Chapter 33

YiBo entered the hotel, heading directly to the room. He opened the door, and his heart sank when he saw that the room was empty. Quickly stepping inside, he looked at the food he'd left for Zhan, noticing it was untouched. Immediately, he felt a wave of panic wash over him. He glanced at the bathroom door and rushed to open it, only to find it empty as well. His anxiety increased as he hurried out of the room and headed downstairs to the reception. Approaching the receptionist, he asked, "The boy I came in with earlier..." before he could finish, the receptionist cut him off, saying, "He left."

YiBo couldn't stop staring at her, and with effort, he asked, "He left? When, please?" The woman replied, "Some minutes ago."

Without wasting time, he turned and rushed out of the hotel. The receptionist watched him leave. Outside, YiBo scanned the street, and there, sitting by the hotel wall like a lost child, was Zhan. His expression darkened as he approached him. Zhan was too deep in thought to notice him. When he reached him, YiBo said sternly, "Are you out of your mind, coming out here when you know my bag is still in the room?"

Zhan looked up at him slowly and replied in a quiet voice, "But, I was looking for you." YiBo frowned and asked, "Why were you looking for me? For what?" He didn't respond. At that moment, YiBo let out a quiet, hidden sigh, turned, and left him sitting there. He flagged down a taxi, put his phone in his pocket, and glanced back at Zhan, saying, "Wait for me here."

He went back to the room to grab his bag, and when he returned, the taxi was already there. YiBo placed his bag in the trunk and looked at Zhan, who was still watching him. He didn't wait for him to ask; Zhan stood up and approached. YiBo walked around the car to his side and got in. Zhan stood outside for a moment, but when he realized YiBo wasn't going to say anything, he opened his door quietly and got in, closing it gently behind him.

Just like the previous taxi driver, this one also asked YiBo if it was safe to proceed, considering the high-profile area they were heading into. YiBo rolled down the window on his side and raised a hand to signal to the security guards at the entrance, allowing them to pass through. Zhan had been staring out of the window since they entered the neighborhood, as if his eyes were going to pop out from all the wonders he was seeing.

He wondered where YiBo was taking him. The security was incredibly tight, and every place they passed was heavily guarded. For the first time, Zhan felt afraid to be with YiBo. He glanced at him, noticing how serious he looked, which scared him even more. Was he taking him somewhere dangerous? His heart pounded as fear took over his thoughts. He kept looking at the luxurious Mansions they passed, houses of the wealthiest people in the country.

Zhan's patience was running thin, and for the fifth time, he turned to look at YiBo, but he just stared ahead, his face giving nothing away. He couldn't hold back anymore. In a trembling voice, he pleaded, "Please, where are you taking me? I'm begging you, just tell me. Where is this place?" Tears started to fall when YiBo didn't respond. He didn't even look at him.

Whoever saw YiBo keeping such a serious and stoic face would be terrified, let alone Zhan, who was already timid by nature.

The taxi driver drove slowly, given the heavy security presence around the area, and by now, night had fallen, but the streetlights made it as bright as day.

Finally, they arrived at YiBo's Palace, though not through the same gate he had entered earlier. This time, it was the second, rear gate of the Palace. The driver stopped as soldiers approached the car cautiously. YiBo opened the door and stepped out. The soldiers greeted him and stepped back.

When Zhan didn't get out of the car, YiBo circled around to his side, opened the door, and looked at him, his expression still unreadable. "You're wasting his time," he said. Zhan, trembling, looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, his voice shaking, "Please, where is this place? I'm begging you, tell me."

He was completely out of sorts, unlike his usual self. YiBo just looked at him for a moment before finally saying, "I came here to seek help. We have nowhere else to go."

Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Help? But this is a neighborhood for the rich, and not just anyone can enter here. They won't even look at us, let alone help us. They might even chase us away or set dogs on us. If you don't enter inside this car soon, the security guards might kick us out any minute."

YiBo leaned against the car, watching closely, and said, "We'll try our luck, and I know I have luck. Maybe you're the one without it. Get out of the car, you're wasting the driver's time." Zhan quickly looked at the driver, who was patiently waiting for him to get out. Then, he looked back at YiBo, pleading, "Please, just get in the car so we can go back. Something will happen to us here."

YiBo replied, "If we go back, do you have money for food tomorrow? Or do you have enough to pay for another night at the hotel?"

Zhan just stared at him, his body suddenly feeling cold. Tears welled up in his eyes, and then he slowly wiped them away, saying softly, "Just give me the phone so I can call Zhuo Ge. I know he'll send us money."

YiBo looked at him and said, "No, I want to try my luck with this house."

Zhan was about to respond, but YiBo frowned and said, "You're wasting his time." Slowly, Zhan got out of the car, tears rolling down his cheeks. YiBo signaled to the taxi driver, who then drove away. Through his sobs, Zhan said, "You could've just told him to take me back to the hotel to wait for you there, and you could've come here alone."

YiBo gave him a sharp look and headed towards the gate, which had already been opened for him. Nervously, Zhan watched the security personnel, his heart pounding as he realized they were military men, armed and serious. To his surprise, they didn't stop him from following YiBo inside. They waited until he had passed before closing the gate behind him.

As they walked through the vast compound, Zhan couldn't help but stare at the luxurious duplexes. It was clear that this place was a symbol of immense wealth. The compound itself was huge, with an extensive parking lot filled with sleek cars. He had no idea they had entered through the back gate; otherwise, he would have seen the full splendor of the Palace.

The chalets he spotted in the distance were nearly as grand as the main building of his parents Mansion. YiBo walked confidently, and Zhan followed him, his heart racing. How was it possible that no one was stopping him? They passed by without question. He continued walking, making his way up a set of stairs covered in carpet grass, and opened a door leading to a large corridor upstairs. Zhan followed closely, too scared to let him get far from him. He was confused and terrified, his heart pounding at the thought of being caught and punished.

YiBo entered a lavish living room, much grander than the one they'd passed through earlier. Zhan hesitated at the doorway, too frightened to step inside. He watched as YiBo moved further into the house, his anxiety growing. YiBo entered another door, and Zhan followed quickly, not even bothering to close the one they'd just passed. He realized that they had now entered an even more elegant living room.

At this point, Zhan was beyond confused. YiBo stopped in front of a room and turned to look at him. He stared at him for over ten seconds, which only made Zhan more anxious. Then, without emotion, YiBo said, "Sit here."

Zhan was too scared to sit, watching as YiBo entered another room. Inside, his mother sat exactly where YiBo had left her, unable to calm her nerves. She had feared he wouldn't come back, her worry showing in the way she sat tensely. When she saw him enter, she quickly stood up, happiness lighting up her face as she approached him.

"You kept your promise, son. You didn't even stay for an hour. I was so worried, thinking you'd gone off again…"

YiBo smiled softly, taking her hand gently. "But I don't want you to get your hopes up, Mom. Don't assume that I'm staying. Remember, I don't know what Dad wants to talk to me about. He might still not want me here. He could say what he wants to say and then ask me to leave, and I won't have a choice…"

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes as she shook her head. "I won't allow that this time, son. Whatever happens, happens. I've been silent for too long. If he tells you to leave his house again, I won't stay quiet."

YiBo didn't say anything, just watching his mother with pity, noticing how she had lost weight from worry, just as she could see how thin he had become.

His mother wiped her tears quickly and asked, "Where is the boy?"

YiBo glanced at the door and said, "He's in the living room."

She nodded and headed for the door, leaving YiBo to watch her go. He sat down on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands. He knew that no matter what happened, he wouldn't have the courage to tell them that Zhan was the boy his father had arranged for him to marry. He had agreed to the marriage not out of love, but out of respect for his father's status and his inability to refuse the offer. YiBo lay down on the bed, closing his eyes, overwhelmed by it all.


YiBo's mom came out of the living room and saw him standing at the door, sobbing. Ever since YiBo gave him that look and entered the room, closing the door behind him, Zhan's heart sank. He rushed back to the exit door and stood there, his heart racing, convinced that there was no doubt now... he had brought him here to silence him for good.

After all, everyone knew that some of the rich were notorious for eliminating threats. Perhaps the owner of the Palace had given YiBo a contract to bring him here for that very reason. That explained why no one stopped them from entering, and why the security guards had even opened the gate for them, greeting YiBo like it was a regular occurrence. And then he led Zhan straight to this part of the house... perhaps the place where it was all going to happen. Moreover, since they arrived, he hadn't seen a single person apart from the security guards.

YiBo's mom stared at Zhan in surprise, seeing his tears, and asked, "Baby, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Zhan only stared at her, tears falling from his eyes, unable to say a word. Wasn't this the woman he had seen in the picture that day in YiBo's room? Though she is more younger in real.

"Come on, dear, come in..." she urged him. But Zhan wouldn't move, just kept staring at her. Seeing this, she turned and went back to her room, looking at YiBo lying on the bed. In surprise, she asked, "Ai Bo, I saw him standing at the door crying. Is he okay? I asked him to come in, but he refused."

YiBo sat up and left the room without saying a word, with his mom following behind. He looked at Zhan, composed himself, and said, "Come inside."

His mom walked over, took Zhan by the hand, and gently led him into the living room. She looked at YiBo and quietly asked, "Does he understand English?"

YiBo didn't respond, just turned and went back to his room. His mom sat beside Zhan, who had perched on the edge of the couch like he was ready to run at any moment. She asked, "How are you, dear?"

Zhan wiped his eyes and replied softly, "Good evening."

She smiled and said, "How's your family?"

Zhan, lowering his eyes, answered, "They're fine."

Somehow, Zhan felt a bit more at ease in her presence. She spoke gently, "Relax, dear. This is like your home too."

Zhan remained silent, unable to reply. She stood up and went back to  her room, glancing at YiBo. She asked, "Should I bring the food to the living room, or should I just ask him to come in here so you can both eat?"

YiBo responded, "Just serve him the food in the living room, Mom."

His mom said, "But I don't know what he prefers to eat. Maybe I should let him come in and serve himself?" Without waiting for an answer, she went back to the living room and called to Zhan, "Baby, come in and eat."

Zhan stood up slowly and made his way to the door, but hesitated. She urged him, "Come on in." She led him into the room filled with an array of dishes, as though a party was being prepared. "Take whatever you want," she said before leaving the room.

Zhan knelt beside the food and, in a low voice, asked YiBo, "Where is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

Only then did YiBo look at him and say, "This is where we'll be treated with dignity, without being disrespected or humiliated, regardless of whether we're poor or rich."

Zhan fell silent, just staring at him. YiBo sat down on the bed and said, "Take what you want and leave."

But Zhan couldn't bring himself to say anything, nor could he open a single warmer to serve himself food. A few minutes later, Yibo's mom returned, holding a teapot and two cups on a tray. Noticing that Zhan hadn't touched the food, she asked in surprise, "Haven't you served yourself yet?"

She glanced at YiBo before she could say more, and he managed a small smile, "That's how he is, Mom."

Zhan looked up at him, while Yibo's mom, puzzled, asked, "But why? Please tell him to feel comfortable."

YiBo turned his attention to the TV that was on silently and said nothing. His mom took a plate and served Zhan rice with several side dishes, making sure he had everything he might want, and then stood up. Zhan, still feeling utterly confused, stared at the food, unable to make sense of anything.

From time to time, he glanced at YiBo and then at his mom. After serving him, she asked YiBo gently, "When did you say he called you?"

YiBo, knowing who she was referring to, answered, "Aren't you going to eat, Mom? Let's eat together."

His mom sighed and said, "Talk to me, son. He's back now."

YiBo's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up abruptly, asking, "Really? But I hope you didn't..."

He stopped mid-sentence and glanced at Zhan, who was staring at him unblinkingly. Without finishing his thought, YiBo left the room.

His mom smiled at Zhan and said, "Eat, dear." Then, she followed YiBo out. Zhan watched them go, barely breathing.

After about fifteen minutes, YiBo returned alone. Zhan was still sitting in the same spot, as if frozen. His whole demeanor had softened. You could tell from just one look that he was feeling uneasy. He watched as YiBo picked up the teapot and cups to leave again, and in a quiet voice, he asked, "Please, tell me, who are you?"

Without looking at him, YiBo replied, "Driver." And with that, he left the room.

Zhan followed him with his eyes, not blinking once, as his words in English echoed in his mind over and over. At that moment, he closed his eyes, hoping to find relief from the pounding in his head.

YiBo was sitting in the living room when his mom entered, watching him closely. He looked back at her, and she quietly said, "Your Dad is calling for you in his living room."

YiBo looked worried as he replied, "Mom, I didn't want him to know I came back today."

She shook her head. "I never told him. He asked the security guards at the gate, and they informed him you were here."

YiBo lowered his voice and said, "But I don't want anyone to know I'm around, Mom."

His mom reassured him, "You can go around the back. No one else knows you're here yet."

He stood up and headed for the door, his mom watching him as he left.

😅😅😅 Poor Zhan.
