Chapter 32

Surprise! Yeeeeh🎇🎆🎇🙊💃💃💃We---are---finally---here. Confuse? 🙄 Ahhh....I Mean YIBO'S Part, what else did you think?😉

After they arrived home, YiBo paid the Taxi driver who brought them. Zhan leaned against the gate, covering his face with his hands, crying as if his heart would burst. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, still struggling to believe that Paa had told him he never wanted to see him again. Was it really Paa who said that? Where was all the love he used to show? Zhan wished his life would end right now, so all of this could be over.

YiBo opened the gate, and Zhan rushed inside, his sobs growing louder. YiBo watched him with sad eyes as he locked the gate and walked slowly to where he usually sat, leaning his head against the wall.

He stayed there, lost in thought, until 6 PM. YiBo was confused, realizing things had taken a turn he never saw coming. Finally, he stood up, his knees weak, and left the house.

When he returned, he went into the living room. Zhan was still sitting there, with his head resting on his knees, still crying. YiBo walked in, looking at him quietly. He sat on the couch, still staring, unsure of what to say. He didn't even know if there was anything he could say. He understood exactly how Zhan was feeling, because he had felt the same way a few years ago. Remembering that made his heart ache. In the end, he just stood up and went to his room, locking the door behind him.

YiBo didn't come out again until nearly midnight. When he found Zhan lying where he had left him, fast asleep, he knelt in front of him, watching him closely. He gently tapped Zhan, who woke up with a startled and quickly sat up, rubbing his swollen eyes. YiBo said, "Go eat something," before standing up and returning to his room, locking the door behind him. Zhan leaned back against the chair, hot tears streaming down his face again. The whole world felt unbearable. Why had Paa told him he never wanted to see him again? Why had Paa driven him away so harshly, and why had Aunty Bing stood by silently, watching everything but saying nothing? She had witnessed everything and still stayed silent.

Zhan broke down crying again, his heart feeling like it would explode. After about thirty minutes, he slowly stood up, his body weak, and walked to his room, feeling dizzy. He lay down on the carpet, whispering every prayer that came to mind, with tears streaming down his cheeks. That night, Zhan barely slept. Whenever he dozed off, he woke up startled.

By 9 AM the next morning, YiBo opened the door to Zhan's room and looked at him. "Pack up whatever you need and meet me in the living room. I'm waiting for you now." With that, he turned and left the room.

Zhan sat there, just staring at the door. His head hurt so badly it felt like it would burst. After a few minutes, he got up, changed into a shirt, and slowly walked to the living room. Yibo was sitting with his head resting against the couch, having turned off all the lights in the house. He looked at Zhan and asked, "Where are your things?"

Zhan shook his head weakly and said, "There's nothing I want to take." YiBo said nothing in return. After a moment, he said, "Go have breakfast." Zhan shook his head again, signaling that he wouldn't eat. YiBo didn't press him further. Zhan stood there with his head down, still replaying the events of the previous day in his mind. The scene wouldn't fade from his memory. Finally, YiBo stood up and said, "Let's go."

Zhan followed him, feeling like he would collapse at any moment. They left the living room, and Yibo locked the house behind them. Outside the gate was a small taxi, the type that traveled between towns. Zhan stood there as Yibo finished locking the gate without looking at him. "Get in the car," YiBo said. Slowly, Zhan reached out, opened the back door, and got in, closing it behind him. YiBo sat in the front.

Zhan had never been in this kind of car before, not until now. He wiped the tears clinging to his eyes, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. YiBo directed the driver to the Mansion and handed Yang the house keys, telling him to give them to Paa. Yang, tears welling up in his eyes, asked, "So when will I see you again?"

YiBo, smiling softly, replied, "See you soon, Yang," and patted his shoulder before getting into the car. Yang watched them leave. Ever since they had arrived, Zhan had kept his head buried in his knees, not wanting to see the house again, let alone look at it for the last time. As they left, he sobbed quietly, as though everything happening was just a bad dream. It wasn't until they were far from the house that he lifted his head, wiping the never-ending tears away.


They had been driving for a while when Zhan began to feel nauseous from the smell of fuel in the car. After trying to endure it for a while, he finally covered his nose with a handkerchief. Struggling to hold on, he tapped YiBo, who was sitting in the front seat. YiBo turned quickly, noticing how Zhan had both hands covering his mouth. Seeing this, YiBo immediately told the driver to pull over. As soon as the car stopped by the roadside, Zhan rushed out, crouching down, trying to vomit.

YiBo got out of the car and leaned against it, watching him. Since Zhan hadn't eaten anything, he wasn't able to vomit, only gagging as he tried. YiBo stood silently, observing. After a few minutes, Zhan managed to get back on his feet with difficulty and returned to the car, breathing heavily. YiBo got back in as well, and the driver expressed his concern, to which Zhan only nodded.

They continued their journey, but before they reached the Tianjin, Zhan had to stop four more times, yet still couldn't throw up.

YiBo asked the driver to stop at a restaurant in the town. He got out to buy some food for Zhan. When he came out, he found Zhan crouched beside the car, looking pale and exhausted. Zhan had gotten out of the car, his energy depleted. When he saw YiBo, he stood up with great effort, his eyes filled with tears. In a quiet voice, Zhan said, "I can't keep traveling in this car. The smell of fuel is making me sick."

YiBo replied, "Alright, so what do you suggest we do now?" Zhan didn't say anything, wiping his tears. YiBo then asked, "Do you have money to pay for a plane ticket?"

Zhan looked at him quickly, startled, and then hesitantly asked, "Where would we even go?"

Yibo remained silent, staring at him for a moment before looking away. "If you have the money, you can buy us plane tickets, and we can avoid the fuel smell. If not, you could buy train tickets, and we'll travel that way."

In a soft voice, Zhan responded, "But I don't have any money in my account."

YiBo sighed. "So, you're complaining about the fuel smell, but you don't have a solution?"

Zhan remained quiet, saying nothing. YiBo added, "You're wasting our time."

Without another word, Zhan turned and got back into the car. YiBo handed him the food he had bought, which Zhan took silently. YiBo then locked the car doors and sat in the front seat, telling the driver, "Let's go."

The driver started the car, and they continued on their way. Zhan struggled the entire time, barely able to eat anything. He only managed to drink water, but even that, he ended up vomiting. After almost 14 hours on the road, they finally arrived in Shanghai. (Actually it's 12hrs driving, but they had to stop in between towns.) YiBo directed the driver to drop them off at a hotel. The driver helped YiBo with the luggage before driving off.

At the hotel reception, Zhan collapsed into a chair, his head resting on the armrest, struggling to catch his breath. He didn't even notice when YiBo paid for their room. After settling their bags in the room, Yibo returned to find Zhan still looking sick and exhausted. He asked, "Is this place better for you?"

Zhan quickly looked up at him but didn't respond. YiBo turned and walked away. Zhan slowly stood and followed him to the room, moving carefully. After showing him to their room, YiBo ordered some food from the hotel. He then went to a pharmacy to get painkillers for Zhan before returning to the room. When he came back, he found Zhan lying on the bed, asleep from exhaustion. YiBo quietly took a seat on the chair in the room, watching over him.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Yibo got up to receive the food he had ordered, brought it into the room, and set it down. That was all he had been waiting for. He then went to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, and left the room to catch the taxi he had arranged for his next destination. Just as he was about to lock the door behind him, he hesitated, then left without locking it. He headed out of the hotel and into the waiting car.


They drove for almost thirty-five minutes before arriving in a neighborhood that was clearly not a common destination. The taxi driver glanced at Yibo and asked in English, "Are you sure we can go in?"

   First Gate Of Wang's Palace😉

YiBo simply told him to proceed. The driver carefully moved towards the gate ahead of them. As they approached, the Army Security Guards outside the Palace stood up, and YiBo rolled down the car window to lock eyes briefly, quickly they let them pass. The driver continued driving slowly for another fifteen minutes until they arrived at the Palace YiBo had gave the location.

Pretend, this is a Wang's Palace😜😎

The Securities approached the car, and YiBo got out, waved to the driver, and headed for the gate. He didn't respond to the security guards' greetings, walking straight to the main entrance of the grand duplexes, not glancing at anyone.

He headed directly to his mother's Part, meeting no one on the way. YiBo quietly opened the first living room door. The room was empty, except for the cool breeze from the air conditioner and the pleasant scent filling the air. He proceeded to the second living room, but again, no one was there. Just then, his Mother, followed by her housekeeper Li Mei, emerged from her bedroom. She stood still, mouth agape in shock, staring at him. She couldn't even move due to the surprise.

YiBo walked over slowly and hugged her, closing his eyes. With trembling strength, she finally said, "Ai Bo?"

The housekeeper, equally shocked, stood to the side, covering her mouth with her hand as she watched him. YiBo remained silent, unable to speak. His mother lifted his head, looking into his eyes, which were filled with tears, shaking her head in disbelief. He managed a smile and said, "I've missed you so much, Mom."

She hugged him tighter, breaking down into sobs. "How did you get here? Who let you in? How did you even get inside?" she asked, her voice shaking.

YiBo remained silent, his eyes suddenly dulling. The housekeeper left quietly, closing the door gently behind her. His mother led him to her bedroom, tears streaming down her face. "How did you get here, son?" she asked again.

YiBo lowered his gaze, walking to the edge of the large bed and sitting down. His mother hurried over to sit beside him, holding his hand and examining him closely. He didn't look as vibrant as she remembered, and this wasn't how he left the house. She started crying uncontrollably, unable to say anything.

Gathering his strength, YiBo said, "Please, Mom, everything that begins will eventually end."

Through her tears, she asked, "But how did you enter this house, Ai Bo?"

He looked at her in silence for a few seconds before softly saying, "Dad called me."

His mother's eyes widened as she looked at him in shock. "You mean he called you himself?"

YiBo nodded and said, "Yes, Mom. I don't know why he wants to see me."

His mother's anxiety grew. She swallowed hard and asked, "When did he call you?"

YiBo lowered his eyes again and replied, "Yesterday."

She sat deep in thought, hands on her chin. Then she got up and said, "Alright, but you're not leaving here today. Stay until the day after tomorrow. No one will know you're here. Just stay for now, okay?"

YiBo watched her but said nothing. She stood up quickly and dialed the housekeeper's number. As soon as the call connected, she said, "Don't tell anyone Ai Bo is back and in the house. Make sure no one knows, not even his sister's."

The housekeeper Li Mei, replied, "I haven't told anyone, Mrs. Wang."

"Good," his mother said, hanging up the phone. YiBo, still watching her, said, "But I need to go out before six, Mom."

His mother's eyes widened again as she asked, "Go out? Where to? You're not going anywhere, Son. Not even to my second living room! I'm telling you, you will stay here for now."

YiBo didn't respond and continued to watch her. She quickly left the room, and shortly after, she returned with a tray full of different fruits and another tray carried by Li Mei, filled with various foods and natural drinks. After Li Mei left, his mother couldn't stop looking at her son, wiping away her tears that wouldn't stop flowing. Even then, she felt like she was in a dream, as if she would wake up and he wouldn't be there.

She came closer, gathering her courage. "Tell me what you want to eat, son. Should I serve you fried rice? Jollof rice? Tofu with vegetables? Shrimp rice? Cous-cous? Do you want pepper chicken first or the pork pepper soup?"

YiBo simply looked at her without saying a word. He knew he missed all of this. His mother broke down again, hugging him tightly. "My prayers were always with you, son. I know I missed you so much, but there was nothing I could do about it," she sobbed.

YiBo closed his eyes and said, "Please, stop crying, Mom. I was fine and comfortable the entire time. I just missed you and my siblings together with the... Twins, that's all."

His mother began serving him different kinds of food onto a plate. YiBo watched her in silence. After she finished, she said, "Eat whatever you want, and then take a bath. Let me get you something to change into." She then headed towards the door, and he followed her with his gaze until she left. YiBo fell back onto the bed, his thoughts returning to Zhan, who he had left alone in the hotel room. How was he going to convince his mother to let him leave?

Not just that, which was the easier part. Now, how was he going to explain to his mother that he was married? How would he even begin to tell her? And how would she take it, let alone his father? The thought sent chills through his body. He sat up slowly, feeling a cold wave wash over him. Since leaving Beijing, his mind had not been as troubled as it was now. How was he going to explain that he had gotten married, and not out of his own desire? How would his parents, his relatives, and the entire family react to the fact that he had married without their consent—and to a man, no less? This was his biggest challenge yet. He held his head as a deep pain spread across his forehead.

After a few minutes, his mother returned with his clothes hidden in a bag so no one would see them. She had also forbidden his siblings from coming to her part, claiming she wasn't feeling well and needed privacy. YiBo looked up when she entered, noticing he hadn't touched the food. She looked worried and said, "Come on, son, eat something before it gets cold. Or is something still bothering you?"

YiBo stared at her, wondering how to begin. Finally, he gathered his courage and said, "Mom, I heard you say I'm not allowed to go out, but the matter I need to attend to is urgent."

His mother sat beside him, her voice trembling. "I'm afraid I won't see you again, Ai Bo. Maybe if you leave, the securities won't let you back into the house. I can't…" She broke down in tears, shaking her head in despair. "I have a feeling, I can't endure losing you again. I don't know what I'll do if it happens. What are you going out for, please?"

YiBo lowered his tear-filled eyes. After a few seconds, in a quiet voice, he said, "Mom, the family I've been staying with in Beijing attached me their son to come with me. He's here to collect his admission letter from a school he applied to, and he doesn't know anyone else in the city. He's still waiting for me at the school."

His mother gasped. "Oh my God, is that so? Okay, let me call the driver. Just give me his number, and I'll have him picked up."

YiBo was shocked by her response. She stood up quickly to get her phone, but before she could make the call, YiBo hurriedly said, "Mom, he's just a young adult. He doesn't have a phone yet. They'll give him one when he starts school. I just told him I'd come to pick him up later."

His mother, looking at him with concern, replied, "Then just tell me where he is, and I'll have the driver go pick him up. Why are you making this a big deal, son?"

YiBo gently held her hand and said, "Mom, you're afraid if I leave, they won't let me back in at the gate, but trust me, they know I'm coming back. That's why they let me in in the first place. If that weren't the case, I wouldn't have made it inside."

His mother started crying again, saying, "I don't want anyone to know you're back, Ai Bo."

YiBo shook his head slowly. "Mom, Dad will ask if I've come back, and they'll tell him. Don't worry, I'll just go and pick him up now and return. I promise I'll be back in less than an hour."

His mother remained silent, wiping away her tears. YiBo's heart ached, seeing her cry like this. He hugged her, closed his eyes, and said, "Please, stop crying, Mom. Everyone in life has their own destiny, and I've been fine so far."

His mother nodded, acknowledging his words. In a low voice, YiBo continued, "I don't want to see anyone else in the house right now either....
