Chapter 31

Zhan was convinced it was a ghost touching him, as he had already feared something like that would happen. Frantically, he tried to push away the hand covering his mouth, letting out another scream as if he was about to faint. But when he realized it was YiBo, he quickly threw himself into YiBo's chest, covering his face and crying, "Please, tell Paa to change this house for us. I can't stay here, I swear. I'm in so much trouble!"

YiBo held him tightly, resting his face on Zhan's head. Zhan could hear his deep breathing as YiBo held him close, the familiar scent of his cologne helping to calm Zhan's nerves. They stayed like that for over ten minutes. When YiBo finally let go, Zhan lifted his head slightly, still feeling anxious. YiBo lay back down, appearing more at ease. Seeing this, Zhan quickly laid behind him, softly crying. Within five minutes, YiBo was fast asleep.

Zhan, however, couldn't fall asleep again. He was convinced that YiBo had seen the same ghost he had, and that's why he held on to him out of fear. If YiBo was scared, how much worse must it be for him? The thought made him even more anxious, and he clung to YiBo, quietly sobbing, completely wrapped in his duvet. Zhan spent the rest of the night terrified, constantly alert to every little sound. It wasn't until around 4:30 a.m. that sleep finally overcame him.

YiBo slowly opened his eyes, sat up with some difficulty, and switched on the light near his side of the bed. He glanced at Zhan, who was still sound asleep. YiBo spotted Zhan's towel lying on the side, then got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned, Zhan was still sleeping. He quickly looked away, grabbed his small phone, and left the room.

It wasn't until almost 7 a.m. that Zhan slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the room, noticing his towel lying on the floor. Panicked, he quickly checked himself and sat up, adjusting the duvet. Did YiBo see him like this?

The thought made him hide his face in a pillow, blushing as he pulled his duvet tightly around him in embarrassment. Eventually, he got up and went to the bathroom. After freshening up, he sat on the carpet until the day fully broke, then left the room and headed to his own.

After a bath, he got dressed and went to the living room. YiBo wasn't there, but his phone was sitting on the couch. Zhan glanced at the kitchen door, assuming YiBo was in there. The phone suddenly started ringing, and Zhan nervously looked toward the kitchen. When YiBo didn't emerge, Zhan walked slowly to the phone, picking it up and glancing at the caller ID. It said "Dad." Just then, YiBo came out of the kitchen, and Zhan quickly set the phone back down. He avoided looking at him, and YiBo did the same, not making eye contact as he walked over and picked up the phone. He stared at the screen, not blinking as the call ended. He sat down without realizing it, still staring at the screen, looking a bit confused. The phone rang again. YiBo raised his head, their eyes met briefly, then he looked away, stood up, and walked outside to the compound.

Even after stepping outside, YiBo kept staring at the phone but refused to answer. He sat on his usual spot on the porch, finally answering the call. He didn't get the chance to greet or say anything; he just sat there, listening. Once the person finished speaking, YiBo closed his eyes for a moment and quietly said, "Tomorrow." With that, the call ended. He stared at the screen, then leaned his head back against the wall.

He sat there for over an hour, unable to bring himself to re-enter the house. Zhan, who had been sitting in the living room, finally got up and went to the kitchen, finding the herbal tea YiBo had made sitting cold in the mug.

Zhan quietly approached where YiBo was sitting, his shadow catching YiBo attention. He looked up as Zhan leaned against the wall, asking, "Why did you leave the tea sitting in the kitchen uncovered?"

YiBo didn't respond. Zhan stood there for almost two minutes before turning back inside. YiBo pressed his hand to his head, regretting leaving his phone on, something he never did. Normally, he only switched it on when he needed to make a call, and after he was done, he'd turn it off again. But for the past three months, he hadn't turned it off once. Finally, YiBo stood up and went back into the house.

Zhan, sitting on the couch, watched him as if he could sense it, and Yibo glanced back at him. Zhan pouted slightly before returning his focus to the TV.

YiBo stayed in his room until after noon.

Zhan heard a knock at the gate, but when he realized YiBo wasn't coming out to open it, he got up and headed to his room. He turned the knob and entered, finding him lying with his eyes closed. He walked over, grabbed the key, and left.

When he opened the gate, he saw He Peng and Xin standing outside. His eyes lit up with excitement, and he cheerfully said, "Oh, welcome!"

He Peng asked, "Zhan, when did Zan Jin leave your place?"

Zhan's heart skipped a beat as the mention of Zan Jin, the thought of a ghost, came rushing back to him. Mustering up some courage, he replied, "Yesterday morning."

He Peng glanced at Xin, then back at Zhan, and asked, "Did everything go well when he left your place?"

Zhan looked around, his voice trembling. "This morning I saw him, his body covered in marks, his face swollen, including his lips and eyes. He told me that ghosts had done this to him."

He Peng and Xin burst into laughter, especially He Peng, who laughed so hard he almost collapsed. After calming down, He Peng looked at Zhan, still smirking. "Are you two the only ones in the house?"

Zhan shook his head. "No, he's here too." Xin asked, "And where were you when the ghosts attacked him?"

Zhan replied, "I was asleep. You know it rained last night, right? I woke up this morning to find him in the kitchen, covered in marks. He asked me to bring his bag and phone."

He Peng and Xin couldn't stop laughing, with He Peng nearly rolling on the floor. Zhan just stared at them in confusion. He Peng then said, "Well, you two should visit him at the hospital. He's been admitted. He told us he didn't stay at your place last night. Apparently, he had an accident while on his way back home after his mother called, saying she was unwell."

Zhan's eyes widened in shock. He Peng continued, "He's at the same hospital where we took your friend once. You remember the place?"

Slowly, Zhan nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

He Peng added, "You should let him know to take you there. They might have to perform surgery on one of his eyes. It seems to have opened up a little."

Zhan nodded again. "Alright, I'll tell him."

He Peng said, "We're headed elsewhere now, but we'll meet at the hospital later if he brings you."

Zhan replied, "Okay."

With that, they returned to the car, and Zhan watched them drive off before heading back inside the house.

Standing at the entrance to the living room was YiBo, looking displeased. As Zhan approached, YiBo frowned and asked, "Who knocked on the gate?"

Without emotion, Zhan responded, "My friends. They said Zan Jin is in the hospital, not feeling well. They might even perform surgery on one of his eyes. Please, take me to visit him. Apparently, the ghosts at this house did this to him."

Zhan looked like he was about to cry as he finished speaking. YiBo stared at him for a moment before turning and walking back inside.


Later, around 4 in the afternoon, Zhan noticed YiBo getting dressed, holding the car keys. He quickly stood up, but before he could say anything, YiBo said, "If you're ready, I'm waiting. If not, I'll leave."

Zhan rushed to get ready and joined him outside. After they left the house and drove onto the main road, Zhan asked, "Are we heading to the hospital?"

Yibo responded, "Yes."

Zhan gave him the hospital's location, and as they got closer, he asked, "Shouldn't we get him something?"

YiBo replied, "Oh, you want to get him something?"


"What would you like to get?"

"How about some fruits? There's a stall right over there."

Yibo parked the car, and Zhan got out to buy some fruits. He asked for a variety of fruits worth 10,000 Yuan. When he got back in the car, he told YiBo, "It's 10,000."

Yibo said, "Alright, give them the money."

Zhan looked at him, confused. "Where's your ATM card?"

"Whose ATM card?"

"Yours, of course."

"Did I tell you I was paying for your friend's fruits?"

Zhan's eyes widened, and he pleaded, "Please, i told them to pack it already! What am I going to say to them now?"

Yibo raised an eyebrow and said, "Where's your ATM card?"

He looked at him, close to tears. "I don't have one, and I don't even have a penny in my account since Paa stopped giving me money."

"Then go tell them to return the fruits. You changed your mind."

Zhan glanced at the pocket where YiBo's ATM card was sticking out. Quickly, he reached for it. YiBo grabbed his pocket and said, "Hey!"

Zhan pouted and threatened, "If you don't let go, I'll break it!"

YiBo slowly released his grip. Zhan pulled out the ATM card, got out of the car, and paid for the fruits. When he returned, he tossed the card into his bag and locked it. Moments later, YiBo started the car, and they drove off.

When they arrived at the hospital, Zhan didn't expect YiBo to follow him inside, but to his surprise, he did. As soon as Zan Jin saw YiBo, his face turned pale with fear. He Peng, Xin, and a couple of other friends in the room stood up, noticing Zan Jin's reaction.

Zhan hesitated, staying by the door, shocked at how much Zan Jin's appearance had changed. He was now scared of him. YiBo, however, walked calmly into the room, approaching Zan Jin's bed. He looked at one of the people sitting there and said in a calm voice, "Hello."

Si, smiling warmly, stood up from her seat and offered it to him. "Welcome, please sit down."

YiBo glanced at the chair and said, "Thank you, but you can keep your seat."

Zhan remained by the door, watching the interaction without a word. Zan Jin hadn't dared to look at YiBo again after their initial eye contact, shifting nervously in his bed like someone under attack.

He Peng, Xin, and their friends couldn't take their eyes off YiBo. He placed his hand on the bed where Zan Jin lay and, looking at him closely, whispered almost to himself, "How are you feeling?"

He Peng quickly looked at Xin, while Zan Jin just nodded silently. Zhan didn't hear what YiBo said at all, YiBo nodded his head as and said, "Quick recovery, dear! And you're always welcome at our home, you slattern!"

With that, he turned and left, leaving everyone staring after him. Xin and He Peng exchanged glances with a certain expression, while Zan Jin didn't lift his head. As YiBo reached the door, he took the fruit from Zhan's hands and placed it on a table by the door before locking the ward as he left.

Even after they got into the car, Zhan couldn't bring himself to speak, just as YiBo also remained silent. Zhan still couldn't believe that Zan Jin had ended up like this... When he noticed YiBo heading towards his parents' mansion, he lifted his head and looked at him.

At the gate, he parked the car, and Zhan got out and went into the house without waiting for him. As he entered the living room, Lu Jie greeted him warmly, but Zhan didn't pause. He asked, "Where's Aunty Bing?"

Lu Jie replied, "She's not here." Standing up, she added, "You look so fresh and glowing, brother, but you've lost weight. Let's go greet Mama."

With that, she led him to their mother's section of the house. Zhan's heart was racing, unsure of what his mother would say today. To his surprise, when he greeted her, his mother responded normally. In a soft voice, he asked, "Where's Aunt An and the twins?"

His mother replied, "They've gone back to their home. How's your place?"

Zhan answered, "Everything's fine."

Mrs. Xiao asked, "And where is your husband?"

Quietly, Zhan replied, "He's outside, by the gate."

"Oh, alright."

Zhan looked up at his mother, who was watching him. Lu Jie, who had been sitting in the living room, stood and left. Mrs. Xiao then asked, "Did you greet your father? He's in his study."

Zhan shook his head. "No."

She said, "Well, before you leave, make sure to greet him."

Zhan kept his head lowered and didn't respond. After a few moments, his mother spoke softly, "I'm reminding you again to take care of your husband. Respect him, and try to be a perfect partner. Live peacefully with him. His happiness should be yours, and so should his sorrows. Right now, he is your greatest support in this world. You don't have anyone else, Zhan. Don't let any problems come between you two. Your father won't support you if things go wrong, because this is your fate. You need to accept it with patience. I believe that he won't harm you, and he won't let you cry as long as you embrace him."

Tears flowed from Zhan's eyes as he looked at his mother. Mrs. Xiao continued, "Anyone who tries to stir up trouble between you and him doesn't truly care about you... they are your enemy, Zhan."

With difficulty, Zhan nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Thank you, Mama."

Mrs. Xiao, holding back her own emotions, said, "If there's something important, you can take his phone and call me, at least until he allows you to have your own."

Zhan just nodded as more tears rolled down his face.

Just then, YiBo's voice came from the door, greeting her. Mrs. Xiao responded, and he entered the room. He glanced at Zhan, who was wiping away his tears, and sat down on the floor to greet his mother quietly. She responded warmly, asking about home.

Zhan stood up, tears still in his eyes, and left the room, returning to the main living room. When Lu Jie saw him, she stood up, watching as Zhan sat down on the couch. She came over and sat beside him, pulling him gently into a hug. "Be patient, bro. I know everything Mama said is for your own good, to help you throughout your life. I want to see you happy and lively again, just like before."

Zhan broke down, crying hard, and Lu Jie held him, shedding her own tears as well. After crying for a while, Zhan, with his eyes red from tears, looked at her, whose eyes were also red. In a trembling voice, he said, "But you know what I will and won't do, right, Jie? You know I'd never record that video and leave it on my phone. It's not in my nature to do something like that."

He burst into fresh tears. Lu Jie hugged him tightly and whispered, "I know, bro. That's not like you at all. But we're hopeful that one day, the truth will come out. One day, you'll laugh again."

Zhan just nodded, tears still flowing.

Quietly, Lu Jie said, "Let's go greet Paa. He's inside."

Zhan remained silent, but Lu Jie stood up, took his hand, and led him to their father's study. She knocked on the door, and their father responded, allowing them in. Holding Zhan's hand, Lu Jie entered. As soon as their father saw Zhan, he frowned deeply. Zhan couldn't bring himself to lift his head.

Lu Jie had them sit on the floor by their father's side and, in a gentle voice, said, "Paa, my brother is here to greet you."

Only then did Zhan finally lift his eyes to meet his father's. In a trembling voice, he said, "Paa, how are you?"

Mr. Xiao stood up and said, "Who brought you to this house?"

Through his sobs, Zhan replied, "We came together."

Paa, furious, said, "Didn't I tell you I never want to see you in this house again? You came here to defy me, right?"

Crying, Zhan pleaded, "Please, Paa, forgive me."

Angrily, Mr. Xiao responded, "Let me make this clear. Today is the first and last day I ever want to see you in this house again. I don't want you, I don't need you at all. Go live your life elsewhere, but don't ever show up here again. If you do, you'll bring whatever happens to you upon yourself. And as for your mother, I will take serious action against her if you ever step foot in this house again."

Lu Jie too broke down in tears and said, "Then give me another place to stay, Paa, because if I leave, there's nothing that will bring me back to this house. Why are you being so harsh on him, as if he chose his own fate? Why are you doing this to him, Paa? Do you want something bad to happen to him? Don't forget, he never asked for all of this. Why can't we help him accept his fate, to make it a little easier on him? Why do you keep pushing him away, Paa?"

Surprised, Mr. Xiao said, "Oh, so now you're disrespecting me too? You're saying this to me?"

Lu Jie stood up, still crying, and took Zhan's hand, leading him out of the room.

YiBo had just come out from Mrs. Xiao's room and watched them silently. They sat down on a nearby couch, crying together. Mr. Xiao emerged from the study room and, seeing YiBo, said, "Why did you bring him to my house? Didn't I tell you, even as a joke, that I don't want him here? Why did you go against my orders?"

YiBo remained silent, just staring at Paa.

Mr. Xiao continued harshly, "Today will be the last day you ever bring him here. In fact, you don't need to come here anymore either. Stay where you are. Didn't you say you were planning to move back to your village? What are you still doing here? Tomorrow, pack up and leave. I don't want him anywhere near Beijing again. Use the money I transferred to your account last week to pay the rent for the house you mentioned. And leave the keys to my car."

YiBo remained silent, staring at him without blinking. Meanwhile, Aunty Bing had just returned from the market and stood frozen at the doorway, unable to move. Mrs. Xiao, hearing her husband's voice, also came out and stood at the entrance of her living room. Mr. Xiao turned to Zhan, pointing to the door, and shouted, "Get up and leave!"

Zhan quickly stood up, but Lu Jie grabbed him, sobbing, and said, "But he has every right to stay, Paa! You can't just send him away because of a mistake he never asked for. He didn't choose this fate for himself, did he?"

They suddenly heard Aunty Bing's voice, "Lu, stop! Are you mad, arguing with your father? Have you lost your mind? Are you stupid? Look at this crazy girl, talking back to her father. Are you trying to bring misfortune upon yourself?"

Lu Jie let go of Zhan hand and ran to her room, still crying. She grabbed her phone and called her other brother, Zhuo. Aunty Bing approached Mr. Xiao and said, "Please, brother in-law, calm your heart. Don't let anything bad happen to you, for God's sake."

Mr. Xiao, still furious, shouted, "Get them out of the here!"

Aunty Bing looked at Zhan with concern and said, "Son, get up and leave." Then, turning to YiBo, she added, "Leave the car keys with here, and both of you go."

Zhan stood up, still crying, and headed for the door. YiBo placed the car keys on the table and followed him out. Mrs. Xiao, wiping away her own tears, quietly retreated to her room, while Mr. Xiao stormed back into his room, and Aunty Bing followed him with worry.

As they reached the gate, Zhan couldn't stop crying. Yang, who had been watching them from afar, said nothing, though everyone in the compound had heard Mr. Xiao's voice. For the first time, Yang felt genuine pity for Zhan's situation, and his heart sank. YiBo gently patted Yang's shoulder and said, "We'll talk later."

With that, they left the compound. Yang watched them go, unable to say a word, and even as they reached the street, Zhan's sobs continued...

🙄 Well, I don't like this chapter even myself too... so sad.😔 And, my dear friends since you are tired of commenting I will go back to slower update too😏
