tell you not to greet him? What was the point of that?"

Zan Jin frowned, "I only realized after greeting him how unnecessary it was. Did you see how full of himself he is? Acting as if marrying you somehow made him important. He really thinks he's something now that he married the son of a rich man."

Zhan laughed, "We already agreed he'll divorce me. I accepted it, and so did he. He knows I'm not in his league."

Zan Jin's eyes widened, "Really?"

Zhan nodded, "Yes, I'm serious. He saw how much I despise him, and he knew it was better for us to part ways."

Zan Jin asked, "So when are you two divorcing?"

Zhan smiled, "Just wait and see."

Zan Jin gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Well, congratulations! He finally realized you're not in his class and will let you go without any drama."

They both laughed before Zan Jin said, "Is there any food? I'm starving."

Zhan replied, "Yeah, I've already prepped everything. I just need to boil the spaghetti."

Zan Jin offered, "Let me do the boiling. The kitchen's right there, right?"

Zhan nodded, "Yes, it's all set."

Zan Jin got up and went to the kitchen. After he left, Zhan grabbed Zan Jin's bag, opened it, and as usual, saw various drugs and condoms. He put everything back, picked up Zan Jin's phone, and unlocked it, knowing his friend's password.

Just as he was about to dial Leo's number, he realized he didn't have Zan Jin's number saved. Feeling a wave of disappointment, he instead dialed Aunty Bing's number.

As soon as she answered and Zhan say hello, she said, "Son, I've been thinking about calling you since yesterday. I even asked Lu to bring you a phone, but she didn't. And your mother, wouldn't allow me to send Lian to you."

Zhan replied, "I had no way of contacting you either, Aunt."

Aunty Bing asked, "Can you hear me?" He replied, "Yes, I can." She sighed, "Every day I pray for this driver to leave you in peace. I only know his name; I don't even know his parents' names."

Zhan remained silent for a moment before admitting, "I don't know either, Aunt."

She sighed, "I figured. But you can be clever about it-find a way to ask him. You're smart, Zhan. There's a way to get the information you need."

Zhan smiled, "Alright, Aunt."

She continued, "When will I be able to hear from you again?"

"Tomorrow," Zhan replied.

"Whose number is this, by the way?" she asked.

"It's Zan Jin's," Zhan explained.

"Oh, he's there? So YiBo allowed him in?"

"Yes, he did."

"And when is he leaving?"

Zhan replied, "It looks like he might stay for a day or two. He brought two sets of clothes."

Aunty Bing said, "Alright then. Tomorrow, you can call me using his phone."

"Okay, Aunt," Zhan agreed.

After a few more words, they ended the call, just as Zhan heard Zan Jin shout from the kitchen. Startled, he rushed out of his room and headed toward the kitchen, noticing YiBo entering at the same time. Zhan hurried in after him....

I can see sharps glares, hear scowles, hissing, courses and daggers flying towards me... 😃 What will I do? Of course run away at 360🏃🏃🏃🏃
